Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v3.0.5, introducing our first chapter: Morrowind! The fate of the island of Vvardenfell hangs in the balance and Tamriel needs a hero to help Vivec, the legendary warrior-poet god, who suffers from a mysterious illness.
In addition to Vvardenfell, the largest landmass addition to date, we’re also introducing the first new class since ESO launched: the Warden. This class is an adaptable, support-orientated option for players who want to be able to fill a specific role while simultaneously providing assistance to others. If you are interested in a class that uses the wilds of Tamriel to protect, heal, or deal damage (occasionally all at the same time) the Warden is for you.
Morrowind also brings a new PvP mode – Battlegrounds – which are small-scale, fast-paced battles with three teams of four players. If you’re looking for a real challenge, head to our newest 12-player Trial, Halls of Fabrication, featuring a Normal and Veteran version. You’ll also find a host of new item sets, Motifs, homes and furnishings, collectibles, titles, and even dyes.
But that’s not all! The base game brings many new updates as well including updates to the Champion System, the Master Writ Merchant, Cyrodiil Rewards, a new Inverse Kinematic System, and more. And as always, we have a number of bug fixes and general improvements to the overall game. The size of this update is approximately 8.71GB. Enjoy our first chapter - Morrowind!

- Morrowind
- New Public Dungeons
- New Playable Class: The Warden
- PVP Battlegrounds
- New Trial: Halls of Fabrication
- New Item Sets
- New Crafting Motifs
- New Homes
- New Furnishings and Furnishing Plans
- New Collectibles
- New Titles
- New Dyes
- New Features / Updates / Big Changes
- Champion Point Increase
- Champion System Rebalancing
- Ability and Champion Respecs
- Skill Line Unlocking
- Adjusted Experience (XP) for Levels 1 – 50
- Master Writ Merchant Update
- Normal Mode Dungeon Trophies
- New Hireling Mails
- PvP Campaign Updates
- Cyrodiil Reward Updates
- New ESO Plus Benefit: Double Bank Capacity
- Additional Purchasable Character Slots
- Inverse Kinematic System
- Miscellaneous UI Updates
- Fixes & Improvements
- DLC Game Packs
- Dark Brotherhood
- Imperial City
- Orsinium
- Shadows of the Hist
- Thieves Guild
- Base Game Patch
- Alliance War
- Art & Animation
- Audio
- Combat & Gameplay
- Crafting & Economy
- Crown Store & Crown Crates
- Dungeons & Group Content
- Exploration & Itemization
- Housing
- Miscellaneous
- Quests & Zones
- UI
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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