More fun if you get it just before Morrowind is released and it comes with an better weapon who is easier to getHortator Indoril Nerevar wrote: »I think I may have to stop trying to get one than. Getting the 2k bonus dps when you do like 30-35s on target skeletons, stupid insane dps in pledges and 40s+ in trials is not really worth it..
Lame, really wanted to get one as a goal but I just cant be one of the people who go like 500 hours for nothing. Not a club I want to join.
More fun if you get it just before Morrowind is released and it comes with an better weapon who is easier to getHortator Indoril Nerevar wrote: »I think I may have to stop trying to get one than. Getting the 2k bonus dps when you do like 30-35s on target skeletons, stupid insane dps in pledges and 40s+ in trials is not really worth it..
Lame, really wanted to get one as a goal but I just cant be one of the people who go like 500 hours for nothing. Not a club I want to join.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »10 runs and 5 weekly leaderboards. ....for a year...solid. then my 1st dropped.
Hortator Indoril Nerevar wrote: »More fun if you get it just before Morrowind is released and it comes with an better weapon who is easier to getHortator Indoril Nerevar wrote: »I think I may have to stop trying to get one than. Getting the 2k bonus dps when you do like 30-35s on target skeletons, stupid insane dps in pledges and 40s+ in trials is not really worth it..
Lame, really wanted to get one as a goal but I just cant be one of the people who go like 500 hours for nothing. Not a club I want to join.
Yea exactly...DRXHarbinger wrote: »10 runs and 5 weekly leaderboards. ....for a year...solid. then my 1st dropped.
Are you *** for real? How is that fun, how is that even a thing that got passed the designers.. like they are in a room and just all agree that eso is a rage game.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »10 runs and 5 weekly leaderboards. ....for a year...solid. then my 1st dropped.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Yes it's true. That's how long it took for me. Then 2 weeks later the sharp lit staff in weekly and looted another inferno 1 week after that.
But still note to everyone. DO NOT decon your nirn and precise gear. Keep it. You never know what evil spiteful crap zos has planned in the near future. Everyone is crying after sharpened and asking for buffs to other traits. Don't make yourself go and farm it all again.
I'll put it to you like this, OP. I've been running VMA since it has came out (just about). When I first started running it, it wasn't even a 50% chance at getting a weapon in the last chest. However, if you did get a weapon — it dropped in: Defending, precise, or sharpened...
. . . I didn't see my first staff-based weapon until my run in the 90's. Which was a sharpened restoration staff... I didn't see my first actual destruction staff (which was an infused ice staff), until hundreds of runs later. My first inferno staff was hundreds of runs after that. And even then, it was defending. My second inferno staff? Nirnhoned.
Bruh, I didn't even see a lightning staff until a few weeks ago (nirnhoned). As in it was the week Homestead went live on console. And even then it was due to the weekly rewards that I received one. Same with my first ever sharpened destruction staff (ice). I got it from weekly rewards. I have yet to see a lightning staff of any kind in the final chest. And there's tons of people like me in that regards. I know of people who have ran VMA so much that they are in the thousands, and have never seen an inferno staff in that final chest. True story.
KingYogi415 wrote: »It takes around 150 runs before your ready to breakdown and quit forever.
Some people took around 400 runs to get theirs.
Your better off farming aether or moondancer staves