Team Orange, Team Purple, Team Green: Real or Imaginary

It seems like since forever i've been reading different posts which claim that the other two alliances are unfairly teaming up against one of the three factions...

as a solo cross-factional player - i tend to see the map a little differently from an isolated point of view...for myself it seems map geography was designed to keep EP and DC in constant conflict...the alessia bridge and the ash milegate provide strong borders for AD...

however - i am also aware that as a solo player - there's a whole lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that i am completely oblivious to...

because situations are a little different on each map - let's keep this question centered on the 30 day CP campaign for each platform/server...

also - try not to bite one another :#
Edited by geonsocal on August 28, 2017 7:03PM
PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place

Team Orange, Team Purple, Team Green: Real or Imaginary 88 votes

PC/NA or EU: Real
MojmirArobainTelelLionnelJamieAubreyFfastylThrymbauldApheriusku5hLadyNalcaryaTommy_The_GunVapirkogabriebeMazbtchromatikapzschrekMonte_CristoZama666lonnmlOwlDKnight 20 votes
PC/NA or EU: Imaginary
Joy_DivisionTakutoIxtyrdennissomb16_ESOValen_ByteLarsSparkourpageeb17_ESOAnroseAhPook_Is_HereSiorynForztrKartalinMouli10DisgracefulMindZouniasneakybananaRin_SenyaLarianaCyrusAryaDojohoda 29 votes
XBOX/NA or EU: Real
meekeyceeTr4gicDe4th 2 votes
XBOX/NA or EU: Imaginary
SRASinisterSandman929ThulsaDoomDCIlCanis_LupuslI 4 votes
PS4/NA or EU: Real
Cillion3117SugaComaschwarzman1NordSwordnBoardKram8ionktdotexerifficusmax 7 votes
PS4/NA or EU: Imaginary
nikigwilKrishakPanettiergeonsocal 3 votes
Why is everybody always picking on me?
bebynnagBigBadVolk 2 votes
As it should be - Me against the world
TBoisashkir 2 votes
Pointless Poll is Pointless
AnazasiVilestrideWarraxxZorgon_The_RevengedWabuTakes-No-PrisonerGreenSoup2HoTOompuhTheodardKr3doNightbladeMechanicsgetemshaunaWaltherCarrawaybluelights400 14 votes
At work, can't think - is it time to go home yet?
MisterBigglesworthAvaglaorThe UninvitedDelphiniagp1680 5 votes
  • geonsocal
    PS4/NA or EU: Imaginary
    in case you couldn't guess - i think things are normally in a constant state of flux, and, chaos normally rules...therefore - yeah, not real...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Sandman929
    XBOX/NA or EU: Imaginary
    It's imaginary with an general many people of every faction are opportunists first and foremost. The faction loyal guilds don't cooperate, the others do what entertains them and generally don't care enough about the campaign outcome to warrant any collusion.
  • gp1680
    At work, can't think - is it time to go home yet?
    This is a tough one, because, like even you said, it seems like it sometimes, but other times it may just be in my head. Occasionally, if one faction has emp and you're trying to dethrone or if your faction is trying to get emp, it would make sense for the other two alliances to work together to either succeed or prevent. I'm not sure if that made sense...oh hell back to work...
  • NordSwordnBoard
    PS4/NA or EU: Real
    I'm ok with the whole "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", those alliances typically don't last very long because objectives overlap and nobody is bound to honor it by any real leverage.

    Internal strife hurts morale much worse:

    On my main (red) I was killed a few times last weekend because of a red using light attacks to show his yellow buddies where other reds were hiding. (The 2nd death he even rezzed me to have his yellow buds kill me again, I accepted knowing what would happen just to video cap it) He was pretty obvious. This turncoat was doing this because of personal animosity between himself/those going for Emp and the one who has it. So much red-on-red hate in chat. From what I hear, the current Emp used the same tactics himself. I was just collateral damage. :|

    I wish we could leave the politics to the politicians - and just be soldiers ffs.

    (edited for clarity)
    Edited by NordSwordnBoard on August 28, 2017 8:04PM
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • BejaProphet
    I'm on XBOXNA, and I fight for blue. I don't think the orange intends an alliance. I think yellow is meant to see the covenant as their more aggressive offensive front, and they actually do. The problem is when we consider the Pact, the dominion do a fantastic job holding the alesia bridge which in theory was meant to be EP's more offensive front. And up north...Bruma/Dragonclaw/outpost cluster makes so fantastic of a staging ground, that attacking the covenant becomes their favored target despite it being intended to be their more defensively oriented front. On our campaign the EP zergs go after the covenant about 90% of the time instead of pushing into dominion territory. In fact, most of the time they go for emperor, they go through blue territory and circle south around the ring to go into dominion territory. Like I said, I don't think its a conspiracy, I think its easier because they can take Bruma then keep respawning and attacking from there with it being so very close to the outpost. But net result, I think organized groups and zergs from both aim at the blue dramatically more often than each other.
  • IcyDeadPeople
  • BigBadVolk
    Why is everybody always picking on me?
    Leave me alone, but tbh its imaganery with some *** who dont realize that the other alliance are already takin their keeps while going against the other one
    "The ass is similar to the opinion: Everyone has it, but no one cares about the others!"
    I'm 120 years old
  • Telel
    PC/NA or EU: Real
    They're most decidedly a thing as some players just need all the advantages they can get to beat even the wimpiest of elven sorts.

    Telel also has other clips. Including one of a piece of bridge bait who has repeatedly claimed that he 'only has AD toons', and 'is in no way on that bridge feeding free points to friends'.
    Character: Telel
    Class: Night Blade-Werewolf-viking-ninja-catgirl-mallet wielder
    Past times: Refusing to go full magika spec, hitting things with a big hammer, sniping, and speaking in khajiit
    Also: Gelel the Derp Knight, Altsel the streaker, and Filafel the temp temp.

    Khajiit has a twitch stream! feel free to come see how truly unskilled Telel is.
  • zyk
    geonsocal wrote: »
    as a solo cross-factional player - i tend to see the map a little differently from an isolated point of view...for myself it seems map geography was designed to keep EP and DC in constant conflict...the alessia bridge and the ash milegate provide strong borders for AD...

    Alessia bridge is a strong border? It's trivial to cross underneath. Regardless, it is not only an AD border, it is also an EP border.

    The Ash milegate is also a shared border. How does it differ significantly from the Chalman milegate?

    I think you may not be as neutral as you think if you truly believe the map was designed to keep EP and DC in constant conflict and AD has strong borders that others lack....

    But to answer your question, of course orange/green/purple teams exist. In any three-team game, there are times when it is mutually beneficial for two teams to focus on one. The most obvious reason is for a depose, but for those focused primarily on the scoreboard, it usually makes sense for the second and third place teams to focus on the first place team.

    Edited by zyk on August 28, 2017 11:57PM
  • geonsocal
    PS4/NA or EU: Imaginary
    zyk wrote: »
    geonsocal wrote: »
    as a solo cross-factional player - i tend to see the map a little differently from an isolated point of view...for myself it seems map geography was designed to keep EP and DC in constant conflict...the alessia bridge and the ash milegate provide strong borders for AD...

    I think you may not be as neutral as you think if you truly believe the map was designed to keep EP and DC in constant conflict and AD has strong borders that others lack....

    great post @zyk ...

    i'm gonna have to medicate on this one - i don't know man, maybe you're right...i always thought i was fairly at least 3 characters in each alliance - been fighting now for a couple of years for each faction...

    but, yeah, i guess i do have a bit of a low key grudge against AD cuz they've won our map the last six months or DC and EP characters are a bit fed up with it AD guys though definitely enjoy all the jewelry and the 19.5k payouts at the end of the campaign...

    hmmmmm, don't be messing with my mind zyk :o
    Edited by geonsocal on August 29, 2017 12:59AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Drummerx04
    Honestly, with the decrease in population caps over the last few years probably has a lot to do with the apparent double teaming from all sides.

    As players in one faction pile up during a defense, those players are obviously not defending or pushing on another front. Since the populations are so small, you end up with the majority of keeps being undefended or very lightly defended. A full guild group of 24 or even just 16 actually accounts for a significant portion of a faction's population (and an even more significant portion of a faction's effective fighting force).

    Combine opportunities with low populations and you'll naturally end up with one faction getting hit by both other factions pretty much any time you look at the map.

    As I understand it, in the early days, pvp was more popular (and new) and the server could handle over a thousand players on each faction. No matter where you went, you could find a good fight, and each faction had the people to hold off two other factions. There are stories of factions holding emp on filled campaigns for months on end, which is completely unheard of on the current populated campaigns.

    double teams are the natural state that develops when your populations are too low to have more than one effective front.
    PC/NA - Nightfighters, Raid Leader and Officer
    Lilith Arujo - DC sorc tank/dps/healer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Gryphon Heart, Grand Warlord
    Lilith Tortorici - DC templar trials healer

    Notable Completions:
    vAS (72k), vMoL HM (160k), vAA HM (135k), vHRC HM, vSO HM (141k), vHoF HM (168k), vCR+3(129k), vDSA 45k, vMA 591k

    Original Addons:
    Lilith's Group Manager
    Lilith's Lazy Hacks - Auto Recharge/Repair
    Bot Scanner 2000
    Lilith's Command History
    Maintained Addons:
    Kill Counter
  • geonsocal
    PS4/NA or EU: Imaginary
    @Drummerx04 ...that's s great point about "effective" fighting force...

    yeah, you may have 3 bars locked - but, a bunch are afk atop some keep, chilling in IC, questing/exploring, running circles at a gate, trolling text chat, whatever...

    hmmmm, that may be an interesting question for another day - what are people doing in cyrodiil while they're not fighting...

    depending when you can get on - sometimes it feels like maybe 40 a side is the number of folks involved in alliance fighting in cyrodiil...
    Edited by geonsocal on August 29, 2017 1:13AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • paulsimonps
    Its probably just coincidences but you do get really fricking suspicious when a faction acts in such a way that is of no benefit for them, most likely they will lose ground from it, just to be able to attack another faction together with the 3rd. For example when say DC attacks EP exclusively even though AD owns most of DCs Keeps and has their Scrolls, at the same time AD is trying to push for EPs scrolls. DC is in this scenario doing nothing but helping AD secure dominance over the map at the time making it harder for them to recover their own scrolls and keeps. This stuff happens back and forth in all kinds of ways between all factions, its stupid, its really stupid, but it happens. And what most people see as a team one way or another is just simply that they see this stuff more clearly when it happens to yourself.
  • Anrose
    PC/NA or EU: Imaginary
    People will always pounce a favorable opportunity. Sometimes that means ganging up on a weak opponent at the same time your enemy is also hitting that opponent.

    But to say there is consistent collusion amongst two factions in Cyrodiil against the third is to prove you don't understand the intricacies of a three way war.

    Source: Cross faction player.
  • Izaki
    Oh they are quite real...


    Was about to do that
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Malic
    Its whatever excuse AD needs to justify their propensity to come in last on PC/NA.

    you watch, next campaign they'll loose (again) and we will run the gambit of excuses. Team lilac is a 5/1 odds as the next "they teamed up on us" color for AD.
  • Drummerx04
    geonsocal wrote: »
    @Drummerx04 ...that's s great point about "effective" fighting force...

    yeah, you may have 3 bars locked - but, a bunch are afk atop some keep, chilling in IC, questing/exploring, running circles at a gate, trolling text chat, whatever...

    hmmmm, that may be an interesting question for another day - what are people doing in cyrodiil while they're not fighting...

    depending when you can get on - sometimes it feels like maybe 40 a side is the number of folks involved in alliance fighting in cyrodiil...

    My point was more about putting 70% of the top players of the faction in one group leads to situations where that group goes off somewhere and the faction no longer has the fighting potential to defend a keep.

    It is super obvious when a faction does not have an actual guild running. Even pretty underwhelming pug guilds can more or less lock down a map because they can at least mobilize significant manpower at a whim.
    PC/NA - Nightfighters, Raid Leader and Officer
    Lilith Arujo - DC sorc tank/dps/healer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Gryphon Heart, Grand Warlord
    Lilith Tortorici - DC templar trials healer

    Notable Completions:
    vAS (72k), vMoL HM (160k), vAA HM (135k), vHRC HM, vSO HM (141k), vHoF HM (168k), vCR+3(129k), vDSA 45k, vMA 591k

    Original Addons:
    Lilith's Group Manager
    Lilith's Lazy Hacks - Auto Recharge/Repair
    Bot Scanner 2000
    Lilith's Command History
    Maintained Addons:
    Kill Counter
  • Vilestride
    Pointless Poll is Pointless
    The rotational teaming or cooperation of alliances is and has always been intended. It is a mechanism to maintain balance and keep the pvp healthy. Sure sometimes it feels *** but if you think it's not working or negative for the game I have to straight up disagree with you.
  • Vilestride
    Pointless Poll is Pointless
    The rotational teaming or cooperation of alliances is and has always been intended. It is a mechanism to maintain balance and keep the pvp healthy. Sure sometimes it feels *** but if you think it's not working or negative for the game I have to straight up disagree with you.
  • SugaComa
    PS4/NA or EU: Real
    Vilestride wrote: »
    The rotational teaming or cooperation of alliances is and has always been intended. It is a mechanism to maintain balance and keep the pvp healthy. Sure sometimes it feels *** but if you think it's not working or negative for the game I have to straight up disagree with you.

    But it doesn't ... Intended to yes

    Last week we had a red emp yellows pushing hard kept getting them down to one keep then suddenly a blue keep would turn red, on watching the blues they were taking yellow keeps but not repairing letting reds walk in and take

    We messaged blues top player saying help dethrone reds to which the reply came

    No he's my friend

  • Vilestride
    Pointless Poll is Pointless
    The rotational teaming or cooperation of alliances is and has always been intended. It is a mechanism to maintain balance and keep the pvp healthy. Sure sometimes it feels *** but y
    SugaComa wrote: »
    Vilestride wrote: »
    The rotational teaming or cooperation of alliances is and has always been intended. It is a mechanism to maintain balance and keep the pvp healthy. Sure sometimes it feels *** but if you think it's not working or negative for the game I have to straight up disagree with you.

    But it doesn't ... Intended to yes

    Last week we had a red emp yellows pushing hard kept getting them down to one keep then suddenly a blue keep would turn red, on watching the blues they were taking yellow keeps but not repairing letting reds walk in and take

    We messaged blues top player saying help dethrone reds to which the reply came

    No he's my friend
    SugaComa wrote: »
    Vilestride wrote: »
    The rotational teaming or cooperation of alliances is and has always been intended. It is a mechanism to maintain balance and keep the pvp healthy. Sure sometimes it feels *** but if you think it's not working or negative for the game I have to straight up disagree with you.

    But it doesn't ... Intended to yes

    Last week we had a red emp yellows pushing hard kept getting them down to one keep then suddenly a blue keep would turn red, on watching the blues they were taking yellow keeps but not repairing letting reds walk in and take

    We messaged blues top player saying help dethrone reds to which the reply came

    No he's my friend

    Like I said, I disagree. If it wasn't working as intended or if the game was only AvA I would not be surprised by a faction being back to its gates for days at a time even at prime time or pop lock. I am not saying their isn't teaming, and I am not saying it's never been exploited, I am saying it does more good than harm.
    Edited by Vilestride on August 29, 2017 8:51AM
  • LonePirate
    If your faction has Emp or another faction's scroll or a lead on the campaign scoreboard, then be prepared for Team <Whatever Color> to be applying massive pressure to your properties.
  • paulsimonps
    LonePirate wrote: »
    If your faction has Emp or another faction's scroll or a lead on the campaign scoreboard, then be prepared for Team <Whatever Color> to be applying massive pressure to your properties.

    The problem is that too many times it happens that the faction with everything pushes the 2nd strongest and the one with nothing helps them anyway. Too many examples of this happen. And stuff like what @SugaComa wrote and what I wrote earlier happens. Where the strongest and the weakest band together to hit the middle guy. Leaving the strongest to be even stronger. But this happens from all factions. However it happens more frequently in specific combos for each specific campaign, far less so though in very well populates ones such as Vivec.
  • DeadlyRecluse
    They are very real.

    In Battlegrounds.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Sandman929
    XBOX/NA or EU: Imaginary
    LonePirate wrote: »
    If your faction has Emp or another faction's scroll or a lead on the campaign scoreboard, then be prepared for Team <Whatever Color> to be applying massive pressure to your properties.

    The problem is that too many times it happens that the faction with everything pushes the 2nd strongest and the one with nothing helps them anyway. Too many examples of this happen. And stuff like what @SugaComa wrote and what I wrote earlier happens. Where the strongest and the weakest band together to hit the middle guy. Leaving the strongest to be even stronger. But this happens from all factions. However it happens more frequently in specific combos for each specific campaign, far less so though in very well populates ones such as Vivec.

    I'm sure there are instances of full on cooperation between friends on different factions. But when I see a low pop faction helping a dominating Emp faction in a fight against a second place, somewhat strong faction, I could easily chalk it up to Team Whatever. But I think a more reasonable explanation is that the weakest faction still wants fights but doesn't want to crash into the zerg of the Emp faction over and over again in vain.
  • Defilted
    I think this is perception for the most part. If red and blue approach a yellow owned keep but neither red or blue are aware that each group is approaching the keep with the intention of capturing it. Then it is not that red and blue planned a raid on the keep together. Sometimes they will not even know the other group is there. Other times they will see the other group and use that as an advantage that the keep owners have to defend on two fronts.

    Is it possible that a alliance group plans a raid with another alliance group? Yes. Is this the norm? No I do not believe so. The reason I think this is because I rarely see organized raiding groups in Cyro. I see groups but not much organization. If there where highly organized groups everywhere I would be more apt to believe there was more alliance collusion.
    XBOX Series X

  • Joy_Division
    PC/NA or EU: Imaginary
    The vast majority of the posts and zone chat complaining about being double teamed and accusing the other two alliances of being in cahoots are the die hard single faction loyalists. These people interpret every single random disposition of enemy players as collusion.

    I'll randomly get an occasional whisper from players I don't or hardly know from the other factions asking me why EP is attacking Alessia or if I can make EP attack Glademist. It's like they think I have every single EP player on Groupme and as the grandson of a Sicilian mafia don, if they do not do as I say unpleasant things will happen to them. Or that 100 people I don't know will just listen to me in Zone chat. The paranoia of some people is astounding.

    I have cross-factioned from day 1 and have, at different times, been in PvP guilds on each alliance. What I will say is this. The empty or the old 'buff" servers were and are tailor made for such shenanigans because there was not uncontrollable masses of players to get in the way of a popular player or guild's attempts to finesse or brute force map control. If you are the sort of honest player who cares about the sanctity of competitive campaigns, don't join these campaigns. Neither ZoS nor your pleadings on these forums are going to be able to make these campaigns what you want.

    In the 30 day campaign where most people flock to, the Wabbajacks, the Thornblades, the Viveks, there are simply too many uncontrollable variables for manipulation. Sure people try. How many times have I seen one player have millions more AP than the 2nd place person and random whispers from people I barely know to help them become emp. As I my presence on a pop locked campaign will make the slightest difference. Entire 30 day cycles come and go with these people playing 10+ hours a day and them never even sniffing emperor. You want Emp on vivek? Better hope the Australian-Asian-Unemployed factor is strong with your faction because that's 1000 times more reliable than cross faction shenanigans on those servers.

    I will say this though. Ever since Zos decided that Chalman Mine should be a more important factor on the AvAvA scoreboard than an Elder Scroll - even though this game is called Elder Scrolls Online - the conspiracy theorists are right, although for the wrong reasons. It is widely believed that capturing and securing an Elder Scroll is disadvantageous as it attracts unnecessary aggro, so upon capture, often times the scroll, even a home scroll, is blatantly brought deep into enemy territory with the hope that a die-hard faction loyalist picks it up and secures it. So when you see a scroll going the "wrong" direction, that is why.

  • Serjustin19
    2ND Scourge PS4 EU. Team Green was real as well as Team Purple. I served in Team Green, but we AD,DC) felt we had no choice. I won't explain fully since it's in past thread of mine.

    Was it wrong, yes. But again we felt we had no choice against huge amounts of EP army with few of us DC and AD. The other time was Team Purple. When Us AD defend EMP with last AD keep, as do have video but um won't post due to hopefully not get banned..... (But I don't do it again.)

    But now we are in a new Era, a new Era and a new beginning. So many of us forced to new campaign. (1St and 2ND Scourge, Haderus) Vivec I's my 4th.

    As of now everything seems fine, sure there is temporary truces but I wouldn't call it team purple and or other team colors. I believe it is imaginary to some, but real to others.

    But in my Heart I'm AD, sadly I will always be considered Team Orange to huge amounts of AD and EP in Vivec and possibly other campaigns.

    I won't go into details of why I will always be considered, Team Orange by many AD and EP. However I tried to prove and showed my Allegiance. Sadly it not work well, it's in my signature.

    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • CyrusArya
    PC/NA or EU: Imaginary
    The vast majority of the posts and zone chat complaining about being double teamed and accusing the other two alliances of being in cahoots are the die hard single faction loyalists. These people interpret every single random disposition of enemy players as collusion.

    lol, yup- exactly. Its like when my small group gets accused of being "team purple" when we are on the other side of the map. Because you know, the only reason a DC small man would ever be at sej or brk is to double team AD, not because the fights are better and we can catch both factions.

    Gotta be team purple. Cus every player in this game cares about the campaign, and we are all out to get AD.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • Kr3do
    Pointless Poll is Pointless
    Everyone who votes "Real" on this poll should get banned from the forums.
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