Flawless Conqueror

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Hello everyone,
I want to share my impressions on may way to Flawless Conqueror title (finishing veteran maelstrom arena without dying). It took me 3 days to solve this problem and earn the title. It took great amount of concentration and willpower. The most annoying thing is the first four stages where there is no challenge at all and you must do them over and over again if you die in later stages, which was really boring. And not mention 5 min waiting to reset arena... The hardest part for me was poison flowers (you cant see them well) and last boss last phase (when he comes down).

What are your impressions on this challenge? Did you make it? What was the hardest part for you?

My build - magicka sorcerer, liquid lightning, wall of elements, mages light, clanfear, deadric ward. (streak, dark conversion, clanfear, mutagen, power surge) ult - destro lightning staff.
Items - necropotence, lich (resto staff fifth item), mighty chugan.

Flawless Conquer
  • Tryxus
    The first time I should've been awarded Flawless Conqueror, I didn't get it due to me getting thrown back to the login screen before taking the portal to stage 7.

    So naturally, when I attempted it again the week after, I was a bit more... aggravated and sloppy:

    - Lamia Queen nearly killed me due to me forgetting the Stranglers
    - I left the 1st Ice platform a bit too soon (forgot to check boss' HP)
    - For the life of me, I couldn't free all obelisks at Stage 6. But I did get it in the end
    - I forgot to swap Grothdarr for Skoria in Stage 7
    - ...

    But I did manage to bring it to a Flawless Victory in the end :)

    I'm a MagBlade btw, and I used my BSW+Aether+Grothdarr(Skoria) setup for trials. Except my main spammable is Swallow Soul ofc and I use Dampen Magic. Recently started using Soul Harvest again on my front bar for the ulti gain (makes a run that much more faster :) )
    "Stand strong, stay true and shelter all."
    Tryxus - Guardian of the Green - Warden - PC/EU
  • The_Art_of_Paw
    Congratulations on the achievement, I am certain your patience through the boring bits make it a more valuable award as few will pass the challenge.

    Unfortunately I have not achieved vet without death to contribute an impression in that area. I completed without death on normal and found the ice stage (final boss) and spikes (when killing clan fear to teleport above) to be most challenging as those were times I was either low on resources or situated to create a death point.

    Thank you for sharing your build ideas, I am certain other players will feel inspired to try new ideas in their attempts on the challenge.
  • Strider_Roshin
    When I got my flawless conqueror title it was due to not dying during the ice stage. That stage is usually where all my deaths came from.

    What disappoints me is that with each update that title becomes easier to get, and its value gets diminished along with it :-\
  • D0ntevenL1ft
    The poison round seems to be the one where i spend my most time. Im no where near that title and to anyone who has ever worked for it i respect your abilities in VMA and your ability to stay cool in that horrible arena :). Congrats all!
  • Turelus
    Ice, Poison, Final for me.

    The others are hit or miss although recently my internets been garbage and really messing with it. Hard to stay alive on 400ms ping. :disappointed:
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Vildebill
    Most rounds are fairly easy for me except for round 7 since that one for some reason lags like hell and poison pops randomly under you in bad situations. In my first flawless I had a flower pop under the mender, shield spaw ftw :sunglasses:
    EU PC
  • Qbiken
    Have completed vmsa on all classes (both mag and stam) but never got flawless. Lag/screenfreezes and disconnection are my biggest enemy towards that achievment XD
  • Voxicity
    Got my flawless on Stamblade with about 700 ping throughout the whole thing. My internet is always unstable so I pretty much just gave up on the flawless until somehow I miraculously did it.
  • akl77
    Congrats! That's impressive! You're always safe in dungeons or trials around flawless!
    Pc na
  • mb10
    Imagine being on the last stage and your PS4 controller's battery dying.

    Thankfully I did it a few runs later and never went back to that place.
    Happy with my defending inferno staff
  • code65536
    I've had a lot of 14/15 runs back when I was trying to get Flawless. And even after I got it, I still had a number of 14/15 runs. The problem is, it always seemed like a different spot each time, dying to different reasons.

    If I had to pick, though, stage 7 is probably the worst. Accidentally running into poison. Or killing the adds right as the boss does his stomp (which causes the stomp to do enraged 1-shot damage). Or the shielder being so close to the boss that it dies to cleave and monster set procs.

    The nightblades in stage 9 are annoying, too, when they stun me right inside a CG fire breath. And twice, I've ruined a Flawless run by choking on the final phase of the final boss precisely because I see that I have 15/15 vitality and then proceed to let nerves ruin what is normally an easy fight.
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

    Dungeons and Trials:
    Personal best scores:
    Dungeon trifectas:
    Media: YouTubeTwitch
  • Didaco
    I missed mine because I died in the first stage.
    I told myself that would have been just a relaxed stroll, aiming only for the final chest...
    At the end I realized I died only in the first stage, because I felt so lazy that I didn't want to roll out of the moving AoE...

  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    Congrats :smile:

    I'm personally starting to think flawless conqueror is an overrated title, especially on mag sorcs and stam sorcs. Before you'd assume the flawless guy was what his title said - flawless! But that's not true.

    Mag and stam sorc are faceroll easy in VMA.

    I've done flawless on all 8 different class specs with no sigils and no potions (apart from trash pots so no weapon crit on stam characters etc.).
    For my flawless titles I didn't endlessly grind either. I'd attempt VMA once or twice a week on 1 character, i was aiming for flawless but I was just aiming for a weekly too.

    A stormproof title is something I no longer regard a skilful title, only thing is it's better than maelstrom arena champion.
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Draekony
    Almost about to get flawless.. I usually can one shot everything but the ice arena boss is iffy (1-2 attempts) and the vault of umbrage poison boss gets me (1-3 attempts) after that I one shot everything. Ice boss sometimes I get overwhelmed with adds and cant get off destro ult fast enough, poison boss sometimes I run out of stam dodging his melee attack or I get stuck between venom caller and his triangle ground stomp.

    Running magsorc with 5x IA 5x necropotence. Should get it soon! Def frustrating to make it 15/15 to like stage 7 or 8 and die. Takes me about an hour so far, fastest was 33 minutes and highest score so far 502k

    I use no sigils, maybe if I did I'd get flawless first but I'd like to get it down without any handicaps
    Edited by Draekony on April 8, 2017 5:04PM
  • isthatujonwayne
    ^^^^ agree with u.i never thought I would get flawless but with OP builds and increased cp its making it easier and easier. 1st time i got it I was shaking doing the final boss, after getting it on all classes vma lost its appeal.
  • Balticthunder
    Is this anything special nowadays?
    I see so many CP 600 Flawless Conquerors around lately - as above poster said: ""with OP builds and increased cp its making it easier and easier.""
  • GrigorijMalahevich
    VMA is easy, nothing special, mate.
    PC/EU 800 CP.
    PvP MagSorc.
    Pedro Gonzales - Mag Sorc EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear http://imgur.com/a/CB6j6
    Valera Progib - Stam Sorc DC vMA Flawless Conqueror clear https://i.imgur.com/eYgpXG2.png
    Valera Pozhar - Mag DK EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear http://imgur.com/a/jrsuK
    Valera Podlechi - Mag Templar AD vMA Flawless Conqueror clear http://imgur.com/a/N0BYq
  • Yubarius
    Xenofex wrote: »
    Hello everyone,
    I want to share my impressions on may way to Flawless Conqueror title (finishing veteran maelstrom arena without dying). It took me 3 days to solve this problem and earn the title. It took great amount of concentration and willpower. The most annoying thing is the first four stages where there is no challenge at all and you must do them over and over again if you die in later stages, which was really boring. And not mention 5 min waiting to reset arena... The hardest part for me was poison flowers (you cant see them well) and last boss last phase (when he comes down).

    What are your impressions on this challenge? Did you make it? What was the hardest part for you?

    My build - magicka sorcerer, liquid lightning, wall of elements, mages light, clanfear, deadric ward. (streak, dark conversion, clanfear, mutagen, power surge) ult - destro lightning staff.
    Items - necropotence, lich (resto staff fifth item), mighty chugan.

    So far the closest I have gotten is one death away, and I almost ALWAYS die on the final round of the frozen ring, or get screwed by flower location rng (ie the bulb being INSIDE THE FREAKING PROTECTION BUBBLE WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN FIXED YET ZOS??!?)
    Edited by Yubarius on April 8, 2017 6:46PM
    • Yubarius - Magicka NB - Flawless Conqueror
    • YubariusX - Magicka Warden - Flawless Conqueror
    • Lord Yubarius - Stamina Sorc - Stormproof - Centurion
    • 'Rubick the Grand Magus - Magicka Sorc
    • Fair Child Tank - Stamina DK
    • Jaruko - Magicka Templar
    • Selthyn Bavailo - Mag DK
    • Bandit-The-Great - Stam Temp

  • alexkdd99
    Congrats :smile:

    I'm personally starting to think flawless conqueror is an overrated title, especially on mag sorcs and stam sorcs. Before you'd assume the flawless guy was what his title said - flawless! But that's not true.

    Mag and stam sorc are faceroll easy in VMA.

    I've done flawless on all 8 different class specs with no sigils and no potions (apart from trash pots so no weapon crit on stam characters etc.).
    For my flawless titles I didn't endlessly grind either. I'd attempt VMA once or twice a week on 1 character, i was aiming for flawless but I was just aiming for a weekly too.

    A stormproof title is something I no longer regard a skilful title, only thing is it's better than maelstrom arena champion.

    Difficulty is relevant to the player. What one may consider faceroll easy, others do not. If it truly was faceroll easy then everyone would be able to complete it first try, but most will not and I am sure there is not a single person to get flawless on their first run.

    Playing the arena over and over gives experience to make it easy for that person, that does not mean the arena itself is easy. Now I can be lagging with delays and still beat the arena, before I beat it the first time though it seemed impossible

    When I first got my flawless I was just running it for the loot and wasn't thinking about flawless until I was on the final stage final boss and realized I had not died.

    Since then though it has become incredibly easy for me to get flawless.
  • Bigevilpeter
    While its a great achievement, I truly believe nothing in a video game is worth all this pain. In the end you get a fancy title that most people wont even notice.

  • Masel
    Class Representative
    It loses it's charm after you have it on multiple chars...

    Most people you see with flawless conqueror:

    Magsorcs (gave become ridiculously easy)
    Magblades (most fun to play in there if you ask me)
    Stamsorcs (crit surge for the win)

    Then it gets tricky:
    I think it will be magplar and mag dks after it, then Stamblades,Stam Dks and Stamplar.

    I hardly notice flawless titles on magsorc and Magblades, but I get interested if it's something else :)

    I have it on Magsorc (with heavy attack build), Magblade, Stamsorc (Bow/Bow Build for the win), Mag DK (heavy attack build), magplar and Stamblade (with 2h and Bow)...

    It's not really worth the time honestly, but it gets fun after you know it and can try out different builds :)
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • darthsithis
    congrats, I am so proud wearing that title around, glad you managed to beat the rng and ping which are the real challenges in vMA!

    I used 5 necro 5 infal maelstrom lightning random lightning

    healing twilight, scamp, curse, inner light, ward

    surge, liquid, wall, pets

    heavy attack and you win!
    Message me if you want to do trials/dungeons, or need a trading guild! Flawless conqueror magsorc with a bad sense of armor fashion.
  • grim_tactics
    Finally got mine today.

    My biggest issue was RNG and lag.

    Sometimes you can go in there and it's laggy almost beyond playing. Your rotations and timing have to be spot on so lag really screw that, especially when I'm trying to turn off Overload but the game refuses to let me.

    I've had enemies do what they usually do or do something completely opposite.

    Examples: Stage 5 Rd 3 I believe it is - instead of the trolls or whatever that come out with the other ads that can enrage at some point - they spawned already burning red and I basically got one shot.

    Stage 7: Wamasu boss started taking reduced damage as if he had a shield. Usually this is an easy burn. Drop Destro Ult and dude dies so fast. Dropped it tonight - barely got him below 40%.

    Stage 7 again: the casters that spawn with the final boss - had one tonight go invincible after the shield phase. Hit her with Overload twice and no damage was taken and I almost died.

    Those were just a few of what happened in run I did tonight but I finally got it.
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