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Housing Tricks, what are yours

So I have many but a lot of them just involve sinking items into the ground to achieve the effect I want.

However something that has always bugged me is the lack of flames on fires......

I have sunk so many different braziers into the ground to get my flames.

This evening I finally became a very happy bunny.......


Man those Daedric Table Braziers have a lot of flame!! :)
When people say to me........
"You're going to regret that in the morning"
I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Caligamy_ESO
    Bind a key for toggle walk.
    love is love
  • Dragonnord
    Your food will be overcooked. :D
    SERVER: NA | PLATFORM: PC | OS: Windows 10 | CLIENT: Steam | ESO PLUS: Yes
  • disintegr8
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Your food will be overcooked. :D

    Then I'll blame the wife.......... I don't cook B)
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • Aliyavana
    Get homesteadocd for precise furniture placement
  • Epona222
    That fireplace looks good!

    Things I do:

    -Most homes with an outdoors area, I make a viewing platform with seating so that you can get a good view of the landscape beyond the walls

    -Fountains and water features often look better with some lighting (either candles or crystal lighting) below the water
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • bottleofsyrup
    aliyavana wrote: »
    Get homesteadocd for precise furniture placement

    Ohh, thank you for this. This is awesome.
  • freespirit
    Epona222 wrote: »
    That fireplace looks good!

    Things I do:

    -Most homes with an outdoors area, I make a viewing platform with seating so that you can get a good view of the landscape beyond the walls

    -Fountains and water features often look better with some lighting (either candles or crystal lighting) below the water

    So true, in Ebonheart Chateaux the huge fountain is not moveable BUT a single candle will slot quite nicely into each of the water spouts, creating a "lit water" effect!

    Can take a bit of manoeuvring but is worth it :)
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • freespirit
    CarbonX wrote: »
    Your food will be overcooked. :D

    Considering your name......

    I would of thought overcooked would be ok?? :p
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Betheny
    My trick - buy a furnished house then never go back to it because the decorations cap is far too limited and the Merchant and Banker NPCs are actually a nerf once you go to a house, as you have to run all the way over to them instead of being able to summon them where you're standing.
  • Wing
    use orc platforms with Breton runners over them for new levels or rooms in large spaces. the amount of shock I get when people see how many rooms I made and how great the look in the overlook is its own reward ^_^
    ESO player since beta.
    full time subscriber.
    PC NA
    ( ^_^ )

    You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods -Xenogears
    DK one trick
  • PocketNova
    Hmm, one thing I've loved doing with my statues is putting the dreamshards (blue crystals, stormhaven achieve vendor) inside them to give them a blue glow.

    I put the wilderking braziers under ground so just the blue light is visible, going for that magical effect.

    Plant a tree, use those ladders from the crown store and widest platforms from the normal vendor to build tree houses.
    PC NA
    Master Angler
    Dressed as Wonder Woman
    Living in Hogwarts
  • Magdalina
    I really wanted to use a Redguard ceiling light(whatever they're called) but it comes with a giant chain making it impossible to use on first floor. But I wanted one on the first floor so I put it there anyway and put a divider right on top of the chain on second floor so they overlap precisely and now you can't see the chain whatsoever :) May have gotten some trial and error to get that part right.

    Putting a light inside Breton corner thing where I put the dishes that were nigh invisible because it's so dark there, now everyone can see it just right.

    Screenshots possibly coming in a bit ;)
  • Epona222
    PocketNova wrote: »
    Hmm, one thing I've loved doing with my statues is putting the dreamshards (blue crystals, stormhaven achieve vendor) inside them to give them a blue glow.

    I put the wilderking braziers under ground so just the blue light is visible, going for that magical effect.

    Plant a tree, use those ladders from the crown store and widest platforms from the normal vendor to build tree houses.

    I like to use the water troughs as planters, and put a dreamshard in them just below the plants - there are many good ways to use lighting when it comes to housing.

    Love your tree house idea.
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • WanderingBeithe
    I used some of the stone blocks to make outside planter boxes. I also used them to make grandish fire places inside.

    I have the lake lodge and used the different planks to go around the house and connect the various levels. Kinda like in Hew\s Bane.. very sneaky.

    If it has a tail it is meant to be eaten.

  • bebynnag
    step 1. create a sacrificial alter

    step 2. dedicate the sacrificial alter to RNGeebus

    step 3. profit

  • Aurie
    I create interior walls using a row of stone blocks along the floor with a tapestry on top of the row. Takes far less spaces and looks decorative as well.

    I also construct kitchen ranges from a base of stone blocks with a rectangular fire pit on top. (Can't remember the name of the fire pit/grill but it's in the Crown Store, quite cheap.) I finish off the look with a small platform or planks set into the wall above the range, to hang pans etc from.
  • Apherius
  • Ahzek
    The same principel as with flames also works with items like the jester trees or the butterfly bushes, to increase their effect density.
  • freespirit
    Apherius wrote: »
    Damn ,this molag bal brazier have also lot of flames :P

    Yes the Molag Bal brazier has cool flames, as does the Valenwood brazier but both are too big to fit nicely into a fireplace. ☺

    I absolutely love some of the above building ideas, I have spent hours building platforms, viewing areas, a two storey Skooma den etc etc

    At Serenity Falls I decided I didn't like all the stonework that is around the front of the building so I spent a lot of time(and gold) covering it with vines, topiary and bushes/hedges. It now makes me smile everytime I enter there.

    Just a quick message to @ZOS please, please, please give us decorators' more slots with which to express our passion!!

    Edited by freespirit on July 15, 2017 11:46AM
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • freespirit
    I also built an enchanted forest........



    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • lasertooth
    To make a stove, use a merchant counter, 3 stones, and 6 Breton torches. If you lay the Breton torches just right, you can have a gas stove with burners you can switch on and off. :)
    Edited by lasertooth on July 15, 2017 6:50PM
    GM of ESO Grand Designs, Grand Designs Too, and Grand Designs Trinity
  • lasertooth
    Also, lining walls with tapestries for wallpaper. This is the dark elf fungal carpet

    And a toilet/shower haha
    GM of ESO Grand Designs, Grand Designs Too, and Grand Designs Trinity
  • freespirit
    lasertooth wrote: »
    To make a stove, use a merchant counter, 3 stones, and 6 Breton torches. If you lay the Breton torches just right, you can have a gas stove with burners you can switch on and off. :)

    That is just so clever, very impressed :)
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Donari
    Not much of a trick, but I needed to stuff a lot of things into a room since I'd bought a furnishings pack to eventually use in Twin Sisters. No way would the two tables fit in the Rosy Lion, so I turned them into wall paneling. The octagonal one decorates the wall over the bed's headboard; here you can see the rectangular one by the Redguard Grill (item I got separately because after Homestead PTS I -had- to have one -- it lights up with flames for cooking!).

    I think it is a nice way to get some wall coverings, so long as you aren't using a wall you can see the other side of and thus see the legs sticking out.

  • freespirit
    Oh another one I just thought of.......

    The chain on the Lantern of Anguish is just so damn annoying!

    Placing the lantern upside down but with care(to avoid odd protruding chains) allows it still to be turned on and off.....

    and placed on tables, cupboards etc :)
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
    Hopefully this works linking the picture :# I build a fire place in my Strident Springs

    PC NA - GreggsSausageRoll
    Xbox NA - CinnamonRoll266
  • ixie
    my fireplace in Tel Galen, Redguard Counter, Grill, turned on it's side, with 3 Nord Shelf, Braced, over

    PC EU

    Ixie - Breton Nightblade
    Paints-With-Frogs - Argonian Nightblade
    Swee Troll - Crafter Dragonknight
  • AzraelKrieg
    I used 214 Stone Slabs to build a frame for a cave I wanted to make in Tel Galen. After the frame was up I added some boulders to give it texture and moulded it into the environment using the Volcanic Plug, column, and rock pieces before removinf the stone slabs.
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
    ixie wrote: »
    my fireplace in Tel Galen, Redguard Counter, Grill, turned on it's side, with 3 Nord Shelf, Braced, over


    This is awesome! Good job :)
    PC NA - GreggsSausageRoll
    Xbox NA - CinnamonRoll266
  • Stormshaper
    I'm sure these are known already by most of you but I don't think it's posted yet, so here goes...

    If you have a property with a good view of surrounding area that is uncontrollable area, did you know that you can still place items out there? And get them back easily if you need to with the retrieve function tab in housing editor. You'll have to disable Surface Drag to place items outside and you can't set items out to an infinite distance. And I'm not so sure interactive stuff works 'outside the wire'.

    I'll share examples of two homes that I've done this with. One was Humblemud. I added inexpensive braziers to those few similar homes nearby. I sunk them down into the chimney or whatever that palm frond looking smokestack is called (?) to give it some light. This works well at night and makes them look lived in. I also placed 1-2 horses on that nearby cliff area making them look like free-range palaminos. Anyone know how to hide their names without turning off NPC nameplates? Please tell me, I do not know how and really wish I could. Oh, and I added some tall trees to the exterior areas just past the walls. Add some lights out there under the trees to spotlight them and voila! These last two were a challenge since you have to blind guess where the ground is so tall trees work better for this. I think you even get enough slots to add stone slabs into the ground so it looks like you have a sidewalk that leads out to the main thoroughfare in Dhalmora.

    The other was Hundings Palatial Hall. A nice setup of beach type looking furniture, tents and a bonfire over the way on that island w/the smaller beach. You know, the one that the slaughterfish refuse to let you go to. Stupid slaughterfish. Then some large fires on the smaller outcroppings of rocks out in the water, as a kind of lighthouse for passing ships. I haven't added anything to the outside area where the bridge is, but there's a bit of sandy flat terrain that you might just be able to get stuff out to if you wanted.

    And that's that! I hope this helps even one person who didn't know before.
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