
Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
Does anyone use these legitimately?
Yes, I do heartily repent. I repent I had not done more mischief; and that we did not cut the throats of them that took us, and I am extremely sorry that you aren't hanged as well as we.

— Anonymous pirate, asked on the gallows if he repented.
  • SydneyGrey
  • Drelkag
    For my thief only.
    @drelkag on the NA server
  • paulsimonps
    Bosmers are underrated, my bosmer stam sorc does really well.
  • Imza
    My bosmer Magblade and Mag Sorc do very well thank you (PVE Only)
  • geonsocal
    Bosmers are underrated, my bosmer stam sorc does really well.

    I got one of those...

    tried having him wear cowards gear and fiord's legacy to see what would happen...

    basically just kept running in to stuff all the time...was able to jump off some pretty high rocks without dying though :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Loralai_907
    My main is a Bosmer stam DK. She's ok. Not exceptional, not winning any awards or anything. She's the first character I made in early release and is my master crafter. Kind of partial to her, even with her being only so so.

    I also have a Bosmer stam NB. Decided I hate NB's, so I never play her.
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • doslekis
    I have bosmer.

    He's really tiny
    I don't normally use daggers, but when I do, I choose dos Lekis.
  • Taleof2Cities
    I have a Bosmer Stamina DK tank as well ... underrated for a tank.

    Her favorite is pulling the Air Atronachs on the 2nd to last boss in City of Ash II.

    She also likes doing Thieves Guild heists.

    I also have a Stamina Nightblade, Stamplar, and Stam Warden that are also Bosmer.

    My Stam Sorc, however, is Imperial.

  • firedrgn
    21% stam recovery and 6% max stam what's not to like. 10% weapon damage from stealth.
  • Narvuntien
    Yes. They are quite good in PVP.
    People prefer redgaurd, but you can't always be in melee range to trigger that passive in pvp.

    They make good Stamblades and Stamwardens (spam the angry birds!)
    Edited by Narvuntien on August 31, 2017 3:52AM
  • Tasear
    I do in a sincere fashion. I suppose it's technically a hybrid
  • ThePrinceOfBargains
    Who doesn't have at least one Bosmer character?
  • Nordic_Pirate
    TheMaster wrote: »
    Who doesn't have at least one Bosmer character?

    Cute Bosmer you've got there. I am trying to make 1 of each type of class with one of each race. I have MagBlade, StamDK, and StamPlar left. With the races, Redguard, Bosmer, and Altmer. I made my Magplar a Nord after Odin.
    Yes, I do heartily repent. I repent I had not done more mischief; and that we did not cut the throats of them that took us, and I am extremely sorry that you aren't hanged as well as we.

    — Anonymous pirate, asked on the gallows if he repented.
  • thamightyboro
    Bow only stamden is a bosmer as is my stamblade

    Stamblade rarely gets used these days she was my first.
  • Aliyavana
    Bosmers are needed for hugging
  • red_emu
    Does anyone use these legitimately?

    I use my bosmer 3 times a day after meals with plenty of water.
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • Runschei
    I have two bosmers. Both are cute af and I love them. Fave chars.
  • paulsimonps
    I think the funniest thing about bosmers is the bosmers my wife has, she has gotten so many weird comments from randoms, everything from constant messages about how beautiful they are, to a lot creepier messages where people claimed they would, in nicer words, "make love to that character"(wording was altered for forum usage), and some asking the question, "is her looks based of your IRL looks" So there is that :tongue: But my wife always laughs it of thinking its hilarious.
  • altemriel
    TheMaster wrote: »
    Who doesn't have at least one Bosmer character?

    oh this particular character of yours is really pretty!! great job!!
  • Hallothiel
    TheMaster wrote: »
    Who doesn't have at least one Bosmer character?


    Can't stand them.

    But that's probably due to my well-documented aversion as to how they are voiced in ESO. (Yes I know you don't really hear your toon talk but it's too late.)
    Edited by Hallothiel on August 31, 2017 12:29PM
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    My bosmer stamblade is great. But I think it's because it synergizes really well with the class. I can see how it wouldnt be to good with other classes.
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • Bladerunner1
    The cute cannibals have the highest passive stamina regen. They're amazing sneak thieves and would make the best archer types, if any of that mattered to end game PVE. High passive regen with a bow is much better than using bow heavy attacks for Regen.

    *Edit* funny thing is this makes them the 2nd best at 2-hand wielding. High passive regen with a 2-H is much better than using 2-H heavy attacks for Regen.

    They do well enough with dual wield melee, but you're not going to break any DPS records in the DW heavy attack meta. Bosmer aren't as reliable when it comes to wielding steel in the lore anyway, they're best at turning enemies into pin cushions that hold their arrows.
    Edited by Bladerunner1 on August 31, 2017 3:31PM
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    I keep one but mainly just for arena matches against my Imgakin monkey. He's a hot little monkey and usually beats and coercers her, but that's life, it's a monkey eat bosmer world.
    -Unknown American
  • kojou
    The cute cannibals have the highest passive stamina regen. They're amazing sneak thieves and would make the best archer types, if any of that mattered to end game PVE. High passive regen with a bow is much better than using bow heavy attacks for Regen.

    *Edit* funny thing is this makes them the 2nd best at 2-hand wielding. High passive regen with a 2-H is much better than using 2-H heavy attacks for Regen.

    They do well enough with dual wield melee, but you're not going to break any DPS records in the DW heavy attack meta. Bosmer aren't as reliable when it comes to wielding steel in the lore anyway, they're best at turning enemies into pin cushions that hold their arrows.

    The problem is that stealth is part of their "damage passive" and except for an initial burst stealth has no use in dungeons and trials. If they had a 5% boost to poison damage then you would see a lot more Bosmers. Maybe they could have a situation where stealth is passively activated for Bosmers like if you hide behind some bushes or the healer?

    It is incredible fun to take a Bosmer DK with Molten Arms and a 2H sword with the Sunderflame set, find 2-3 things packed together and do a heavy sneak attack. If set up right you can 1 shot 3 things at once doing ~150k damage.

    For end game PvE you end up with a build with great regen, but less damage than Khajiit, and less stamina in melee range than Redguard.

    They are cute though... :smile:

    Playing since beta...
  • DocFrost72
    Got a DK bosmer tank, a stam sorceress DPS, a stam bosmer healer warden (no, not trials. Don't get on the bandwagon lol), stam sorc tank (cleared AA without even using an ult xD) and a bosmer nightblade.

    BiS archers, BiS looks, BiS voice (love that cockney), and of course, BiS for cannibals.
  • Megabear
    Does anyone use these legitimately?

    Of course.
    Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel:
    Cost analysis for potential ESO players:
    Warden Bow Healer/DPS Hybrid Build:
    Warden "The Warladin" Healer/Tank Hybrid Build:
    Warden Stamina DPS Build:
    Server - PC/NA
    Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
    Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
    Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
    Ezaera - (M) Sorcerer/Female/Altmer
    Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
    Dun-and-Dunmer - (M) Dragon Knight/Male/Dunmer
    What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
    Izaer - (M) Templar/Male/Breton
  • letsdothedungeonslow
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Can't stand them.

    But that's probably due to my well-documented aversion as to how they are voiced in ESO.

    What's wrong with the South West of England?

    'you killed the Valkyn? Remoind me never to anger yuuuu'

    I've just got done leveling a Bosmer bow gank and they are wonderful
  • Megabear

    What's wrong with the South West of England?

    'you killed the Valkyn? Remoind me never to anger yuuuu'

    I've just got done leveling a Bosmer bow gank and they are wonderful

    Hey me too! Which faction? I made mine in AD.
    Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel:
    Cost analysis for potential ESO players:
    Warden Bow Healer/DPS Hybrid Build:
    Warden "The Warladin" Healer/Tank Hybrid Build:
    Warden Stamina DPS Build:
    Server - PC/NA
    Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
    Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
    Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
    Ezaera - (M) Sorcerer/Female/Altmer
    Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
    Dun-and-Dunmer - (M) Dragon Knight/Male/Dunmer
    What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
    Izaer - (M) Templar/Male/Breton
  • Hallothiel

    What's wrong with the South West of England?

    'you killed the Valkyn? Remoind me never to anger yuuuu'

    I've just got done leveling a Bosmer bow gank and they are wonderful

    I am English and the faux cockney accents that some Bosmer have are just - oh words fail me as to how irritating & grating they are. Worse than a bunch of posh boys trying to pretend they're Del Boy.

    West Country accents though can be forgiven almost anything, moi lover.
  • DocFrost72
    Hallothiel wrote: »

    I am English and the faux cockney accents that some Bosmer have are just - oh words fail me as to how irritating & grating they are. Worse than a bunch of posh boys trying to pretend they're Del Boy.

    West Country accents though can be forgiven almost anything, moi lover.

    You'd hate my bosmer in rp.

    "Wha' ya mean, SHOR'?! I'm naw shor', yoor jus' too tall..."

    *indignant pouting*
    Edited by DocFrost72 on August 31, 2017 6:26PM
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