TequilaFire wrote: »It is usually the much lower level player that challenges me first, almost to the point of annoyance sometimes.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »I duel all the time on my low level character and find doing so a lot easier than on high level toons. I win a lot more than I lose against cp600 toons. On my cp600's, my record is nowhere near as good. Hidden cp, crafted gear and upscaling are very op.
Absolutely nothing to do with the lvl of toon and everything to do with what's hidden behind the actual toon. There was one guy mocking others saying no one should lose to a lvl 15 character, yet i beat him too. Got abuse after doing so saying i was a BoL and jabs scrub. So basically, I was just to stand there and hinder myself whilst he ganked the ass off me. Inner light took care of that though.
Some people simply shouldn't duel. If they can't counter what's in front of them, they cry or give out *** poor excuses such as "I'm wearing full pve". They shouldn't go around challenging people if they're so touchy about losing. I get my ass handed to me from time to time by low level toons. It happens.
GreenhaloX wrote: »
I don't go around pinging others for a duel, but when another pings me and we're in the same bracket/level range, sure, why not.. let's try it, but not when another is 30 levels higher or in the CP range when I'm only at level 6 or 7. Ha ha. Same with my maxed CP toons, I might entertain here and there, and if we're not too far apart in CP levels. Like most things in ESO, dueling had become an art. You're right, it is more challenging and harder to duel CP vs CP. There are some crafty dudes/dudettes who are very good with dueling. Much like PvP, you have to craft the right build and use the most effective skills and abilities. A lot of folks have become very good at that, with hidden tricks up their sleeves.
DannyLV702 wrote: »What's the point of challenging someone with lower cp tho. Plenty of people maxed out.
I dunno, maybe you should reevaluate other things like your need to call other players derogatory names, or to over complicate what boils down to a button mash?
Anyway it is a possible look behind the mind of the player that keeps spam dueling request me while Screaming coward and Off color comments about my mom, while I'm trying to craft Armor....so thanks for that.
I'm pretty sure scrub is an insult - meant to imply someone who is acting like a brand new player even though they should know better, or simply a bad player in general.
It seems a bit odd to insult someone while worrying about whether it's polite to challenge them.
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
I'm max cp but my buddy is only 30 so this 600 wanted to duel my buddy I watched them duel and my buddy lost I told him to pass me the controller and I challenged the 600 and I out played him and won this 600 keep trying rechallenge my buddy for an hour straight even went as far as sending him a friend request we laughed so hard
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
A few months ago, a CP 180 or so character sent my level 7 magicka nightblade (CP CAPPED at the time) a duel invite, and it was very satisfying CRUSHING him with no passive even unlocked......
Hmmm, what does THAT say about balance.....
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
Wrecking_Blow_Spam wrote: »I remember challenging a CP 561!flawless conqueror Templar to a duel... on my level 7 stam sorc, I won lol with about 1k health left.
I bet he quit the game after that.
TequilaFire wrote: »It is usually the much lower level player that challenges me first, almost to the point of annoyance sometimes.
GreenhaloX wrote: »TequilaFire wrote: »It is usually the much lower level player that challenges me first, almost to the point of annoyance sometimes.
Same concept for the other way around. Ha ha. I can see a lowbie against another right around the same level range, but not sure the reason for pinging another much higher who has much more damaging weapon, resistance, skills and abilities, where below level 10, you don't have yet. Ha ha. It's not like PvE where a level 6 can solo a world boss with 1.8 mil hp, which is possible.. yes, I've done it.Prof_Bawbag wrote: »I duel all the time on my low level character and find doing so a lot easier than on high level toons. I win a lot more than I lose against cp600 toons. On my cp600's, my record is nowhere near as good. Hidden cp, crafted gear and upscaling are very op.
Absolutely nothing to do with the lvl of toon and everything to do with what's hidden behind the actual toon. There was one guy mocking others saying no one should lose to a lvl 15 character, yet i beat him too. Got abuse after doing so saying i was a BoL and jabs scrub. So basically, I was just to stand there and hinder myself whilst he ganked the ass off me. Inner light took care of that though.
Some people simply shouldn't duel. If they can't counter what's in front of them, they cry or give out *** poor excuses such as "I'm wearing full pve". They shouldn't go around challenging people if they're so touchy about losing. I get my ass handed to me from time to time by low level toons. It happens.
I don't go around pinging others for a duel, but when another pings me and we're in the same bracket/level range, sure, why not.. let's try it, but not when another is 30 levels higher or in the CP range when I'm only at level 6 or 7. Ha ha. Same with my maxed CP toons, I might entertain here and there, and if we're not too far apart in CP levels. Like most things in ESO, dueling had become an art. You're right, it is more challenging and harder to duel CP vs CP. There are some crafty dudes/dudettes who are very good with dueling. Much like PvP, you have to craft the right build and use the most effective skills and abilities. A lot of folks have become very good at that, with hidden tricks up their sleeves.