Well the Bow Ult is already amazingly strong..
Well the Bow Ult is already amazingly strong..
Ballista is awesome and yes, very strong. But the base morph and Toxic Barrage are hot garbage and should be changed.
This is the problem right there. Blocking Meteor should be really expensive.
Ok people, couple of things:
1st, being a channeled DoT, SAs benefits from at least 50 points into thaum (18.75% extra dmg), that means you MUST use DoTs on your build
2nd, forget about penetration. Any DoT build must achieve 50% crit and that is noticed when using SA. Your crit tick of 4-5K are noticeable (50 points into spell crit)
3rd, there's no better CC support for SAs than flame reach. Period. (oh, it has a DoT too). The knockback implies an enemy not blocking... sure, they can break cc, but it means less block (did I mention that flame staff increase your single target skills like... SAs?)
4th one dot is never enough, you need at least 3. A good trick I use on my DoTblade is to put even 4 DoTs before SA:
Flame Reach -> Entropy -> degeneration (yes, degen over crip grasp) -> Soul trap (started using consuming trap last night and those 2.5k magicka back are nice) -> SAs. You must be quick puting the dots before the enemy get ups after flame reach. Did he blocked SA? No problem, the DoTs are gona do their job. Did he put a shield on him? No Problem, the DoTs are gona take the shield down in les than 3 secs. Did he survived the attack? No problem, put pressure on the enemy by using light attacks ideally a poison is required).
SA is a strong skill in the hands of those who know how to use it
Waffennacht wrote: »
I miss seeing that...
Soul Trap huh? Hrm... I know you can trap any number of Target's... So how's it feeling?
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »It's a single target only, an ultimate, and it literally requires you to save the world to obtain it...
It's also not going to kill anyone on its own accord...like ever.
It's very situational, powerful when it is used, and both of those aspects should remain true.
i b Apathy wrote: »To all these people saying it isn't OP , they must not pvp on xbox na because Id like any of them to post a video of them surviving a soul assault after getting Hitt with a javalin and a raidiant at the same time ... please post all your links you all mighty players.
Nice analysis but the solution is to buff the bow ult, not nerf soul assault.
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »At one point in time, Soul Assault could be Cleansed...
Nightblades can break this ability with Cloak...
Any competent Templar (as well as Strongly built Stamina characters) that's not out of Resources will heal through it without much difficulty...
Sorcs can easily shield through it...
I miss playing ping pong with meteors on my DK. xD
But for real. Meteor is really expensive and telegraphed. Blocking it should come at a cost, therefore.
It's frustrating how little stam it drains when the DoT is a waste, Dawnbreaker hits almost as hard with half the cost and you can prepare for it.
I have the DoT from DB on me, endure debuffs from Incap and enjoy being thrown from walls by Leap. Meteor should also have a guaranteed secondary benefit for the cost. 9 ult out of 170 or a snare that's inferior to a permanent proc effect (Tremorscale) is really weak. Stam drain sounds fair, IMO.
I miss playing ping pong with meteors on my DK. xD
But for real. Meteor is really expensive and telegraphed. Blocking it should come at a cost, therefore.
It's frustrating how little stam it drains when the DoT is a waste, Dawnbreaker hits almost as hard with half the cost and you can prepare for it.
I have the DoT from DB on me, endure debuffs from Incap and enjoy being thrown from walls by Leap. Meteor should also have a guaranteed secondary benefit for the cost. 9 ult out of 170 or a snare that's inferior to a permanent proc effect (Tremorscale) is really weak. Stam drain sounds fair, IMO.