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Here is How-to Fix Elder Scrolls Online

  • Ch4mpTW
    SanTii.92 wrote: »
    Sorry, but I had to stop at remove animation cancelling.

    @SanTii.92 I animation cancel regularly and with all my characters (I can't quite do it as smoothly on a Warden admittedly), and I have no problems about admitting it. Don't get it twisted. But, just because I abuse/use something doesn't make it right. It's an unhealthy "mechanic" in this game, that provides an unfair boost in DPS to enable more challenging content to be completed easily. And truth be told, it shouldn't even exist in this game to begin with.

    So many people have developed this attitude of "it's been in the game for so long, it's pretty much a mandatory skill that needs to be mastered". And that attitude is soooo warped and wrong.

    Let me ask you a serious question. How many so-called "elite" and "pro" players who are banging out high DPS will still be pulling those high numbers, if animation cancelling was striped from them? I can tell you for a fact, the vast majority would be lost and without a clue. Oh sure, they'll say how they will just adapt and behave as though everything is Gucci. But on some real, they'll be stuck fumbling and soon moaning and groaning on the forums about how the game had another element of "skill" removed. Which ultimately is a damn shame. Skill to people is being able to abuse an exploit that shouldn't exist to begin with. Think on it.
    Edited by Ch4mpTW on July 3, 2017 12:03AM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    You took on every controversial topic in one thread with the exemption of global action house . PM your addy so I can send this asbestos jacket .

    @Rohamad_Ali Lmao. You should know by now, bruh. I say what needs to be said. Not what someone wants to hear. Whether that someone be a: Friend, popular, streamer, mod, developer, relatively, homie, etc. Like I give a damn, if someone can't swallow the truth. Lol. That's the problem with society nowadays. Too many scary people roaming this Earth, and smelling like Build-A-Bear Workshop. But, that's a topic for another time and not on ESO boards. :D

    I would be fine if they did everything on your list . I have no issue that list .
  • Ch4mpTW
    Well, after slaving in Maelstrom I just got 1 of the 4 staffs I needed from 400 runs and multiple weekly rewards. 1 down, 3 more to go. I wonder how many more runs before I get it.


    Edit: Thank you for that staff, ZOS. I do appreciate it, and it'll see plenty of use. Promised.
    Edited by Ch4mpTW on July 3, 2017 12:43AM
  • dday3six
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    SanTii.92 wrote: »
    Sorry, but I had to stop at remove animation cancelling.

    "SanTii.92" I animation cancel regularly and with all my characters (I can't quite do it as smoothly on a Warden admittedly), and I have no problems about admitting it. Don't get it twisted. But, just because I abuse/use something doesn't make it right. It's an unhealthy "mechanic" in this game, that provides an unfair boost in DPS to enable more challenging content to be completed easily. And truth be told, it shouldn't even exist in this game to begin with.

    So many people have developed this attitude of "it's been in the game for so long, it's pretty much a mandatory skill that needs to be mastered". And that attitude is soooo warped and wrong.

    Let me ask you a serious question. How many so-called "elite" and "pro" players who are banging out high DPS will still be pulling those high numbers, if animation cancelling was striped from them? I can tell you for a fact, the vast majority would be lost and without a clue. Oh sure, they'll say how they will just adapt and behave as though everything is Gucci. But on some real, they'll be stuck fumbling and soon moaning and groaning on the forums about how the game had another element of "skill" removed. Which ultimately is a damn shame. Skill to people is being able to abuse an exploit that shouldn't exist to begin with. Think on it.

    People who are good at the game will still be good even if AC was removed. There's a rather large overlap to gaming skill. You should know this having stated in the past that playing games such as Overwatch has elevated your play in ESO. Further the fundamentals of a rotations are independent of AC. They carry over from games which don't have AC, and for example DOTs management is not utterly reliant on AC.

    Now not to sure how the reactive blocking, or even basic character movement will work though. But, let's just call it AC to boogeyman and pretend it's not a far reaching element of action game design. So maybe before you go down this road. Come to realize that you're not just talking in blanket talking about AC, but rather the execution of actions and their interaction to their corresponding animation.

    You don't want AC removed. I'm sure you like being able to change the direction your character is moving without having to stop first. You want the finality of a skill's effect to be tied to finishing the animation. So a skill can be canceled mid animation, but without having an effect. This isn't in whole a bad idea. However it displays a misunderstanding of why ZOS did the animation priority system the way they did. Which is because the game is an online. If animations needed to be finished to have any effect, but could be canceled. Then the server would have to decide whether an animation was finished or not. This is to say the least congestive, because not all internet connections are equal.
  • SanTii.92
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    SanTii.92 wrote: »
    Sorry, but I had to stop at remove animation cancelling.

    @SanTii.92 I animation cancel regularly and with all my characters (I can't quite do it as smoothly on a Warden admittedly), and I have no problems about admitting it. Don't get it twisted. But, just because I abuse/use something doesn't make it right. It's an unhealthy "mechanic" in this game, that provides an unfair boost in DPS to enable more challenging content to be completed easily. And truth be told, it shouldn't even exist in this game to begin with.

    So many people have developed this attitude of "it's been in the game for so long, it's pretty much a mandatory skill that needs to be mastered". And that attitude is soooo warped and wrong.

    Let me ask you a serious question. How many so-called "elite" and "pro" players who are banging out high DPS will still be pulling those high numbers, if animation cancelling was striped from them? I can tell you for a fact, the vast majority would be lost and without a clue. Oh sure, they'll say how they will just adapt and behave as though everything is Gucci. But on some real, they'll be stuck fumbling and soon moaning and groaning on the forums about how the game had another element of "skill" removed. Which ultimately is a damn shame. Skill to people is being able to abuse an exploit that shouldn't exist to begin with. Think on it.

    Care about explaining what is so unhealthy or unfair about it?

    It's like claiming mortal kombat's combos are too, they also animation cancel you know. As most games do.

    About your last remark, nothing would happen if they were to take it,out, other to make the game far less enjoyable. The best players will remain the same.
    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,
    the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

    Arg | Pc Na | Factionless Mag Warden.
  • notimetocare
    Bummer, I came to this thread thinking you actually had a solution to some of the problems. All you did was make a list.

    Grats for compiling a list of all the things we already know and giving ZERO insight on fixing anything of them.

    He, and every other armchair dev, has no idea how to fix the game. They would make a steaming *** while learning that balance is far more complex than they thought. lol
  • Narvuntien
    RobDaCool wrote: »
    Only complaint(s) I have about the game are; you have to log out and back in to receive a purchase from a guild trader. (Who's idea was it for no auction house? lol) And no mud crab merchant came with the Morrowind expanion :tongue:

    You can just change zones, pop into the thieves den... and often just clicking on the mail will cause it to pop up.

    Every other MMO has an Auction house an everyone knows how to exploit those. Also allows trading guilds to really feel like trading guilds not collections of people that know how to abuse an auction house.
  • Ch4mpTW
    Bummer, I came to this thread thinking you actually had a solution to some of the problems. All you did was make a list.

    Grats for compiling a list of all the things we already know and giving ZERO insight on fixing anything of them.

    He, and every other armchair dev, has no idea how to fix the game. They would make a steaming *** while learning that balance is far more complex than they thought. lol

    Oh? Is that right? Lol.
  • notimetocare
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Bummer, I came to this thread thinking you actually had a solution to some of the problems. All you did was make a list.

    Grats for compiling a list of all the things we already know and giving ZERO insight on fixing anything of them.

    He, and every other armchair dev, has no idea how to fix the game. They would make a steaming *** while learning that balance is far more complex than they thought. lol

    Oh? Is that right? Lol.

    Guarantee it
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Tandor wrote: »
    I'll just comment on a few of the points for now, most of the rest is a non-issue for me (as in I don't suffer the problem).

    First, while it's true that if they call something an expansion they should deliver an expansion, in the case of Morrowind they didn't call it an expansion so the OP's point is meaningless.

    Second, I'd say a hearty "No" to the suggestion of completing the justice system. That's even more of a dead horse than the constant calls for reform of the trading system both because ZOS have made it clear they aren't going to add PvP to the justice system and also because nobody even mentions it these days and probably won't now that we have dueling and battlegrounds.

    Third, I don't have any issues with the recent sustain changes, indeed I rather enjoy the fact that there's now a reason to use heavy attacks.

    As for the rest, as I say, I don't have those problems especially in relation to server performance which remains fine for me as it always has done. However, it's a typical OP rant that pretends not to be critical of the developers while stating that they "have no clue about WTF it is that they are doing" so I guess the tablets are running out and it's almost time for the OP to take another break.

    1. They called it something else to avoid it being held to the same standard. Even if we take it on it's own, I'd say it's value sucks.

    2. Yes, please, god, no PVP justice.

    3. Then you'd probably enjoy another game that makes them a main mechanic, ESO slowing it's combat system to a crawl to accomidate a minority that likes that sort of thing is why people are leaving.
  • Doctordarkspawn
    I agree with alot of these but it's never gonna happen.

    What hits the PTS hits live, the server isn't gonna be fixed without hardware upgrades which cut into the bottom line, and everything else relies on ZOS being compitent or lisening to feedback. That wont happen.

    Compared to the only other MMO I have refrence for right now, Secret world legends, which went ahed and A, launched a dev stream, B stated they heard player concerns, and C, STATED A PLANNED PATCH, COMPLETE WITH RELEASE DATE and detailing what that patch would do, and how it relates to player concerns, ESO is dead in the water in terms of both balance and dev communication, so.

    I reccomend moving on until it fixes itself, if it ever does.
    Edited by Doctordarkspawn on July 3, 2017 4:07AM
  • Juhasow
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    I've come to realize that 1 of these hasn't been made yet, or rather hasn't been made to my knowledge. So I figured I would compile as many things that need fixing and looking into all in a single thread. None of these things are listed in an order of priority, but there are some things listed here which do need attention to be paid to them more so than other things. Although, they all are equally things that would make the game dramatically better if looked into. This isn't a thread made to bash the devs, nor flame them. As my intentions are in a pretty good place upon writing all this up. But then again, I do lowkey feel a lot like there is incompetence plaguing ZOS. But, that isn't really something I'm aiming to take shots at here.

    Anyway, here's a list of things you can do to make people enjoy your game more. As well as draw more people back to your game after having quit. Because clearly folks at the round table meetings have no clue about WTF it is that they are doing. So here. Ya mans Champ got you covered, fam'. Let's begin:

    - Fix Cyrodiil lag.
    - Fix Cyrodiil bugs and exploits.
    - Remove or rework animation cancelling.
    - Apply a token system for Maelstrom Arena.
    - Apply a token system for dungeons and trials overall.
    - Get rid of crown crates.
    - If crown crates won't be removed, make the RNG involving them less infuriating.
    - Fix the group finder/queue for dungeons, and LITERALLY fix it.
    - Fix the Battlegrounds group finder/queue, and LITERALLY fix it.
    - Thoroughly test your product out more, and allow more time for testing of things on the PTS.
    - Actually adjust and consider the feedback that is given from the PTS.
    - Buff the other traits to make precise and or sharpened not the only sought after traits for weapons.
    - Buff the other traits to make divines and or infused not the only sought after traits for DPS armor.
    - Buff the other mundus stones, so that the thief isn't the only sought after mundus for PvE.
    - Buff crafted sets, so that they feel much more worthwhile to use. Essentially giving an incentive to getting involved with crafting, and learning motifs.
    - Apply storage to housing.
    - Increase heartwood and other furniture crafting material drop-rates.
    - Communicate more with your player base overall.
    - Stop having long periods of silence.
    - Admit you screw up, if you screw up. And then mention what you'll do to fix said screw up.
    - If you call something an expansion, make it an expansion. Morrowind was more so a DLC.
    - Separate PvE and PvP balancing, so that 1 being balanced won't hurt the other.
    - Nerf certain proc sets, and buff other proc sets.
    - Allow proc sets to crit only in PvE environments.
    - Create a CP Battlegrounds.
    - Fix this garbage-ass heavy attack meta currently plaguing PvE and PvP.
    - Do something to make trials feel more rewarding for having completed them, and having a top spot for weeks on end.
    - Incorporate jewelry crafting.
    - Incorporate spell crafting.
    - Let certain content completions reward mounts.
    - Bring back in-game Game Masters that patrol areas.
    - Dial back the difficulty of content, if you're going to nerf and ultimately make players weaker.
    - Have your tutorial explain things more in-depth, and things like CP break points.
    - Let perms-bans be permanent.
    - Take exploiting and cheating more serious. The 3-day and 7-day bans don't mean squat. Especially when people can keep all exploited materials and profits. Be it mats, skins, titles, etc. Take it away.
    - Fix the server, and have maintenances regularly. As in once a week mandatory.
    - Enable more action around Cyrodiil, instead of just towns and the "ring". It's a big-ass map that's usually empty.
    - Instead of nerfing a class, buff others to match the overperforming class' proficiency.
    - Match solo queue players with other solo queue players in battlegrounds.
    - Stop having 2v4v4, 2v3v4, etc. matches.
    - Finish the justice system.
    - Increase the RNG of refining mats. Breaking down 500 mats, and only getting 2 or 3 gold upgrades is depressing.
    - Address the prosperous and training problem plaguing trial drops, and undaunted chests.
    - Give Cyrodiil more than 1 CP campaign.
    - Balance CP and no CP PvP differently.
    - Add more weapon types, and allow 2H and staves to count as a 2pcs. of a set.
    - Rework Maelstrom shields.
    - Stop having everything be a DPS race.
    - Incorporate the cost reduction champion point star again, but this time rework it so it's more balanced.
    - Follow the Elder Scrolls lore more closely.

    You're welcome, ZOS. Everything I just listed will probably make your game much more sought after, and spoken better of. You'd attract players who left, and hold onto those who still play your game much firmer. All of which increases your cash flow, as bread seems to be what you're so strongly concerned about. Because while you see a masterpiece with ESO currently, I see something imperfect. And while something perfect could truly never be attained, a hell of a lot better polishing can done. Y'all aren't even applying elbow grease anymore. Just a half-assed rub down. N'ah. You gotta get in there, and get that shine in there. That Ferrari paint job shine. That wipe down so good that you can even see the imperfections of the carbon weaving. That type of clarity. You're welcome, ZOS. You're welcome.

    Hmm in most of the points You just said what to fix not how.
  • Vapirko
    Great ideas, but ZOS is well aware of this stuff, they obviously just have no incentive to fix it. Or don't have time/resources to do so probably trying to keep investors happy.
  • Morgul667
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    I've come to realize that 1 of these hasn't been made yet, or rather hasn't been made to my knowledge. So I figured I would compile as many things that need fixing and looking into all in a single thread. None of these things are listed in an order of priority, but there are some things listed here which do need attention to be paid to them more so than other things. Although, they all are equally things that would make the game dramatically better if looked into. This isn't a thread made to bash the devs, nor flame them. As my intentions are in a pretty good place upon writing all this up. But then again, I do lowkey feel a lot like there is incompetence plaguing ZOS. But, that isn't really something I'm aiming to take shots at here.

    Anyway, here's a list of things you can do to make people enjoy your game more. As well as draw more people back to your game after having quit. Because clearly folks at the round table meetings have no clue about WTF it is that they are doing. So here. Ya mans Champ got you covered, fam'. Let's begin:

    - Fix Cyrodiil lag.
    - Fix Cyrodiil bugs and exploits.
    - Remove or rework animation cancelling.
    - Apply a token system for Maelstrom Arena.
    - Apply a token system for dungeons and trials overall.
    - Get rid of crown crates.
    - If crown crates won't be removed, make the RNG involving them less infuriating.
    - Fix the group finder/queue for dungeons, and LITERALLY fix it.
    - Fix the Battlegrounds group finder/queue, and LITERALLY fix it.
    - Thoroughly test your product out more, and allow more time for testing of things on the PTS.
    - Actually adjust and consider the feedback that is given from the PTS.
    - Buff the other traits to make precise and or sharpened not the only sought after traits for weapons.
    - Buff the other traits to make divines and or infused not the only sought after traits for DPS armor.
    - Buff the other mundus stones, so that the thief isn't the only sought after mundus for PvE.
    - Buff crafted sets, so that they feel much more worthwhile to use. Essentially giving an incentive to getting involved with crafting, and learning motifs.
    - Apply storage to housing.
    - Increase heartwood and other furniture crafting material drop-rates.
    - Communicate more with your player base overall.
    - Stop having long periods of silence.
    - Admit you screw up, if you screw up. And then mention what you'll do to fix said screw up.
    - If you call something an expansion, make it an expansion. Morrowind was more so a DLC.
    - Separate PvE and PvP balancing, so that 1 being balanced won't hurt the other.
    - Nerf certain proc sets, and buff other proc sets.
    - Allow proc sets to crit only in PvE environments.
    - Create a CP Battlegrounds.
    - Fix this garbage-ass heavy attack meta currently plaguing PvE and PvP.
    - Do something to make trials feel more rewarding for having completed them, and having a top spot for weeks on end.
    - Incorporate jewelry crafting.
    - Incorporate spell crafting.
    - Let certain content completions reward mounts.
    - Bring back in-game Game Masters that patrol areas.
    - Dial back the difficulty of content, if you're going to nerf and ultimately make players weaker.
    - Have your tutorial explain things more in-depth, and things like CP break points.
    - Let perms-bans be permanent.
    - Take exploiting and cheating more serious. The 3-day and 7-day bans don't mean squat. Especially when people can keep all exploited materials and profits. Be it mats, skins, titles, etc. Take it away.
    - Fix the server, and have maintenances regularly. As in once a week mandatory.
    - Enable more action around Cyrodiil, instead of just towns and the "ring". It's a big-ass map that's usually empty.
    - Instead of nerfing a class, buff others to match the overperforming class' proficiency.
    - Match solo queue players with other solo queue players in battlegrounds.
    - Stop having 2v4v4, 2v3v4, etc. matches.
    - Finish the justice system.
    - Increase the RNG of refining mats. Breaking down 500 mats, and only getting 2 or 3 gold upgrades is depressing.
    - Address the prosperous and training problem plaguing trial drops, and undaunted chests.
    - Give Cyrodiil more than 1 CP campaign.
    - Balance CP and no CP PvP differently.
    - Add more weapon types, and allow 2H and staves to count as a 2pcs. of a set.
    - Rework Maelstrom shields.
    - Stop having everything be a DPS race.
    - Incorporate the cost reduction champion point star again, but this time rework it so it's more balanced.
    - Follow the Elder Scrolls lore more closely.

    You're welcome, ZOS. Everything I just listed will probably make your game much more sought after, and spoken better of. You'd attract players who left, and hold onto those who still play your game much firmer. All of which increases your cash flow, as bread seems to be what you're so strongly concerned about. Because while you see a masterpiece with ESO currently, I see something imperfect. And while something perfect could truly never be attained, a hell of a lot better polishing can done. Y'all aren't even applying elbow grease anymore. Just a half-assed rub down. N'ah. You gotta get in there, and get that shine in there. That Ferrari paint job shine. That wipe down so good that you can even see the imperfections of the carbon weaving. That type of clarity. You're welcome, ZOS. You're welcome.

    This is a good list indeed ! Agree with it, good job :-)
  • Narvuntien
    But how will they pay for all this work without crown crates?

    Don't get me wrong I agree with a lot of your points.
    But saying "fix it!" and actually fixing it are very different things.
    The game is a very slow moving animal, I am not sure there is even that many people working on it sometimes.

    I think a nice rework of animation canceling would be nice basical bridging animations when you switch between skills that gives a fluid movement between skills. Including weapon swaping and blocking.

    I don't know what a token system is and how it works. People seem to know what it is so it must be used in other MMOs. How much less of the game would you play if you would always get the weapon you want the first time?

    They have made plenty of changes based on PTS feedback, just typically they don't have much time to make big changes or they have made up thier mind and aren't going to change it (only tweak it)

    Something is always going to be the best that is the problem you could buff all the traits and everyone will still be after something. Personally I agree the gap needs to close or niches expanded so these traits see more play. infused and study were basically buffed with recent changes so it is possible to do.

    There is a bunch of crafted sets that only need small changes to be good or good in thier niche.

    Bag space is a money sink in game, without it you'll have inflation issues. Weapon racks and maniquins seems like a good idea to me though.

    The drop rate on them is fine.. I have hundreds of it... you just need to harvest more.

    Don't they have ESO live thing they do?
    I wish game companies would do that, except if they admit everytime they screw up it would be nothing but them telling people they screwed up and that would look terrible.

    It bothered me that they were not using thier F(B)tP model properly, why didn't they DLC the zone and then seperate DLC for battlegrounds and seperate Crown purchase of warden?

    It is perfectly possible to balance pvp and pve together they just don't seem to be doing it well. They need to be similar enough for consistancy in game play. when i use an ability or a set I want it to always do the same thing. It seems silly to me to have to learn what something does in PVE and learn what it does in PVP.

    There are a million bad morphs all you need to do is have some of those morphs be better in PVP and others in PVE. There is a million bad sets. Buff some so they are much better in PVP.... I find Major slayer and damage to players buffs super annoying in thier laziness but they do seperate pve and pvp sets quite nicely.

    Proc sets should scale with weapon damage and spell damage. So you can't go around one shoting people as a tank. Then you wont have to worry about critting and not critting.

    I am sure they have a reason for no cp battlegrounds, expecially now they have improved CP. that should be possible... not enough people. unbalanced matches is really dumb.

    They want the Heavy attack meta or they wouldn't of made the changes, you don't have to participate in it.. there are sustain options.

    Not having jewelery crafting allows it so you always have to run at least one dropped set. But it is rather annoying. Can we have jewerly improvement at least... green rings are worthless.

    Spell crafting is super broken in principal and would take years to balance.

    Selling mounts funds the game, you don't always get things for free.

    They should definately send someone into the bot zones periodically to clear some out... they are pretty annoying. especially when questing in the area.

    It is weekly.

    Sure I'd like reasons to use the other bridges, I mean it is nice out there in the countryside but everyone is on the bridge.

    Power creep is a thing they have to nerf sometimes.

    RNG is part of the game... get used to it. I have plenty of gold mats from doing daily writs.

    Stop having training drop at 160cp... someone grinding cp can just use 150cp or craft thier gear. If prosperous was better... although perhaps it should be removed all together.

    How would you balance cp and non cp differently?.. oh wait!... with cp!

    The game is built with dual wield and sword and shield being different. getting more set bonuses is part of it. The issue is the monster sets if anything. You balance it with the passives for those weapons being different. A lot of sets such as moondancer don't need the 5 pc bonus.

    DPS races do suck :/. I don't want to have to kick the people that invited me to do a dungeon with them because we literially can't do it with them in the party. That is a huge feel bad. If they can't do the content don't allow them to queue up.

    Nope, cost reduction on CP was Brrrrroken. That was a great and very important change for the game.

    They can make somethings as they go along, I just wish they didn't break thier own lore sometimes. "I heard the redorans live in a giant crab"
  • eso_lags
    I would take the first thing on your list and be happy. at least minimizing the lag anyway so its playable more than 10% of the time you are in cyrodil. Another suggestion would be to limit all proc sets to 2 piece monster sets, no more stacking procs.. As for viper, red mtn ect.. Make them a dot, maybe add a little damage.. I have most 5 piece proc sets in gold but i wouldn't care at all, id welcome it, they are useless if you want a challenge.. Oh and you will never see zos admit they're wrong, thats a big problem they have..
  • Sigtric
    Lost me at the animation canceling point. Didn't bother to read the rest.

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • aaisoaho
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    - Fix Cyrodiil lag.
    - Fix Cyrodiil bugs and exploits.
    - Remove or rework animation cancelling.
    - Apply a token system for Maelstrom Arena.
    - Apply a token system for dungeons and trials overall.
    - Get rid of crown crates.
    - If crown crates won't be removed, make the RNG involving them less infuriating.
    - Fix the group finder/queue for dungeons, and LITERALLY fix it.
    - Fix the Battlegrounds group finder/queue, and LITERALLY fix it.
    - Thoroughly test your product out more, and allow more time for testing of things on the PTS.
    - Actually adjust and consider the feedback that is given from the PTS.
    - Buff the other traits to make precise and or sharpened not the only sought after traits for weapons.
    - Buff the other traits to make divines and or infused not the only sought after traits for DPS armor.
    - Buff the other mundus stones, so that the thief isn't the only sought after mundus for PvE.
    - Buff crafted sets, so that they feel much more worthwhile to use. Essentially giving an incentive to getting involved with crafting, and learning motifs.
    - Apply storage to housing.
    - Increase heartwood and other furniture crafting material drop-rates.
    - Communicate more with your player base overall.
    - Stop having long periods of silence.
    - Admit you screw up, if you screw up. And then mention what you'll do to fix said screw up.
    - If you call something an expansion, make it an expansion. Morrowind was more so a DLC.
    - Separate PvE and PvP balancing, so that 1 being balanced won't hurt the other.
    - Nerf certain proc sets, and buff other proc sets.
    - Allow proc sets to crit only in PvE environments.
    - Create a CP Battlegrounds.
    - Fix this garbage-ass heavy attack meta currently plaguing PvE and PvP.
    - Do something to make trials feel more rewarding for having completed them, and having a top spot for weeks on end.
    - Incorporate jewelry crafting.
    - Incorporate spell crafting.
    - Let certain content completions reward mounts.
    - Bring back in-game Game Masters that patrol areas.
    - Dial back the difficulty of content, if you're going to nerf and ultimately make players weaker.
    - Have your tutorial explain things more in-depth, and things like CP break points.
    - Let perms-bans be permanent.
    - Take exploiting and cheating more serious. The 3-day and 7-day bans don't mean squat. Especially when people can keep all exploited materials and profits. Be it mats, skins, titles, etc. Take it away.
    - Fix the server, and have maintenances regularly. As in once a week mandatory.
    - Enable more action around Cyrodiil, instead of just towns and the "ring". It's a big-ass map that's usually empty.
    - Instead of nerfing a class, buff others to match the overperforming class' proficiency.
    - Match solo queue players with other solo queue players in battlegrounds.
    - Stop having 2v4v4, 2v3v4, etc. matches.
    - Finish the justice system.
    - Increase the RNG of refining mats. Breaking down 500 mats, and only getting 2 or 3 gold upgrades is depressing.
    - Address the prosperous and training problem plaguing trial drops, and undaunted chests.
    - Give Cyrodiil more than 1 CP campaign.
    - Balance CP and no CP PvP differently.
    - Add more weapon types, and allow 2H and staves to count as a 2pcs. of a set.
    - Rework Maelstrom shields.
    - Stop having everything be a DPS race.
    - Incorporate the cost reduction champion point star again, but this time rework it so it's more balanced.
    - Follow the Elder Scrolls lore more closely.
    These points you made are pretty relevant, but...
    - To fix Cyrodiil lag, you need to do a lot of optimisation on multiple layers of game's motor (from networking to rendering), so it'll be a long process, I'm sure ZOS staff is working on it on a daily basis.
    - Cyrodiil bugs and exploits are also a huge fiels of work. (Btw, why only Cyrodiil bugs and exploits and not the whole spectrum of bugs and exploits?) I'm guessing this is the second thing they're working on to fix on a daily basis. Most of them are emergent (compiled from smaller parts of system to form a new unforeseen system), so they're hard to see, find and track down. Almost every system have them and they're a common joke among my friends ("--99 bugs in the code, 99 little bugs, you take one down and patch it around and you've got 255 bugs in the code.") This includes also group finders and their problems.
    - Animation cancelling is also an emergent case, but it is not unfair one and as said, because of it's nature, it is a healthy bug/exploit. You need skills to replicate it (and good internet connection) so animation cancelling makes this game more skill-based - only rework I see about AC that could benefit ESO is making it rely less on the ping/speed of your connection.
    - Token system would be good and rewarding for the players, but I can see the headache it'll make for the designers and to players. How would you make it? Token for each slain boss in that particular instance which you can trade for items at the end/start of the said instance? Think about your inventory, you'd have multiple different token counters and for a casual, there would be only a couple of tokens per instance which would be worth next to nothing. It'll be a huge job to make an UI that does not look like cluttered monstrosity.
    - IMO crown crates are fine, they're not mandatory and they're one take-on of the monetisation, there is a mechanic in them already to make them more bearable (crown gems)
    - About PTS: there's not enough population on PTS to test their new additions, not enough creative people to try and break their inventions - more time doesn't really do enough. I guess they really read the feedback, but the design team/others do not tell their thoughts on the feedback and decisiond which makes it look like they do not even look at the feedback.
    - Buffing would be good, but nerfing is also needed. If you buff and buff and buff, you'll get powercreep.
    - Storage in form of furnishing would be good and logical, because it exists in other games from the series, they should deisgn it so that it'll not only be a replacement/alternative for the bank inventory.
    - I think droprates for housing mats are good, by increasing the droprate, they would crash the current economy for said mats.
    - Communication with playerbase is not part of the game, it's part of their bussiness imago.
    - I can see why they decided to try to balance PvE and PvP together, but I also think they're shooting their own leg at the same time by trying to balance them together. (More time is spent on balancing -> balance designers works more on it which costs more money)
    - If there'd be a token system and you already have every meaningful items from the trials, what would be the meaningful reward for trials completion?
    - Yes for the tutorials! But make them so that the tutorial does not make the player feel stupid/do not make tutorial which helds player's hand. Make tutorials that guides player to "find out" the things player should learn.

    Sorry for not commenting on everything, because I think my post is too long already. I think ZOS is really working on multiple things on this list already, but they're doing it silently and not explaining their actions.
    BTW some of the things seems to be there already, for example maintenance. (They're pretty regular, times when there are maintenance-free weeks are times when there is almost zero reason to do a maintenance) And in the new dungeons, there seems to be less DPS races (and how about vMA, is it DPS race?)
    Good fixlist overall, but it ain't a how-to. Thanks for not listing AH or other controversial points.
  • Qbiken
    This will become a animation cancel thread, I guarantee it....

    And it doesn´t need rework.....
  • aubrey.baconb16_ESO
    Great list of what you think needs fixing, but nothing on how to fix it. OP please change the misleading title.
  • SantieClaws
    You forgot making the Desert Flame Sofa sittable.

    Khajiit will not settle for any lesser sofa to park her behind upon no.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Huyen
    Hope only leads to dissapointment - Theodore Roosevelt. Enough said.
    Huyen Shadowpaw, dedicated nightblade tank - PS4 (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, nightblade dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Lightpaw, templar healer - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, necromancer dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, dragonknight (no defined role yet)

    "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again. Only this time, more wisely" - Uncle Iroh
  • Bonzodog01
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Let's begin:

    - Fix Cyrodiil lag.
    Ok, two things behind this. Cp and Proc/monster sets. Remove ALL of them from PvP, and the lag would be considerably reduced. Its impossible to remove it entirely due to the engine and netcode demands on rendering. The more people = the more lag, even with NO CP and NO PROC SETS.
    - Fix Cyrodiil bugs and exploits.
    Possibly more could be done with this, but as a previous poster said, this is an emergent code system. The minute you think you've nailed an exploit or bug, something else, via that new code, will worm its way in. 'tis the nature of the coding beast.
    - Remove or rework animation cancelling.
    Both Matt Firor and Rich Lambert have said that its now been decided that this is part of the games integral mechanics. Get used to it, its not changing or going anywhere.
    - Apply a token system for Maelstrom Arena.
    Very do-able, but it would be say...a Maelstrom staff would be like 2000 tokens, and your score would determine how many you got on each run. max of say 50 tokens per run. That will weed out the most determined.
    - Apply a token system for dungeons and trials overall.
    Repeat of sentiment above. Maybe not so many tokens though, and a token store could be created via an NPC at the Undaunted areas.
    - Get rid of crown crates.
    - If crown crates won't be removed, make the RNG involving them less infuriating.
    Yeah, sorry, this was a deliberate and very carefully considered move by devs and upper management. they are here to stay in their current form. Get used to it.
    - Fix the group finder/queue for dungeons, and LITERALLY fix it.
    - Fix the Battlegrounds group finder/queue, and LITERALLY fix it.
    The group finder in this game is broken, no doubt about it. The problem is that the engine was never actually designed to support one properly. Also, it seems to be a netcode issue, and to be honest we might as well just remove it at this point.
    - Thoroughly test your product out more, and allow more time for testing of things on the PTS.
    - Actually adjust and consider the feedback that is given from the PTS.
    Like previous posters have said, not enough people on the PTS and those that are don't seem to know how to provide technical and constructive feedback. Also, management place time limits and deadlines for release on the dev teams, and none of what is said here will ever get to management. Remember who runs Zenimax Media.
    - Buff the other traits to make precise and or sharpened not the only sought after traits for weapons.
    - Buff the other traits to make divines and or infused not the only sought after traits for DPS armor.
    - Buff the other mundus stones, so that the thief isn't the only sought after mundus for PvE.
    - Buff crafted sets, so that they feel much more worthwhile to use. Essentially giving an incentive to getting involved with crafting, and learning motifs.
    Fully agree with you here. However, its not all buffs that are needed. It's better balancing of the sets, armours, traits and mundus stones.
    - Apply storage to housing.
    Too much of a technical challenge, it would create massive inventory management problems, and there would be more bugs than is healthy. Not happening, in short.
    - Increase heartwood and other furniture crafting material drop-rates.
    You are joking right??? I have so much of this stuff in my crafting bags that I don't know what to do with it. literally 1-2k of each. Try farming nodes a bit more.
    - Communicate more with your player base overall.
    Their communication isn't bad. I have seen better, but they don't do too bad. Way too much salt in these forums if you ask me.
    - Stop having long periods of silence.
    Yeah, that can be annoying. I mean I understand that people have holidays and things, but sometimes it goes dead for over a week. Worth noting that the German forums don't suffer with this.
    - Admit you screw up, if you screw up. And then mention what you'll do to fix said screw up.
    We don't want people asking for compensation and then being smothered in technical jargon when they provide a solution. Best leave this one alone.
    - If you call something an expansion, make it an expansion. Morrowind was more so a DLC.
    This isn't even the devs decision. This is the Boards decision, and we ALL know who's on that one......
    - Separate PvE and PvP balancing, so that 1 being balanced won't hurt the other.
    Impossible in the current context of the game. If you have a technical solution, feel free to post it. Make sure you explain the technical and coding ins and outs though.
    - Nerf certain proc sets, and buff other proc sets.
    You're repeating yourself dude. See my previous point.
    - Allow proc sets to crit only in PvE environments.
    This is one of the horrible causes of lag in the PvE environments. Procs need removing altogether.
    - Create a CP Battlegrounds.
    Thought you'd sneak this one in eh? It would make them horrendously imbalanced and people with no CP would have no chance of winning a BG. Think of the newer players dude.
    - Fix this garbage-ass heavy attack meta currently plaguing PvE and PvP.
    You know what? I like the new system. The old one of infinite sustain was just bad, bad, bad.
    - Do something to make trials feel more rewarding for having completed them, and having a top spot for weeks on end.
    You need to explain this one more. Not sure I understand this point.
    - Incorporate jewelry crafting.
    - Incorporate spell crafting.
    Yeah, this would be cool.
    - Let certain content completions reward mounts.
    Hrm, it would have to ultra-special ultra-difficult (vMA level) for this. A mount is worth more than a Maelstrom staff.
    - Bring back in-game Game Masters that patrol areas.
    They haven't the staff or time for this. Unlikely to happen anytime soon. They have gold guards to get the worst offenders.
    - Dial back the difficulty of content, if you're going to nerf and ultimately make players weaker.
    REALLY?? All overland content is a cakewalk anyway, especially once you get CP. Trials content is meant to be difficult, and normal trials aren't that hard with a half-way competent team.
    - Have your tutorial explain things more in-depth, and things like CP break points.
    Its a well known fact that people just click through these without reading them. Including more detail in Tutorials would be a waste of time.
    - Let perms-bans be permanent.
    - Take exploiting and cheating more serious. The 3-day and 7-day bans don't mean squat. Especially when people can keep all exploited materials and profits. Be it mats, skins, titles, etc. Take it away.
    I actually agree with you on this. Something more hardline needs doing.
    - Fix the server, and have maintenances regularly. As in once a week mandatory.
    You do realise that they don't own the servers they use don't you? They are based in Frankfurt and Dallas respectively, managed by a well known gaming hosting service. That hosting service themselves have in-house maintenance and have been known to take half their client base offline with almost no warning. There is little Zenimax can do.
    - Enable more action around Cyrodiil, instead of just towns and the "ring". It's a big-ass map that's usually empty.
    The Cyrodiil PvP map is supposed to encourage emergent gameplay. Its upto the players themselves to organise more stuff.
    - Instead of nerfing a class, buff others to match the overperforming class' proficiency.
    Repeat after me, and 100 lines on the blackboard after class - I SHALL NOT ENCOURAGE POWER CREEP IN-GAME.
    - Match solo queue players with other solo queue players in battlegrounds.
    - Stop having 2v4v4, 2v3v4, etc. matches.
    Yeah, something needs to be done here. Its linked to groupfinder problems.
    - Finish the justice system.
    We don't need or want ganking and uncalled for PvP in zones just cause someone stole an apple by accident from a vendor. No thanks. The zones are full of carebears, and its them you need to think about. Go play Elite: Dangerous and you will see what I am talking about.
    - Increase the RNG of refining mats. Breaking down 500 mats, and only getting 2 or 3 gold upgrades is depressing.
    Yeah it is. I get where you are coming from. The system could do with very slight uptuning, but not enough that it would create a flood of gold tempers/mats on the guild stores, and cull prices too heavily.
    - Address the prosperous and training problem plaguing trial drops, and undaunted chests.
    - Give Cyrodiil more than 1 CP campaign.
    I wouldn't count your chickens if I were you.
    - Balance CP and no CP PvP differently.
    Again, come up with an actual technical detailed method for doing this and get back to us. I think it would have happened if it was possible.
    - Add more weapon types, and allow 2H and staves to count as a 2pcs. of a set.
    Not sure how I feel about this. Maybe?
    - Rework Maelstrom shields.
    Having never done Maelstrom, I have no answer for this.
    - Stop having everything be a DPS race.
    Again, this comes down to better balancing of dungeons and trials. You've kind of repeated yourself.
    - Incorporate the cost reduction champion point star again, but this time rework it so it's more balanced.
    No, keep it as it is. The new system is a drastic improvement.
    - Follow the Elder Scrolls lore more closely.
    This game does follow the Lore, very closely. Lawrence Schick, who wrote the lore for all previous games, is closely consulted about this one. Remember it takes place 300 years before the very first game, and 1000 years prior to Skyrim.
    There has been no lore written upto now about what happened during this time period, therefore, they have have got full licence to put almost whatever events they want in game.

    So, there you have it, my answers to your thread. That took a while.
    Xbox One - EU - EP/DC
    Trying and failing to hold the walls of his Templar house up since 2015
  • Ch4mpTW
    Bonzodog01 wrote: »
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Let's begin:

    - Fix Cyrodiil lag.
    Ok, two things behind this. Cp and Proc/monster sets. Remove ALL of them from PvP, and the lag would be considerably reduced. Its impossible to remove it entirely due to the engine and netcode demands on rendering. The more people = the more lag, even with NO CP and NO PROC SETS.
    - Fix Cyrodiil bugs and exploits.
    Possibly more could be done with this, but as a previous poster said, this is an emergent code system. The minute you think you've nailed an exploit or bug, something else, via that new code, will worm its way in. 'tis the nature of the coding beast.
    - Remove or rework animation cancelling.
    Both Matt Firor and Rich Lambert have said that its now been decided that this is part of the games integral mechanics. Get used to it, its not changing or going anywhere.
    - Apply a token system for Maelstrom Arena.
    Very do-able, but it would be say...a Maelstrom staff would be like 2000 tokens, and your score would determine how many you got on each run. max of say 50 tokens per run. That will weed out the most determined.
    - Apply a token system for dungeons and trials overall.
    Repeat of sentiment above. Maybe not so many tokens though, and a token store could be created via an NPC at the Undaunted areas.
    - Get rid of crown crates.
    - If crown crates won't be removed, make the RNG involving them less infuriating.
    Yeah, sorry, this was a deliberate and very carefully considered move by devs and upper management. they are here to stay in their current form. Get used to it.
    - Fix the group finder/queue for dungeons, and LITERALLY fix it.
    - Fix the Battlegrounds group finder/queue, and LITERALLY fix it.
    The group finder in this game is broken, no doubt about it. The problem is that the engine was never actually designed to support one properly. Also, it seems to be a netcode issue, and to be honest we might as well just remove it at this point.
    - Thoroughly test your product out more, and allow more time for testing of things on the PTS.
    - Actually adjust and consider the feedback that is given from the PTS.
    Like previous posters have said, not enough people on the PTS and those that are don't seem to know how to provide technical and constructive feedback. Also, management place time limits and deadlines for release on the dev teams, and none of what is said here will ever get to management. Remember who runs Zenimax Media.
    - Buff the other traits to make precise and or sharpened not the only sought after traits for weapons.
    - Buff the other traits to make divines and or infused not the only sought after traits for DPS armor.
    - Buff the other mundus stones, so that the thief isn't the only sought after mundus for PvE.
    - Buff crafted sets, so that they feel much more worthwhile to use. Essentially giving an incentive to getting involved with crafting, and learning motifs.
    Fully agree with you here. However, its not all buffs that are needed. It's better balancing of the sets, armours, traits and mundus stones.
    - Apply storage to housing.
    Too much of a technical challenge, it would create massive inventory management problems, and there would be more bugs than is healthy. Not happening, in short.
    - Increase heartwood and other furniture crafting material drop-rates.
    You are joking right??? I have so much of this stuff in my crafting bags that I don't know what to do with it. literally 1-2k of each. Try farming nodes a bit more.
    - Communicate more with your player base overall.
    Their communication isn't bad. I have seen better, but they don't do too bad. Way too much salt in these forums if you ask me.
    - Stop having long periods of silence.
    Yeah, that can be annoying. I mean I understand that people have holidays and things, but sometimes it goes dead for over a week. Worth noting that the German forums don't suffer with this.
    - Admit you screw up, if you screw up. And then mention what you'll do to fix said screw up.
    We don't want people asking for compensation and then being smothered in technical jargon when they provide a solution. Best leave this one alone.
    - If you call something an expansion, make it an expansion. Morrowind was more so a DLC.
    This isn't even the devs decision. This is the Boards decision, and we ALL know who's on that one......
    - Separate PvE and PvP balancing, so that 1 being balanced won't hurt the other.
    Impossible in the current context of the game. If you have a technical solution, feel free to post it. Make sure you explain the technical and coding ins and outs though.
    - Nerf certain proc sets, and buff other proc sets.
    You're repeating yourself dude. See my previous point.
    - Allow proc sets to crit only in PvE environments.
    This is one of the horrible causes of lag in the PvE environments. Procs need removing altogether.
    - Create a CP Battlegrounds.
    Thought you'd sneak this one in eh? It would make them horrendously imbalanced and people with no CP would have no chance of winning a BG. Think of the newer players dude.
    - Fix this garbage-ass heavy attack meta currently plaguing PvE and PvP.
    You know what? I like the new system. The old one of infinite sustain was just bad, bad, bad.
    - Do something to make trials feel more rewarding for having completed them, and having a top spot for weeks on end.
    You need to explain this one more. Not sure I understand this point.
    - Incorporate jewelry crafting.
    - Incorporate spell crafting.
    Yeah, this would be cool.
    - Let certain content completions reward mounts.
    Hrm, it would have to ultra-special ultra-difficult (vMA level) for this. A mount is worth more than a Maelstrom staff.
    - Bring back in-game Game Masters that patrol areas.
    They haven't the staff or time for this. Unlikely to happen anytime soon. They have gold guards to get the worst offenders.
    - Dial back the difficulty of content, if you're going to nerf and ultimately make players weaker.
    REALLY?? All overland content is a cakewalk anyway, especially once you get CP. Trials content is meant to be difficult, and normal trials aren't that hard with a half-way competent team.
    - Have your tutorial explain things more in-depth, and things like CP break points.
    Its a well known fact that people just click through these without reading them. Including more detail in Tutorials would be a waste of time.
    - Let perms-bans be permanent.
    - Take exploiting and cheating more serious. The 3-day and 7-day bans don't mean squat. Especially when people can keep all exploited materials and profits. Be it mats, skins, titles, etc. Take it away.
    I actually agree with you on this. Something more hardline needs doing.
    - Fix the server, and have maintenances regularly. As in once a week mandatory.
    You do realise that they don't own the servers they use don't you? They are based in Frankfurt and Dallas respectively, managed by a well known gaming hosting service. That hosting service themselves have in-house maintenance and have been known to take half their client base offline with almost no warning. There is little Zenimax can do.
    - Enable more action around Cyrodiil, instead of just towns and the "ring". It's a big-ass map that's usually empty.
    The Cyrodiil PvP map is supposed to encourage emergent gameplay. Its upto the players themselves to organise more stuff.
    - Instead of nerfing a class, buff others to match the overperforming class' proficiency.
    Repeat after me, and 100 lines on the blackboard after class - I SHALL NOT ENCOURAGE POWER CREEP IN-GAME.
    - Match solo queue players with other solo queue players in battlegrounds.
    - Stop having 2v4v4, 2v3v4, etc. matches.
    Yeah, something needs to be done here. Its linked to groupfinder problems.
    - Finish the justice system.
    We don't need or want ganking and uncalled for PvP in zones just cause someone stole an apple by accident from a vendor. No thanks. The zones are full of carebears, and its them you need to think about. Go play Elite: Dangerous and you will see what I am talking about.
    - Increase the RNG of refining mats. Breaking down 500 mats, and only getting 2 or 3 gold upgrades is depressing.
    Yeah it is. I get where you are coming from. The system could do with very slight uptuning, but not enough that it would create a flood of gold tempers/mats on the guild stores, and cull prices too heavily.
    - Address the prosperous and training problem plaguing trial drops, and undaunted chests.
    - Give Cyrodiil more than 1 CP campaign.
    I wouldn't count your chickens if I were you.
    - Balance CP and no CP PvP differently.
    Again, come up with an actual technical detailed method for doing this and get back to us. I think it would have happened if it was possible.
    - Add more weapon types, and allow 2H and staves to count as a 2pcs. of a set.
    Not sure how I feel about this. Maybe?
    - Rework Maelstrom shields.
    Having never done Maelstrom, I have no answer for this.
    - Stop having everything be a DPS race.
    Again, this comes down to better balancing of dungeons and trials. You've kind of repeated yourself.
    - Incorporate the cost reduction champion point star again, but this time rework it so it's more balanced.
    No, keep it as it is. The new system is a drastic improvement.
    - Follow the Elder Scrolls lore more closely.
    This game does follow the Lore, very closely. Lawrence Schick, who wrote the lore for all previous games, is closely consulted about this one. Remember it takes place 300 years before the very first game, and 1000 years prior to Skyrim.
    There has been no lore written upto now about what happened during this time period, therefore, they have have got full licence to put almost whatever events they want in game.

    So, there you have it, my answers to your thread. That took a while.

    Why can't all threads have this type of detailed response and thought generated in them? This is golden right here. I'd consider this the "golden standard" of analyzing the original post, and breaking things down piece by piece. Strong +1 to you, comrade. Brilliant post.
  • Ladislao
    What is the meaning of the topic? Expose yourself smarter than developers? Or just badges farming?

    Part of the list - problems that developers are struggling with.
    Part of the list - things that, for technical reasons, will not be changed in the near future.
    Part of the list - subjective proposals, which for some reason are exposed as objective.

    It's strange that I have to explain this to a person who seems to be not the first day on the forum.
    Edited by Ladislao on July 3, 2017 2:39PM
    Everything is viable
  • Tandor
    Tandor wrote: »
    I'll just comment on a few of the points for now, most of the rest is a non-issue for me (as in I don't suffer the problem).

    First, while it's true that if they call something an expansion they should deliver an expansion, in the case of Morrowind they didn't call it an expansion so the OP's point is meaningless.

    Second, I'd say a hearty "No" to the suggestion of completing the justice system. That's even more of a dead horse than the constant calls for reform of the trading system both because ZOS have made it clear they aren't going to add PvP to the justice system and also because nobody even mentions it these days and probably won't now that we have dueling and battlegrounds.

    Third, I don't have any issues with the recent sustain changes, indeed I rather enjoy the fact that there's now a reason to use heavy attacks.

    As for the rest, as I say, I don't have those problems especially in relation to server performance which remains fine for me as it always has done. However, it's a typical OP rant that pretends not to be critical of the developers while stating that they "have no clue about WTF it is that they are doing" so I guess the tablets are running out and it's almost time for the OP to take another break.

    1. They called it something else to avoid it being held to the same standard. Even if we take it on it's own, I'd say it's value sucks.

    2. Yes, please, god, no PVP justice.

    3. Then you'd probably enjoy another game that makes them a main mechanic, ESO slowing it's combat system to a crawl to accomidate a minority that likes that sort of thing is why people are leaving.

    I haven't noticed any slowdown in the combat, nor do I want heavy attacks to be a main mechanic, I simply find that in my playstyle (non-competitive solo/cooperative PvE with no addons) combat is totally unchanged other than by the introduction of a reason to use the odd heavy attack.
  • FloppyTouch
    I feel like the devs are sitting in a meeting right now going "well crap this dude just listed everything we need to fix, let's start assigning teams to get this done"

    Pls they know this and are working on it soon™ No ETA™

    When it comes down to it the only thing they care about it is money. As long as ppl keep paying out they will keep sending out the half baked "content"
    Edited by FloppyTouch on July 3, 2017 3:12PM
  • Krayzie

    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
  • Ch4mpTW
    I feel like the devs are sitting in a meeting right now going "well crap this dude just listed everything we need to fix, let's start assigning teams to get this done"

    Pls they know this and are working on it soon™ No ETA™

    When it comes down to it the only thing they care about it is money. As long as ppl keep paying out they will keep sending out the half baked "content"

    Facts. I know I accidentally made a dev or 2 feel some type of way upon coming across this thread. I just hope I didn't put anyone on blast enough for them to lose their job. I'd feel guilty af if someone got fired, because I just mapped everything out on this thread.

    It's funny, because a buddy on PSN yesterday was talking to me about how they couldn't believe I made this thread, and literally tackled everything all at once. @Rohamad_Ali made a comment about this too. Lol. :D
    Edited by Ch4mpTW on July 3, 2017 3:19PM
  • Jamini
    I'm going to edit the OPs post and divide it into a few subcategories. For ease of reading. If I dissent with his opinion, I'll put something after in bold to mark it.
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »


    - Remove or rework animation cancelling. (-1, this would drive out many players and not get back old ones)
    - Get rid of crown crates or make the RNG involving them less infuriating.
    - Fix the group finder/queue for dungeons, and LITERALLY fix it.
    - Fix the Battlegrounds group finder/queue, and LITERALLY fix it.
    - Thoroughly test your product out more, and allow more time for testing of things on the PTS.
    - Actually adjust and consider the feedback that is given from the PTS.
    - Buff the other traits to make precise and or sharpened not the only sought after traits for weapons.
    - Communicate more with your player base overall.
    - Stop having long periods of silence.
    - Admit you screw up, if you screw up. And then mention what you'll do to fix said screw up.
    - If you call something an expansion, make it an expansion. Morrowind was more so a DLC.
    - Separate PvE and PvP balancing, so that 1 being balanced won't hurt the other. (-1. No. Balancing for two games would only make the problems worse)
    - Allow proc sets to crit only in PvE environments. (-1. proc sets are perfectly fine without crits. Critting proc sets were SEVERELY over-performing, that's why they were nerfed in the first place)
    - Let certain content completions reward mounts.
    - Bring back in-game Game Masters that patrol areas
    - Let perms-bans be permanent.
    - Take exploiting and cheating more serious. The 3-day and 7-day bans don't mean squat. Especially when people can keep all exploited materials and profits. Be it mats, skins, titles, etc. Take it away.
    - Fix the server, and have maintenances regularly. As in once a week mandatory.

    - Follow the Elder Scrolls lore more closely. (-1. If you are saying this, you don't understand ES lore)


    - Apply a token system for Maelstrom Arena.
    - Apply a token system for dungeons and trials overall.
    - Buff the other traits to make divines and or infused not the only sought after traits for DPS armor.
    - Buff the other mundus stones, so that the thief isn't the only sought after mundus for PvE.
    - Fix this garbage-ass heavy attack meta currently plaguing PvE and PvP. (-1. Learn 2 Adapt. Heavy attack meta isn't even a thing really.)
    - Do something to make trials feel more rewarding for having completed them, and having a top spot for weeks on end.
    - Dial back the difficulty of content, if you're going to nerf and ultimately make players weaker. (-1 OH HELL no. The game is already trivially easy except for vet raids. If anything, we need things made a little more difficult.)
    - Have your tutorial explain things more in-depth, and things like CP break points. (-1 Unnecessary and confusing, especially as new players won't have them)
    - Finish the justice system. (-1. As much as I'd love this, there is a very large majority that absolutely do not.)
    - Add more weapon types, and allow 2H and staves to count as a 2pcs. of a set.
    - Rework Maelstrom shields.
    - Stop having everything be a DPS race.
    - Instead of nerfing a class, buff others to match the overperforming class' proficiency. (-1. No. Power creep is still horrible. If anything, more nerfs are required still.)
    - Address the prosperous and training problem plaguing trial drops, and undaunted chests.
    - Incorporate the cost reduction champion point star again, but this time rework it so it's more balanced. (-1. No. ***. Way. Despite the pain, things are far better now than they were pre-patch)


    - Fix Cyrodiil lag.
    - Fix Cyrodiil bugs and exploits.
    - Nerf certain proc sets, and buff other proc sets.
    - Create a CP Battlegrounds. (-1. would just divide the battlegrounds population, and CP campaigns are cancer-filled wastelands)
    - Enable more action around Cyrodiil, instead of just towns and the "ring". It's a big-ass map that's usually empty.
    - Match solo queue players with other solo queue players in battlegrounds.
    - Stop having 2v4v4, 2v3v4, etc. matches.
    - Give Cyrodiil more than 1 CP campaign. (-1. You would split the tiny PvP population more.)
    - Balance CP and no CP PvP differently. (-1. Balacing for multiple systems has shown in other games to result in two broken systems.)

    Housing and Crafting

    - Buff crafted sets, so that they feel much more worthwhile to use. Essentially giving an incentive to getting involved with crafting, and learning motifs. (-1, some craft sets are perfectly fine. Overall a ton of sets, crafted and dropped, just need work)
    - Apply storage to housing. (-1 Completely unnecessary. Put a banker in your house)
    - Increase heartwood and other furniture crafting material drop-rates. (-1. Their cost is fine. Furniture mats are stupid cheap now)
    - Incorporate jewelry crafting.
    - Incorporate spell crafting.
    - Increase the RNG of refining mats. Breaking down 500 mats, and only getting 2 or 3 gold upgrades is depressing.

    Lots of good ideas, but lots of trash in there. Be careful, some of your ideas would quite literally kill the game population. I'd hope that if Zeni does listen, they listen selectively.
    "Adapt. or Die."
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