montiferus wrote: »
Lol. Do you really believe this?
I wouldn't say mindless idiots but if you think for a second playing small scale isn't harder than "organized raids" you are out of your mind.
Soul_Demon wrote: »
Yes, not only do I believe it but I think we have a perfect example of what happens when PvP goes small scale only....Battlegrounds. Huge success, right? If small scale could exist on its own Battlegrounds would have drawn the entire PvP community from Cyro and made it the number 1 attraction. But that did not happen. You could argue the reasons why...but why bother, it simply was not the draw many proclaimed it would be. Personally I remember multiple players predicting this and asking ZOS to look at fixing bugs and working on Cyro- They chose to finish developing and implementing Battlegrounds.
The other statement- not only did I not say that, but now that you have.....if you think its a challenge to manage 4 players well and win more than you loose, try doing that with 16-18. Tell me what way you find to be more difficult and we can compare notes.
Soul_Demon wrote: »
Yes, not only do I believe it but I think we have a perfect example of what happens when PvP goes small scale only....Battlegrounds. Huge success, right? If small scale could exist on its own Battlegrounds would have drawn the entire PvP community from Cyro and made it the number 1 attraction. But that did not happen. You could argue the reasons why...but why bother, it simply was not the draw many proclaimed it would be. Personally I remember multiple players predicting this and asking ZOS to look at fixing bugs and working on Cyro- They chose to finish developing and implementing Battlegrounds.
The other statement- not only did I not say that, but now that you have.....if you think its a challenge to manage 4 players well and win more than you loose, try doing that with 16-18. Tell me what way you find to be more difficult and we can compare notes.
Just for everyones Information..
CU is going with 8 man groups like DAOC, with basically very little cross group support abilities.
They are adding Battlegroups, which are basically Raids...but those are just for chat communication basically.
montiferus wrote: »Lol. Delusional post of the year award goes to you!!!! Keep on zerging!
The way ZOS implemented battlegrounds bears no resemblance to the small scale pvp that was wanted. We wanted deathmatch chaos and setting up group v group fights... we got games like CTR that reward you for avoiding any actual combat with no way to pick and choose. All of which was communicated early on PTS and ZOS chose, and continues to chose, to make battlegrounds something else entirely.
Battlegrounds aren't there to please small scalers, they are there to cater to a casual crowd with pvp lite. There's nothing wrong with that content but don't conflate it into something it's not.
Give me deathmatch every time and I'll be in BGs a lot.
Soul_Demon wrote: »I disagree...and agree. The claim from many players was PvP (real PvP without zergs interfering) was going to be in Battlegrounds. You have been around long enough and I know you likely read the same forum posts and know this is true. Remember how many said Cryo would be empty?
Ah well, my casual 'don't wanna group cos I often need to suddenly AFK' self will probably give that one a miss then...
Will they have buffbots?
The only people defending anything are usually solo'ers and small scale refugees while the big groups are "farming AP" on top of a resource tower or pvdooring a keep. The big groups have decided they want to play for themselves, not the faction, but still think they are the khajit's meow.
TBF, participation in Cyro does seem to be down. DC didn't pop lock on Vivec until pretty late in prime time last night. Shor is a ghost town. I don't think it's just battlegrounds at fault though.
I agree with your point that open world cyro theoretically works for everyone because some groups engage in dedicated map play; play types of all preferences have the opportunity to flourish when the map is reasonably well balanced. I just don't think that's actually the case anymore. There's a whole lot of IDGAF going on from all directions and that's a very bad sign.
The only people defending anything are usually solo'ers and small scale refugees while the big groups are "farming AP" on top of a resource tower or pvdooring a keep. The big groups have decided they want to play for themselves, not the faction, but still think they are the khajit's meow.
As for small groups engaging and fighting each other, it does happen. No one shouts out in zone for help and it goes unremarked. But we've reached the point where the remaining small scale players are either friends, frenemies or at least recognize each other. It's like trying to have a pick up game at the local park but as soon as you start a cattle stampede might come over the hill. If I see a small scale group taking a resource, the majority of the time I'm going to leave them be because 1) if I go in with a few randoms we will probably get our butts kicked and 2) this is about to happen to them:
Soul_Demon wrote: »
So....make a statement, fail to back it up...throw insult to cover inability to defend point. Ok snowflake.
I can't speak for any other tri-faction players, but the choice to add a second faction and then a third was the exact opposite of IDGAF. I only play EP on Vivec because all 3 factions being pop locked in prime time is as equal as it gets. As a result there are people I like and respect on all factions.
But there was zero chance I was going to feel "faction pride" when the faction I was playing on a campaign was abusing their extra population to gate and spawn camp and make a server toxic. Eventually the campaign implodes and the cycle starts over. I've seen all 3 factions do it at various times and I refuse to participate in bullying.
montiferus wrote: »
Here is a statement. You are a zeger who is so delusional he thinks it is harder to run in a gang of 24 than a gang of 4. Is that better? Do you feel good?
If you guys are so talented why don't you get the best and brightest from your herd to run in Animosity's GvG fights. This way we can all see how amazing you big groups really are and how terrible small scale players are....snowflake...
I can't speak for any other tri-faction players, but the choice to add a second faction and then a third was the exact opposite of IDGAF. I only play EP on Vivec because all 3 factions being pop locked in prime time is as equal as it gets. As a result there are people I like and respect on all factions.
But there was zero chance I was going to feel "faction pride" when the faction I was playing on a campaign was abusing their extra population to gate and spawn camp and make a server toxic. Eventually the campaign implodes and the cycle starts over. I've seen all 3 factions do it at various times and I refuse to participate in bullying.
First, it is important to understand that we are comparing completly different playstyles. In smallscale everyone plays for himself kinda, whereas in a group you build your character in a way that will benefit the group the most. Both playstyles require a lot individual skill if you want to be successful, however it's completly different types of "skill". In smallscale, you need to be good at a "dueling" type of pvp, in raids you need to be good at movement, communcation and prediction of how the fight will develope.montiferus wrote: »
Here is a statement. You are a zeger who is so delusional he thinks it is harder to run in a gang of 24 than a gang of 4. Is that better? Do you feel good?
If you guys are so talented why don't you get the best and brightest from your herd to run in Animosity's GvG fights. This way we can all see how amazing you big groups really are and how terrible small scale players are....snowflake...
I am wondering about the spawn camp. What is that? I agree about the toxic server issue. It will destroy a faction and it's ability to play the game every time.
First, it is important to understand that we are comparing completly different playstyles. In smallscale everyone plays for himself kinda, whereas in a group you build your character in a way that will benefit the group the most. Both playstyles require a lot individual skill if you want to be successful, however it's completly different types of "skill". In smallscale, you need to be good at a "dueling" type of pvp, in raids you need to be good at movement, communcation and prediction of how the fight will develope.
An argument I often read for why players in groups are trash is that if you catch them alone, they die in no time. However this is most likely due to their build not being aimed to 1v1. On my nightblade bomber in group I run neither singletarget damage nor self-heal on a build with 900 magicka recovery. Hard to duel someone. However if you put someone with a smallscale build into a raid, he will be completly dead weight aswell.
Second, you have to put things into relation. You can't compare top smallscale groups to casual raid groups and vice versa. If you run with an average pug guild, you don't need to be good at anything, however that group won't ever pull off anything special. Maybe win a 20v20 fight against pugs but that's it. However if you take 14 really good players, you might be able to pull of a 14v60. Likewise, if you take 4 scrubs you might be able to win a 4v4. If you take 4 really good players, you might be able to pull of a 4v12.
Soul_Demon wrote: »we will compare kill counters when its all over, sound good Snowflake?
Kill counter is about as telling of player skill as rank on the leaderboards. Completely useless. These are things that bad players use to evaluate their own performance. Im sure looking at a great kill counter score after a night of zerging makes you feel good, considering it rewards a kill for every person you tagged in a fight but only records deaths once. I've easily racked up 60:1 KDR running in larger groups before. More proud of a 6:1 in (true) solo play any day.
Indeed, both large scale and small scale PvP can both demonstrate skillful and impressive play. But, that is seen in the fights themselves...not the AP gained or kill counter scores. Those metrics are meaningless without context.
It's when groups of players blockade one or more faction bases at the jump off point. Sometimes even seiging INTO the base. For a while it was totally normal to log into the no CP campaign at 8am and have a DC emp plus 5 or 6 cronies firing cold fire into South Morrowind Gate. Get too close to the edge and they would could chain/leash/gap close/dragon leap up top. Those won't work anymore, and ZOS made enemy bases instakill zones to stop any new methods of getting in.
And that wasn't even the current DC infestation on Sotha Sil, but a previous one.
First, it is important to understand that we are comparing completly different playstyles. In smallscale everyone plays for himself kinda, whereas in a group you build your character in a way that will benefit the group the most. Both playstyles require a lot individual skill if you want to be successful, however it's completly different types of "skill". In smallscale, you need to be good at a "dueling" type of pvp, in raids you need to be good at movement, communcation and prediction of how the fight will develope.
An argument I often read for why players in groups are trash is that if you catch them alone, they die in no time. However this is most likely due to their build not being aimed to 1v1. On my nightblade bomber in group I run neither singletarget damage nor self-heal on a build with 900 magicka recovery. Hard to duel someone. However if you put someone with a smallscale build into a raid, he will be completly dead weight aswell.
Second, you have to put things into relation. You can't compare top smallscale groups to casual raid groups and vice versa. If you run with an average pug guild, you don't need to be good at anything, however that group won't ever pull off anything special. Maybe win a 20v20 fight against pugs but that's it. However if you take 14 really good players, you might be able to pull of a 14v60. Likewise, if you take 4 scrubs you might be able to win a 4v4. If you take 4 really good players, you might be able to pull of a 4v12.
Kill counter is about as telling of player skill as rank on the leaderboards. Completely useless. These are things that bad players use to evaluate their own performance. Im sure looking at a great kill counter score after a night of zerging makes you feel good, considering it rewards a kill for every person you tagged in a fight but only records deaths once. I've easily racked up 60:1 KDR running in larger groups before. More proud of a 6:1 in (true) solo play any day.
Indeed, both large scale and small scale PvP can both demonstrate skillful and impressive play. But, that is seen in the fights themselves...not the AP gained or kill counter scores. Those metrics are meaningless without context.
montiferus wrote: »This! The mere fact he brings up kill counters says a lot.
First, it is important to understand that we are comparing completly different playstyles. In smallscale everyone plays for himself kinda, whereas in a group you build your character in a way that will benefit the group the most. Both playstyles require a lot individual skill if you want to be successful, however it's completly different types of "skill". In smallscale, you need to be good at a "dueling" type of pvp, in raids you need to be good at movement, communcation and prediction of how the fight will develope.
An argument I often read for why players in groups are trash is that if you catch them alone, they die in no time. However this is most likely due to their build not being aimed to 1v1. On my nightblade bomber in group I run neither singletarget damage nor self-heal on a build with 900 magicka recovery. Hard to duel someone. However if you put someone with a smallscale build into a raid, he will be completly dead weight aswell.
Second, you have to put things into relation. You can't compare top smallscale groups to casual raid groups and vice versa. If you run with an average pug guild, you don't need to be good at anything, however that group won't ever pull off anything special. Maybe win a 20v20 fight against pugs but that's it. However if you take 14 really good players, you might be able to pull of a 14v60. Likewise, if you take 4 scrubs you might be able to win a 4v4. If you take 4 really good players, you might be able to pull of a 4v12.