I don't read German but I assume that says oblivion damage? Yuck. I can't believe torugs or obvlion or Infused didn't receive an adjustment last patch notes. If they let this go live mag sorcs are gonna be officially OP and NBs are gonna be a pain in the ass. Good thing I decided to level a stamblade
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »1: You a Sorc?
2: Do you slot any heals outside of healing ward?
3: Was this pts?
4: Torags is technically still broken in pts.
5: L2P
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »1: You a Sorc?
2: Do you slot any heals outside of healing ward?
3: Was this pts?
4: Torags is technically still broken in pts.
5: L2P
The image ain't mine. Just shared it.
Then again. Everyone that says L2P I assume has a NPC intellect. So i will stop answering you
ifDoubtNerfIt wrote: »Gina said in another thread that they fixed Torug's internally and that they'll push the update in the next PTS update. (lazy to link it, it's in the Torug's Pact BUG thread)
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »1: You a Sorc?
2: Do you slot any heals outside of healing ward?
3: Was this pts?
4: Torags is technically still broken in pts.
5: L2P
ifDoubtNerfIt wrote: »Gina said in another thread that they fixed Torug's internally and that they'll push the update in the next PTS update. (lazy to link it, it's in the Torug's Pact BUG thread)
leepalmer95 wrote: »People complained about 3k~ viper procs every 4s.
But apparently 3k every 0.8 or 1.4s that goes through block and shields is OK.
I give up with this forum and the balance of this game overall nowdays.
Nerf oblivion dmg ffs zos.
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
leepalmer95 wrote: »People complained about 3k~ viper procs every 4s.
But apparently 3k every 0.8 or 1.4s that goes through block and shields is OK.
I give up with this forum and the balance of this game overall nowdays.
Nerf oblivion dmg ffs zos.
So 4 of the 5 attacks shown are a weapon proc, and it is not showing any light/heavy attacks, abilities, etc (aside from 1 ultimate which hit for 3600). All the other attacks that caused the procs must have been hitting a shield and doing 0 damage(?) to not show at all meaning the player likely died spamming shield. I guess pushing 1 button isn't a viable defense any more. <shrug>
Avran_Sylt wrote: »So 4 of the 5 attacks shown are a weapon proc, and it is not showing any light/heavy attacks, abilities, etc (aside from 1 ultimate which hit for 3600). All the other attacks that caused the procs must have been hitting a shield and doing 0 damage(?) to not show at all meaning the player likely died spamming shield. I guess pushing 1 button isn't a viable defense any more. <shrug>
My problem with this is it will essentially make the Knight Slayer and Shield Breaker sets less useful in PvP. Why waste a 5 piece when you can just slot one enchantment on a now arguably BiS Trait that would do the same amount of damage, even more so, to targets at or below 29,960 HP on Light, Heavy, and Valid Weapon Ability casts every 2 seconds? Knight Slayer requires a Heavy attack to proc its damage, so depending on the weapon it's even worse. So know you've got an entire set whose utility is equal to that of One weapon Trait and Enchantment. Shield Breaker is a little better, as it has no cooldown asides from that of a heavy/light attack (so around 1 second).
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
Avran_Sylt wrote: »So 4 of the 5 attacks shown are a weapon proc, and it is not showing any light/heavy attacks, abilities, etc (aside from 1 ultimate which hit for 3600). All the other attacks that caused the procs must have been hitting a shield and doing 0 damage(?) to not show at all meaning the player likely died spamming shield. I guess pushing 1 button isn't a viable defense any more. <shrug>
My problem with this is it will essentially make the Knight Slayer and Shield Breaker sets less useful in PvP. Why waste a 5 piece when you can just slot one enchantment on a now arguably BiS Trait that would do the same amount of damage, even more so, to targets at or below 29,960 HP on Light, Heavy, and Valid Weapon Ability casts every 2 seconds? Knight Slayer requires a Heavy attack to proc its damage, so depending on the weapon it's even worse. So know you've got an entire set whose utility is equal to that of One weapon Trait and Enchantment. Shield Breaker is a little better, as it has no cooldown asides from that of a heavy/light attack (so around 1 second).
Well i will run on my sorc just for just fun 5xShieldbreaker+infused torugs next patch = 5k(20% of most targets hp) damage against any shielded target per light attack the next patch
I will just light attack ppl to death