No Cadwell nonsense and no brain gymnastics can explain why a group of high ranking Pact officers is attacked by their own soldiers directly after leaving Cyrodiil just because they happen to be in enemy territory.
It is just lazy design.
It is fake, there is little real TES lore in this, it's entirely artificial to provide a basis for adding PVP to a game where PVP has no reason to exist.BellatorMortalis wrote: »But since this is not the game, I assert the factions are not really at war. It is all fake. Which means the lore is fake.
What about players who aren't soldiers in the army?BellatorMortalis wrote: »Running around PVE, once I moved beyond my own faction territories (to clear shards and pick up up lore books), it became clear that in the other faction areas government officials and others are happy to offer me quests, even quests against my own faction.
Rationally, considering the factions are at WAR, in other faction territory I should be identified as a spy, have wanted posters with my face on them, and be killed on sight by any guards or military personnel. Anyone giving me a quest should attempt to weasel out of it, set up assassin contracts on me instead of paying, or simply run away without paying when I report in for clearing quest. In fact, the longer I am in an opposing factions territory, the more numbers of guards and military troops should be scouring the countryside looking for me. I think that PvE would be much better if the WAR aspect was better implemented.
Finally, they should have troops surrounding all waystones to kill or capture anyone from any enemy faction who "ports in". Heck, they should have highly difficult to escape from prison camps where you get placed whenever you are caught. They would strip all gear -- inventory and what you are wearing. You lose your gear permanently. You should not be able to access any waystone once you are in a prison camp. You would have to escape first and get some distance beyond the camp before you can use waystones.
But since this is not the game, I assert the factions are not really at war. It is all fake. Which means the lore is fake.
You are not identified as a spy in other faction territories because your identity is being hidden. It's a simple Daedric illusion effect, no lore issues here.
crashen17b14_ESO wrote: »Cadwells shenanigans aside, we never actually JOIN a faction. We are wandering adventurers and mercenaries. We might favor one alliance over the other and choose to represent them in the meaningless quagmire of cyrodiil, but ultimately the faction war is just a distraction. The true enemy is the planemeld and molag bal's infiltrators stirring up trouble.
If you want an actually plausible, immersive reason why we can serve all three factions, its because we are more like an entity that exists outside the political pecking order. We work with each faction to root out agents of molag bal and the other Bad Daedra. Basically like the fighter's guild and mages guild.
tinythinker wrote: »You are not identified as a spy in other faction territories because your identity is being hidden. It's a simple Daedric illusion effect, no lore issues here.
Except that this isn't explained when you first arrive, so actually if you are a new player it is lore breaking. I offered a simple, quick solution as did others. Maybe they have a fix for this with the first expansion. Maybe not. But it's been left like this for several months.
tinythinker wrote: »You are not identified as a spy in other faction territories because your identity is being hidden. It's a simple Daedric illusion effect, no lore issues here.
Except that this isn't explained when you first arrive, so actually if you are a new player it is lore breaking. I offered a simple, quick solution as did others. Maybe they have a fix for this with the first expansion. Maybe not. But it's been left like this for several months.
No Cadwell nonsense and no brain gymnastics can explain why a group of high ranking Pact officers is attacked by their own soldiers directly after leaving Cyrodiil just because they happen to be in enemy territory.
It is just lazy design.
Also as far as I understand the other alliance zones weren't even supposed to be accessible originally but MMO players really wanted to have triple the grinding zones so they added them as vet zones, then One Tam opened the borders for good.
KochDerDamonen wrote: »No Cadwell nonsense and no brain gymnastics can explain why a group of high ranking Pact officers is attacked by their own soldiers directly after leaving Cyrodiil just because they happen to be in enemy territory.
It is just lazy design.
Also as far as I understand the other alliance zones weren't even supposed to be accessible originally but MMO players really wanted to have triple the grinding zones so they added them as vet zones, then One Tam opened the borders for good.
@Magdalina Wowee haha yeah screw those guys, I sure don't like them hehe
Real version: Zos wanted to validate the xp it takes to get to v12/v14 (at the time) without developing enough new content for each faction to get that far without much grinding. Unlock the already developed but locked off zones :^)
No Cadwell nonsense and no brain gymnastics can explain why a group of high ranking Pact officers is attacked by their own soldiers directly after leaving Cyrodiil just because they happen to be in enemy territory.
It is just lazy design.
Simple answer: ZOS used the TES brand to make DAOC2. When they realized that the TES brand actually has some more implications and expectations than just putting the same art style and some story in there, it was already to late.
So now we have open world with the stupid "PvP centric" design approach where it all is about the factions.
By the way: Playing with friends in voice chat, I can totally feel the difference: When they get a good TES quest, that has more like mystic tombs and interesting mage quests, they are all eager to see whats coming next. When they do faction quests, they just wanna be done with it.
I really don't know how anyone ever could come up with the idea of making TES a 3 faction game.
The brand is so strong in so many areas, like exploration and secrets hidden etc. But not faction warfare!
Unless it is really dynamic and matters throughout the whole world in a dynamic system, like done with Imperials vs Nords in Skyrim.
It is fake, there is little real TES lore in this, it's entirely artificial to provide a basis for adding PVP to a game where PVP has no reason to exist.BellatorMortalis wrote: »But since this is not the game, I assert the factions are not really at war. It is all fake. Which means the lore is fake.
Play through Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim and you'll find precious few references to this period of history at all and those that do exist have no mention of the politics of this period nor of any alliances as ZOS dreamed them up: it has nothing to do with Bethesda's timeline for TES.
BellatorMortalis wrote: »Running around PVE, once I moved beyond my own faction territories (to clear shards and pick up up lore books), it became clear that in the other faction areas government officials and others are happy to offer me quests, even quests against my own faction.
Rationally, considering the factions are at WAR, in other faction territory I should be identified as a spy, have wanted posters with my face on them, and be killed on sight by any guards or military personnel. Anyone giving me a quest should attempt to weasel out of it, set up assassin contracts on me instead of paying, or simply run away without paying when I report in for clearing quest. In fact, the longer I am in an opposing factions territory, the more numbers of guards and military troops should be scouring the countryside looking for me. I think that PvE would be much better if the WAR aspect was better implemented.
Finally, they should have troops surrounding all waystones to kill or capture anyone from any enemy faction who "ports in". Heck, they should have highly difficult to escape from prison camps where you get placed whenever you are caught. They would strip all gear -- inventory and what you are wearing. You lose your gear permanently. You should not be able to access any waystone once you are in a prison camp. You would have to escape first and get some distance beyond the camp before you can use waystones.
But since this is not the game, I assert the factions are not really at war. It is all fake. Which means the lore is fake.
before One Tamriel you were not allowed to go to other factions' PVE zone. you only unlock them after you finish the main first, and then
spoiler alert
a servant of a Daedra Prince send you into an alternative reality where you were rescued by a different faction after you left Coldharbour. he told you that you will not be the hero that you now are, and will be treated as a nobody and have to work your way up from there.
tinythinker wrote: »You are not identified as a spy in other faction territories because your identity is being hidden. It's a simple Daedric illusion effect, no lore issues here.
Except that this isn't explained when you first arrive, so actually if you are a new player it is lore breaking. I offered a simple, quick solution as did others. Maybe they have a fix for this with the first expansion. Maybe not. But it's been left like this for several months.crashen17b14_ESO wrote: »Cadwells shenanigans aside, we never actually JOIN a faction. We are wandering adventurers and mercenaries. We might favor one alliance over the other and choose to represent them in the meaningless quagmire of cyrodiil, but ultimately the faction war is just a distraction. The true enemy is the planemeld and molag bal's infiltrators stirring up trouble.
If you want an actually plausible, immersive reason why we can serve all three factions, its because we are more like an entity that exists outside the political pecking order. We work with each faction to root out agents of molag bal and the other Bad Daedra. Basically like the fighter's guild and mages guild.
Actually you became the hero of the faction. In the original storyline, when you go to fight Molag Bal and have to talk to the other Alliance leaders outside of your starting faction, they talk about you being a champion of their enemy and warn you against trying anything like an assassination. ZOS just decided to lift the restrictions on what zones you could go to and when without giving any consideration to the actual story or dialogue.