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What add ons are border line cheating to you

  • WuffyCerulei
    Not really any. I don't use Miat's addon in pvp (lags me a bit), so I have no idea if it's borderline cheating or not.
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • Nyghthowler
    ZoS please, for the love of the Daedra, disable EVERYTHING in PvP. And by everything I mean levels, skills, CP, addons, and possibly any character controls... Let them fight as Level1 characters with level1 stats and a F'ing stick.
    They're hardcore PvP'ers. They're Elite. They are the ones that want every thing nerfed. Give it to them!
    I'm not prejudiced; I hate everyone equally !
  • mwo1480

    u don't need to see where u walk
    other thn your playscreen
    every char has a story

    anne-susan ...breton sorch DC
    seline kay .... bosmer dk AD
    julia-noor ...bosmer temp DC
    elle wolf .... breton temp AD
    Mari-Lynn.... woodelf nb AD former empress
    Mari-chan... woodelf warden AD
    (and more chars)
  • Zorvan
    ZoS please, for the love of the Daedra, disable EVERYTHING in PvP. And by everything I mean levels, skills, CP, addons, and possibly any character controls... Let them fight as Level1 characters with level1 stats and a F'ing stick.
    They're hardcore PvP'ers. They're Elite. They are the ones that want every thing nerfed. Give it to them!


    I've been muted since November 2017 because of the whiny crybabies on this forum and the liberal ZOS employees coddling them.
  • Banana
    Must be a consoler
  • Kiralyn2000
    What add ons are border line cheating to you?

    to me? all of them.
    i see zero reason to have add-ons in an mmo other than simply to have access to thier database.
    i know for a fact people do manipulate things that are not intended to be touched.
    the only reason eso devs have allowed it is because other mmo's have them allowed and if they refuse it in eso then people might not be as inclined to play and sub to eso.
    in the end it is allways the same, it's about money and access to thier codes = cheating access.

    Not sure what you mean by "access to their database". The only mods I use that involve databases are ones that build them for you. i.e, HarvestMap. All it does is record where I harvest something. It makes a note. Ditto for Sous Chef - instead of writing down a list of the recipes my main has learned, it "writes it down" for me. And adds a handy checkmark in the UI so I can tell at a glance recipes that I don't know. Skyshards doesn't do any database work at all - it just marks where the shards are. I could print out a picture from Google images that shows the same thing.

    How are any of those things "accessing their code" to cheat?

    Also, "all of them"? How about the clock mods that put the current time somewhere in the UI. Or the info mod that displays your current free bag & bank space at all times. Or a mod that picks a random mount every time you mount up. Cheating?
  • Asgari
    Malic wrote: »
    I recall in beta, Firor or one of the other people at ZOS talking about how they wanted meaningful challenging game play via visual cue's to time your skills. Much like Console had for so long, on PC briefly there were no addons. You couldnt track buffs you had to time it mentally.

    So in that spirit all of them are cheating the spirit in which the game was intended to be played but like nearly every MMO company ZOS allowed easier and easier game play for the casuals. To the point where a lot of games, and ESO is heading this way there isnt actually any challenging game play left. Red circles are on the ground so you know to move, you have trackers that tell you when to apply your skills again.

    Once the evolve to this point usually the new content is most notable for its graphic beauty, or depth of NPC narratives not combat or skill based game play.

    At this point that horse has left the barn, so I would venture to say any addon that gives you the advantage of knowing what someone else is doing in a PVP environment is a cheat. Miat has been mentioned and by my definition his old addon absolutely qualifies but he's still out there which tells you all you need to know. ZOS isnt interested in good game play or reasonably challenging combat/pvp they are interested in maximizing profits.

    An addon like the one that was developed prior should have resulted in a perm ban to make sure the integrity of the PVP product was kept balanced and people were held to account. He isnt the first, we used to have a guy that had an addon/script that allowed him to be in perm mist form and still execute skills. That went on for nearly a year.

    You now have people that can rez themselves in cyrodiil upon death and no it isnt the set. People have been cheating in ESO since day one, ZOS appears to be apathetic to it so its really moot to discuss at this point.

    Skipping a lot of your bs / uninformed info. The reason addons are a good thing is it lets us see what skills work and don't work. In the beginning of the game some many skills we thought worked didn't. The reason we found this out and were able to report it was because of addons.

    Addons are good and needed.
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
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