Edited by Tucker3711 on October 21, 2017 10:16PM @Tucker311-
Tucker3711Nord Beth Rose (EP)
Imperial Freya Var (DC)
High Elf Hestia du foyer (AD)
Wood Elf Epona Caoin (AD)
Hotstuff Queen
Your Favorite Daedric Prince 151 votes
Azura- Dawn/Dusk (Lady who holds the moon and sun)
Boethia- Treason (sacrifice dude)
Clavicus Vile- Deals (The Guy With the Stupid Dog)
Sheogorath- Madness (HAHAHAHA!)
Vaermina- Dreams and nightmares (Creepy Lady)
Mephala- plots (The Spider)

2 votes
Meridia- Energy of the living (The Glowy lady)
Molag Bal- Spiritual Enslavement (Bad dude)
Namira- Repulsiveness (The Cannibal)
Hermaeus Mora- Knowlege (Hentai Tenticle dude)