Wrecking_Blow_Spam wrote: »Have the undodgeable DK leap already, would be to op.
Plus the way you worded that set means it would include destro ulti....
The DK leap doesn't work as it is... but I don't think it'd be too OP. The Destro Ulti requires you to have a destroy staff... not a SnB... so, the Destro Ulti wouldn't work for the set, savvy?
Damn, bud. I just realized that, even though I mentioned it in the description, I didn't put the requirement of SnB in the set. I'll edit the OP to show it. Thanks!
The DK leap doesn't work as it is... but I don't think it'd be too OP. The Destro Ulti requires you to have a destroy staff... not a SnB... so, the Destro Ulti wouldn't work for the set, savvy?
Damn, bud. I just realized that, even though I mentioned it in the description, I didn't put the requirement of SnB in the set. I'll edit the OP to show it. Thanks!
Magicka so does not need an execute. It already pulls high dps without a execute in pve and kills players with ease with high dot pressure and undodgeable abilities. The only buff I can imagine that would not boost mdk in pve and help a little in PvP would be to exchange the shield from leap and make it a dot on target(s). The shield is a life saver though, and many dks love it. But the bottom line is i think mdk do not need an execute.
The armor set you mentioned would be used by destroy ulti and vicious death users. Imagine vicious death doing 60k instead of 20k after you get bombed. That's just one example.
No worries, OP. I know them feels. I PvP for the most part with a MagDK, and it's rough. Very rough. People think that because we have access to DOT's that we can stack, and numerous forms of CC spam that we are some type of overpowered class. When in fact, it's far from the the truth. You pretty much need to be a vampire, if you want mobility. And not having an execute means that fights drag on way more than they are supposed to. I mean, Sorcs get to have not only a class-based form of an execute via an ability, but even a passive execute with implosion. Meanwhile DK's get nada. Yet somehow people feel the need to express how "easy" it is to play a MagDK and be successful. Lol.
I am super confused about why a Magicka Dragonknight would be wearing Heavy Armor and using 1-Hand and Shield. That sounds more like a Stamina DK to me. Wouldn't a Magicka DK be wearing Light Armor and using Destruction Staves? Mine uses Burning Spellweave as her main set along with an Inferno Staff on one bar and Lightning on the other. (She's mostly a Healer though, so I don't have a second proc set sorted out for her yet. Might get Silks of the Sun.)
And why would a Tank need an Execute anyway? Sure, you *can* be a Damage Dealer in Heavy Armor with 1-Hand and Shield, but your DPS is likely to be a lot lower than if you wore Medium Armor and Dual-Wielded.
I am just so confused!
Magicka so does not need an execute. It already pulls high dps without a execute in pve and kills players with ease with high dot pressure and undodgeable abilities. The only buff I can imagine that would not boost mdk in pve and help a little in PvP would be to exchange the shield from leap and make it a dot on target(s). The shield is a life saver though, and many dks love it. But the bottom line is i think mdk do not need an execute.
The armor set you mentioned would be used by destroy ulti and vicious death users. Imagine vicious death doing 60k instead of 20k after you get bombed. That's just one example.
Ihatenightblades wrote: »You must really be bad at magdk for feeling like you need a execute.
Mag dks arent missing execute because zos cant find a good way to implement it... they are missing one because it would make them OP as hell.
200% to flame damage abilities? Are you ok lol? My flame lashes do 25-27k fully buffed with war horn and spc and spell weave procc'd imagine with 200% extra damage.
Magicka so does not need an execute. It already pulls high dps without a execute in pve and kills players with ease with high dot pressure and undodgeable abilities. The only buff I can imagine that would not boost mdk in pve and help a little in PvP would be to exchange the shield from leap and make it a dot on target(s). The shield is a life saver though, and many dks love it. But the bottom line is i think mdk do not need an execute.
The armor set you mentioned would be used by destroy ulti and vicious death users. Imagine vicious death doing 60k instead of 20k after you get bombed. That's just one example.
Drachenfier wrote: »
You're joking, right? The life expectancy of a DoT in pvp is about 2 seconds, and that's being generous.
In pvp?! The highest I've ever seen is 5-7k
Ihatenightblades wrote: »
You dont need execute in pvp you have a infinite cc that has no cool down its one of the reasons they are kings of 1v1.
If you struggling with magdk in pvp then it just isnt the class for you. L2p
AhPook_Is_Here wrote: »I wouldn't mind seeing whip scale up on lower health targets, but that would likely be too good. MDKs already have decent burst once you know how to time your attacks.
I don't like your idea much because "execute" is a dps concept and you tie it to heavy armor and tanking weapon set, in my mind that doesn't make sense, you'd want it as part of the dks dps rotation which is already 2 crowded bars. It would need to be built into an existing non-dot ability and that really just leaves whip.
Ihatenightblades wrote: »
You dont need execute in pvp you have a infinite cc that has no cool down its one of the reasons they are kings of 1v1.
If you struggling with magdk in pvp then it just isnt the class for you. L2p
Drachenfier wrote: »
You're joking, right? The life expectancy of a DoT in pvp is about 2 seconds, and that's being generous.
In pvp?! The highest I've ever seen is 5-7k
Ihatenightblades wrote: »You dont need execute in pvp you have a infinite cc that has no cool down its one of the reasons they are kings of 1v1.