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Dungeon etiquette

Soul Shriven
I started playing a few days ago, level 10 sorcerer. I follow the leveling guide on deltiasgaming and don't really have a problem soloing in my crap gear; decided to try a random dungeon lfg.

At the beginning of the dungeon, I let people know this is my first dungeon in this game and tips are welcome. Nobody says anything during the run. It was going alright until we wiped on the last boss. I release and run back; when I enter the boss room, I get message I was kicked from the party. I message to find out why and the reason is low dps, I should have been killing adds and should go read some dps guides.

So my question is, is this a normal occurence and a good indicator of toxicity of the general population in ESO? Or is it my fault for joining as a noob at level 10? Should I have leveled to 50 before trying a dungeon? When is a good time to try them out?
  • ATEK302
    At least have a decent set of skills unlocked first. Usually around the lvl 30 range.
  • Omnitek
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks. Don't think it was mentioned in any of the guides I've read.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Everything (you included) scales to CP160. While you probably don't have a lot of skills unlocked at L10 (which your group already knew), it's not automatically a deal breaker.

    No, your one time occurrence isn't indicative of the norm. It was a one time occurrence.

    What dungeon was it? Some of them were originally set up for L10/20/30/40/50 by zone, so it's not unreasonable to expect to be able to clear them w/ scaling. Others require a bit more kick.

    In both cases, unless the other were also new, it was known in advance whether it was likely to be successful, or if they should recommend why it probably wouldn't work.

    Gonna say fault is on your group, in this case, as they offered no useful suggestions prior to boss, didn't say there was an issue upfront (when you were honest about your experience), and let you stay until the end.

    Kicking someone, especially someone new, after one wipe is a d*ck move, and is not the standard, by any means.

    Your best bet while learning and leveling is to group up with similarly leveled characters, preferably those you know, whether from a friends list a guild. That way you're all learning and progress.

    Can I tell you that you're never again going to run into an ass? No. Experienced groups will be helpful, or at least brutally honest up front as to why it's probably best to just stop there.

    Start with the 1st zone dungeons (Banished Cells I, Fungal Grotto I, Spindleclutch I, as they were the original 'starter' Undaunted dungeons, and tend to be a little more forgiving. They were once built for level 10-15's, so ATEK302 's suggestion is unfounded, especially with scaling.
    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on May 10, 2017 4:38PM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Omnitek
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the advice and a kind word. I am not sure what dungeon it was; I got it randomly through lfg. The end boss looked like Medusa, iirc.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Just keep at it. You'll get there. And, when you do find a good group / group member, friend them.

    I'd probably steer clear of Selene's Web, Blackheart Haven, and anything with a 'II' in the title until you get some more experience. The 4 DLC dungeons, if you even have the DLC, should probably come dead last.

    Everybody started somewhere. Don't let one bad experience keep you from enjoying the 4 man content. You'll level, you'll learn, you'll unlock new skills, and it will get easier!
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Nestor
    One thing to understand about the Group Finder and in particular the random dungeons. People do those on Afterburner Mode and get through them as quickly as possible, probably because they are logging alts and repeating the process.

    In other words, the last dungeon you want to run as your first is a Random from Group Finder.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Horowonnoe
    Omnitek wrote: »
    I started playing a few days ago, level 10 sorcerer. I follow the leveling guide on deltiasgaming and don't really have a problem soloing in my crap gear; decided to try a random dungeon lfg.

    At the beginning of the dungeon, I let people know this is my first dungeon in this game and tips are welcome. Nobody says anything during the run. It was going alright until we wiped on the last boss. I release and run back; when I enter the boss room, I get message I was kicked from the party. I message to find out why and the reason is low dps, I should have been killing adds and should go read some dps guides.

    So my question is, is this a normal occurence and a good indicator of toxicity of the general population in ESO? Or is it my fault for joining as a noob at level 10? Should I have leveled to 50 before trying a dungeon? When is a good time to try them out?

    I would say - those people who kicked you, were themselves low dps and probably weren't good players - since they couldn't even finish a normal dungeon. Any good player would have either helped you out and given some tips, or just "carried" you and said nothing.

    As for when is a good time to start running dungeons - do them now! Don't wait until you level. Undaunted skill line is annoying to level and i would say - better start early : )
    Also doing dungeons early, will allow you to learn mechanics of dungeons and so forth. Especially if that is something you find fun and enjoyable.

    At your level, i would focus on leveling all your skills and learning what they do, how they interact with each other. And sure, you could be reading all the guides that there are, but in my opinion, its more fun to play and learn that way, and only look at guides when you are having trouble. Eventually all the mechanics will be like second nature to you.

    Dont get discouraged by such mean spirited people. Do what you find fun! Also you can always join a guild or type in zone - lvl so and so looking to do dungeon x and i assure you, you will find others who want to get a complete.
    PC / NA
    Templar Healer "False Eye"
    Sorc Healer "Potema the Wolf Queen"
    Warden Healer "Heavy Attacks Online"
    Magicka Nightblade DPS "Nephaleth Telvanni"
    Dragonknight Tank "Nico's Facsimile"

    Builds & Guides:
    Horow's Templar Healer Guide for Trials (Murkmire updated)
    How to get Felms to jump correctly in vAS HM?
    Horow's vMA Magicka Sorc Build for beginners and lazy farmers
    Horow's Magicka Sorc Triple Pet Heavy Attack Build - Summerset Isles Ready
    More builds at anthem-guild.com/pve/.

    Notable Achievements:
    - World's first 18 Axes vAA clear
    - World's first 20+ enrage stack Llothis in vAS HM and World record cone damage
  • Magdalina
    Well kicking a lowbie who specifically asked for tips is just mean, especially after letting him get all the way to last boss. Also there's absolutely no normal dungeon in this game that 3 people could not complete if they knew what they were doing, no matter how low the dps of #4 was.

    It's kind of funny in a way because they probably gained nothing by kicking you lol. It's HIGHLY unlikely groupfinder would find them another dps in less time than it'd have taken them to kill it with you(that assuming groupfinder didn't bug and leave them unable to queue for replacement at all).

    However, I would second what @Nestor said above and advise against pugging via groupfinder. A lot of people run these dungeons hundreds upon hundreds of times to farm certain gear so they get fed up when it doesn't go as quick as they'd like(you said you released - ressed at wayshrine? It probably didn't help the matter. It is often annoying to wait for people to run all the way back, I'd give the person in question soulgems rather than kick though XD ). You also have near 0 chance of actually exploring the place and getting to hear the story if that's your thing.

    Another thing with groupfinder, it works in very weird way atm in the sense of which dungeons you get queued for...it used to be dungeons went by level, those in first zone of an alliance would be level 13-15, second I think level 20-ish, etc. The first dungeons would generally be easier and shorter than the subsequent ones. There were also vet dungeons, significantly harder and with a lot more complicated mechanics, only accessible to vet level players. But it's all different and basically all over the place now. Former nonvet dungeons are now dungeons I. Former vet are dungeons II. Both of them have vet and nonvet version now, but dungeons II generally still have more complicated mechanics, even if you can ignore most of them with half decent team. So the funny part is dungeon finder still functions like it would back then - despite you getting scaled to cp 160, it only queues you for "your level" dungeons. So at level 10 it'd be first tier dungeons - Spindleclutch, Banished cells and Fungal Grotto...except it opens up both versions I and II for you despite you only being level 10. AND it opens up dlc dungeons for you because they're available at any level, but dlc dungeons are significantly harder/have more complicated mechanics. So in a dlc dungeon a level 10 dps may cause some issues. It won't make it impossible to complete by any means, but it will make it harder and a lot of the time people flatout refuse to run dlc dungeons with lowbies(well to be fair a lot of people refuse to pug dlc dungeons entirely). I don't know what dungeon you got though.

    I advise a guild for first runs, or you could try to find like minded people in zone - might end up with equally inexperienced lowbies but at least you'll all be on equal footing then ;)
  • Meetre
    Not sure what platform you are on, but if it is PC-NA send me a message in game and I'll help you get better and show you some mechanics in dungeons. message @meetre and we can go wreck some stuff!
  • Trinity_Is_My_Name
    If you are on PC NA you can send me mail or PM me if I"m online. I can help with gear and advice. My main is a Mag Sorc and it's a ton of fun.

    Have a look at other build guides too such as Alcast, Thelon, Blobeso, and many others.
  • Omnitek
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you for your replies, much appreciated.
    I ran a couple of low level dungeons instead of a random as suggested last night and there weren't any issues.
  • Kaymorolis
    @Omnitek Again, if you are on PC-NA I heard there is a guild called Friendly Dungeon Runners. I've been meaning to try and get in that guild myself as the post I saw (here on the forums somewhere) was pretty positive sounding.
    PC | NA
    CP: 240+
    Tai'Zar - 50 Bosmer Stamblade
    Annatar the Fair - 50 Altmer MagSorc
    Rules Through Fear - 50 Argonian Templar
  • kylewwefan
    Ding Ding Ding. The boss looked like Medusa and couldn't kill adds quick enough.......I think you were actually at the first boss of WGT. It's notoriously hard for low level players and pug groups.

    Totally sucks that random daily for that juicy bonus XP throws noobs into hard DLC dungeons. Sorry for your bad luck, but I can offer a good solution.

    Get into a guild.
    Group with players that are also leveling a toon.
    Then use group finder for random dungeons with your premade group. So you get the bonus XP. Do a bunch of randoms for extra XP
  • davey1107
    Oh yeah...I think you were in white gold tower. In that case, your experience was a one off. People farm that and want to run it fast, and that boss is annoying. It's one of three spots in the game I can think of where people get rude, fights break out, etc, lol.

    At your level, group dungeons are a bit aggressive. If you want to try, by all means go ahead. Experienced players can solo most normal 4 player dungeons...I'd totally take you along even if you were just spamming light attacks. But you might learn more playing delves and public dungeons (the arch icon without the plus signs).

    If you do want to play the group dungeons, maybe go to one of the capital cities and put out a text chat saying you're a low level new player and asking if you can tag along in a normal "daily" dungeon. People are constantly grinding these with less than four, and you'll probably meet some experienced players who will be more courteous and helpful than your jerky group.
  • Cadtruck
    As my personal rule I don't run dungeons on my alts until level 30. You will have more skills and decent gear at that time. I also don't kick low level players unless they are not doing their job. A level 20 tank is fine if he has his shield and 1h out when they are supposed too and is doing an effective job tanking. A level 20 sorcerer healer with a destro staff is getting the boot if they don't listen to advice and change their tactics. Good luck and don't let that experience get you down. Group finder will give you a wide range of experiences.
    Edited by Cadtruck on May 15, 2017 6:02PM
    NA PS4
    CP 330+
    50 Stamina NB - Grishnawk
    50 Mag Templar Healer - Vorgothe
  • Nervani
    @Omnitek If you're on PC-EU then I can throw you an invite to my main guild where we are some people, both new and veteran players who don't mind helping new players out with gear, leveling, advices and so on :smile:

    GT: @Nervani
    PC-EU/NA @Nervani (+17 other accounts)XB1-EU @Nervani4710instagram.com/nervanihq[The Lollipop Gang] - (PC-EU) Founder/Guildmaster[Crazy Elves] - (PC-EU) Founder[Casual Rascals] - (PC-EU, PC-NA, XBOX1-EU) Founder
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