I've come to realize that 1 of these hasn't been made yet, or rather hasn't been made to my knowledge. So I figured I would compile as many things that need fixing and looking into all in a single thread. None of these things are listed in an order of priority, but there are some things listed here which do need attention to be paid to them more so than other things. Although, they all are equally things that would make the game dramatically better if looked into. This isn't a thread made to bash the devs, nor flame them. As my intentions are in a pretty good place upon writing all this up. But then again, I do lowkey feel a lot like there is incompetence plaguing ZOS. But, that isn't really something I'm aiming to take shots at here.
Anyway, here's a list of things you can do to make people enjoy your game more. As well as draw more people back to your game after having quit. Because clearly folks at the round table meetings have no clue about WTF it is that they are doing. So here. Ya mans Champ got you covered, fam'. Let's begin:
- Fix Cyrodiil lag.
- Fix Cyrodiil bugs and exploits.
- Remove or rework animation cancelling.
- Apply a token system for Maelstrom Arena.
- Apply a token system for dungeons and trials overall.
- Get rid of crown crates.
- If crown crates won't be removed, make the RNG involving them less infuriating.
- Fix the group finder/queue for dungeons, and LITERALLY fix it.
- Fix the Battlegrounds group finder/queue, and LITERALLY fix it.
- Thoroughly test your product out more, and allow more time for testing of things on the PTS.
- Actually adjust and consider the feedback that is given from the PTS.
- Buff the other traits to make precise and or sharpened not the only sought after traits for weapons.
- Buff the other traits to make divines and or infused not the only sought after traits for DPS armor.
- Buff the other mundus stones, so that the thief isn't the only sought after mundus for PvE.
- Buff crafted sets, so that they feel much more worthwhile to use. Essentially giving an incentive to getting involved with crafting, and learning motifs.
- Apply storage to housing.
- Increase heartwood and other furniture crafting material drop-rates.
- Communicate more with your player base overall.
- Stop having long periods of silence.
- Admit you screw up, if you screw up. And then mention what you'll do to fix said screw up.
- If you call something an expansion, make it an expansion. Morrowind was more so a DLC.
- Separate PvE and PvP balancing, so that 1 being balanced won't hurt the other.
- Nerf certain proc sets, and buff other proc sets.
- Allow proc sets to crit only in PvE environments.
- Create a CP Battlegrounds.
- Fix this garbage-ass heavy attack meta currently plaguing PvE and PvP.
- Do something to make trials feel more rewarding for having completed them, and having a top spot for weeks on end.
- Incorporate jewelry crafting.
- Incorporate spell crafting.
- Let certain content completions reward mounts.
- Bring back in-game Game Masters that patrol areas.
- Dial back the difficulty of content, if you're going to nerf and ultimately make players weaker.
- Have your tutorial explain things more in-depth, and things like CP break points.
- Let perms-bans be permanent.
- Take exploiting and cheating more serious. The 3-day and 7-day bans don't mean squat. Especially when people can keep all exploited materials and profits. Be it mats, skins, titles, etc. Take it away.
- Fix the server, and have maintenances regularly. As in once a week mandatory.
- Enable more action around Cyrodiil, instead of just towns and the "ring". It's a big-ass map that's usually empty.
- Instead of nerfing a class, buff others to match the overperforming class' proficiency.
- Match solo queue players with other solo queue players in battlegrounds.
- Stop having 2v4v4, 2v3v4, etc. matches.
- Finish the justice system.
- Increase the RNG of refining mats. Breaking down 500 mats, and only getting 2 or 3 gold upgrades is depressing.
- Address the prosperous and training problem plaguing trial drops, and undaunted chests.
- Give Cyrodiil more than 1 CP campaign.
- Balance CP and no CP PvP differently.
- Add more weapon types, and allow 2H and staves to count as a 2pcs. of a set.
- Rework Maelstrom shields.
- Stop having everything be a DPS race.
- Incorporate the cost reduction champion point star again, but this time rework it so it's more balanced.
- Follow the Elder Scrolls lore more closely.
You're welcome, ZOS. Everything I just listed will probably make your game much more sought after, and spoken better of. You'd attract players who left, and hold onto those who still play your game much firmer. All of which increases your cash flow, as bread seems to be what you're so strongly concerned about. Because while you see a masterpiece with ESO currently, I see something imperfect. And while something perfect could truly never be attained, a hell of a lot better polishing can done. Y'all aren't even applying elbow grease anymore. Just a half-assed rub down. N'ah. You gotta get in there, and get that shine in there. That Ferrari paint job shine. That wipe down so good that you can even see the imperfections of the carbon weaving. That type of clarity. You're welcome, ZOS. You're welcome.