When did we get 12 weapon traits?
It doesn´t need a fix because nothing is broken....ffs some people
World bosses? Public dungeons? Sounds like a zone drop, so it's BoE.
Go buy it from a guild store, if you don't want to farm for it. At least you have that option.
Now which guild store do I go for that sharpened moondancer...
Before sharpened it was nirnhoned. After they nerf sharpened, whatever they buff will be the next thing you must farm. Farming for bis is a part of most mmos I have played.
I could back this post up with "FACTS" or "MATH" or "KNOWLEDGE" but everyone knows that sharpened trait on weapons is just the absolute best bang for your buck, regardless of content. It's to a point where you're better off using a non-set sharpened weapon for DPS compared to incorporating a non-sharpened set weapon. So we've established that you must have sharpened trait on your weapons, right? Now let's go about farming our sharpened weapons and holy *** on a shingle I've been farming sharpened Seventh Legion dagger for many many hours now and not only do I not have a sharpened dagger, I don't have ANY sharpened ANYTHING. I'm literally looking at 20+ hours and possibly many many more than that of farming world bosses over and over or farming bosses in the group delve place. It's so mind numbingly boring to do this content and I have to do it for way too long because ZOS decided that only 1 of 12 weapon traits would be worthwhile. So balance sharpened you game developers you because it's too powerful and you've forced me to farm my life away instead of enjoying the game.
starkerealm wrote: »I could back this post up with "FACTS" or "MATH" or "KNOWLEDGE" but everyone knows that sharpened trait on weapons is just the absolute best bang for your buck, regardless of content. It's to a point where you're better off using a non-set sharpened weapon for DPS compared to incorporating a non-sharpened set weapon. So we've established that you must have sharpened trait on your weapons, right? Now let's go about farming our sharpened weapons and holy *** on a shingle I've been farming sharpened Seventh Legion dagger for many many hours now and not only do I not have a sharpened dagger, I don't have ANY sharpened ANYTHING. I'm literally looking at 20+ hours and possibly many many more than that of farming world bosses over and over or farming bosses in the group delve place. It's so mind numbingly boring to do this content and I have to do it for way too long because ZOS decided that only 1 of 12 weapon traits would be worthwhile. So balance sharpened you game developers you because it's too powerful and you've forced me to farm my life away instead of enjoying the game.
You on PC/NA? Because I could gleefully torment you with a horrifically overpriced seventh legion dagger.
Got my Sharpened Spriggan Bow on my first world boss.
Two swords however, much more difficult. Got my 20+ hours farming in as well.
So I agree, nothing needs to be fixed, coz it ain't broken.
leepalmer95 wrote: »They nerf sharpened, something else becomes BiS, everyone uses that.
Won't achieve anything for dps there will always be 1 thats best in slot.
redspecter23 wrote: »You think farming a bind on equip item is bad? LOL! Try farming a bind on pickup item that you can't get in any other way. You at least have the option of going out and buying your dagger. If you want a dungeon or trial drop, strap on your grinding boots and be prepared for hundreds of runs, each one no closer to your goal than the last. Why you would think a Seventh Legion dagger is even in the same ballpark regarding grind is laughable.
redspecter23 wrote: »You think farming a bind on equip item is bad? LOL! Try farming a bind on pickup item that you can't get in any other way. You at least have the option of going out and buying your dagger. If you want a dungeon or trial drop, strap on your grinding boots and be prepared for hundreds of runs, each one no closer to your goal than the last. Why you would think a Seventh Legion dagger is even in the same ballpark regarding grind is laughable.
Do you feel better now that you've laughed at me? I don't dabble in trials but I've preferred farming group dungeons drops over this terrible overland weapon drop. At least in dungeons I can solo them and actually have fun and interesting gameplay. This overland boss farming is just stare at a wall boring.
Wouldn't you be happy if Precise and Nirnhoned became viable and therefore your trial weapon farming would results in more chances at the desired traits?
starkerealm wrote: »I could back this post up with "FACTS" or "MATH" or "KNOWLEDGE" but everyone knows that sharpened trait on weapons is just the absolute best bang for your buck, regardless of content. It's to a point where you're better off using a non-set sharpened weapon for DPS compared to incorporating a non-sharpened set weapon. So we've established that you must have sharpened trait on your weapons, right? Now let's go about farming our sharpened weapons and holy *** on a shingle I've been farming sharpened Seventh Legion dagger for many many hours now and not only do I not have a sharpened dagger, I don't have ANY sharpened ANYTHING. I'm literally looking at 20+ hours and possibly many many more than that of farming world bosses over and over or farming bosses in the group delve place. It's so mind numbingly boring to do this content and I have to do it for way too long because ZOS decided that only 1 of 12 weapon traits would be worthwhile. So balance sharpened you game developers you because it's too powerful and you've forced me to farm my life away instead of enjoying the game.
You on PC/NA? Because I could gleefully torment you with a horrifically overpriced seventh legion dagger.
Yup PC-NA here. I don't even think I want to know the price after checking around at guildstores and seeing other sharpened weapons.
I could back this post up with "FACTS" or "MATH" or "KNOWLEDGE" but everyone knows that sharpened trait on weapons is just the absolute best bang for your buck, regardless of content. It's to a point where you're better off using a non-set sharpened weapon for DPS compared to incorporating a non-sharpened set weapon. So we've established that you must have sharpened trait on your weapons, right? Now let's go about farming our sharpened weapons and holy *** on a shingle I've been farming sharpened Seventh Legion dagger for many many hours now and not only do I not have a sharpened dagger, I don't have ANY sharpened ANYTHING. I'm literally looking at 20+ hours and possibly many many more than that of farming world bosses over and over or farming bosses in the group delve place. It's so mind numbingly boring to do this content and I have to do it for way too long because ZOS decided that only 1 of 12 weapon traits would be worthwhile. So balance sharpened you game developers you because it's too powerful and you've forced me to farm my life away instead of enjoying the game.
I could back this post up with "FACTS" or "MATH" or "KNOWLEDGE" but everyone knows that sharpened trait on weapons is just the absolute best bang for your buck, regardless of content. It's to a point where you're better off using a non-set sharpened weapon for DPS compared to incorporating a non-sharpened set weapon. So we've established that you must have sharpened trait on your weapons, right? Now let's go about farming our sharpened weapons and holy *** on a shingle I've been farming sharpened Seventh Legion dagger for many many hours now and not only do I not have a sharpened dagger, I don't have ANY sharpened ANYTHING. I'm literally looking at 20+ hours and possibly many many more than that of farming world bosses over and over or farming bosses in the group delve place. It's so mind numbingly boring to do this content and I have to do it for way too long because ZOS decided that only 1 of 12 weapon traits would be worthwhile. So balance sharpened you game developers you because it's too powerful and you've forced me to farm my life away instead of enjoying the game.
OutLaw_Nynx wrote: »Just buff nirnhoned and precise.