And templar is the best heal ... Dk the best tank .
Nb the best Battleground class .
Nerf sorc thread incomming .
It's actually a pretty complex question now.
On one hand, magicka sorcerers aren't pulling the highest numbers, but on the other hand, they enable high offbalance uptime with specific builds, providing a significant group DPS increase. On the other hand, you have heavy attacks stam DKs or Power lash mag DKs who will reduce the offbalance uptime, but provide significant single target DPS, stam sorcs with higher AoE / cleave than stam DKs but lesser single target, Wardens providing mass Major Fracture / breach (and stam DKs providing only AoE fracture, but still) helping group DPS as well.
As such, strictly in terms of "selfish" single target DPS, I would go for stamina DKs, but in terms of "actual" group DPS increase, the answer is going to vary depending on boss fights / trash. Magicka sorcs help a lot in this regard.
That makes for pretty balanced group composition.
Flameheart wrote: »Stamina DK with a pure HA build.
50k+ dps in a raid environment appears reasonable.. No magicka sorc will currently get there.
Actually the Morrwind patch did a lot for stamina builds. DPS and sustain is awesome. Now you just need to survive :-)
Magicka DK isn't bad too. You just need a few buff *** (magSorcs, healers) with Blockade of Storms so that I can do my Flame Lash procs :-)
Lord_Dexter wrote: »I do not think any such poll is needed!
Its lame if some1 not knows and starting somethhing like this..
Some class are easier to pull higher dps and some can with bis gear and tweaks to rotation..
It's actually a pretty complex question now.
On one hand, magicka sorcerers aren't pulling the highest numbers, but on the other hand, they enable high offbalance uptime with specific builds, providing a significant group DPS increase. On the other hand, you have heavy attacks stam DKs or Power lash mag DKs who will reduce the offbalance uptime, but provide significant single target DPS, stam sorcs with higher AoE / cleave than stam DKs but lesser single target, Wardens providing mass Major Fracture / breach (and stam DKs providing only AoE fracture, but still) helping group DPS as well.
As such, strictly in terms of "selfish" single target DPS, I would go for stamina DKs, but in terms of "actual" group DPS increase, the answer is going to vary depending on boss fights / trash. Magicka sorcs help a lot in this regard.
That makes for pretty balanced group composition.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Lord_Dexter wrote: »I do not think any such poll is needed!
Its lame if some1 not knows and starting somethhing like this..
Some class are easier to pull higher dps and some can with bis gear and tweaks to rotation..
Realistically it shouldn't be make or break for DPS numbers, it should be what class you like the most. Sorc may be near the top but it is boring as *** to play...put pet out, 3 attacks and 2 heavies and repeat...Why everyone goes nuts for it is actually quite sad. DK and Templar require a bit more input.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Lord_Dexter wrote: »I do not think any such poll is needed!
Its lame if some1 not knows and starting somethhing like this..
Some class are easier to pull higher dps and some can with bis gear and tweaks to rotation..
Realistically it shouldn't be make or break for DPS numbers, it should be what class you like the most. Sorc may be near the top but it is boring as *** to play...put pet out, 3 attacks and 2 heavies and repeat...Why everyone goes nuts for it is actually quite sad. DK and Templar require a bit more input.
@DRXHarbinger People go nuts for Mag Sorcs because of threads like this. Look how many people already flocked to Magicka Sorcerer like it's Homesteadjust how it is now.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »DRXHarbinger wrote: »Lord_Dexter wrote: »I do not think any such poll is needed!
Its lame if some1 not knows and starting somethhing like this..
Some class are easier to pull higher dps and some can with bis gear and tweaks to rotation..
Realistically it shouldn't be make or break for DPS numbers, it should be what class you like the most. Sorc may be near the top but it is boring as *** to play...put pet out, 3 attacks and 2 heavies and repeat...Why everyone goes nuts for it is actually quite sad. DK and Templar require a bit more input.
@DRXHarbinger People go nuts for Mag Sorcs because of threads like this. Look how many people already flocked to Magicka Sorcerer like it's Homesteadjust how it is now.
The issue for people going nuts for them though is everyone saying WARD WARD WARD WARD WARD, SHIELDS FTW! GOD MODE, NOTHING CAN KILL YOU WITH WARD!
Despite the fact Harness Magika is available to everyone and in the day of sustain being shite Harness is actually far more valuable as one magika hit on you gives you the cost of casting it back...But hey go for Ward, it's a bit bigger.
Alcast made a sorc pet build that doesn't even use frags and I tried it and it pulls stupid numbers, literally 3 dots, scamp and 2 heavies and repeat.. Great numbers but soooooo boring to play ( no offense to Alcast, it's a great build for the job it does)
Getting to the point now where sorcs should be an unlock at achieving flawless with a Stam Nightblade, most people that suck at stamina or Magdk started as Magsorcs and this is why...despite the fact a DK has endless heals with embers and a 10K minimum heal with Coag blood AND Harness AND Powerlash being free AND Healing you AND looking cool as *** in the process.