THE PURPLE GANG Guild does all recruitment to guild through the Guild Finder! CHECK US OUT & APPLY

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
  • CynderzLite
    Our trader is in Rawl'Kha this week and we have 2 open spots left to fill today!!
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • Cynnalia
    If you have any available slots, I would appreciate an invite - PSN same as here: Cynnalia. Thank you!
    NA PS4 Daggerfall Covenant Characters -- CP 755

    Sulin Shadowdancer -- Redguard Nightblade -- Dragonstar Arena Champion, General Executioner, Tamriel Hero
    Ysorya Traven - Breton Sorcerer -- Monster Hunter, Master Angler, Explorer, Maelstrom Arena Champion, Tamriel Hero
    Eriah A'kiranya-- Redguard Dragon Knight, tank
    Sybilline Travadon -- Altmer Templar -- Maelstrom Arena Champion
    At-Sixes-and-Sevens -- Argonian Templar, healer
    Mercurial Malice -- Dunmer Nightblade
    Fern Gullie -- Bosmer Warden, level 45
    Ghareshi-ri - Khajiit, Necromancer, level 9
  • CynderzLite
    @Cynnalia I just sent you a invite >:)
    Edited by CynderzLite on April 6, 2018 9:45PM
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • dannybotz7
    Hi There,
    Just getting back into ESO, would like an invite please if u have space and thanks!
    PSN: SonOfaTook
  • CynderzLite
    @dannybotz7 the guild is full at the moment but I put you on my list of people waiting for invites and I will send you a invite just as soon as I can get you in >:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • geonsocal
    howdy @CynderzLite ...when you get the chance, and, a spot opens up - I would really like a chance to join the gang...

    I've been shopping at the purple gang trader for a long while...

    absolutely love your trader's prime locations...i have a bunch of fine eso wares that I'd like to move through the guild...

    my psn is the same as my forum name: geonsocal


    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Dreadedlord
    Soul Shriven

    Casual gamer who recently came back to ESO. I would like a guild invite if you have a spot.

    psn: fires_dvs

    Edited by Dreadedlord on April 13, 2018 10:42PM
  • CynderzLite
    We are full at the moment but I have you both on my list of people waiting for invites and I will send you a invite just as soon as I can B)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • JESTiC24
    I know you are full but be happy to be on your waiting list. PSN JESTiC24 cheers:)
  • CynderzLite
    @JESTiC24 I’d be happy to put you on our list and send you a invite just as soon as I can!
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • CynderzLite
    @JESTiC24 I just tried to send you a invite but it says you need to leave another guild first! PSN message when you have a open guild spot if you still want a invite!
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • SavagePolarBear
    Soul Shriven
    Can I get on the wait list please? Thank you!
    PSN: SavagePolarBear
    Edited by SavagePolarBear on April 19, 2018 3:12PM
  • CynderzLite
    @SavagePolarBear I would be happy to put you on our waiting list and get you in just as soon as I can! Please be sure to have a guild spot open so I can send you a invite as soon as a spot opens up!!
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • Takes-No-Prisoner

    Can I get invited back? I left awhile ago. PSN: Drogskol_Capn

    This time I should have enough wares to be able to support in raffles. I originally left cause I couldn't continuously contribute to helping out since I PvPed and didn't make enough gold. It didn't feel right to keep a slot to myself at that time so I left for those reasons.
  • XeonaSyan
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there! Active trader here and I'd love a chance to sell with y'all. .. PSN: ZANIAG

  • CynderzLite
    Invites sent to both of you please accept as soon as you can we have other unclaimed invites out >:)B)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • Mavericckk
    Soul Shriven
    Can I get an invite to the Purple Gang? I’m on NA/PS4 and my PSN username is jweiskopff01.

  • CynderzLite
    We are full at the moment but I have you on my list of people waiting for invites!
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • NoodleTree
    Soul Shriven
    Hello would love to join the purple gang trading guild. I will try to donate when I can, like when I have spare funds and am online. Can you please send an invite when a spot opens up

    My PSN: Blazeking524
  • CynderzLite
    All invites have been sent out please accept as soon as you can we have other unclaimed invites out and a list of people waiting to join thanks so much >:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • jjleavelle
    Soul Shriven
    Invite please.

    PSN jjleavelle
  • CynderzLite
    @jjleavelle we are full at the moment I have you on my list of people waiting for invites and I will send you a invite just as soon as I can
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • freemind1013
    Soul Shriven
    Invite me please
    PSN: freemind1013
  • CynderzLite
    @freemind1013 We are full at the moment but I will put you on my list of people waiting for invites and send you a invite just as soon as I can >:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • AuraNebula
    I'm already in the guild my psn is Bullet_wench. I have a friend who would like to join. His psn is Cureiz
  • CynderzLite
    All invites are out for open spots for today I will put them on my list of people waiting for invites and invite them when I can!
    Please have them psn message me so I can let them know when a spot opens and I am sending a invite also make sure they have a open guild spot or we move to the next person on the list! Thanks so much for recommending us :)B)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • AuraNebula
    I'm already in the guild my psn is Bullet_wench. I have a friend who would like to join. His psn is Cureiz
  • CynderzLite
    @Princesshaenyra Yes I understood that and I recognize your PSN ID you have been in the guild for a while now and that's why I thanked you above for recommending us :)
    We got them in!
    Edited by CynderzLite on April 28, 2018 7:35PM
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • kazter304b16_ESO
    Would love an invite should a spot open up! Kazter304 PSN
  • vacation
    Soul Shriven
    Would like an invite when there is room, thank you.

    PSN: vacation_fan
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