First off, I have no major issues with the changes. I can see why they are necessary from a gameplay point of view. Perception of course is that its a lopsided nerfpocolypse so I have some minor suggestions that players might like to alleviate some of that perception.
1) increase all buff durations by 10-20% across the board or put in a cp star that will accomplish this.
2) Do the same thing for debuffs.
3) get rid of the bonus to dmg based on resource pool and link it to level like other changes to be made. The game incentivizes extreme dps as opposed to a more balanced stat distribution.
4) don't get rid of shield stacking but make the second stacked shield reduced effectiveness by 50%.
5) make shields more common in pve as opposed to just giving more hp/hardiness.
6) improve heavy attacks by doing the following:
A) put in a star that will reduce the time it takes a heavy attack to charge by 10-20%.
change frost staff to a channel with each tic an incremental chance to taunt.
7) on the fifth button/ability slot add in an ability to cycle through 3 choices quickly, similar to how the potion slot works, but not in combat. Nothing wrong with the number of slots, but players should be able to switch at least one ability on the fly based on the encounter. Call it a utility slot.
that's about it.
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