It's about standard for an online game. EVE Online has daily maintenance, used to be an hour at a time as well.So I have been playing this game for about a week and a half and already had 3 times maintenance...
I think this is way too much! Instead of making crappy updates maybe they can first test things out on the test server, patch that stuff and after a month or so upload the update to the real servers. Then a week or two after the real update they can patch the issues that appear on the real server and then focus on the next real update.
It is so annoying that there is so much maintenance... create a good patch or test it first on test servers on don't make updates at all... it is as simple as that... Take an example of other mmorpgs like WoW... Seriously I love this game but the company behind it sucks. Sometimes I wish Blizzard would buy this game, atleast then we would have a normal update and maintenance routine and some good customer service (which also sucks atm... 2-3 days to fix a problem that already popped up a few years ago and not even letting the players know how things are going is just crazy..)
Sorry if it seems like I am whining atm but this really is a big issue. I really hope this will change so that players can just play the game like they should instead of having 2-3 times maintenance in a week...
What do you guys think about this?
I am in the Pacific timezone and I get screwed out of a day a week. The maintenance cuts right into my playtime.(sorry Pacific timezone)
Different server architecture, different coding styles, different team sizes, different skill sets of developers, different employment hours, different budgets, different server hosts, communications between hosts and devs...No I am not new to mmorpg games -_-
I am just saying that they should take an example of blizzard... Those servers are pretty much never offline...
If they can do hotfixes and stuff without the players even noticing it then why can't ZOS do this as well?
Just saying...
No I am not new to mmorpg games -_-
I am just saying that they should take an example of blizzard... Those servers are pretty much never offline...
If they can do hotfixes and stuff without the players even noticing it then why can't ZOS do this as well?
Just saying...
No I am not new to mmorpg games -_-
I am just saying that they should take an example of blizzard... Those servers are pretty much never offline...
If they can do hotfixes and stuff without the players even noticing it then why can't ZOS do this as well?
Just saying...
Most people are at work or would have classes during the EU times.
I don't get it.
I play MMo since 1999 and T4c and it's the first time i get mad about maintenance.
In Europe i can't play on Monday (my day off) because they don't care it's in the middle of the day. Same for the hotfix, the last was about something like 6+ hours.
It's way too much.
No I am not new to mmorpg games -_-
I am just saying that they should take an example of blizzard... Those servers are pretty much never offline...
If they can do hotfixes and stuff without the players even noticing it then why can't ZOS do this as well?
Just saying...
What are yout talking about? Blizaard does it all the time to their servers. The only reason why it doesn't seem like it is becuase their servers hold smaller number of players in them and take less time to preform a maintenance. World of Warcraft has weekely server maintenances for it's servers, but they only take 30 minutes to an hour to preform. And they also do it at the dead of night when no one is online.
And again, there is a difference between a hotfix and server maintenance. A hot fix is for ingame issues (software), a server maintenance is for out of game issues (hardware).
Also funny how people defend ZOS... if they have an issue and try do an update or it takes 3 freaking days to fix it and don't communicate at all, everyone is against them.
I stay with my opinion that ZOS has to change the way they work, try limit the maintenance, fix real issues and start communicating better with the player community because the customer support is just bad xD
No I am not new to mmorpg games -_-
I am just saying that they should take an example of blizzard... Those servers are pretty much never offline...
If they can do hotfixes and stuff without the players even noticing it then why can't ZOS do this as well?
Just saying...
This is one mega server per region not 100 empty servers like wow.
You've only just started. Believe us when we say this is nothing.
There is always maintenance on Monday, but it was a US holiday so it's pushed to Tuesday.
We just released a major patch to the game, a whole new expansion/dlc. That takes maintenance.
What other down time could you be complaining about? You will be begging for maintenance to clean up the load screens in no time.
Also funny how people defend ZOS... if they have an issue and try do an update or it takes 3 freaking days to fix it and don't communicate at all, everyone is against them.
I stay with my opinion that ZOS has to change the way they work, try limit the maintenance, fix real issues and start communicating better with the player community because the customer support is just bad xD
they are paid by zos, i want to get paid too but i don't know where to apply for this task
Also funny how people defend ZOS... if they have an issue and try do an update or it takes 3 freaking days to fix it and don't communicate at all, everyone is against them.
I stay with my opinion that ZOS has to change the way they work, try limit the maintenance, fix real issues and start communicating better with the player community because the customer support is just bad xD
13 year old technology and art (WoW) doesn't need much to maintain it. Just wind the crank a few times.
And this IS the least populated time according to Zos's data. 4 am EST.
No I am not new to mmorpg games -_-
I am just saying that they should take an example of blizzard... Those servers are pretty much never offline...
If they can do hotfixes and stuff without the players even noticing it then why can't ZOS do this as well?
Just saying...
This is one mega server per region not 100 empty servers like wow.
You've only just started. Believe us when we say this is nothing.
There is always maintenance on Monday, but it was a US holiday so it's pushed to Tuesday.
We just released a major patch to the game, a whole new expansion/dlc. That takes maintenance.
What other down time could you be complaining about? You will be begging for maintenance to clean up the load screens in no time.
WoW is like the biggest mmorpg out there so what you say about WoW isn't true.
Like i said if there is a big update: use the test server first, that's why it's made... upload it for like a few weeks - a month on the test server to fix most issues and bugs and then upload to real servers so most proplems are fixed by then...
If you have to do a lot of maintenance in an mmorpg game after uploading it to the real servers, then you are doing something wrong
Also funny how people defend ZOS... if they have an issue and try do an update or it takes 3 freaking days to fix it and don't communicate at all, everyone is against them.
I stay with my opinion that ZOS has to change the way they work, try limit the maintenance, fix real issues and start communicating better with the player community because the customer support is just bad xD
It's also funny how you refuse to listen to the logical individuals who have already exmplained to you the different between a patch/hot fix and a server maintenance, and have done so many times. But you instead continue to spout your nonsense without any reguard of reading factual information in order to push your flawed opinion on the matter of which you have no actual knowladge about.
As it is now you just sound like an indivual who is mad because they can't play the game and that's it, and are trying to find a scapegoat filed with whatever reasons you can think of to vent your frustration about something that is not going to change.