I think k/d is probably even worse than time invested.
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »
Ranks currently mean nothing, they are useless and provide 0 indication of skill, what if there was a new system based on your k/d or overall kills? its still cheeseable but not as bad as it is right now
asneakybanana wrote: »NightbladeMechanics wrote: »
It would be rip healers and tanks and only be worth while for DPS players.
RadioheadSh0t wrote: »Ranks currently mean nothing, they are useless and provide 0 indication of skill, what if there was a new system based on your k/d or overall kills? its still cheeseable but not as bad as it is right now
Hate to break it to you, but rank has never been a measure of skill long before increased ticks and double AP.
RadioheadSh0t wrote: »Ranks currently mean nothing, they are useless and provide 0 indication of skill, what if there was a new system based on your k/d or overall kills? its still cheeseable but not as bad as it is right now
Hate to break it to you, but rank has never been a measure of skill long before increased ticks and double AP.
i was not aware i stated they indicated skill at some point in that quote
Just create specific titles that actually mean you've done cool stuff in Cyro. I've posted about this many times.
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »
Jaybe_Mawfaka wrote: »
5000 kills as emp: The Iron Fist of CyrodiilNightbladeMechanics wrote: »
I mean, they already have that title.. and I'm serious, titles for defending, healing, ganking, tanking, capping, etc.Jaybe_Mawfaka wrote: »
The first one could actually be a thing, X amount of kills in X vicinity. I'd be the Bane of Bruma.