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Any tips for sorcerer PVP pet build?

  • schwarzman1
    I run 5 necro 5 spinners 1 lambris or kena. Worked good for me in cyrodiil. Pretty strong as the emperor too. I only run the matriarch for the burst heals but the extra damage with daedric prey doesn't hurt.

    Lightning staff & dual wield swords
    Edited by schwarzman1 on July 27, 2017 11:50AM
    PS4 NA AD
    PSN: schwarzman1
  • Mayrael
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    If you're trying to know of a setup to use for the event occurring currently, I personally used: 5pcs. Vicious Death, 3pcs. Willpower, and 2pcs. Llambris. All of which of course being complimented with a Maelstrom's Inferno Staff and Maelstrom's Restoration Staff. And a nice increase magicka and stamina resource poison on the inferno, and magicka drain on the resto'. Using the setup mentioned above, I was able to acquire the "Star-Made Knight" title on my MagSorc with relative ease.

    Ok... where je necropotence?

    I didn't use Necropotence, because I didn't use a pet build. I don't follow the meta. I may use a pet build outside of PvP, and when I'm doing everything in a PvE environment. But even then, it's not the same rehashed build that everyone uses. I personally find that I have more success using what I am comfortable with, after testing things personally. Therefore in doing this, I personally would never bring a pet build of any kind into Cyrodiil. But, others may disagree and advise the opposite.


    Virtually no one use pet build in cyro, pets are all the rage in PVE but from my Pvp outings let me tell you virtually every sorc is not a pet sorc.

    Think you got it backwards :smile:

    I can tell you that pets are very nasty in 1v1, I'm cp 530 and I rekt cp 630 everyday

    Duels are not Cyro. BGs are not Cyro. Cyro is war babe, you need to be mobile there, there is no rules or even odds. Your enemy wont be limited to narrow circle arround flag, he will kite you, he will jump of the walls and clifs, where your pets will be useless. When you will be outnumbered your pets will die in seconds leaving you with 4 useless skills. During sieges, you will constantly resummon them as pets are to dumb to walk out of the red circles. When defending or taking keeps you will have to jump of the walls so familiar will be far behind you as he cant follow you in straight leaving you without one of your main dmg skills. Also when chasing runing away targets familiar will be useless as untill your enemy stops he will run far behind you (in Aion there was/is Spiritmaster class, ESO team could learn a lot from that game how to create good pet based toon). Even when in small scale pets are useless - me magplar and some random guy stamblade were fighting two TV gankers in sewers (stam dk and pet sorc were killing folks right at the entrance to our sewers). They were pretty hard to kill because pets was creating living shield arround them + matriarch heals... but after we killed pets which wasnt so hard, sorc was dead in seconds, dk survived a bit longer but also died few seconds later.

    Yes I know you will go that path anyway, but believe me Cyrodiil is totaly diferent than duels and BGs. If someone will see that he cant kill you he will ignore you and run away and due to lack of other skills you will be unable to stop him. Pet sorc in Cyro is almost like Blazing Templar - ignored - you will cause almost no threat to highly mobile toons (which is a must in Cyro).

    In BGs and duels - controlled surroundings, limited area, no requirement to kill your enemey (except of deathmatch) - pet sorc will do very good... but not in Cyro.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Inklings
    The number one advice no one is going to give you that will be the most useful is to learn to use command pet function. Y and right clicking will become your best friend. Get used t,o using it!
  • Rikkof
    Everyone sugesting CFraging the target, with so few procs on it is a no go for me....
    In pvp it seems it procs even lesss now.....mayeb teh proc on shield .....and if it gets dodges, there goes your damage...
  • PlautisCarvain
    Pets is a method of pressure on the ennemy, that's why they are useful
  • Aedaryl
    There is a lot of *** in this thread.

    I play pet sorc for a very long time and here is what you need to know :

    First - How much pets ?

    -> 1 : Twilight Matriarch is usable as one pet, it give you necropotence bonus and burst heal. Also, when the pet is stuck, you can still heal you. You can't use volatile familiar alone, because you can't heal him without using matriach. And a non cps defensive pet with 33% less shield than you will not last if you can't heal him.

    The 1 pet user use the pet as a bonus to proc Necro and delete healing ward form his bar, ty for healing burst from matriarch, so that 1 pet build use classical tools - Haunting curse.

    -> 2 : If you use 2 pets, you need twilight matriach for heal you and your other pet + Volatile familiar cuz he does good damage.

    Of course the key for that 2 pet build is pet damage, so you need deadric pray.

    As a sorc, you need to use your BiS skills, which are : Hardened ward/Ball of lightning (the ball is considered like a pet and prefered here cuz you gain necro while you kite and when you havn't you pets)/Crystal frag and deadric prey.

    You have 2 choices : having 1 or 2 shields -> Hardened alone or Hardened + Harness. If you choose 1 shield, Elemental drain is the way to go : major breach discrease the spell penetration of the ennemi and it's a way to boost your but also pets damage, it's also provide sustain from minor magicka steal.

    If you go 2 shields : it's because you can sustain 2 shields agaisnt stam and because you like having free ressources when you port away.

    Boths set up are strong, but 2 shields is better, even if I find it overpowered.

    Also, you can choose double destro or destro resto or dual wield + resto or dualwield + destro. I personally prefer the fire destro on front bar instead of dual wielding, because dualwielding with a 6s curse when your pets are stuck just suck.

    Depending on your weapon choices you can use force pulse, fury or flame clench as a "spammable".

    For sets, you need without surprise Necropotence (5) paired with a sustain set (4 or 5) and with 1 or 2 pieces monster set (the new max magicka + max stamina if only 1 piece or 2 pieces of your choices).

    You need to achieve a good amount of magicka and good magicka sustain, without forget you stam pool.

    I will not tell you my build and end-game tips with pet sorc because you need to build yourself, but don't forget to make something with at least 2.3k mag recovery unbuff, a minimum of 48k magicka and a 14-15k stamina pool or 1k+ stam regen buff with 10k stam pool.

    You also need the add-on for dismiss pets when they are stuck, or you will fight 33% of fights without using 4 skills.

    As Mayrael said, pets are not viable in cyrodill (even in duel if the ennemy know how to burst and how to interrupt). But you can still have fun with them, and you will learn to make them nearly viable with a lot of time.

    What's pets need to be balancing : 50% less cast time duration and a Y + right click command that make pets PORT to you.
    Edited by Aedaryl on July 27, 2017 2:32PM
  • PlautisCarvain
    Aedaryl wrote: »
    There is a lot of *** in this thread.

    I play pet sorc for a very long time and here is what you need to know :

    First - How much pets ?

    -> 1 : Twilight Matriarch is usable as one pet, it give you necropotence bonus and burst heal. Also, when the pet is stuck, you can still heal you. You can't use volatile familiar alone, because you can't heal him without using matriach. And a non cps defensive pet with 33% less shield than you will not last if you can't heal him.

    The 1 pet user use the pet as a bonus to proc Necro and delete healing ward form his bar, ty for healing burst from matriarch, so that 1 pet build use classical tools - Haunting curse.

    -> 2 : If you use 2 pets, you need twilight matriach for heal you and your other pet + Volatile familiar cuz he does good damage.

    Of course the key for that 2 pet build is pet damage, so you need deadric pray.

    As a sorc, you need to use your BiS skills, which are : Hardened ward/Ball of lightning (the ball is considered like a pet and prefered here cuz you gain necro while you kite and when you havn't you pets)/Crystal frag and deadric prey.

    You have 2 choices : having 1 or 2 shields -> Hardened alone or Hardened + Harness. If you choose 1 shield, Elemental drain is the way to go : major breach discrease the spell penetration of the ennemi and it's a way to boost your but also pets damage, it's also provide sustain from minor magicka steal.

    If you go 2 shields : it's because you can sustain 2 shields agaisnt stam and because you like having free ressources when you port away.

    Boths set up are strong, but 2 shields is better, even if I find it overpowered.

    Also, you can choose double destro or destro resto or dual wield + resto or dualwield + destro. I personally prefer the fire destro on front bar instead of dual wielding, because dualwielding with a 6s curse when your pets are stuck just suck.

    Depending on your weapon choices you can use force pulse, fury or flame clench as a "spammable".

    For sets, you need without surprise Necropotence (5) paired with a sustain set (4 or 5) and with 1 or 2 pieces monster set (the new max magicka + max stamina if only 1 piece or 2 pieces of your choices).

    You need to achieve a good amount of magicka and good magicka sustain, without forget you stam pool.

    I will not tell you my build and end-game tips with pet sorc because you need to build yourself, but don't forget to make something with at least 2.3k mag recovery unbuff, a minimum of 48k magicka and a 14-15k stamina pool or 1k+ stam regen buff with 10k stam pool.

    You also need the add-on for dismiss pets when they are stuck, or you will fight 33% of fights without using 4 skills.

    As Mayrael said, pets are not viable in cyrodill (even in duel if the ennemy know how to burst and how to interrupt). But you can still have fun with them, and you will learn to make them nearly viable with a lot of time.

    What's pets need to be balancing : 50% less cast time duration and a Y + right click command that make pets PORT to you.

    Thank you for that amazing answer! :smiley: yeah, pet sorcs are not good for zerglings like cyrodiil but in 1v1 they are VERY VERY VERY useful, I love them. Just wanna know tricks to pull them into open world cyrodiil
  • Gothren
    dpencil1 wrote: »
    Sorry you've gotten a lot of junk responses here. Only one decent build suggestion.

    Im sorry I have to lol at this. I've ran pet builds since beta and have always found different builds and ways pets can be utilized depending on open world, duel, bg's, or imperial city play. No such thing as one decent build. there are many different pet builds. every variation has its weakness. you even openly admit you run out of stamina from time to time. i have never had that issue, which is not to say the build I play doesn't have any either.
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    Tonnopesce wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    If you're trying to know of a setup to use for the event occurring currently, I personally used: 5pcs. Vicious Death, 3pcs. Willpower, and 2pcs. Llambris. All of which of course being complimented with a Maelstrom's Inferno Staff and Maelstrom's Restoration Staff. And a nice increase magicka and stamina resource poison on the inferno, and magicka drain on the resto'. Using the setup mentioned above, I was able to acquire the "Star-Made Knight" title on my MagSorc with relative ease.

    Ok... where je necropotence?

    I didn't use Necropotence, because I didn't use a pet build. I don't follow the meta. I may use a pet build outside of PvP, and when I'm doing everything in a PvE environment. But even then, it's not the same rehashed build that everyone uses. I personally find that I have more success using what I am comfortable with, after testing things personally. Therefore in doing this, I personally would never bring a pet build of any kind into Cyrodiil. But, others may disagree and advise the opposite.


    Virtually no one use pet build in cyro, pets are all the rage in PVE but from my Pvp outings let me tell you virtually every sorc is not a pet sorc.

    Think you got it backwards :smile:

    And here you are wrong my friend.
    Pet bulids for solo/small group play are absolutly OP in cyro
    is just different than a normal shield stacking build.

    My set up at the moment.
    5 Necropotence
    5 warmaiden (frags and the curse massive damage buff)
    1 infernal guardian

    Front bar

    Curse, fragments, cursing shock, ward and healing pet. Meteor ulti

    Back bar

    Streak, Surge, dark conversion, minefield, healing pet. Resto ulti

    Massive magika pool at 47k ( massive shield)
    23k health in cyro
    15k stamina

    Really good for solo play

    I'm wrong? About? I didn't say pets was bad all I said is the majority of Pvp players don't use pets in cyro and I'm right, at least on the server I play...
    And no duels don't count (yes pets are good in duels but still wrecked by dks and Nightblade fear).

    Pets are OP in solo play? Ok lol, unless you're fighting potatoes they are not OP whatsoever in solo cyrodiil play, group play I could see them being ok so long as group was cooardinated.
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • dpencil1
    Sorry for not being more clear. I meant there had only been one decent build offered so far in the thread at that point, with most people just talking trash, which I found dissapointing. I was not suggesting there is only one way to make a pet build. I can see how you misinterpreted what I was saying.
  • PlautisCarvain
    I'm more solo-2 players gameplay in Cyrodiil, I'm not a zergling and will never be. I also go in Imperial City
  • Gothren
    dpencil1 wrote: »
    Sorry for not being more clear. I meant there had only been one decent build offered so far in the thread at that point, with most people just talking trash, which I found dissapointing. I was not suggesting there is only one way to make a pet build. I can see how you misinterpreted what I was saying.

    ok my bad. the way that comment was phrased just sounded a little pompous.
  • Alpheu5
    Clannfear is life.
    Dalek-Rok - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Shād - Argonian Nightblade || Dalek-Shul - Argonian Templar || Dalek-Xal - Argonian Dragonknight || Mounts-the-Snout - Argonian Warden || Dalek-Xul - Argonian Necromancer || Two-Spires - Argonian Arcanist || Dalek-Nesh - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Kör - Argonian Dragonknight
    Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
  • PlautisCarvain
    Should I use dual wield or fire staff?
  • Biro123
    Should I use dual wield or fire staff?

    Whatever you prefer.
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • Alpheu5
    Should I use dual wield or fire staff?

    Lightning staff has more QoL advantages over both when it comes to synergizing with pets. The first tick of the channel agros pets on a target instead of having to fully charge a heavy attack as well as not being able to be dodged, and the Ancient Knowledge passive boosts the scamp's AoE pulse attack a little bit.

    Of course this stance changes depending on what other skills you have slotted. If the scamp is the only AoE on your bar then you'd probably be better off with one of the other two depending on your playstyle.
    Edited by Alpheu5 on July 28, 2017 6:33PM
    Dalek-Rok - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Shād - Argonian Nightblade || Dalek-Shul - Argonian Templar || Dalek-Xal - Argonian Dragonknight || Mounts-the-Snout - Argonian Warden || Dalek-Xul - Argonian Necromancer || Two-Spires - Argonian Arcanist || Dalek-Nesh - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Kör - Argonian Dragonknight
    Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
  • Biro123
    Alpheu5 wrote: »
    Should I use dual wield or fire staff?

    Lightning staff has more QoL advantages over both when it comes to synergizing with pets. The first tick of the channel agros pets on a target instead of having to fully charge a heavy attack as well as not being able to be dodged, and the Ancient Knowledge passive boosts the scamp's AoE pulse attack a little bit.

    Of course this stance changes depending on what other skills you have slotted. If the scamp is the only AoE on your bar then you'd probably be better off with one of the other two depending on your playstyle.

    As you say, it depends on skills.

    I went the other way, dropped destro and went DW because I got sick of accidentally sending my matriarch off into the zerg to die every time i wanted to heavy attack.
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
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