Oh look we have a little Snowflake here!
You should make an EP. you definetely sound like you would fit perfectly well into that alliance.
Sorry but I am done talking to you - I attacked you in my other post? LMAO You defo didnt got whispered by me ingame yet
No. Read my posts again. I am referring to double-teaming in instances when EP doesn't own anything. Of course it is the only logical thing to go ahead and blast through EP lines to get your scrolls back and maybe use that opportunity to take their scrolls as well to get a boost in points - they do the same thing in the morning when they need to get their own scrolls back from the night cappers. But that is not the issue of the discussion.I think this guy forgets that the reason why EP gets double teamed is because they almost every day (excluding AvA event) hold all scrolls and emp so why would there be a constant fight between ash - nigel, if you see the opportunity to get your points back then isn't that the consequences you should bear at prime time? Also non peak time EP have the most LFG groups and a high population so why would you attack AD and let the alliance with the higher population and the one with the most organised groups push you all the way back to Stros m'kai.
Having said that, during peaktime, the majority of the time there is action between ash-roe, only for short windows where the opportunity to gain points back is there green alliance up, and at other times during peak time it is also tango and purple alliance.
I'm also one of those players that mained EP non cp for a year and a bit before going DC to help even out of the population and because playing EP is really laggy, and I can say for sure it's EP's fault the way sotha is.
The exact same thing would be happening to DC/AD if they hold scrolls and emp at peaktime, look at AD in vivec. If you don't want EP to get fisted so much tell them to just hold emp ring and do not push further like they have for the last 2 years.
AerionMagnus wrote: »>be me
>proud smurf ever since beta
>recently switched from Vivec to Sotha
>found it to be way better in terms of combat
>time passes, event starts
>go on Sotha to have some fun
>DC and AD double-teaming EP once again whatasurprise.jpg
>DC zone chat all like, "Hurr dee durr, we hate EP, shouldn't attack AD because we give EP a chance to be second" & "We totally didn't win the last campaign because most EP guilds stopped playing it in the last days"
>EP all pushed in
>they're last on the scoring board
>AD clearly committed the most resources in doing that, take two scrolls simultaneously
>EP now have no more scrolls
>DC and AD still continue to attack EP, fighting over either Farra or Kings
>DC, having nothing to do, finally betrays AD and starts taking their keeps when it could've been a nice threeway between all factions throughout the entire time
Explain? What's the origin story of the Sotha Sil butthurt saga?
AerionMagnus wrote: »>be me
>proud smurf ever since beta
>recently switched from Vivec to Sotha
>found it to be way better in terms of combat
>time passes, event starts
>go on Sotha to have some fun
>DC and AD double-teaming EP once again whatasurprise.jpg
>DC zone chat all like, "Hurr dee durr, we hate EP, shouldn't attack AD because we give EP a chance to be second" & "We totally didn't win the last campaign because most EP guilds stopped playing it in the last days"
>EP all pushed in
>they're last on the scoring board
>AD clearly committed the most resources in doing that, take two scrolls simultaneously
>EP now have no more scrolls
>DC and AD still continue to attack EP, fighting over either Farra or Kings
>DC, having nothing to do, finally betrays AD and starts taking their keeps when it could've been a nice threeway between all factions throughout the entire time
Explain? What's the origin story of the Sotha Sil butthurt saga?
EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower"Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
Dude, just join EP if you want to fight the other two alliances (aka zerg everything down). AD and DC are definitely not the right faction for you - but I bet Firehearts second guild still got some free slots so just join them
>muh EP zergs@AerionMagnus
You are correct. Going to a resource or outpost with 2 guild raids embedded into PuGs - which EP regularly does - isn't zerging. 50+ players on the same spot is called small scale when you're EP.
Lattengrabscher wrote: »hey guys, if anyone is interested here are some clips from the guild Triggered Tryhards from a magssorc point of view.
We play in 2-4man groups in sotha sil. Hope you enjoy
Moonsorrow wrote: »One can tell the pvp event is over from the fact that EP is back to its old habits of being pop locked while others have almost no one online at all.
Flamingfunk wrote: »Too bad there is no option to EP, No way in hell I'll join the snipe/siege spamming heroes of the dominion.
I do however play on DC when there is a juicy low pop bonus, it's just that the chat is a little on the well seasoned side for me.
CrazYDunm3r wrote: »Damn you guys have strong feelings, almost made me cry
Moonsorrow wrote: »Flamingfunk wrote: »Too bad there is no option to EP, No way in hell I'll join the snipe/siege spamming heroes of the dominion.
I do however play on DC when there is a juicy low pop bonus, it's just that the chat is a little on the well seasoned side for me.
What you mean by the chat being on the well seasoned side? Often there is not that much chat on /zone at dc, more in groups because we know as a fact that some ep players login to dc chars just to see our chat, can see those characters at gate bases sometimes just watching map and reading chat haha. Know the account names from daily often fighting with the same people when they are on their mains at ep side haha.
Some funny personalities on dc side, and sometimes to one not knowing their history & weird humor, those might seem salty comments or like some people arguing, while in reality is just lighthearted trolling humor between friends. Lately there been some people on chat who give some instructions or suggestions for the solo players on what to do and how can help. It is nice when it goes like that, then we have more people staying online for longer, that makes better pvp. Because when not, we are often 1 bar for half a day since some solos not know what to do if they feel they are "alone" without guidance, and there is only like the 3-6 regular solo heroes that try to defend keeps against full ep raids. You propably know how it is between like 07:00 - 15:00 european times, if you been there on the ep pugs doing the emp ring + scroll runs ever at mornings?
And no, not blaming you guys for playing the game. I know there might be a feeling of not having options, and also the sentimental value what comes from being a "pact loyalist", played with friends there for long and other alliances can feel like enemies and if switched might feel like a traitor sort of, most likely some old friends would call one that also, most with humor of course, but some a bit too seriously. Since they do not understand the need to wanting to do actual pvp at one of the best pvp modes in any mmo imo. If can say an honest opinion, i personally think some leaders & vocal personalities known from ep zone chat want to always win so badly the campaigns, because a win at the score means to them that they are the "best" in the pvp.
That for them is the medicine that cures the insecure feelings from getting most often beaten when in head to head battles with similar numbers. So they need the win to feel better, an illusion of being victorious in pvp.. hard to explain it better. Not blaming the "average joe" from ep, but the certain people who kind of abuses the big pug zergs to their own ego boost, while the pugs not learn that much from pvp and not have that much fun as they possibly could have.
I mean the people who say, and this is a real quote: "map looks glorious, lets gatecamp them all day!" when map was fully red, ep was pop locked, others 1 bar. That is not good for pvp, not for ep people also who like pvp.
No simple solutions to the population imbalance, but just wanted to suggest that maybe atleast some who like pvp could try other alliances, while at start it might feel "wrong".. if can give it time, can actually have fun and even find new friends and grow as a pvp player, improve and maybe even help in the general health of the server and all could have more fun pvp no matter what time of the day it is.
One can dream. But in any case, i hope people on all alliances have fun at Sotha Sil.
And about switching alliances, i like being at DC, but.. if suddenly population went so that DC would become the morning/daytime ep of right now, i would switch instantly to AD for pvp to stay as pvp for me. I would solo uninvitedly follow small groups like Triggered Tryhards and leech all that sweet ap.
TLDR: Massive wall of text. Do not read if got better things to do like pvp. Server was on long maintenance, was bored.
Please guys we all should all take a moment of silence and appreciate Magebinders dedication. I mean he and his whole guild somehow managed to log in yesterday when rest of the PC/EU players where stuck in endless login screens and PvDoored all of DC's keeps and even took one of our scrolls! Sadly he couldnt teabag any DC's while doing so cause there simply weren't any due to the fact they couldn't log in
Flamingfunk wrote: »Will AD and DC continue to not fight each other next campaign too?
Flamingfunk wrote: »You really care more about pvdoor than pvp?
Hmmm I wonder who is responsible for this laggy hell hole? Oh wait, it is DE, DI and pugs zerging down solo players in a resource tower with 10+ ultimatesFlamingfunk wrote: »If zerging in a laggy hell hole is your kind of fun, I guess you are ok with the performance (or lack thereof) in Cyrodiil.
Flamingfunk wrote: »If zerging in a laggy hell hole is your kind of fun, I guess you are ok with the performance (or lack thereof) in Cyrodiil.
Even though this reeks of troll bait, and should have given you a first class ticket to my ignore list. I'll give your straw man the attention it does not deserve.Flamingfunk wrote: »If zerging in a laggy hell hole is your kind of fun, I guess you are ok with the performance (or lack thereof) in Cyrodiil.
You want to say that PvP only consists of either PvDooring during night and morning or a lagfest in the evening?
Or do you want to say, that you rather like PvDooring than fighting non-NPC-enemies during prime times, which can cause some lags here and there?