PvP'ers don't like to gather mats
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »PVP survival is night and day depending on potion availability. Potions are large contributors to rubber-band healing (when a player goes from execute range to 100% health almost instantly), and "unkillable" builds where players have increased immovability duration and great sustain.
I won't dare go into PVP without potions anymore because they're too essential for survival against good players who use them. To me, ignoring potions would be like going into battle without wearing armor - you're just asking for death. This has made me wonder if potions are perhaps a little too necessary in PVP.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »PVP survival is night and day depending on Pants availability. Pants are large contributors to rubber-band healing (when a player goes from execute range to 100% health almost instantly), and "unkillable" builds where players have increased immovability duration and great sustain.
I won't dare go into PVP without Pants anymore because they're too essential for survival against good players who use them. To me, ignoring Pants would be like going into battle without wearing weapons - you're just asking for death. This has made me wonder ifPants are perhaps a little too necessary in PVP.
Joy_Division wrote: »Is this a nerf potions thread? Leave it to disgruntled people dying in cyrodiil to complain that anything is too strong or necessary.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »Joy_Division wrote: »Is this a nerf potions thread? Leave it to disgruntled people dying in cyrodiil to complain that anything is too strong or necessary.
Did you read the first post? I use potions.
DeadlyRecluse wrote: »Sure, potions are very powerful...
Just like food buffs and armor enchantments.
This isn't a stat-equalized PvP--character work and account work matter. Potions open a up a wealth of options (like CC management on magicka builds, invisibility on nonNBs, Detection, etc.) that are (imo) pretty important.
I DO think that the AP potions need a few more options (a basic detect pot, for instance) They've added some of the more interesting potions to droplists in other areas (the dropped escapist/stealth potion is a good example), so that helps.