Integral1900 wrote: »As a pve type I would love to go and see the imperial city, walk it's streets, do a few quests... I can't, and I accept that. Like many former customer service staff I have been diagnosed with profound social anxiety. In pve it's not an issue, in all the time I've played only those *** mudball throwers have ever really irritated me. You see, anxiety is a very primal thing, yet despite it being sited in the most primitive part of the brain, a part that for example cannot understand something as simple as a spear or bow and arrow, it seems quite able to tell the diffrence between machines and humans.
I dabbled briefly in pvp but the old anxiety goblin went nuclear. It's okay for some mindless half wit to say"oh just get over it" but that's like saying go beat up that 800 pound gorilla. A lot of us pve types simply can't go to pvp land because in my case we would quite litteraly be risking our sanity, and trust me, when a doctor with thirty years of experience and a decade and a half of training says that you dam well listen. I would have been happy to pay cash for a pve only version, strip out all the telvarstones and loot to keep the pvp lot happy if need be, I just want to experience the zone.
My point really is that while it's fun for the elite to massacre noobs, those same elite seem to forget that in doing so they are slowly choking the life blood of the game, that being new players. Unless this changes, or ZOS performs the miracle of actually balancing pvp, then it's slow withering is inevitable. When i play the zones are full of players, the cities hum with life, I've never seen it so busy, it's wonderful. Everyone I know who does pvp however sings a diffrent tune, they speak of empty miles and deserted towns, three of them are former emperors who refuse to go back to pvp citing the endless toxicity of it, one tried battlegrounds but wrote it of as a bad joke... it may be time to look to place the blame not just at ZOS and it's mistakes but at the elitist minority itself
Integral1900 wrote: »My point really is that while it's fun for the elite to massacre noobs, those same elite seem to forget that in doing so they are slowly choking the life blood of the game, that being new players. Unless this changes, or ZOS performs the miracle of actually balancing pvp, then it's slow withering is inevitable. When i play the zones are full of players, the cities hum with life, I've never seen it so busy, it's wonderful. Everyone I know who does pvp however sings a diffrent tune, they speak of empty miles and deserted towns, three of them are former emperors who refuse to go back to pvp citing the endless toxicity of it, one tried battlegrounds but wrote it of as a bad joke... it may be time to look to place the blame not just at ZOS and it's mistakes but at the elitist minority itself