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[X1] deaf gamer looking for a Guild

How is everyone today?? I hope you are all enjoying the new homestead update.

I am looking for a active guild to join. I used to have friends to play with til they quit. I am coming back myself. I quit a while back because of space issues. I was constantly getting a full backpack that i got tired of it. But with the homestead, i can now just stash everything in my home and not worry about backpack space.

Anyways, i have a level 27 sorcerer (i think 27) and i think a templar as well. I'm still new to ESO in the sense of low characters. I'm a deaf player who loves to play games and am on fairly ALOT. I can contribute to guilds like there is no tomorrow. So I'm hoping there are guilds out there that won't mind having a deaf player.
  • ComboBreaker88
    Housing has no storage....
  • Ashtaris
    As Combo mentioned, unfortunately ZOS decided to leave out storage in Homestead this time around. Hopefully we will see some sort of storage added in Morrowind. About the only thing you can store in your house right now is furniture :)

    If you are looking for a guild, we would be happy to have you join us at Greybeards & Gals. Although we are geared more towards older/mature gamers, we do have a lot of young people in our guild as well. If you would like an invite, just leave me a message here on the forum, or you can contact me in-game @Ashtaris.
  • beighjustin_ESO
    Oh come on lol. What am i supposed to do for storage. And I'm a 27 years old with a job and responsibilities.
  • Nestor
    Roll a Mule Character or two. I have 4 of them myself, each with 200 Bag Spaces.

    And a Maxed Bank with 240 spaces.

    This does not count my 6 other active characters that have 200 Bag Spaces each.

    Oh, and I have the crafting bag too.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • beighjustin_ESO
    Bump. Looking for a Xbox one guild
  • KATObloodpaw
    I'll invite you friend. What is your gamertag
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • beighjustin_ESO
    C3G Jester
  • beighjustin_ESO
  • Zpac24
    Would love to welcome you to the Tribunal Trading Charter. Sign up here and one of our recruitment officers will send you an invitation!
  • Marginis
    This one's guild, Magicka, is recruiting if you're interested. We focus on RP, and because of that, we communicate just as much via text chat as voice chat, which may lend itself to anyone who prefers not to or cannot use voice chat. And of course, there's the bonus of getting to hang out with a cool khajiit or two.

    If you are interested, you can learn more about us Here. If you like us, feel welcome to send a message to "Senpai Fluffy" over xbox live for an invitation.
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
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