Igneous Shield (Obsidian Shield morph): Decreased the duration of the Major Mending buff granted by this morph to 2.5 seconds from 6 seconds.
Developer Comment:SpoilerMajor Mending is an extremely potent buff category for healing. The ease at which you are able to maintain it creates a system where only extreme damage can kill you because your health bar rapidly swings from near-empty to full. Adjusting the uptime on Igneous Shield’s Major Mending means you will need to think more tactically about when to use your healing abilities. We have made similar changes to other classes with this goal in mind; access to the Major Mending buff is now much rarer.
Developer Comments:ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Here are the changes for Siphoning Strikes, and we'll update the patch notes to reflect:
Recasting this ability or its morphs early will now always trigger the ending resource restore. The value of this restore is based on the length of time the abilities were active, similar to Rally's heal.
Each Light or Heavy Attack from this ability or its morphs will now restore less resources, but the final burst at the end will restore more resources. The total resources restored by this ability will remain roughly the same.
^Luminous Shards disorient removed, which I think was not in 3.0.4.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Spear Shards:
The synergy from this ability and its morphs now restore Stamina or Magicka, whichever pool is larger. The amount restored is now based on your character level instead of your Max Resource. The synergy also has a shared cooldown with the Necrotic Orb synergy.
This ability and the Luminous Shard morph no longer disorient an enemy. It also now deals moderate additional damage over time after the spear lands.
Blazing Shield (Sun Shield morph): Reduced the amount of damage done by this morph to 33/36/39/42% of the damage absorbed by the shield, down from 50/51/52/53%.
Developer Comments:SpoilerBlazing Shield builds have proven to be extremely effective due to being able to stack Health to improve both their survivability and damage done. We’ve reduced the effectiveness of this ability so that there is more of an opportunity cost to having so much Health.
Crystal Fragments (Crystal Shard morph): Reduced the damage bonus of this morph’s instant-cast proc to 10% from 20%.
Developer Comments:SpoilerSorcerer’s sustained damage in PvE and burst damage in PvP is currently too high, so reducing the damage bonus from Crystal Fragments brings them down slightly in both areas without being too punishing to the overall damage kit.
Summon Twilight Matriarch (Summon Winged Twilight morph): Fixed an issue where this morph’s heal ability could heal through walls.
Summon Volatile Familiar (Summon Unstable Familiar morph): Reduced the damage done by this morphs’ special ability by 20%.
Developer Comments:SpoilerThe amount of area of effect damage Sorcerers currently put out is too high, so reducing the effectiveness of this ability will bring them more in-line with other classes.
Below are the changes we made to the Warden that are included in today's Live patch:
Advanced Species now increases damage to all abilities by 2% per Animal Companion ability slotted. Previously, this passive only enhanced Animal Companion abilities.
Piercing Cold now increases damage to all Magic and Cold damage abilities instead of Physical and Frost damage abilities.