Sorry, but I had to stop at remove animation cancelling.
@SanTii.92 I animation cancel regularly and with all my characters (I can't quite do it as smoothly on a Warden admittedly), and I have no problems about admitting it. Don't get it twisted. But, just because I abuse/use something doesn't make it right. It's an unhealthy "mechanic" in this game, that provides an unfair boost in DPS to enable more challenging content to be completed easily. And truth be told, it shouldn't even exist in this game to begin with.
So many people have developed this attitude of "it's been in the game for so long, it's pretty much a mandatory skill that needs to be mastered". And that attitude is soooo warped and wrong.
Let me ask you a serious question. How many so-called "elite" and "pro" players who are banging out high DPS will still be pulling those high numbers, if animation cancelling was striped from them? I can tell you for a fact, the vast majority would be lost and without a clue. Oh sure, they'll say how they will just adapt and behave as though everything is Gucci. But on some real, they'll be stuck fumbling and soon moaning and groaning on the forums about how the game had another element of "skill" removed. Which ultimately is a damn shame. Skill to people is being able to abuse an exploit that shouldn't exist to begin with. Think on it.
I laugh everytime I see someone complain about animation canceling. Why does anyone consider that an issue? How combat is in this game, if you see the animation its already too late, unless its a skill with a cast time. This promotes proactive combat rather than reactive, which is what I assume everyone who is still on the animation canceling wagon tries to play. Vigor before you gap close, shield before you hard cast a frag, use an immovable pot before you try to bomb.
Animation canceling is not an issue.
- Remove or rework animation cancelling.
- Buff the other traits to make precise and or sharpened not the only sought after traits for weapons.
- Buff the other traits to make divines and or infused not the only sought after traits for DPS armor.
- Buff the other mundus stones, so that the thief isn't the only sought after mundus for PvE.
- Buff crafted sets, so that they feel much more worthwhile to use. Essentially giving an incentive to getting involved with crafting, and learning motifs.
- Increase heartwood and other furniture crafting material drop-rates.
- Dial back the difficulty of content, if you're going to nerf and ultimately make players weaker.
- Increase the RNG of refining mats. Breaking down 500 mats, and only getting 2 or 3 gold upgrades is depressing.
- Follow the Elder Scrolls lore more closely.