@Wicked_Wolf was coming to PAX as well I thought?
andreasranasen wrote: »I kinda wish we had these meet ups in LA/SD
Well as mentioned a handful of us have been talking about it on Twitter for months now, and I live in the area, so I figured I'd suggest a place. If the ZOS crew comes along, the more the merrier!
Would be awesome to hang out with the likes of @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert and others when they actually get to relax.
Applinator wrote: »HYPE! This is exciting - will be so cool to meet everybody. Fanboying a little bit... We don't get out much in Australia. >.>
Was in LA last year and met with folksBoston's turn... since I imagine you all are never going to come to Canada
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »@MissBizz I actually live within driving distance of Boston; I've been looking into buses and whatnot because I hate driving through Boston. Public transportation is generally the way to go for getting into and out of the city.
For those of you who've never been there, Boston streets are about as easy to navigate as a plate of spaghetti, and road signs seem to be against the state constitution. Traffic is always terrible; make sure to give yourself plenty of travel time to go anywhere by car. (To give you an idea of HOW terrible...I've had a ~20 minute drive stretch to OVER TWO HOURS during rush hour, just from the traffic. This is something of a worst-case scenario but...so you're warned.)
Spend day getting lost exploring Boston.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
For this part I will advise: keep the waterfront where you can see it when possible; it makes a useful landmark.
Some of the trolley tours let you get a day pass to get on and off when you want; as in, you can get off at stop B, wander for a bit then get on the NEXT trolley from the same line to go to stop C, or walk over to stop E and get on a trolley from there to go to stop F. Some of them have maps you can grab too; I recommend do so if you can't get one at your hotel.
The USS Constitution ('Old Ironsides') is free to see, as is the associated museum and the USS Cassin Young next door. (Incidentally, the Cassin Young has a better tour.)
The Museum of Science and and New England Aquarium are worth seeing, but those have an entrance fee.
The Bunker Hill Monument is IIRC also free, but beware if you climb it--that is A LOT of stairs, and no where to sit down or rest all the way up or down.
Also, everything in Massachusetts is expensive, so be prepared for sticker shock.
EDIT: I almost forgot! Assuming there's no snow and you can see the pavement, Boston has a red line painted on the sidewalks that you can follow to most of the major tourist destinations.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »Also, everything in Massachusetts is expensive, so be prepared for sticker shock.
EDIT: I almost forgot! Assuming there's no snow and you can see the pavement, Boston has a red line painted on the sidewalks that you can follow to most of the major tourist destinations.
Fyi, it has been unseasonably warm the last few days. It was 65 degrees or so today (18.3 Celsius - @MissBizzPlays looking at you, silly Canadian) so the snow is gone.
I already have a plan.
Find hotel.
Spend day getting lost exploring Boston.
Find hotel again.
1st day of Pax - Follow Calia everywhere. Repeat for 2 more days.
it has been unseasonably warm the last few days.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
But only a week or so ago we had a foot of snow. I'm not holding my breath that this nice warm spell will hold for the next two weeks. It is Mass weather we're talking about.