leepalmer95 wrote: »Oh its very OP
Needs its ticks reducing to 4 and its snare going at the very least.
also maybe a cost increase.
If Meteor drained more stam, I'd rather worry about magicka builds. Meteor, unblocked, hits hard enough to be a threat even when fully shielded. And blocking is complicated for most mag builds.
Stamina builds are still specialized in stamina, so they should typically not run dry from just one Meteor. But it should be enough to put them on the defense for a while, which is my intention. As of now, you can just ani-cancel into a block when Met hits you, never losing your momentum.
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »Just CC them before meteor hits?
I'm still waiting for my spam that goes through shields. Balance for the dodgers.
Seriously, it's amazing that they keep stacking up the undodgeable effects while there is no counter specifically for shields.
You could argue Oblivion damage but that cheese is too broad in scope.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »
Shields are pretty strong.
Twohothardware wrote: »Soul Assault is pretty useless in CP campaigns because healing and damage mitigation is so high but in no cp it's great if you know when to time it after you've drained their resources. I especially like it as a counter to annoying cloak spamming Nightblades.
i b Apathy wrote: »To all these people saying it isn't OP , they must not pvp on xbox na because Id like any of them to post a video of them surviving a soul assault after getting Hitt with a javalin and a raidiant at the same time ... please post all your links you all mighty players.
Kuramas9tails wrote: »I use this Ult and I can tell you that it actually kills 1 out of every 10 people I hit it with. Templars can heal through it, DKs and Sorcs can shield through it and Nightblades can cloak out of it. You can even run around a rock and it disconnects. Not to mention that you are not shielded through the 3.5 seconds and I have died to a templar jabbing me as I had Soul Assult on them (damaging me as they heal themselves).Try using it first before thinking something is OP. I can only kill noobs with it and I am a magic user with a tool tip of 60K.
Kuramas9tails wrote: »I use this Ult and I can tell you that it actually kills 1 out of every 10 people I hit it with. Templars can heal through it, DKs and Sorcs can shield through it and Nightblades can cloak out of it. You can even run around a rock and it disconnects. Not to mention that you are not shielded through the 3.5 seconds and I have died to a templar jabbing me as I had Soul Assult on them (damaging me as they heal themselves).Try using it first before thinking something is OP. I can only kill noobs with it and I am a magic user with a tool tip of 60K.
Kuramas9tails wrote: »I use this Ult and I can tell you that it actually kills 1 out of every 10 people I hit it with. Templars can heal through it, DKs and Sorcs can shield through it and Nightblades can cloak out of it. You can even run around a rock and it disconnects. Not to mention that you are not shielded through the 3.5 seconds and I have died to a templar jabbing me as I had Soul Assult on them (damaging me as they heal themselves).Try using it first before thinking something is OP. I can only kill noobs with it and I am a magic user with a tool tip of 60K.
Waffennacht wrote: »@Xvorg wouldn't that build love Skoria?
Ok people, couple of things:
1st, being a channeled DoT, SAs benefits from at least 50 points into thaum (18.75% extra dmg), that means you MUST use DoTs on your build
2nd, forget about penetration. Any DoT build must achieve 50% crit and that is noticed when using SA. Your crit tick of 4-5K are noticeable (50 points into spell crit)
3rd, there's no better CC support for SAs than flame reach. Period. (oh, it has a DoT too). The knockback implies an enemy not blocking... sure, they can break cc, but it means less block (did I mention that flame staff increase your single target skills like... SAs?)
4th one dot is never enough, you need at least 3. A good trick I use on my DoTblade is to put even 4 DoTs before SA:
Flame Reach -> Entropy -> degeneration (yes, degen over crip grasp) -> Soul trap (started using consuming trap last night and those 2.5k magicka back are nice) -> SAs. You must be quick puting the dots before the enemy get ups after flame reach. Did he blocked SA? No problem, the DoTs are gona do their job. Did he put a shield on him? No Problem, the DoTs are gona take the shield down in les than 3 secs. Did he survived the attack? No problem, put pressure on the enemy by using light attacks ideally a poison is required).
SA is a strong skill in the hands of those who know how to use it
brandonv516 wrote: »
Very nice. And Skoria for the cherry on top?
Soul assault is so weak...if you think it hits too hard or is too hard to counter. Than you seriously need to L2P, i dont say that often. But its true. You need to re adjust your build to mitigate it if its such a problem for you that you have to complain on forums about it.
Not a problem for any competent player ive ever hit with it. They normally just shrug it off, come at me with everything they have, causing me to have to cancel the ***.
If in 1vX scenario and your complaining about it...remember its a [snip] ultimate. If you have four guys on you and one of them get a dawnbreaker, meteor, crescent sweep, or incap without you properly mitigating it your dead anyway.
Moral of the story...counter it properly, if you cant, then learn to
Why...why would i use soul assault just for an execute? I understand perfectly how to set soul assault up it typically begins with an unstable core, followed by dark flare and javelin, and pray they didnt see it comming. Its a weak ass skill.