LadyNalcarya wrote: »
Theres a bit of extra dialogues (yes, I did the questline twice to see what happens XD)
Spoilers ahead, obviously:Spoiler
(if you ask her about Eoki)
Poor Eoki.I feel bad for doing this >.<
@Magdalina wrote: »
Thank you for this! Can you talk to Eoki himself?
Also is there a screenshot missing there? I see question "will you ever set him free?" available, but not her answer there.
Sorry to bug you with this, just really curious on this one - it's a great storyline in terms of character development, possibly best in all of the game. I don't think Sun is making the right choices, but I don't think she's a cold blooded monster either. It's more like you see her develop going down the path she chooses, doubting herself and making wrong choices yet continuing on and it's...fascinating in a way.
Hippie4927 wrote: »
I'm so glad you posted that! I wanted to know what would happen if I made that choice but I didn't want to actually make that choice. Now I know and I will never make that choice! Thanks for doing the 'dirty work'.
Reorx_Holybeard wrote: »It was an interesting quest line at first but I had a few issues on how it ended up:SpoilerThe way I see it Sun-in-Shadow wants to become a Telvanni mage and with all the plotting, subterfuge, conniving, and betrayal she engages in she becomes exactly what she wanted (whether she actually wanted to or not, or was aware that was happening). I guess I'd like to see an additional quest outcome depending on what you do:
- Sun-In-Shadow and Eoki stay
- Sun-in-Shadow stays and Eoki leaves
- (new) Sun-in-Shadow and Eoki leave together
I particularly dislike the part where the game "forces" you to assassinate someone. The options given are "assassinate" or "bring cupcakes" and its patently obvious what is going on in the latter choice (um, perhaps you shouldn't eat those sent from someone trying to kill you). I feel this would have been a good time to help introduce the new third option for the quest ending here.
Interesting characters and story but a very forced story line from the character's perspective.
LadyNalcarya wrote: »
I think its not possible to talk him while hes chained and I couldnt find him later in Sadrith Mora.
Here's her reply, I guess the picture didnt load:And I absolutely agree about the questline.SpoilerI would like to see more options (for example, to convince her that Eoki was right and reunite her with the Hist, and an option to not help her and tell Ralasa that Sun wants to kill her etc), but it was interesting nonetheless.
LadyNalcarya wrote: »
Theres a bit of extra dialogues (yes, I did the questline twice to see what happens XD)
Spoilers ahead, obviously:Spoiler
(if you ask her about Eoki)
Poor Eoki.I feel bad for doing this >.<
hmsdragonfly wrote: »This is the worst questline in the whole game, yet it is so long and i have to finish to be able to get the juicy Telvanni personality. Here are the reasons:
+ Telvanni is a fan-favourite Great House, a lot of people were looking forward to playing Morrowind just for the Telvanni questline. Yet the story is about Argonians and you spend most of the time talking to Argonians. "I heard people like Telvanni wizards, so let's make the Telvanni questline with an Argonian main character! What? Technically she is still a Telvanni wizard." I just feel disappointed, i think many people share that feeling.
+ Sun-in-Shadow isn't a likable character, and yet she is the protagonist. Not that she isn't well written or anything, it's just that no one can like her. B**** and a**** make great antagonists, but if you have to spend most of the time communicating with an unlikable protagonist, it doesn't feel good or satisfying. Well, if you want to make a b****y protagonist, at least make her likable somehow, like what Marvel did with Jessica Jones.
+ I am forced to help her. There were many breaking points where I almost dropped the quest, but i had to continue because I wanted the personality.+ I am forced to free slaves where slavery is perfectly legal. Why don't you give us an option to report to the guards? I mean, we have options to do things against the laws, yet we can't do something to enforce the laws?SpoilerSun: Hey friend pls kill this Dunmer wizard for me because I don't like her.
Me: I am no assassin, I am not going to help you.
Sun: Fine, then i have a different solution: let's bribe her with some candies. Friend, please take this candy to her.
Me: You think i am ***? You are trying to poison her, I bet this is poison, not candy.
Sun: <Nothing>
Me: but but ... this cannot be ...
Sun: <Nothing>
Me: (no other option), Fine, for the quest rewards. <Bring the candy to Ralasa Delvi>. Please not poison please not poison
Ralasa Delvi: <Eats the candy> <Bloats in gibberish> <Dies>
Sun: <Pretends like nothing happened>
Me: ******, **** ROEJRN#$(#)KFDFJR($#)#$ you son of a fetchering n'wah, may the cliff racers sh** on your face and your s'wit brain be eaten by a nix-ox.
Sun: <Pretends like nothing happened>
LadyNalcarya wrote: »And I absolutely agree about the questline.I would like to see more options (for example, to convince her that Eoki was right and reunite her with the Hist, and an option to not help her and tell Ralasa that Sun wants to kill her etc), but it was interesting nonetheless.
hmsdragonfly wrote: »This is the worst questline in the whole game, yet it is so long and i have to finish to be able to get the juicy Telvanni personality. Here are the reasons:
+ Telvanni is a fan-favourite Great House, a lot of people were looking forward to playing Morrowind just for the Telvanni questline. Yet the story is about Argonians and you spend most of the time talking to Argonians. "I heard people like Telvanni wizards, so let's make the Telvanni questline with an Argonian main character! What? Technically she is still a Telvanni wizard." I just feel disappointed, i think many people share that feeling.
+ Sun-in-Shadow isn't a likable character, and yet she is the protagonist. Not that she isn't well written or anything, it's just that no one can like her. B**** and a**** make great antagonists, but if you have to spend most of the time communicating with an unlikable protagonist, it doesn't feel good or satisfying. Well, if you want to make a b****y protagonist, at least make her likable somehow, like what Marvel did with Jessica Jones.
+ I am forced to help her. There were many breaking points where I almost dropped the quest, but i had to continue because I wanted the personality.
+ I am forced to free slaves where slavery is perfectly legal. Why don't you give us an option to report to the guards? I mean, we have options to do things against the laws, yet we can't do something to enforce the laws?
TonyRockaroni wrote: »
This is actually my favorite questline in the whole game.
I actually like Sun-in-Shadow and completely disagree regarding her character. I may not be an assassin, but after what Ralasa said about the Argonians as someone who strictly plays an Argonian, I was more than happy to erect the spine of vengeance on her prejudice behind.
Sure, slavery's House Telvanni's minds. They love it so much, they chose to alienate themselves from every other great houses because of it. Even House Dres has more sense than them! And most importantly, it was a misstake that proved to be their undoing in the end. House Telvanni chose to make the Argonians slaves, and look where House Telvanni is two eras later.
hmsdragonfly wrote: »
You like Sun-In-Shadow because you are a n'wah, so your opinion is invalid and completely irrelevant.
What Ralasa said about the Argonians is totally correct, Argonians are born to be n'wahs, and n'wahs should they always be. Full stop. If you have anything against it, keep in mind that I haven't whipped any n'wah with my Flame Lash for day so my hands are itchy for some whipping.
The Great House of Telvanni didn't choose to make Argonians slaves, the proud Dunmeri people of the Great and Beautiful Morrowind chose to make Argonians slaves, the Great House of Telvanni just refused to give up our rightful and glorious tradition because of some s'wit Hlaalu fetchers want to ally themselves with the filthy n'wahs and the dumb mead-drinking n'wahs to fight a s'wit war which doesn't add anything to our great library of magical knowledge. If you don't like slavery, go lick the boots of those Hlaalu fetchers, don't mess things up in Telvanni's land.
Anyway I will be back to burning stuffs in the name of science. No point arguing with a n'wah.
P/S: House Dres keeps slaves.
(P/S2: I don't mean to offend you :P Have to stay in character :P)
TonyRockaroni wrote: »
Xuth, you're persistent! I'm irrelevant? Let me ask you a question...House Telvanni claim to be the most powerful mages of all, superior to everyone...who outside House Telvanni believes this? Or even cares? House Telvanni have done so much to distance themselves from the outside world that they no longer matter. And I would much rather be a n'wah than be non-existant.
Trust me, dyskin. My Flame Lash would hit you far quicker than yours would hit me. And if Ralasa was so wise, why is it that she wasn't able to escape her own demise?
Because some "s'wit Hlaalu fletchers" want to ally with my people? You DO realize, of course, that the "fletchers" you speak of are from every other house and not just Hlaalu, do you not? At least those four houses can see past their mistakes and realize what is truly important; unity. You and your precious Telvanni mages chose not to be part of that unity, and so you shall remain now as you will be in the future; alienated and irrelevant. Oh, and why would I mess up anything in "Telvanni's land"? After all, the only land they have in the present is, what, a small corner of the island of Solstheim? It appears that someone has not erected the spine of wisdom in quite some time.
House Dres does keep slaves, yes. But then again, the slaves they keep at the moment aren't Argonian, but Khajiit. I may be against slavery, but after what the Renrijra pirates did to my people, my sympathy has waned considerably.
(P/S: Totally fine! Not offended, just having fun. XP Also glad that you aren't offended after I myself spoke in character!)
TonyRockaroni wrote: »
Xuth, you're persistent! I'm irrelevant? Let me ask you a question...House Telvanni claim to be the most powerful mages of all, superior to everyone...who outside House Telvanni believes this? Or even cares? House Telvanni have done so much to distance themselves from the outside world that they no longer matter. And I would much rather be a n'wah than be non-existant.
Trust me, dyskin. My Flame Lash would hit you far quicker than yours would hit me. And if Ralasa was so wise, why is it that she wasn't able to escape her own demise?
Because some "s'wit Hlaalu fletchers" want to ally with my people? You DO realize, of course, that the "fletchers" you speak of are from every other house and not just Hlaalu, do you not? At least those four houses can see past their mistakes and realize what is truly important; unity. You and your precious Telvanni mages chose not to be part of that unity, and so you shall remain now as you will be in the future; alienated and irrelevant. Oh, and why would I mess up anything in "Telvanni's land"? After all, the only land they have in the present is, what, a small corner of the island of Solstheim? It appears that someone has not erected the spine of wisdom in quite some time.
House Dres does keep slaves, yes. But then again, the slaves they keep at the moment aren't Argonian, but Khajiit. I may be against slavery, but after what the Renrijra pirates did to my people, my sympathy has waned considerably.
(P/S: Totally fine! Not offended, just having fun. XP Also glad that you aren't offended after I myself spoke in character!)