Once I reach level 50 in which ever crafting line (blacksmith, clothing etc.)...
Is doing daily writ quests really doing anything?
Noob question, but, writ quests are for building your crafting xp??
SolarCat02 wrote: »Once I reach level 50 in which ever crafting line (blacksmith, clothing etc.)...
Is doing daily writ quests really doing anything?
Noob question, but, writ quests are for building your crafting xp??
You can also get some really nice rewards for the top level writs:
- Gold upgrade materials
- Psijic Ambrosia Fragments
- Glass armor page fragments
- surveys (useful at any level)
- Master Writs (which reward writ vouchers upon completion, and allow you to purchase additional special mostly-housing items from the writ voucher vendor)
I highly recommend continuing to do them.
Noob question, but, writ quests are for building your crafting xp??
disintegr8 wrote: »Only really beneficial for that while levelling but thay are also a good return of improvement tempers/alloys, survey maps and now master writs.
I have always done the WW, BS and Clothing writs on several characters for the gold improvement tempers/alloys, survey maps and gold. Provisioning writs are the only source of Frost Mirriam and Bervez Juice while enchanting is a good source for kutas. Alchemy is a bit of a waste for me, only doing them for master writs now.
S1ipperyJim wrote: »valuable mats, gold, master writs