I want Morrowind to be successful, as it would help the game boost its popularity immensly and it would be great to get more people on the board. If you are part of the players that test on the Normal & Morrowind PTS please make sure to report bugs via the ingame tool and via the forum. It is very important that most crucial bugs get resolved
before the release of Morrowind.
I also hope that ZOS
@ZOS_RichLambert @Wrobel @ZOS_BrianWheeler will take part in the PTS discussion more than previously. Because most of the times we the players have no clue what is being worked on and what kind of direction ZOS is going to take on balance changes. Yes the PTS notes improved but the process is slow and by the time the patch notes are released another 1-2 weeks will turn around till new changes can be implemented.
The warden should also be fun for new players and vets and I hope the class can be utilized in all kind of settings both for Stamina & Magicka.
My goal is to make stamina setups (all 5 classes) more comeptitive in PvE (while at the same time not make them OPaf in pvp obviously). I really hope ZOS is at least listening to some of the old school stamina vets and change some stuff around.
It would also be nice from ZOS @Wrobel when people make some suggestions WHY you think it is a good idea or NOT. Because most of the times we do not get any explanation whatsoever why good suggestions are turned down. I do not want another Elder Staves Online Morrowind (PvE wise).
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