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  • idk
    Snow elves do not exist in ESO. Any that may still exist are in exile outside of Nirn. Snow elves and the regressed Falmer have not been playable in any TES games to the best of my limited knowledge. It is highly doubtful they will become so in ESO.

    ESO takes place 1,000 years before Skyrim, in which Gelebor notes that other Falmer might still be hiding out in the world.

    But, it would be a little odd if a bunch of elves presumed gone were suddenly running around Skyrim and then nobody remarked on this later. The Nords would die of fright and then demand to 1v1 them. In that order.

    Was no suggesting Falmer would not have existed at this time but that Snow Elves do not exist in Tamriel. Any Snow Elves that might remain would be in hiding elsewhere.. Falmer were never a playable race and are not truly Snow Elves anymore. They are degenerates of Snow Elves.
  • Samwell Slayer
    Samwell Slayer
    Since TES I there have been 10 playable races which have corresponded to the 10 areas of Tanriel. I don't see that changing for any additional race.
    PC/Mac NA server. Cast, in order of appearance (got one of everything):

    Samwell Slayer Stam NB AD Stormproof
    Samantha Tarly Stam Sorc DC FC
    The Sawmell Tarly Tank DK EP Stormproof
    Tamwell Sarly Mgk Temp AD FC
    Covenant Blues Mgk DK EP Stormproof
    Samwell Tardy Mgk Sorc AD FC
    Stam Tarly Stam Temp AD Stormproof
    Samwelf Tarly Mgk NB DC FC
    Stamwell Tarly Stam DK DC FC
    Maester Samwell Heal Temp DC
    Samara Tarly Tank NB EP
    Sam Mfing Tarly Mule Sorc EP
    Warden of HTarly. Mgk. Ward AD FC
    Lord Tarly Stam Ward. DC. Still lowbie
  • SilverIce58
    Since TES I there have been 10 playable races which have corresponded to the 10 areas of Tanriel. I don't see that changing for any additional race.

    That's actually wrong. In TES Arena, and TES II Daggerfall, you couldn't play as Imperial or Orc. Morrowind added both as playable races, and a couple of other spin-off games had you play as one of the three main elf races or one of the three human races (Battlespire).

    Where people get this notion that 10 races have been playable since Arena is beyond me.

    PC - NA
    CP 1125
    Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
    Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
    Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
    Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
    Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
    Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • Mitrenga
    No. They are too rare to become a playable race.

    Make the race purchasable with 15k crowns and keep the rarity.

    Joking ofc, ZoS. Don't do such a thing.
  • starkerealm
    Where people get this notion that 10 races have been playable since Arena is beyond me.

    For the vast majority of the fanbase, they started with, in order of magnitude: Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowind. There's a huge drop off before Morrowind, and relatively few players ever picked up Daggerfall or Arena. Which makes sense, because both games are borderline unplayable by modern standards, and really require a different outlook from how you'd approach the later games.
  • starkerealm
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    Gelebor is the only snow elf left alive.

    There were two, but at the end of a quest, you kill the other one.

    Technically, his brother hasn't been killed yet, at the time of ESO. But, he's also undead, so, not "alive."
    The other paladins/priests we see as ghosts could also be alive at this time, because it is not stated in Skyrim when Vyrthur killed them.

    While this is true. It seems more likely that Vyrthur was infected during the first era, sometime shortly after the Snow Elves made their agreement with the Dwarves, but while refugees were still filtering in. Otherwise a stray pilgrim would have drawn more attention. Supposidly, the Dwarves found themselves in prolonged conflict with the Falmer before their disappearance, though I don't know much of the details about that.

    Nothing I can concretely point to, and it would make some sense if it was early second era, based on the fact that the corrupted Falmer swarmed over the place after Vyrthur did his thing.

    Of course, at the same time, almost nothing with Dawnguard's timeline really shakes out properly. Serana doesn't know there's an Empire based out of Cyrodiil, which seems weird given that there's always been an Empire based out of Cyrodiil, be that the Alyieds, the Allesians, the Remans, or the Septims. Even in the second era, the idea of a Cyrodiilic Empire would be a familiar concept. To get away from that, she'd have to predate the Allesians, but that doesn't really make sense.

    Vyrthur wrote the prophecy... what? Onto the Elder Scroll? How does that even make sense? He wrote the prophecy, then sent it out to be embossed and printed up, and it accidentally got picked up on an Elder Scroll?

    Also, Galebor needs to be somewhere around, at least, 3,500 years old when you him. That's pretty extreme, even for an Altmer. Maybe that was a Falmer thing... but... still... damn.

    I mean, I like Dawnguard, I really do. But it is utter gibberish.
  • Loralai_907
    There are multiple other races I would love to be able to play as. I'd also like options to play as the "bad guys" and that is probably never happening.
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • maboleth
    Gelebor is the only snow elf left alive.

    Vyrthur wrote the prophecy... what? Onto the Elder Scroll? How does that even make sense? He wrote the prophecy, then sent it out to be embossed and printed up, and it accidentally got picked up on an Elder Scroll?

    Also, Galebor needs to be somewhere around, at least, 3,500 years old when you him.

    Vyrthur was already the Arch-Curate in the Mystic era. So yes, he was incredibly old. We don't know the life-expectancy of Snow Elves, but considering they live in snowy/cold areas, they could have easily surpassed all other elves by extreme. Especially if they are/were isolated, secluded and close to magic and wizardry, like Vyrthur and his brother were.

    For example, even as a Dunmer, Divayth Fyr was 4000 old during Morrowind era and we don't know if he outlived that time. It's quite possibly that he's still alive somewhere. The point is, it's nothing unusual for some rare Mer to have extremely long lives, even for the well known races, let alone Snow Elves that we barely know anything about.

    Vyrthur prophecy could have easily gone into the Elder Scrolls, not only because many heroes' actions and causes DO interfere and "rewrite" the Scrolls (nothing unusual here, Elder Scrolls are "alive" and not fixed by any means), but he was the Arch-curate of Auri-El and was as close to god as possible, so long ago. And certainly, his actions DID have so much more weight.

    Edited by maboleth on August 27, 2017 10:33AM
  • Ulo
    I think if another playable race were to be added then the Maormer (Sea Elves) would be a better choice then the Snow Elves because in terms and lore and preexisting game content they would just make more sense. I wouldn't rule out Snow Elves as a playable race because if ZoS really wanted to then i'm sure they could come up with some plausible explanation as to why they would appear in number throughout Tamriel and i'm sure they could be a very intresting race to play with their racials and great fun for the roleplayers aswell :P

    Because of Skyrim the Snow Elves are probablly one of the best known non playable races in ESO but lets not forget that there are other lesser races in Nirn that you could potentially make work as a playable race also and then theres also the massive list of other content that people are asking for, looking at you transmog.
  • starkerealm
    maboleth wrote: »
    Vyrthur prophecy could have easily gone into the Elder Scrolls, not only because many heroes' actions and causes DO interfere and "rewrite" the Scrolls (nothing unusual here, Elder Scrolls are "alive" and not fixed by any means), but he was the Arch-curate of Auri-El and was as close to god as possible, so long ago. And certainly, his actions DID have so much more weight.

    This still creates a causality problem.

    Vyrthur didn't actually do anything. He wrote a prophecy, but he couldn't have taken action to set that prophecy up.

    The scrolls exist outside of time, basically. Meaning they record events that haven't happened yet. This would probably be more unusual and unique if there weren't other venues for literature that had plopped down in the wrong time. But, the other part is, the scrolls somehow seem to link into the "truth" of the universe. So, the scrolls will show you what is, often to an incomprehensible degree.

    But, Vythur takes ownership of the prophecy, and says he created it. Except, you're getting the details of it off a scroll. Now, maybe there's supposed to be some interim step, where Harkon picked up a book, said, "huh, neat, get me a scroll." But, if that's the case we're not even cued in on it.

    Also, if that was the explanation... how did Vyrthur get the prophecy out there in the first place? Galebor has been watching him. If he'd left The Chantry, you'd think Galebor would have followed or attempted to interact with him. Also, Vyrthur isn't exactly inconspicuous. Snow Elves are effectively extinct, vampire or no. So that would draw attention. If he showed up somewhere, prophecy in hand, the attention would be on him, not the paper he was holding. He can't hand the book off to the corrupted Falmer, they'd probably just eat the damn thing, or kill whomever they were supposed to leave it with.

    So, Vythur needs to create a prophecy, which The Last Dragonborn and Serana will fulfill. Okay. The Last Dragonborn and Serana's actions will make it into a scroll, that's fine. But, they're doing so to follow a prophecy, which can't exist, because the person who, "created it," can't create it and imprint it on the scrolls, because he can't tell anyone about this brilliant idea he had.

    And he does all of this because it's easier than going out into the world and trying to create a Daughter of Coldharbour for himself. Wait, what? How? How defective is this guy? And, yes, as an uncorrupted Falmer he'd draw attention, but at least he could actually work towards his plan instead of lounging around, dreaming up a prophecy, and then hoping it ends up on an Elder Scroll.

    And, before you say anything about the difficulty in creating a Daughter of Coldharbour, that's exactly what Harkon did!

    I mean, I do get it; the scrolls exist outside of time. Meaning that cause doesn't need to precede effect. Problem is, with Dawnguard there is no causal event to set the story in motion. The prophecy is fake until it ends up on an omnipotent scroll, which, if it's fake, shouldn't be there in the first place.

    *Gnaws on own face.*

    EDIT: Unrelated, the Chantry supposedly dates to the early First Era. Which would put the brothers at roughly 4,500. It's not at all clear how old they were before hand, however.

    Also, Divayth Fyr is probably not a great counterexample, because he is easily one of the most powerful mages on Tamriel.
    Edited by starkerealm on August 27, 2017 11:32AM
  • HugsAlotOfBosmer
    simplely would not work. so no, quite a bad idea
  • Tyrobag
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    I don't like the Dawnguard plot but I'm all for taking a hammer to it to bang it into better shape.
    Of course, at the same time, almost nothing with Dawnguard's timeline really shakes out properly. Serana doesn't know there's an Empire based out of Cyrodiil, which seems weird given that there's always been an Empire based out of Cyrodiil, be that the Alyieds, the Allesians, the Remans, or the Septims. Even in the second era, the idea of a Cyrodiilic Empire would be a familiar concept. To get away from that, she'd have to predate the Allesians, but that doesn't really make sense.

    Couple of points:
    1.) There was a QA thing on the Imperial Library that states she was put to sleep in the Second Era, so the Septim dynasty happened while she was out of the loop.
    2.) Being familiar with the fact that there have been empires in Cyrodiil is not the same as expecting there to still be one right now. If, for example, she got locked away around the time of ESO, the remnants of the Empire are being invaded from four sides (three Alliances + Daedra), all of which have gotten into the capital city. That doesn't bode well for its continued existence.
    Vyrthur wrote the prophecy... what? Onto the Elder Scroll? How does that even make sense? He wrote the prophecy, then sent it out to be embossed and printed up, and it accidentally got picked up on an Elder Scroll?

    Grabbing his dialogue from the wiki for reference:
    Serana: "Enough, Vyrthur. Give us the bow!"
    Vyrthur: "How dare you. I was the Arch-Curate of Auri-El, girl. I had the ears of a god!"
    Serana: "Until the "Betrayed" corrupted you. Yes, yes. We've heard this sad story."
    Vyrthur: "Gelebor and his kind are easily manipulated fools. Look into my eyes, Serana. You tell me what I am."
    Serana: "You're... you're a vampire? But Auriel should have protected you..."
    Vyrthur: "The moment I was infected by one of my own Initiates, Auri-El turned his back on me. I swore I'd have my revenge, no matter what the cost."
    Serana: "You want to take revenge... on a god?"
    Vyrthur: "Auri-El himself may have been beyond my reach, but his influence on our world wasn't. All I needed was the blood of a vampire and his own weapon, Auriel's Bow."
    Serana: "The blood of a vampire... Auriel's Bow... It... it was you? You created that prophecy?"
    Vyrthur: "A prophecy that lacked a single, final ingredient... the blood of a pure vampire. The blood of a Daughter of Coldharbour."
    Serana: "You were waiting... all this time for someone with my blood to come along. Well, too bad for you... I intend on keeping it. Let's see if your blood has any power to it!"

    Theory #1: The blot-out-the-sun-with-the-Bow thing had happened before, and Vyrthur just spread rumors about a prophecy to spur others to bring the pieces together for him, like Harkon does for the Elder Scroll. And then the Elder Scrolls are just recording, 'Hey, this thing that this crazy vampire Snow Elf is trying to do? Yeah, it's going to work.'

    Theory #2: Vyrthur had visions of the future independantly of the Elder Scrolls; the Scrolls just happen to ALSO have that same prophecy recorded.

    Theory #3: Vyrthur had gotten his hands on one or more of the Scrolls in question long enough to record the prophecy off them, and was the first or only one to do so until the events of Dawnguard.

    Theory #4: He's not speaking literally; he's claiming credit for bringing all the pieces together and thus causing the prophecy to be written in an Elder Scroll.
    Also, if that was the explanation... how did Vyrthur get the prophecy out there in the first place? Galebor has been watching him. If he'd left The Chantry, you'd think Galebor would have followed or attempted to interact with him. Also, Vyrthur isn't exactly inconspicuous. Snow Elves are effectively extinct, vampire or no. So that would draw attention. If he showed up somewhere, prophecy in hand, the attention would be on him, not the paper he was holding. He can't hand the book off to the corrupted Falmer, they'd probably just eat the damn thing, or kill whomever they were supposed to leave it with.

    1.) Per Gelebor's dialog: "Leaving the wayshrines unguarded would be violating my sacred duty as a Knight-Paladin of Auriel. And an assault on the Betrayed guarding the Inner Sanctum would only end with my death."

    So Gelebor isn't going to be watching him 24/7.

    2.) Couple of possibilities for getting the prophecy out into the world:
    • (Non-corrupted) Snow Elves aren't that different physically from other types of mer. Some Illusion magic, makeup, or a face-concealing helm...maybe just stick to places with bad lighting would be enough to pass as an Altmer.
    • Or he might have snuck out before Snow Elves were basically extinct; do we know when he was turned? If it wasn't so long after most of the race went underground, it might not have been cause for more than a few raised eyebrows.
    • If the 'Betrayed' under his control took any captives, he could 'rescue' them and ask in return that they spread the prophecy.
    • He is also a vampire...find a lone traveler, enthrall them to spread the prophecy far and wide and forget they saw him.

    3.) Re: Gelebor's age – he might have something similar going on as what happened to
    the Drake of Blades

    Just tweaked to have fewer super powers but more range. It's the same Aedra involved.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • Sevalaricgirl
    They would have to do another story, with all that work so I doubt they'll do another race. It would be cool but I'd rather have a new class than a new race or both but I'd choose class over race.
  • KingYogi415

    Sea Elfs wanted 1st!
  • starkerealm
    I don't like the Dawnguard plot but I'm all for taking a hammer to it to bang it into better shape.
    Of course, at the same time, almost nothing with Dawnguard's timeline really shakes out properly. Serana doesn't know there's an Empire based out of Cyrodiil, which seems weird given that there's always been an Empire based out of Cyrodiil, be that the Alyieds, the Allesians, the Remans, or the Septims. Even in the second era, the idea of a Cyrodiilic Empire would be a familiar concept. To get away from that, she'd have to predate the Allesians, but that doesn't really make sense.

    Couple of points:
    1.) There was a QA thing on the Imperial Library that states she was put to sleep in the Second Era, so the Septim dynasty happened while she was out of the loop.
    2.) Being familiar with the fact that there have been empires in Cyrodiil is not the same as expecting there to still be one right now. If, for example, she got locked away around the time of ESO, the remnants of the Empire are being invaded from four sides (three Alliances + Daedra), all of which have gotten into the capital city. That doesn't bode well for its continued existence.

    I mean, having her shuffled away during the second era, so she's been out of the loop for around 1k years makes sense. It doesn't explain her dialog, but those are numbers that are reasonable for a vampire. It also avoids problems like having her and Valerica predate Lamae, but still.

    She responds with surprise that Cyrodiil is the seat of an empire. So, that can' t be Second era. Even if she was locked away during the events of ESO, (and I do mean during), she'd still be aware of the existence of an Empire. The Second Era starts with Reman taking the throne, and even after the Reman dynasty dies, there's still the longhouse emperors, Varen, the Akaviri, and so on. There's a long procession of different governments, but Cyrodiil remains a focal point for power in Tamriel throughout the second era.

    Cribbing off of the UESP talk page for her, and it meshes with my own recollection of her dialog, she talks about the Dwarves as if she was contemporary with them at one point. Which would suggest she's been in there since at least the early First Age. Which could put her before the Alessians (around 1e260), but this would mean she was sealed away before Vyrthur became a vampire. So, again, at best we have cause preceding effect. This isn't, strictly speaking, an issue, given the scrolls are extra-temporal, but it still doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Even during the Planemeld crisis, the idea of a Cyrodiilic Empire wouldn't be strange, the survival of one would be. Which would require different dialog from her, than she delivers. Something like, "Cyrodiil is the seat of another empire?" "The Empire survived?" or, "They're still fighting over that place?"
    Vyrthur wrote the prophecy... what? Onto the Elder Scroll? How does that even make sense? He wrote the prophecy, then sent it out to be embossed and printed up, and it accidentally got picked up on an Elder Scroll?

    Grabbing his dialogue from the wiki for reference:
    Serana: "Enough, Vyrthur. Give us the bow!"
    Vyrthur: "How dare you. I was the Arch-Curate of Auri-El, girl. I had the ears of a god!"
    Serana: "Until the "Betrayed" corrupted you. Yes, yes. We've heard this sad story."
    Vyrthur: "Gelebor and his kind are easily manipulated fools. Look into my eyes, Serana. You tell me what I am."
    Serana: "You're... you're a vampire? But Auriel should have protected you..."
    Vyrthur: "The moment I was infected by one of my own Initiates, Auri-El turned his back on me. I swore I'd have my revenge, no matter what the cost."
    Serana: "You want to take revenge... on a god?"
    Vyrthur: "Auri-El himself may have been beyond my reach, but his influence on our world wasn't. All I needed was the blood of a vampire and his own weapon, Auriel's Bow."
    Serana: "The blood of a vampire... Auriel's Bow... It... it was you? You created that prophecy?"
    Vyrthur: "A prophecy that lacked a single, final ingredient... the blood of a pure vampire. The blood of a Daughter of Coldharbour."
    Serana: "You were waiting... all this time for someone with my blood to come along. Well, too bad for you... I intend on keeping it. Let's see if your blood has any power to it!"

    Theory #1: The blot-out-the-sun-with-the-Bow thing had happened before, and Vyrthur just spread rumors about a prophecy to spur others to bring the pieces together for him, like Harkon does for the Elder Scroll. And then the Elder Scrolls are just recording, 'Hey, this thing that this crazy vampire Snow Elf is trying to do? Yeah, it's going to work.'

    So, two problems here: and, this is the most credible option, for the dialog provided.

    First, how is he spreading anything? This gets back to the idea that he can't use his Falmer as minions to, "spread the word." That's just not an option. He also can't show up and say, "psst, hey, kid! Wanna buy a prophecy?"

    If he had the ability to subtly manipulate people remotely, like Mirrak, then this wouldn't be a problem. But, he lacks that.

    Second, if this had happened before, that would be the focus, not Vyrthur, and it would require entirely different dialog. "No, it has happened before." Also, if we accept the theory about Serana predating the First Empire, that would mean it's happened in her lifetime.
    Theory #2: Vyrthur had visions of the future independantly of the Elder Scrolls; the Scrolls just happen to ALSO have that same prophecy recorded.

    Again, the dialog doesn't support this. Vyrthur's response, when queried, would need to be something like, "I've seen it too." Also, awfully convenient isn't it? The one guy with a critical piece of a prophecy actually has a vision, which compels him to sit on his couch for 2,000 years.
    Theory #3: Vyrthur had gotten his hands on one or more of the Scrolls in question long enough to record the prophecy off them, and was the first or only one to do so until the events of Dawnguard.

    This, basically, requires that he discovered ancestor glade, found both of the necessary scrolls (including the one strapped to Serana's back, and the one squirreled away in the Soul Cairn), read both, dumped 'em in a trash heap outside Solitude, and scampered off to wait for a very long time.
    Theory #4: He's not speaking literally; he's claiming credit for bringing all the pieces together and thus causing the prophecy to be written in an Elder Scroll.

    This is the only suggestion that actually fits the dialog... unfortunately, it sabotages the entire concept behind the reveal.

    I mean, the idea is you have characters chasing after a prophecy, and when they finally get to the end, in what should be their moment of triumph, they discover that they've actually played right into the hands of someone who wrote the thing, knowing that some misguided heroes would try to fulfill it, and bring them the stuff they needed for their dark ritual.

    It's a cool concept. The problem is, it's been implemented indiscriminately of the setting, and its world building. I mean, we could probably say the same thing for most of Dawnguard as a release, but still.
    Also, if that was the explanation... how did Vyrthur get the prophecy out there in the first place? Galebor has been watching him. If he'd left The Chantry, you'd think Galebor would have followed or attempted to interact with him. Also, Vyrthur isn't exactly inconspicuous. Snow Elves are effectively extinct, vampire or no. So that would draw attention. If he showed up somewhere, prophecy in hand, the attention would be on him, not the paper he was holding. He can't hand the book off to the corrupted Falmer, they'd probably just eat the damn thing, or kill whomever they were supposed to leave it with.

    1.) Per Gelebor's dialog: "Leaving the wayshrines unguarded would be violating my sacred duty as a Knight-Paladin of Auriel. And an assault on the Betrayed guarding the Inner Sanctum would only end with my death."

    So Gelebor isn't going to be watching him 24/7.

    It'd also make getting in and out kinda tricky for Vyrthur. If he was slipping out and trying to spread rumors, he'd still be limited by the fact that Gelebor is guarding the only way in or out of the Chantry.

    The irony here is that Harkon is in a far better position to spread rumors. He has minions that can infiltrate civilization, and gather information. He's a member of a race that wouldn't immediately draw attention on its own. If he wanted to, he could slip into Solitude in human form, and pass unnoticed. (He doesn't, but that's Harkon for you.)

    In contrast, Vyrthur's options are a lot more limited. He is still a vampire, and slipping out undetected might not be impossible, but even if he got out, he'd need to interact with normal people, in order to start stories about the prophecy.
    2.) Couple of possibilities for getting the prophecy out into the world:
    • (Non-corrupted) Snow Elves aren't that different physically from other types of mer. Some Illusion magic, makeup, or a face-concealing helm...maybe just stick to places with bad lighting would be enough to pass as an Altmer.

    The first problem with this theory is that Gelebor doesn't suggest it. There would need to be surviving members (plural) of the Chantry wandering around.

    It also requires Vyrthur to know, "nope, now it's safe to send out my minions." Remember that the refugees were fleeing a Nordic genocide of the Falmer. So... turning around, and going back out into that can't have seemed like a smart idea.
    • Or he might have snuck out before Snow Elves were basically extinct; do we know when he was turned? If it wasn't so long after most of the race went underground, it might not have been cause for more than a few raised eyebrows.

    Again, even after the Falmer went underground with the Dwemer, the Nords were practicing a campaign of genocide against any elves they could find. So, if we're talking about before their race was perceived as extinct, they would have been killed on sight for being elves in general, not even just for being Falmer.
    • If the 'Betrayed' under his control took any captives, he could 'rescue' them and ask in return that they spread the prophecy.

    This requires him to have very fine control of the Corrupted Falmer in his domain. Which is possible. It seems unlikely. But, it's possible.

    It also requires him to reveal himself to survivors, and send them out reporting only what he wanted. Remember, the existence of the Falmer is basically non-existent in the fourth era. Almost no one knows what those goblin like things are. The reasonable assumption is because they don't leave many survivors behind (which fits with what we see of them). Hell, the Falmer actually take and blind captives as their own slaves. They're not big on the, "giving things back," part.

    Now, again, this is possible. But it would result in knowledge of the Falmer lurking around underground becoming far more widespread, rapidly. A prophecy about vampires darkening the sky? Pfft. Holy bugnuts Batman, feral cannibalistic elves in caves looking for victims!? We need to be prepared. "Stay away from that cave traveler, there's Falmer lurking up in there."
    • He is also a vampire...find a lone traveler, enthrall them to spread the prophecy far and wide and forget they saw him.

    The problem here is that, well, Vampire thralls aren't exactly subtle. It's not just a form of post-hypnotic suggestion. Vampires completely scramble their Thrall's minds.

    Can you imagine post-Thralled Dexion trying to blend in to general society? It's a problem.
    3.) Re: Gelebor's age – he might have something similar going on as what happened to
    the Drake of Blades

    Just tweaked to have fewer super powers but more range. It's the same Aedra involved.

    Yeah, in the grand scheme of things, Gelebor's age isn't a huge consideration, until you get to the part where the timeline really isn't locked down that tightly, for the events in Dawnguard. It is, kinda, a mess. Not, unsolvable, but kinda a mess.
  • mb10
    IF we were to get a new race, and for now that's a big if, it'd most likely be Maormer or Reachmen. The two are already in the game, with character models and while the Maormer's racial motif is mostly a sleeveless version of Ancient Elf, the Reachmen would be given a new one (or make Barbaric into theirs). Races like "Snow Elf" and "Dwemer" have been MIA since the 1st Era and before, so lore-wise, it wouldn't make much sense. (Also, Maormer is more likely than Reachmen, as Reachmen would just be a stam version of Breton)

    Reachmen arent a race, theyre mostly Nords.
  • starkerealm
    mb10 wrote: »
    IF we were to get a new race, and for now that's a big if, it'd most likely be Maormer or Reachmen. The two are already in the game, with character models and while the Maormer's racial motif is mostly a sleeveless version of Ancient Elf, the Reachmen would be given a new one (or make Barbaric into theirs). Races like "Snow Elf" and "Dwemer" have been MIA since the 1st Era and before, so lore-wise, it wouldn't make much sense. (Also, Maormer is more likely than Reachmen, as Reachmen would just be a stam version of Breton)

    Reachmen arent a race, theyre mostly Nords.

    Mostly Bretons. There's some Nord mixed in.
  • SilverIce58
    mb10 wrote: »
    IF we were to get a new race, and for now that's a big if, it'd most likely be Maormer or Reachmen. The two are already in the game, with character models and while the Maormer's racial motif is mostly a sleeveless version of Ancient Elf, the Reachmen would be given a new one (or make Barbaric into theirs). Races like "Snow Elf" and "Dwemer" have been MIA since the 1st Era and before, so lore-wise, it wouldn't make much sense. (Also, Maormer is more likely than Reachmen, as Reachmen would just be a stam version of Breton)

    Reachmen arent a race, theyre mostly Nords.

    Mostly Bretons. There's some Nord mixed in.

    There's some of everything mixed in tbh
    PC - NA
    CP 1125
    Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
    Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
    Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
    Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
    Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
    Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • Thealteregoroman
    Me right now...

    ****Master Healer...****
  • starkerealm
    Me right now...


    Post #7 in, Sentences that Trigger Lore Nerds:
    "I want vampire lord."

    "I want to be able to play a daedra/dremora."

    "I want to have a dragonborn."

    "I want to play a dwarf!"

    "I want to play a snow elf."

    "They should do a DLC about the return of the dwarves."

    "No one knows what happened to the dwarves."

    "We should fight a dragon."

    "Nords are a valuable race, with a rich and interesting culture. We can learn much from them."

    Emphasis added.
  • Thealteregoroman
    Me right now...


    Post #7 in, Sentences that Trigger Lore Nerds:
    "I want vampire lord."

    "I want to be able to play a daedra/dremora."

    "I want to have a dragonborn."

    "I want to play a dwarf!"

    "I want to play a snow elf."

    "They should do a DLC about the return of the dwarves."

    "No one knows what happened to the dwarves."

    "We should fight a dragon."

    "Nords are a valuable race, with a rich and interesting culture. We can learn much from them."

    Emphasis added.



    Congratulations cause you tried it.

    Let's go back to what I posted in the OP shall we?

    "Would you start a new character as a snow elf? Should snow elves be added into ESO in the future?

    Knight-Paladin Gelebor of Skyrim is an example of a snow elf...

    What passives would you think they would have? Also, what if we get a new race next year instead of a new class?"

    I didn't claim to want it, I asked a question about his race being playable in ESO.
    Like MOST I am not a LORE MASTER of the series and like most people on here they responded in a way where I was now educated on it.

    WHAT WE ARE NOT GOING TO DO IS, come for me when I have not sent for you. Don't play yourself.

    chill, cause I'm not the one.


    Emphasis added on the gif.

    Edited by Thealteregoroman on August 27, 2017 11:11PM
    ****Master Healer...****
  • starkerealm

    Emphasis added on the gif.

  • starkerealm
    I'll say what I've said before, "you're not the first person to suggest it. You won't be the last. It's still a bad idea."

    Also, yeah, the thread I linked was comments that have popped up repeatedly on the forums. So... no, I never asked for playable snow elves. I've certainly seen the request before, enough times, though.
  • Thealteregoroman
    I'll say what I've said before, "you're not the first person to suggest it. You won't be the last. It's still a bad idea."

    Also, yeah, the thread I linked was comments that have popped up repeatedly on the forums. So... no, I never asked for playable snow elves. I've certainly seen the request before, enough times, though.

    neither have I.
    ****Master Healer...****
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Snow elves have been almost exclusively blind mal-nourished cave-dwellers since the Dwarves disappeared, so definitely not interested.

    Now, I would love to play a Nereid for a few reasons. They are good looking and interesting, and, most importantly, they hover off the ground which is so cool to stand and move around that way.
  • Enslaved
    About snow elves...
  • zaria
    mb10 wrote: »
    IF we were to get a new race, and for now that's a big if, it'd most likely be Maormer or Reachmen. The two are already in the game, with character models and while the Maormer's racial motif is mostly a sleeveless version of Ancient Elf, the Reachmen would be given a new one (or make Barbaric into theirs). Races like "Snow Elf" and "Dwemer" have been MIA since the 1st Era and before, so lore-wise, it wouldn't make much sense. (Also, Maormer is more likely than Reachmen, as Reachmen would just be a stam version of Breton)

    Reachmen arent a race, theyre mostly Nords.

    Mostly Bretons. There's some Nord mixed in.

    There's some of everything mixed in tbh
    Do they qualify as race in elder scroll however?
    Should probably work to add them but see them as an long shot here.

    Maormer is an race and no issue adding them
    Another Khajiit type mostly the Ohmes-raht would also work well.

    Think its depend on the next chapter: Elsweyr and they should have more khajiit types, having another playable one would be nice.
    Sumerset isles, Maormer if this includes some of their islands.

    Skyrim areas: Reachmen, would be a bit pointless with an race with no homeland at all.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • SilverIce58
    Snow elves have been almost exclusively blind mal-nourished cave-dwellers since the Dwarves disappeared, so definitely not interested.

    Now, I would love to play a Nereid for a few reasons. They are good looking and interesting, and, most importantly, they hover off the ground which is so cool to stand and move around that way.

    I agree with that, but maybe a polymorph would be a better option. Nereid is a female only race, and we really don't need more female only races in MMORPGs.
    PC - NA
    CP 1125
    Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
    Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
    Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
    Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
    Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
    Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Snow elves have been almost exclusively blind mal-nourished cave-dwellers since the Dwarves disappeared, so definitely not interested.

    Now, I would love to play a Nereid for a few reasons. They are good looking and interesting, and, most importantly, they hover off the ground which is so cool to stand and move around that way.

    I agree with that, but maybe a polymorph would be a better option. Nereid is a female only race, and we really don't need more female only races in MMORPGs.

    Have they been written into lore as female only?
    Is this like dwarves in most fantasy being male only but then they still speak of their females you never see?

    How can they be female only when being female by definition requires having a differentiating male gender?
    Could the males look the same also having the "female chest"(anything else would be censored) as in many species where the male and female are difficult to distinguish without inspection?

    There are so many reasons that this could be possible and ready to be implemented, but I would settle for a polymorph, so long as it lets us float above the ground also. :smiley:
    I definitely want more customization than just a polymorph though. I want the body and face sliders, mostly the face ones.
    Edited by Mystrius_Archaion on August 28, 2017 1:07AM
This discussion has been closed.