On you first bar how do you do dmg?
Regarding the sets, Julianos is good, spinner is good too, but having both and 2 assa sharpen swords is... weird.
Do you have regen? How much?
Vermintide wrote: »Hi.
On you first bar how do you do dmg?
Regarding the sets, Julianos is good, spinner is good too, but having both and 2 assa sharpen swords is... weird.
Do you have regen? How much?
HeyWell the basic plan is to pew pew to proc merciless, snare them, stealth up, lotus fan in, CW spam, impale. That feels like how it's meant to be done, but I have varying degrees of success.
As for the swords, I just picked it as my last 2 piece for a bit more crit since I hope to eventually grind enough for a monster set and then shuffle things around.
Regen is at around 1k. Also vamp.
Oh, OK
If you are running 5 light, you need a bubble. If you are running 5 heavy, you need Seducer. The cost of skills in 5 heavy for a mageblade is high.
Also you don't have neither shadow, nor fear slotted, that puts you in a difficult situation when CCed.
What about CPs?
I want to be part of the conversation too !!!! But senpai would probably do a better job.
@Vermintide , before we dive in to the amazing world of magblades, please clarify if you are running with a large group (sounds like it) or small scale.
@Vermintide ...ha, too funny - our builds are pretty similiar, except I'm 5 light, 2 medium and I have the juilianos 5 piece bonus on my DW bar...plus I use grothdar (procs off harness magicka)...and, I'm not a vamp on this character...
okay, maybe not all that similiar
definitely hit up the golden and start collecting monster pieces...
for sustain you're gonna have to lean on your staff (yeah, I know - heavy attacking isn't very "bursty")...or, maybe switch to regen drinks...siphoning strikes hasn't really helped me all that much...
I fight mostly with the staff in cyro and just go to dual wield to try to finish folks off...
Vermintide wrote: »Sorry, yeah, it's one of these threads.
5pc Julianos (heavy, mag enchants)
5pc Spinner's (mix of impen and divines)
2x Assassin's swords (sharpened)
Random destro or restro staff (sharpened/defending)
Thief mundus
Tri-stat food
Skills are usually something along these lines:
DW- Hidden blade, impale, lotus fan, crippling grasp, shadowy disguise - soul harvest
Staff- Merciless, siphoning attacks/elemental drain, swallow soul, refreshing path, healing ward/harness magicka - soul tether/elemental rage
Destro(flame)/Resto Magblade is currently the strongest possible setup right now. You can get away with Duel Wield/Resto but simply won't have as much success. You can use a setup where you weave on your resto bar then go to your duel wield to burst (at least on XBox NA this seems to be the meta in highly competite duels) but in my opinion this just isn't as effective as a standard Desto/Resto setup. That being set, if you're committed to using duel wield there are possible setups that can work. But I do think resto staff is important to use - i.e. don't do Duel Wield/Destro
As for your skills, nothing strikes me as too crazy except for hidden blade and no source of major sorcery. No reason to run hidden blade, drop it from your bar. And you need a source of major sorcery unless you are getting it from potions - use either Sap Essence or Entropy (I prefer the Degeneration morph). The other thing I would do is run healing ward over harness - or, if you prefer, run both. The burst heal from healing ward will help you out. Put Merciless on your DW bar if running DW/Resto or on your Desro bar if running Destro/Resto. Soul tether or soul harvest/incap + spectral bow will be your burst combo. Oh and no reason to run Lotus Fan if doing Destro/Restro.
I'm not sure if you want your build to be for open world CP PVP, open world no-CP PVP, or BGs, but in all cases I would try to get a sustain/utility set to pair with an offensive set and a monster set. In no CP definitely use Skoria, I also prefer Skoria in CP but there are arguably some alternative sets here like bloodspawn. For sustain/utility sets I recommend looking at Wizards Riposte first, or otherwise Transmutation. Make your resto staff your 5th piece for these sets. Then make your destro staff the 5th piece for your offensive set. For offensive sets you have a number of choices: War Maiden, Spinners, Necropotence (use shade with it), or even the class Julianos if you don't want to farm. But combining those types of sets on Destro/Restro is best in my opinion. An easy set to start with could be 2 Skoria + 5 Julianos + 5 Transmutation/Riposte. Then upgrade Juli to another set when you get the pieces.
When you get this set up together you can focus on food and sustain. I really recommend using Leeching Strikes to get you your stamina sustain. Then just focus on balancing magicka sustain and damage with your food and glyphs. Trifood is always nice but you may ave to go with witchmothers if you want to sustain. You can get away with this if you use Leeching Strikes. If in no-CP I recommend using some tri-glyphs to get max health and stam up a bit.
As for combat, make sure you keep your buffs up - mainly this means merciless, siphoning/leeching, path, and major sorcery. Also, if you are running them, keep cripple and degeneration on your target. Practice light attack weaving on EVERY ability - even on Resto bar. This will help keep your merciless up as quick as possible. Keep buffs up as mentioned and LA + Funnel weave until you get your spectral bow. Then try to combo it (with an ultimate if you have it) when you have an opening to do as much damage as possible or get the kill. Don't feel like you have to shoot the spectral bow right away, you can hold it for a bit and wait for an opening.
Anyway, that is a very general guide I tried to throw together real quick. I'm sure I glossed over a lot of things and obviously if you are intent on using duel wield some stuff can be disregarded. If you have any other questions I'll do my best to answer. I'm sure some other knowledgeable magblades will chime in too. Magblade can be a tough class to play but can be very rewarding when you figure it out - it is still deadly in the right hands.
Vermintide wrote: »Sorry, yeah, it's one of these threads.
5pc Julianos (heavy, mag enchants)
5pc Spinner's (mix of impen and divines)
2x Assassin's swords (sharpened)
Random destro or restro staff (sharpened/defending)
Thief mundus
Tri-stat food
Skills are usually something along these lines:
DW- Hidden blade, impale, lotus fan, crippling grasp, shadowy disguise - soul harvest
Staff- Merciless, siphoning attacks/elemental drain, swallow soul, refreshing path, healing ward/harness magicka - soul tether/elemental rage
OOK. here we go. couple of friendly observations:
- This patch with heavy armor you have to build for sustain... this means you have to run a sustain set.. my favorite is Transmutation. but there are many other sets. like Lich, Seducer, Magnus, and Mandy more. My favorit sweet spot for magik regen is at least 1900. and my spell dmg minimum is 1900. swap spinner for one of the sets here.
- With higher mag regen ... you now can run leaching strikes to compensate for you low stamina poll and stam rege.
- You need to make you DW bar your burst bar and you back bar you pew pew bar. This means Merciless resolve goes to you DW bar, while swallow soul/funnel health goes to your back resto bar. basically , on your DW bar you cast Merciless swap to you healing bar, do light attack with funnel health until you proc your Merciless... swap back to DW bar and CC your enemy Shoot the bow and use ultimate.. on the most effective order.
- Your DW bar need to have degeneration for major sorcery.
- Get Rid of hidden blade, Lotus fan,... replace them with degeneration and mark target.
- Swap your siphoning strikes with leaching strikes only when you reach minimum 1900 mag regen
- your food should be witch mothers potent brew.
- if you are running lich then you may go to Tri Stat food.
The way I see it you want to play your magblade like a stamblade.. the problem is you are a magblade. and you need to make sure you have your healing over time effects are constantly active. which means... you need to constantly funnel heath. you have to make sure you light attack between each skills. unless you are doing the kill combo. your healing path, and degen, should have 100% up time. since you are going to be using funnel with light attacks you will be proccing your merciless more often and easier. your dps bar is your resto bar,, you kill bar is your DW bar.
you can check out my YouTube channel and see how I play my magblade. In Homestead I ran heavy juliano and transmutation... but I play destro / Resto...
This patch you actually can run all light armor with certain sets.
Magblade is life, Magblade is love !
Vermintide wrote: »I was mainly keeping CW around because of the stun and steath speed buff, but i doubt it would be too painful to lose... I think I would like to keep lotus fan around though because I'm not quite skilled enough at gap closing without it just yet. It's no use having a debuff on a target if I can't even get within range to hurt 'em heh.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »I tried a few set ups listed in here today in battlefields and I have never died so fast in all my years of playing .
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »Your play style will stick with dual wield + resto.
Try these bars:
dw -- lotus, concealed, shadowy disguise, cripple, fear, incapacitating strike
resto -- shadow image, swallow soul/funnel health, merciless, healing ward, mark, light's champion
Use spell power pots. If you cannot use spell power pots, switch cripple for sap essence or mark for entropy.
Change your mundus to Shadow. You want big crits from stealth using cloak to guarantee them. Think of hitting people with very high burst crit combos of 2-4 abilities. You'll have 40-50% crit from your build, so 2 should crit on their own. Make another crit artificially with cloak, and you'll have huge burst with Shadow.
This setup wants to pew pew on your resto bar with funnel, fire off merciless, and jump in on your dw bar. That's how you've been playing according to the OP, and that happens to be the strongest way to play dw mageblade currenntly. Just switch your soul harvest morph to incap for PvP. Master-at-Arms CP will amplify it, so it will deal almost the same damage. You want that cc in PvP, though.
Do you have access to any drop sets like Necropotence or Amber Plasm? Those are really strong. For now, I recommend Willpower jewelry + Seducer armor + 2 Magnus armor + 2 Magnus swords + Magnus resto staff. This will put 4 Magnus on your front bar and 3 Magnus back bar. That should give you enough magicka sustain to use 3 damage jewelry glyphs, but you can change those out how you like. You definitely need more magicka sustain to play dw mageblade in PvP.
Or you could start farming those Undaunted Pieces. Selene's and Engine Guardian are your best bets for dw. Grothdarr is decent, but it will pull you out of cloak if enemies are nearby, getting you killed from time to time. Valkyn and Malubeth are best for destro/resto setups, and Pirate Skeleton is naturally strong on any of them as long as you don't use CP in Befoul. I recommend using lots of CP in Befoul if you're using soul harvest/incap.
If you get a 2pc in decent traits, use Willpower + Torug's or a damage 5pc in your jewelry and weapons.
I've played just about every dw/resto build imaginable this patch, and the best damage and sustain combination that I've found is Necropotence + Amber Plasm + Selene's with one cost reduction glyph. War Maiden and Spinner fall short when using Incap, and other sustain sets leave me short of where I like my magicka sustain to be. Even Seducer + a third damage glyph was inferior sustain and damage to Amber + a cost reduction glyph.
Metemsycosis wrote: »NightbladeMechanics wrote: »Your play style will stick with dual wield + resto.
Try these bars:
dw -- lotus, concealed, shadowy disguise, cripple, fear, incapacitating strike
resto -- shadow image, swallow soul/funnel health, merciless, healing ward, mark, light's champion
Use spell power pots. If you cannot use spell power pots, switch cripple for sap essence or mark for entropy.
Change your mundus to Shadow. You want big crits from stealth using cloak to guarantee them. Think of hitting people with very high burst crit combos of 2-4 abilities. You'll have 40-50% crit from your build, so 2 should crit on their own. Make another crit artificially with cloak, and you'll have huge burst with Shadow.
This setup wants to pew pew on your resto bar with funnel, fire off merciless, and jump in on your dw bar. That's how you've been playing according to the OP, and that happens to be the strongest way to play dw mageblade currenntly. Just switch your soul harvest morph to incap for PvP. Master-at-Arms CP will amplify it, so it will deal almost the same damage. You want that cc in PvP, though.
Do you have access to any drop sets like Necropotence or Amber Plasm? Those are really strong. For now, I recommend Willpower jewelry + Seducer armor + 2 Magnus armor + 2 Magnus swords + Magnus resto staff. This will put 4 Magnus on your front bar and 3 Magnus back bar. That should give you enough magicka sustain to use 3 damage jewelry glyphs, but you can change those out how you like. You definitely need more magicka sustain to play dw mageblade in PvP.
Or you could start farming those Undaunted Pieces. Selene's and Engine Guardian are your best bets for dw. Grothdarr is decent, but it will pull you out of cloak if enemies are nearby, getting you killed from time to time. Valkyn and Malubeth are best for destro/resto setups, and Pirate Skeleton is naturally strong on any of them as long as you don't use CP in Befoul. I recommend using lots of CP in Befoul if you're using soul harvest/incap.
If you get a 2pc in decent traits, use Willpower + Torug's or a damage 5pc in your jewelry and weapons.
I've played just about every dw/resto build imaginable this patch, and the best damage and sustain combination that I've found is Necropotence + Amber Plasm + Selene's with one cost reduction glyph. War Maiden and Spinner fall short when using Incap, and other sustain sets leave me short of where I like my magicka sustain to be. Even Seducer + a third damage glyph was inferior sustain and damage to Amber + a cost reduction glyph.
Does the bear animation count as a pet ?
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »I tried a few set ups listed in here today in battlefields and I have never died so fast in all my years of playing .
QuebraRegra wrote: »Rohamad_Ali wrote: »I tried a few set ups listed in here today in battlefields and I have never died so fast in all my years of playing .
??? even with HEALING WARD running? Y'know what, sometimes you just have to listen to "THE GAMBLER" and cloak and run from that oncoming zerg of 50+
Johngo0036 wrote: »Hi,
Go and check out sinfullduck on youtube, i like his builds,
Here is a link to his melee magicka NB:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAkvxEiWMvU