Currently DW abilities (apart from light and heavy attacks) will only proc the main hand enchantment. The same is true for any Direct Damage DoT weapon ability after you swap to your DW bar.
My question for you is this: Should this be the case? Should the Off-hand enchantment be able to proc off of an ability if the main-hand enchantment is on cooldown?
Only DW abilities can proc the 2nd enchantment
-Keeps it limited to only DW ability changes
-More consistent usage of the off-hand enchantment will allow for greater variety in your enchantment choice (wep dam on off-hand instead, main hand for elemental effect, Mix/Match status effects when solo playing)
-Makes DW feel more like you're utilizing multiple tools, rather than one with extra flair
-Can exploit this with the Infused bug (also reduces off-hand ICD even though it may not be infused)
-Will create more unavoidable proc damage (DW users in PvP)
-Will increase Stamina DPS (balancing issue)
Keep it as it is:
Pros: Nothing changes, easy
Cons: off-hand enchantment is still inconsistent
All Direct Damage weapon abilities can proc the 2nd Enchantment
-This would be achieved by placing a weapon based Direct Damage DoT which damages an enemy (Wall of elements, Volley, Blade Cloak)
-More consistent usage of the off-hand enchantment will allow for greater variety in your enchantment choice (wep dam on off-hand instead, main hand for elemental effect, Mix/Match status effects)
-Makes DW feel more like you're utilizing multiple tools, rather than one with extra flair
-opens up a niche build with Infused/Torug's Pact that makes use of Volley's 0.5s Direct Damage Ticks
-Can exploit this with the Infused bug (also reduces off-hand ICD even though it may not be infused)
-Will create more unavoidable proc damage (Bow/DW users in PvP)
-Will increase Stamina DPS (balancing issue)
-Will open up a niche build with Infused/Torug's Pact that makes use of Volley's 0.5s Direct Damage Ticks
Edited by Avran_Sylt on August 25, 2017 3:55PM
Should DW/All Weapon Abilities be able to proc both Enchantments? 24 votes
Only DW Abilities should be able to proc the off-hand Enchantment
All Weapon Abilities (when on you DW bar) should be able to proc the off-hand Enchantment
Leave it as it is (DW/All Abilities can only proc the main-hand enchantment)
I Don't Care
1 vote