THE PURPLE GANG Guild does all recruitment to guild through the Guild Finder! CHECK US OUT & APPLY

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
  • khornelord
    put me back! please? :)
  • CynderzLite
    What is your PSN ID? I got the message no account found for your forum ID :/
    Edited by CynderzLite on January 13, 2018 12:22PM
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • Cêltic421
    Not a free trading guild. You have to pay in gold or items. If you have not paid in couple days you will get kicked with no warning.
  • khornelord

    scott__alter psn
  • CynderzLite
    Celtic421 everyone that joins the guild is sent a message with our ranks and how we work as stated in the main post here we feel that is plenty of warning sorry if you didn't read it!
    We strive to keep a roster of active members willing to donate(any amount of gold) or we can't afford a trader! So yes you are very right there are no free rides for people wanting to benefit off of everyone else donating for them sorry if that is what you were looking for! Thanks so much for helping us get this important message acrossed >:)
    Edited by CynderzLite on January 13, 2018 1:04PM
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • khornelord psn is scott__alter eso psn is khornelord
  • Cêltic421
    I was going to donate some based on the sales i made for the week but you kicked me without warning, not even a week in guild. Its your loss my sales alone would bring in enough coin, just last week ive made almost 3 mil from one trader just think how much coin that guild got. There are several free trader guilds out there that are able to hire traders in capital cities without charging fees. Your message indicated if i want perks i had to pay. Idc about perks. Reword your messages and your false title. Again not a free trader. Its yout guild domwhat you want. Your lie tell it how youmwant to.
  • CynderzLite
    From your message looks like things worked out for the best for both of us!
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • nargonian
    Soul Shriven
    my psn is soccernick767676
  • CynderzLite
    All invites have been sent let me know if I've missed anyone! Our trader is still in Rawl'kha this week >:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • dasaybz
    Invite please

    PSN - dasaybz
  • CynderzLite
    Invite sent B)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • JimT722
    I’d like to join. PSN JimT722
  • CynderzLite
    Invite sent! Will be great to have you in The Gang!
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • Beaverbob
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love to join, ign: BEAVERBOB23
  • mashingbuttons
    Soul Shriven
    Invite please, PSN: mashingbuttons
  • CynderzLite
    We have invites out for all open spots right now but I will send you a invite as soon as I can
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • Massive_Payne
    Hey CynderzLite, can you please add psn: burnlight?

  • CynderzLite
    Yes I will be happy to send them a invite when a spot opens up I have added them to my list of people wanting invites! Thanks so much B)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • Massive_Payne
    Okay very cool! Thanks, man!
  • CynderzLite
    Massive_Payne I have tried to send burnlight a invite and it doesn't seem to register in history for some reason I did try to send a friend request to see if that would help could you pass the info on to them in case that doesn't go through either for some reason thanks
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • bongtokin420insd16
    I was hoping i could get an invite back? I was a constant donator and supporter (Made man or above i believe) I just got a little burnt out and took a break. If there is room id be much obliged.


    If not, No worries. For anyone looking this is a great guild i highly recommend it.

    Kaz_Wastelander PS4NA
  • CynderzLite
    We have a list of people waiting to get in but I will be happy to send you a invite just as soon as I can! Looking forward to having you back in The Gang >:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • bongtokin420insd16
    Thanks Cynder. Appreciate it.
    Kaz_Wastelander PS4NA
  • Jake1576
    My psn was haley_stars Shoot I got kicked from the guild and I was still active I just forget to show I was online while I was playing and ended up getting kicked it's okay tho :smile:
    Edited by Jake1576 on January 30, 2018 3:55AM
  • CynderzLite
    I can send you a invite when a spot opens up!
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • CynderzLite
    We now have spots open!!
    haley_stars I tried to send you a invite but it said you had to leave another guild first
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • CynderzLite
    We have open spots to fill and our trader is in Mornhold this week!!
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • giammar1
    Soul Shriven
    send an invite giammar1 on psn
  • CynderzLite
    Invite sent looking forward to having you in The Gang >:)
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
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