Another bug to bypass things and now it is posted on the forums for all to know about .....
All you did was let everyone on the forums know about it, not solve the issue .....
You should of done this thru tech support and not the forums .....
Sadly this will continue to happen no matter how much ZOS patch the game and each issue.
There are a lot of people with the mentality in the game to abuse every issue they find for advantage, and ZOS hasn't done a very good job of enforcing that it's bad.
So THATS what the "Cheese" was, wow. I assumed at most the Boss would react but attacks couldn't reach you or something, didn't think the Boss just stood there and took it.
Escaping the map is something I do for fun on like every zone in Tamriel. Maw of Lorkhaj has an awesome area to explore but I wouldn't dare do it thanks to this exploit
Escaping the map is something I do for fun on like every zone in Tamriel. Maw of Lorkhaj has an awesome area to explore but I wouldn't dare do it thanks to this exploit
Whenever I try to find ways outside the bounds it always seems impossible. Invisible walls are EVERYWHERE. The Gold Coast especially, I tried so hard to see what was on the other side of Varen's Wall.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »No one else found the glitch to get through the walls on HOF yet...GG glitchers. Vmol farm is old news. Far more beneficial glitches to be had right now. And no Harbinger shares with no one anymore.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »No one else found the glitch to get through the walls on HOF yet...GG glitchers. Vmol farm is old news. Far more beneficial glitches to be had right now. And no Harbinger shares with no one anymore.
I've always been great at finding ways to escape maps. Would it be worth trying to do this in Halls of Fabrication before someone else does?
The purpose of this would be to report how to escape HoF in order to prevent another disaster like what happened in vMoL. I just question if ZOS would care/respond if such an exploit was found though.
I'll be pretty angry if HoF gets exploited like MoL did.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »No one else found the glitch to get through the walls on HOF yet...GG glitchers. Vmol farm is old news. Far more beneficial glitches to be had right now. And no Harbinger shares with no one anymore.
I've always been great at finding ways to escape maps. Would it be worth trying to do this in Halls of Fabrication before someone else does?
The purpose of this would be to report how to escape HoF in order to prevent another disaster like what happened in vMoL. I just question if ZOS would care/respond if such an exploit was found though.
I'll be pretty angry if HoF gets exploited like MoL did.
If ppl know ways to get out of map, send the info to @ZOS_Finn viq private message
starwars galaxies had a similar bug where you could go out of the map and into any other instace of that type, which gave the people in the other instance a shock when they appeared.
OutLaw_Nynx wrote: »Stop trying to get off the map
So THATS what the "Cheese" was, wow. I assumed at most the Boss would react but attacks couldn't reach you or something, didn't think the Boss just stood there and took it.
So THATS what the "Cheese" was, wow. I assumed at most the Boss would react but attacks couldn't reach you or something, didn't think the Boss just stood there and took it.