Your Favorite Daedric Prince

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Daedric princes are interesting, You got to know them more in skyrim... I wish they would show up more. So I would like to see what Daedric Prince is popular!!!
There are 17 in total, however I had to narrow them down. I wrote what they rule and How I remember them. <second poll
Edited by Tucker3711 on October 21, 2017 10:16PM
@Tucker311- PC
Nord Beth Rose (EP)
Imperial Freya Var (DC)
High Elf Hestia du foyer (AD)
Wood Elf Epona Caoin (AD)
Hotstuff Queen

Your Favorite Daedric Prince 151 votes

Azura- Dawn/Dusk (Lady who holds the moon and sun)
GilvothAzuryaDanikatthomas1970b16_ESODovresMalvenNerouynhondelinkRickterCaffeinatedMayhemDystopia2020EmirriipaulsimonpsBranzoMeliorauGGo7Takes-No-PrisonerLord-OttoIdesofMarch2SnowZeniaMastreus 38 votes
Boethia- Treason (sacrifice dude)
PeleThe_4O4CloudlessInhuman003Uzmatigrannas211BigBadVolkAxmalexiaStrafeSinnlos 9 votes
Clavicus Vile- Deals (The Guy With the Stupid Dog)
CavalryPKlzzypepe1337 3 votes
Sheogorath- Madness (HAHAHAHA!)
Surragardleetacakesb16_ESOLoves_guarsLord_DraevanAkaviriXvorgCorpierpowerthirstCrimsonwolf666Father_X_ZombieLord_EtriganZbigb4lifesusmitdsRaddlemanNumber7RadinynparkhamJacen_VeronLady_LindelSaturnanaDrakkdjinn 38 votes
Vaermina- Dreams and nightmares (Creepy Lady)
ixieVoodooPlatypusFakeFoxApache_Kid 4 votes
Mephala- plots (The Spider)
KharnisMotherball 2 votes
Meridia- Energy of the living (The Glowy lady)
driosketchGilGaladHanzustplink3r1VaranaChelisterAnti_VirusGT409LuckylancerRABIDxWOLVERINElogarifmikSilverPawsBenoboy67NecomisRainravenPrayingSeraphSeraleJaimehItacira 19 votes
Molag Bal- Spiritual Enslavement (Bad dude)
jeedrzejMicah_Bayerak_pvpBladedMischiefTheUndeadAmulet 5 votes
Namira- Repulsiveness (The Cannibal)
MizaRadioaktivTheTwistedRuneictopbaslispikesaurusPzTnTInval1d 6 votes
Hermaeus Mora- Knowlege (Hentai Tenticle dude)
SolarikenUloCastanamereRajajshkaDamien_UvirithLegolessListerJMCCillion3117AcootsGasmTrinityBreakerSilentRaven1972MythicEmperorActually_GokuChantclaireEnslavedXoelarasizererCyn_v84aaisoahoMAEKChibchanLawyer 27 votes
  • starkerealm
    No Hircine? No Peryite? No Malacath? :(

    No Mehrunes Dagon? How can we even talk about the Daedric Princes without Mehrunes Dagon?

    No Nocturnal. :( Nuuu.
  • TelvanniWizard
    Azura- Dawn/Dusk (Lady who holds the moon and sun)
    Indeed this lacks some daedric princes, but my two favourites are included, Azura and Hermaeus Mora. Also, where´s poor Jyggalag? We know he is even less popular in parties than Malacath (who actually isn´t popular at all), but still...
  • Chrlynsch
    No Hircine, worst poll ever.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • TelvanniWizard
    Azura- Dawn/Dusk (Lady who holds the moon and sun)
    Well, the weird descriptions between brackets makes the poll at least very fun for me :) Specially Herma Mora, Clavicus Vile and Vaermina. Laughed with them.
  • Tucker3711
    Sheogorath- Madness (HAHAHAHA!)
    Yeah I just Random picked Most of them... :( I might make a second... Just tell me what you like if its not up there
    @Tucker311- PC
    Nord Beth Rose (EP)
    Imperial Freya Var (DC)
    High Elf Hestia du foyer (AD)
    Wood Elf Epona Caoin (AD)
    Hotstuff Queen
    Azura- Dawn/Dusk (Lady who holds the moon and sun)
    Azura due to her being the only acceptable Daedra besides Meridia. Also Malacath due to him literally being Boethia's poo
  • Tucker3711
    Sheogorath- Madness (HAHAHAHA!)

    It tis a interesting way to be born...
    @Tucker311- PC
    Nord Beth Rose (EP)
    Imperial Freya Var (DC)
    High Elf Hestia du foyer (AD)
    Wood Elf Epona Caoin (AD)
    Hotstuff Queen
  • MAEK
    Hermaeus Mora- Knowlege (Hentai Tenticle dude)
    Jyggalag of course! Who doesn't like order? He's not around right now though (with him being Sheogorath and all) so I'm gonna have to pick ol' Hermaeus Mora.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    I don't really have a favorite as I don't like any of them, but the one I'd be most likely to fall victim to would be old Hermaeus Mora. He wouldn't even have to try very hard; I have accidentally initiated Hard Mode because I saw a glowing page and thought, "Lore book!" :D
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  • GilGalad
  • PrayingSeraph
    Meridia- Energy of the living (The Glowy lady)
    Meridia. She is the angelic lady of light. I loved how Molag Bal can't kick her out of Coldharbour, but she can kick him out from the Coloured Rooms. She helps us more than any other Deadric Prince in ESO(Azura would be next) so she deserves to win.
  • tplink3r1
    Meridia- Energy of the living (The Glowy lady)
    I don't worship any kind of demon, but Meridia is not that bad.
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • starkerealm
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    I don't worship any kind of demon, but Meridia is not that bad.

    Meridia's complicated. Sometimes she's a Daedra, the rest of the time she's a Daedra that might have been an Aedra once, and maybe can go back and forth at will, but isn't really interested in doing that.
  • TelvanniWizard
    Azura- Dawn/Dusk (Lady who holds the moon and sun)
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    I don't worship any kind of demon, but Meridia is not that bad.

    Daedra aren't neccesarily demons. In contrast to aedra (our ancestors, as the chimer saw it) daedra have nothing to do with the creation of tamrielic peoples (except Azura in dunmer people). True, lots of daedra are evil, but not all of them.
  • starkerealm

    Daedra aren't neccesarily demons. In contrast to aedra (our ancestors, as the chimer saw it) daedra have nothing to do with the creation of tamrielic peoples (except Azura in dunmer people). True, lots of daedra are evil, but not all of them.

    Yeah, probably worth dragging out the Monomyth and explaining this one a little more.

    In the Elven creation myths, they're the literal descendants of the gods (hence, aedra). While the human creation myths state that the mortal races were created by the gods.
  • Shardan4968
    Jyggalag. I really like his story which makes him badass. I have chills when I think about epic battle I had with him during Greymarch in TES4.
  • KeiruNicrom
    Malacath not represented. No choice can be made. Do straw pole next time
  • ChibchanLawyer
    Hermaeus Mora- Knowlege (Hentai Tenticle dude)
    Well, Hermaeus Mora's there so my choice is covered. Dat voice in Skyrim was so smooth it might as well have been wooing a girl at a bar.
    Edited by ChibchanLawyer on August 22, 2017 5:08PM
  • Tucker3711
    @Tucker311- PC
    Nord Beth Rose (EP)
    Imperial Freya Var (DC)
    High Elf Hestia du foyer (AD)
    Wood Elf Epona Caoin (AD)
    Hotstuff Queen
  • ictopbasli
    Namira- Repulsiveness (The Cannibal)
    Namira. I mean look at her. She is real badass.

    Thalmor rules!
  • Xoelarasizerer
    Hermaeus Mora- Knowlege (Hentai Tenticle dude)
    My main is called Ra of Hermaeus Mora so some might suspect... yes... Clavicus Vile!

    I am not here to correct anyone.
  • psychotrip
    Mehrunes Dagon all day every day. Ambition, energy, freedom, hope, overthrowing the man and liberating yourself from his laws.

    My dude is so misunderstood. If they only they read up on him some more. Dagon is a damn anti-hero as far as I'm concerned. According to the in-game lore, including the writings of Mankar Camoran (a dubious source, true), he was a minor daedra from a previous timeline, empowered by the Magne-Ge to overthrow the Molag Bal's Dreugh Kingdoms.

    For those who don't know, the Magne-Ge are those would-be aedra that abandoned creation before it was too late. They've been chilling in Aetherius ever since and are insanely powerful. They almost never interfere in the Mundus, and do their best to forget about it altogether. But apparently, the dreugh kingdoms were so vile, so evil, so incomprehensibly horrific that they created something that could end it: a razor.

    "May the holder of the fourth key know the heart thereby: the Mundex Terrene was once ruled over solely by the tyrant dreugh-kings, each to their own dominion, and borderwars fought between their slave oceans. They were akin to the time-totems of old, yet evil, and full of mockery and profane powers. No one that lived did so outside of the sufferance of the dreughs.

    I give my soul to the Magna Ge, sayeth the joyous in Paradise, for they created Mehrunes the Razor in secret, in the very bowels of Lyg, the domain of the Upstart who vanishes. Though they came from diverse waters, each Get shared sole purpose: to artifice a prince of good, spinning his likeness in random swath, and imbuing him with Oblivion's most precious and scarce asset: hope.

    Deathlessly I intone from Paradise: Mehrunes the Thieftaker, Mehrunes Godsbody, Mehrunes the Red Arms That Went Up! Nu-Mantia! Liberty!"

    That's right, Dagon's first revolution was against Molag Bal, who was the greatest of the dreugh kings and commanded the most evil nation in existence. Mehrunes The Razor, Mehrunes The Liberator! Free us from law! Free us from restrictions! Nu-Mantia! Liberty!
    Edited by psychotrip on September 30, 2017 5:36PM
    No one is saying there aren't multiple interpretations of the lore, and we're not arguing that ESO did it "wrong".

    We're arguing that they decided to go for the most boring, mundane, seen-before interpretation possible. Like they almost always do, unless they can ride on the coat-tails of past games.
  • JamuThatsWho
    Hermaeus Mora- Knowlege (Hentai Tenticle dude)
    I always loved the horrifying Lovecraftian feel of Hermaeus Mora and his (its?) vast swathes of forbidden knowledge.
    @JamuThatsWho - PC EU - CP2100

    Vasiir-jo - Khajiit Magicka Necromancer, AD

    Sul-Mael Hlarothran - Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer, EP

    Ushaar-Ixaht - Argonian Magicka Nightblade, DC

    Rorbakh gro-Khraag - Orc Stamina Templar, AD

    Anduuroon - Altmer Magicka Warden, EP

    Travanius Braelia - Imperial Stamina Dragonknight, DC

    Daeralon - Bosmer Stamina Arcanist, AD
  • SirAndy
    No gods, no masters ...
  • Lord_Draevan
    Sheogorath- Madness (HAHAHAHA!)
    The ol' Cheesemonger Sheogorath, of course.

    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Hanzus
    Meridia- Energy of the living (The Glowy lady)
    Meridia, hands down. B)
    "Walk always in the light, or we will drag you to it."
    -Vigilant of Stendarr

    Nords, the true sons of Skyrim!
    PC NA
  • Enslaved
    Hermaeus Mora- Knowlege (Hentai Tenticle dude)
    Well. I was like Azura or Herma Mora, but then I went hentai.
  • Azurya
    Azura- Dawn/Dusk (Lady who holds the moon and sun)
    Hail Azura!
    Fear not, for I am watchful. You have been chosen.
    Edited by Azurya on October 10, 2017 9:33AM
  • grannas211
    Boethia- Treason (sacrifice dude)
    Goldbrand <3
  • Suchar
    Soul Shriven
    Where is Sanguine? :(
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