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Alchemy Writs and Nirnroot

I have been doing more alchemy writs since Homestead went live and have totally depleted my stocks of Nirnroot. So I started watching and EVERY writ I get asks for 3 of them. Why cant they ask for something like one of the bazillions of Lorkhan's Tears I have or Alkahest. Nirnroot isn't that common as it is, and to have all the writs ask for 3 of them it added up and I went through hundreds of them since the update. One side effect is now Nirnroot has gone up close to 600g each from 150g before Homestead. Devs please do something or we will have another "Columbine" in the game.
  • Taleof2Cities
    That's intended by ZOS I'm sure ... just like you'll run out of refined mats on the equipment crafting writs if you don't farm raw nodes every once in awhile.

    If it was easy to find components then you wouldn't be a "skilled crafter" would you?

    Don't forget that the new alchemy bags can be purchased for 500 Tel Var in the Imperial City sewer Alliance Bases ... in addition to all the Tamriel overland waterways containing Nirmroot.

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on February 18, 2017 6:37PM
  • Minalan
    Don't change the writs devs, let the players who want free nirn come to imperial city!

    PVPers need more content... :dizzy:
  • redspecter23
    There is a reason that Nirnroot is now the most expensive alchemy mat and it has nothing to do with how useful it is for potions. If I can find it for 200g or less on NA/PC I scoop it up instantly and typically end up paying 250g each right now.
  • lientier
    I am okay how it is. And its not nirnroot every single time
    PC-EU @lientier
  • BenevolentBowd
    I updated a few of my writ articles a little while ago.

    Nirnroot is requested 75% of the time in the last 3 tiers of writs. It seems like more because the rotation starts on various characters randomly and begins the rotation in that one. I was lucky to get the Tears one on two different toons last night.

    Here's the rotation:

    Writ Group VIII
    (Solvent Proficiency 8 – Lorkhan’s Tears)

    Essence of Magicka (1), Nirnroot (3)
    Essence of Stamina (1), Nirnroot (3)
    Essence of Health (1), Lorkhan’s Tears (3)
    Essence of Health (1), Nirnroot (3)

    The earlier writs request other items and some reward Nirnroot.

    Source: http://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/esotu-alchemist-writs/
    Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
    Luxury Furniture Gallery [PC/NA]: Moon-Sugar Meadow
    Website:BenevolentBowd.ca, "Shared My Notes With the World to Help Others"
    ESO Calendarmancer - Retired
  • Jim_Pipp
    Agree. It is nirnroot 3 times out of 4 (there are 4 possible quests, and one requires lorkhan's tears). If you are doing multiple alchemy master writs then it is functionally impossible to keep enough nirnroot.
    #1 tip (Re)check your graphics settings periodically - especially resolution.
  • Soella
    It's nirnroot 75% of time, and 25% of time it's tears.

    It would be OK if nirnroot had it's own spawn nodes as it used to be. Now it shared nodes with water giacint, nobody pick it up, as result chances to find nirnroot is far less than it used to be. It must be fixed, otherwise alchemy writs will be highly inefficient within couple weeks.
  • Reivax
    Weird, I just had my writ for Ravage Stamina today. I only do writs on one character though. But it did get me my first Master Writ
  • disintegr8
    Jim_Pipp wrote: »
    Agree. It is nirnroot 3 times out of 4 (there are 4 possible quests, and one requires lorkhan's tears). If you are doing multiple alchemy master writs then it is functionally impossible to keep enough nirnroot.

    Unless you actually spend time either farming or doing 'overland' questing, where you harvest anything you see, you will definitely run out. I did stop doing the alchemy writs for a long while because of nirnroot depletion but I guess with Homestead everyone is doing them now.

    I do top tier alchemy writs on 5 characters every day and every now and then I just have to go farming before I can complete that days alchemy writs, sometimes I hold them over to the next day. There are some very good areas to farm nirnroot (don't ask B) ) and if you keep an eye on guild traders you can occasionally see some going cheap.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
    Jim_Pipp wrote: »
    Agree. It is nirnroot 3 times out of 4 (there are 4 possible quests, and one requires lorkhan's tears). If you are doing multiple alchemy master writs then it is functionally impossible to keep enough nirnroot.

    i have run 12 tier-10 alchemy writs every day since Homestead drop.
    i keep my nirnroot between 200-250 available on hand checking every friday to watch for aberrations in my usual methods productivity.

    What you say is patently untrue unless you add "if you dont take any steps to deal with it."

    When i buy nirnroot its between 150-200 usually (found some last week ay 90g per) and that makes is way way less than the most expensive reagent going as some might want you to believe. But even at 200 the pure gold payout is 640 for a top level char so, if you throw all the other gains into the destroy bin - you still make profit at 200 each.

    to the main point:

    Why is it that every single time someone runs into a headache their knew-jerk solution is to change how it works for everyone else???

    if ***you*** have problems then why not ask for **you** to have more options - not to have it changed so the base process is changed even for those who don't have the problem you do?

    i think they could allow each player a one time option to permanently choose columbine instead of nirnroot for their tier-10 alchemy 3pc. once you switch its permanent. All those who really believe in their heart of hearts that nirnroot is more expensive than columbine would jump at this - right? Right? Sure they would! Why use valuable nirnroot when cheaper columbine is just sitting there?

    Alternatively, allow substitution for the nirnroot or other 3pc with 10 other reagents - chosen randomly. Click the "out of stock" button and 10 different reagents go down by one - paying your three nirnroot shortfall off. (Note this is not random from "what you have available but random - if you are out of stock of columbine and namir rot and lady smock cuz you put them on another character - the thing may fail and lose you the writ for the day.)

    letting the player screw themselves if they cant manage their resources is imo much better than letting player screw everyone else because they dont want to have to manage their own resources.

    Alchemy writs are an amazing value already - they dont need to be mucked with and made worse for those who can and do manage them every day.

    Edited by STEVIL on February 19, 2017 3:09AM
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • aeowulf
    yep, noticing this too. It should be asking for three different things each day. What makes it worse is the reward never seems to contain nirnroot, and even if you get a survey i'm not even sure these give nirnroot - it's that uncommon.
  • Jim_Pipp
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Why is it that every single time someone runs into a headache their knew-jerk solution is to change how it works for everyone else???

    if ***you*** have problems then why not ask for **you** to have more options - not to have it changed so the base process is changed even for those who don't have the problem you do?

    Okay @STEVIL, this seems like a bit of an overeaction to a fairly legitimate discussion on the forums. While you are right that doing lots of master writs requires the player to think about how they manage their resources, I hope we can agree that nirnroot is used up faster and is harder to farm than other master writ materials.
    STEVIL wrote: »
    What you say is patently untrue unless you add "if you dont take any steps to deal with it."

    You are right I was unclear, I meant to say that it is almost impossible to farm enough to keep up with nirnroot depletion. I find that farming 30 nirnroot takes longer than farming 200 ore/cloth/wood (approximately what I need each day for master writs), so for me nirnroot is the most difficult material to stay on top of. Of course you are right that you can just buy more materials, I should have been clearer I was talking about farming.

    But on this subject, today I went to every trader in Eldenroot, and the only trader with nirnroot in stock was selling it in sets of three for 2,100 gold - obviously this would mean a loss of 1,500 gold per writ if these prices were standard (I'm sure there are better deals around, but I expect they will become rarer and rarer.)

    While I still have a few hundred nirnroot left, as I try to farm enough to maintain my stock I am acquiring lots of other materials/reagents I have no immediate use for, so I would support your suggestion
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Alternatively, allow substitution for the nirnroot or other 3pc with 10 other reagents - chosen randomly. Click the "out of stock" button and 10 different reagents go down by one - paying your three nirnroot shortfall off. (Note this is not random from "what you have available but random - if you are out of stock of columbine and namir rot and lady smock cuz you put them on another character - the thing may fail and lose you the writ for the day.)
    #1 tip (Re)check your graphics settings periodically - especially resolution.

    Well see the thing is, regarding my opposition to the immediate "change how it works for everyone else" solutions, you might should read threads like those about the 1t node changes where again a few folks very strongly wanted it shifted so that for everyone everyone everyone the nodes went from "gives you stuff related to what you can use" to "geo-political locked" like it used to be as their first what to option . Since these folks couldn't do what they wanted to get ebony the once in a while when they needed it they wanted the nodes changed for everyone which would have negatively impacted the mass to serve the few. there are plenty of other examples.

    During those discussions, those like me who object to changing the requirements for everybody at the drop of a hat as soon as a toe gets stubbed - well we often make suggestions like "why not change it instead to give yourself other options" and frankly, amazingly to me, its as often as not objected to... In those cases some of the suggestion were to create additional farms in zones where you could farm the old mats or allowing toggles to let you control your node finding etc etc. but see, those would not have impacted the mass of players acquisition (and in doing so the demand for purchased good.)

    in this game and in others aspects of life, one has to decide on how to approach a challenge.

    One option is to choose to overcome the challenge AAA. Analyze the challenge, Ascertain the ways to overcome the challenge and Adapt to beat the challenge. You mentioned going to one cluster in the main capital and finding nirns sold in three packs for 2100. That should be a clue that thats not the main place you should be shopping. But lets say you did not get that hint. of my 12 chars, six have Db supplier unlocked. The Db supplier can provide alchemy mats avge 9 per sack about 3 days out of four. Its delivery pattern seems to be set close to opposite of the writ does and so i see 3 nirnroot from about 1-2 a day. Thats a guess. Eventually i will have that to all 12 unlocked which my best guess means that will cut my nirnroot down by three writs a day for the effort ongoing of just dropping in and asking for stuff.. So, now i am running 12 tier-10s a day, 3/4 asking for nirnroots. thats 8 asking. about three requests will be covered by the supplier so now i am down to 5 requests for trip-nirnroot. thats down to about 15 nirn a day needed to run 12 tier-10 writs a day. thats 15 i need to harvest/acquire/buy.

    Additionally, when i switched to running all tier-10s, i started a routine of hitting guild clusters in passing across all the zones not just the main capital high rent districts. heck, i pass the lone guilder on the road, i stop. i run the quick alchemy search (and frankly the furnishing recipe search) and i find great prices. While i do make a deliberate effort to hit each zone once a week - usually as i run daily undaunteds - the others are more in passing. As such, its just a part of my routine. As such, i dont pay 700g for trip-nirnroots. of course, i dont jusyt buy when i run low. i buy every time the price is right. today's bargain is tomorrow's writ.

    Also, i make a point during the routine travel, again say to "undaunted dailies" to not run the road but run the route that gets me by water bodies whenever possible. That means - more nirnroot finds in passing.

    But for some these options will be too onerous for the gains.

    Another option to deal with a challenge is to just run away tail between legs. Seriously, the option of saying "this challenge is not worth it to beat. i don't have to beat it." You do not have to run master writ level alchemy writs. For alchemy, this is very very very ture because you can run tier-1 writs or tier-2 writs and get different demands on the three-packs but still get most of the same rewards. the gold is the same. the reagents are the same. the surveys will be the same. The solvents will be different but the reward solvents will be matching. The difference is you wont get master writ chances and they deliver elsewhere. but the base profit is still there. there are five more types of master writs and if you and your playstyle means you can more easily farm hundreds of ruby mats - then run the ones your playstyle and choices support and leave the ones your playstyle and choices dont support to others. there are likely folks out there who dont see gathering the mats for the rubies as easy and so aren't running those master writs.

    Another option is to persevere and lobby for a change to improve your options without taking options away from others.. Again, perfectly fine choice - letting you swap in this for that as i suggested in one option. Always seek to add options without taking away existing options already in place first, when you are reduced to asking for changes IMO.

    Another option is to persevere and lobby for changing it for everybody and take away the way others have made it work out for them
    . thats what we have here and way way way too often when anything like this comes up as the first line of attack. i personally consider this to be the worst of the worst because it takes away options from those who have gone to the trouble to overcome the obstacle. last time i saw this brought up, the option was to rotate thru the reagents - which meant everyone would be seeing columbine used in trips and namir rot used in trip and lady smock used in trips and so on. Everybody would suffer a hit on all their useful reagents. But the proposer would have their nirnroot problem solved.

    Ran my first six writs in tier-10 alchemy today.
    Cost like 15 nirn. (notice nirnroot is not used that much in the potions made for the writs)
    got over 2400 gold.
    Got 36 reagents but ~3 others were lost to make potions (on previous days)
    Got about that many solvents but a few were lost to make potions (on previous days)
    got one 5 voucher sealed writ. could sell that for 15k in a flash. 12k if i just feel generous. 20k if i was patient.
    Did not get a survey. But the odds so far seem to favor getting a survey or a writ off six tier-10s IMX. Surveys are about 10% and writs are between 3-5% so... odds are pretty good over time at this point.
    Did get 3 nirnroot from supplier so thats now like 12 nirnroot spent.
    harvested one nirnroot from the creek behind the alchemy store.

    But lets also keep in mind, alchemy writs are among the easiest to do. They take less storage to keep - only what 8 varieties of deliverables and they stack and they craft in multiples - so most of the time likely 3/4 you just click the order and go straight to the delivery. its literally seconds. its literally longer to get the character there/logged-in than to do it and collect.

    i will take what i got from my first six writs today any day of the week and twice on sunday even if i chose to only go with your 700g nirn buys. Its a steal.

    And if i didn't find it worth it, i would drop to a lower tier, pay out some other reagent more acceptable to my playstyle mat for the trip and reap most of the same benefits but preserving my nirnroot supplies - or hey maybe selling them for say 1000g for a pack of three and undercutting the market.

    So, you choose what suits your playstyle and preferences, i choose what suits my playstyle and preferences and lets neither of us lobby for removing the other's options but maybe lobby to expand each others options.


    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    aeowulf wrote: »
    yep, noticing this too. It should be asking for three different things each day. What makes it worse is the reward never seems to contain nirnroot, and even if you get a survey i'm not even sure these give nirnroot - it's that uncommon.

    The box will occasionally contain Nirnroot, but the surveys never do.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    There is a reason that Nirnroot is now the most expensive alchemy mat and it has nothing to do with how useful it is for potions. If I can find it for 200g or less on NA/PC I scoop it up instantly and typically end up paying 250g each right now.
    It is also probably the reason why I can't buy almost any other alchemy crafting materials. Because every member of every guild sell only Nirnroot...
    Imp Stool ? Nope.
    Stinkhorn ? Nope.
    Torchbug Thorax ? Nope

    Nirnroot ! Nirnroot ! Nirnroot ! Everybody sells Nirnroot ! !
  • Narvuntien
    If you want to go farm it.. i suggest Fort Amol and Darkwater crossing in Eastmarch, always plenty of Nirnroot there.

    Yeah it is annoying when you want rarer ingredients like torchbug and stinkhorn for your master writ and can't get them because all your guild store has... is Nirnroot, and columbine. My issue with it being in writs is that I need it for my master writ (along with the other two I meantioned).

    I actually have more of a issue finding Corn flowers. My very first alchemy writ took a week to finish because I couldn't find a third one and didn't realise it was everyday.

    250g?? really? I know I sell it for 130g you should come to Our guildstore... on the gold coast (Was sentinal until we got priced out :( )

    Stevil's post is soo long I didn't read it all, but I think makes a good point about trying to change things for everyone so it is easier for you instead of just putting in a little extra effort for yourself to step away from your normal game patterns to finish a writ.
    Edited by Narvuntien on February 19, 2017 4:55PM
  • Jaeysa
    *slinks over to Gold Coast*

    I think the main problem is that 75% of the time it's asking for nirnroot, which adds up to a lot. I don't see a reason not to change it, and a valid reason to do so.
    PC/NA: Primarily Daggerfall Covenant.

    Lennie: Breton Sorceror. 9-trait crafter on everything, purveyor of useless frippery.
  • BergisMacBride
    Yeah nirnroot is the only alchemy mat I need to purchase from traders just to do writs. With my playstyle I just cannot keep up and I only have 3 chars doing the highest level alchemy writs- I have others that are 50 alchemy but have them do the lowest ones just because of the nirnroot issue.

    It used to really bother me but I just adjusted by buying up 200-300 or so when my inventory drops to near 200. The Dark Brotherhood supplier also frequently gives mats with nirnroot in the satchel so that helps as well. No biggie although if the price gets to be too high it could become an issue. As it stands now alch writs are still very profitable for me.

    Do I think this is a conscious design decision on Zos' part to have 3/4 of highest level alch writs ask for 3 nirnroot? Nah, personally I think they just ended up that way when the max writ and craft levels increased with The Orsinium dlc and they never bothered to change it. IMO, this is in the very low or no priority box of things to do at Zos. Would I like to see it change? Maybe, but not to something more valuable or more commonly used. Is it a really big issue for me currently? Not at the moment, although I reserve the right to change my mind should nirnroot prices go through the roof.
  • disintegr8
    I can't see why it couldn't rotate between other ingredients instead of predominantly nirnroot.

    On a side note, spent most of the last 3 days working on my angling achievements and in the process managed to collect about 80 nirnroot. That'll keep me going in writs for a while.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • CrazySonoran
    @STEVIL - You must play 16-20 hours a day, I play 3-4 per day and most of that is doing a full set of writs on 4 characters, so please dont assume we can "just spend more time harvesting". Some of us have a life outside the game, you know, they are called families and jobs. I'd love to know where you find Nirnroot for 150-200g each. I just went all over to a bunch of random guild stores all over Tamriel and the cheapest I found was one guy selling 3 of them for 250g. The rest were 400-600g each. Keep in mind this is up from 100-150g each before Homestead, which is a symptom of a problem, not the problem itself.

    The issue I am talking about is that with Homestead we are all doing way more writs and since the Alchemy writs use so much Nirnroot the prices have skyrocketed about 400-500% over pre-Homestead values. Since it appears 75% of the writs ask for nirnroot ZoS may need to do some adjustment to the writs or pretty soon (even others mention this above) alchemy writs will be really hard to run without spending hours and hours fighting others who are also low on nirnroot or spending a bloody fortune to buy nirnroot on guild traders. Personally, since I dont have a lot of time I can play, I dont even do alchemy writs anymore. I'll save the nirnroot I do find for making potions, but I will miss the other reagents I used to get from the writs.
    Edited by CrazySonoran on February 20, 2017 3:17AM
  • CrazySonoran
    Narvuntien wrote: »

    250g?? really? I know I sell it for 130g you should come to Our guildstore... on the gold coast (Was sentinal until we got priced out :( )

    Stevil's post is soo long I didn't read it all, but I think makes a good point about trying to change things for everyone so it is easier for you instead of just putting in a little extra effort for yourself to step away from your normal game patterns to finish a writ.

    Try 350-600g, not 250g. I did actually find 3 of them after my last post for 130g each, bought them, but the bulk were 450g each with a slight variance. I have 42 nirnroot as of the writing of this post, so I think I have stepped away from my normal game patterns to finish a writ. I am not going to dump 1400-1800g worth of nirnroot on a writ that gives me a few different other cheap (20-120g each) alchemy reagents, it is not logical. I get better master writs from the 3 equipment crafts anyways and am maintaining my stocks of those materials without spending way more than what I get in return on them.

    Stevil is famous for arguing with anyone that mentions anything they dont like about the game. Or in my case pointing out a potential imbalance in an item as far as supply and demand and an idea I had to correct this. I mentioned a potential issue using my own personal experience as an example. I have adjusted by not running ANY alchemy writs until ZOS changes what the writs call for. The price of nirnroot by itself is a HUGE warning sign that there is a big imbalance in the supply and demand of this item. I am just pointing it out so ZOS can look into it, that is all, Stevil blew it way out of proportion and wrote a book arguing something different than what I said, just like I have seen him do many many times before.

    "You must play 16-20 hours a day, I play 3-4 per day and most of that is doing a full set of writs on 4 characters"

    Ok so, i will just say that if its taking you 45m to an hout to run 6 writs on one character, you have a lot of room for improvement. It takes me on a slow day 2hr to run my 35 dailies. When that goes to 39 next werk or two it may go up 8 mins but likely not.

    But it really does matter how well you have it mapped out.

    My character with 6 crafts:
    warps to craglorn from her home -1 load screen
    Short sprint
    pulls 3 writs from board by hitting the 1 key six times
    Longer sprint
    Sees the list od deliver to scroll as she runs
    Pulls 3 writs 111111
    Short sprint walk
    Craft 3 wood
    Short sprint walk
    Craft 3 cloth
    Sprint upstairs
    Craft 3 blacksmith
    Jump turn back
    In the unusual case where she did not see three deliver goods on the consumables scroll stop into the needed room for crafting - craft surplus of course. So lets call that half a door screen
    Sprint to the drop off
    Claim six
    Open six and done.

    Thats maybe 15m if i stop for a nap or yogurt.

    Six of my chars are:
    Login directly into craglorn
    Step two steps
    Claim two consumables
    Open journal
    Check to see ifvdone
    Rarely have to go thru door to room usually just done so again half door screen
    Sprint to drop off
    Claim two
    Open two
    Back to two steps ftom board for tomorrow


    Thats maybe 5m each for 30m

    So that is now 45m in and 7 character out of 12 and 18 of 35 writs done in the time you say takes you to run one character of writs.

    You should really examine your choices if it takes you 3-4hrs mostly to run 4 characters writs.

    You are likely hitting too many load screens is my best guess. I cant imagine you arent front loading on the consumables if you have run that many.

    I mean, surely you are not running writs daily on a character with different delivery drop offs? I pass up like 37 writs chances a day cuz they would be on other delivery drop offs and so too inefficient time wise.

    But with just a little planning andvefficiency i bet you could easily cut your writ time in half (4 chars an hour tops) and like me free up more time for friends and family.

    Edited by STEVIL on February 20, 2017 4:45AM
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

    Narvuntien wrote: »
    If you want to go farm it.. i suggest Fort Amol and Darkwater crossing in Eastmarch, always plenty of Nirnroot there.

    Yeah it is annoying when you want rarer ingredients like torchbug and stinkhorn for your master writ and can't get them because all your guild store has... is Nirnroot, and columbine. My issue with it being in writs is that I need it for my master writ (along with the other two I meantioned).

    I actually have more of a issue finding Corn flowers. My very first alchemy writ took a week to finish because I couldn't find a third one and didn't realise it was everyday.

    250g?? really? I know I sell it for 130g you should come to Our guildstore... on the gold coast (Was sentinal until we got priced out :( )

    Stevil's post is soo long I didn't read it all, but I think makes a good point about trying to change things for everyone so it is easier for you instead of just putting in a little extra effort for yourself to step away from your normal game patterns to finish a writ.

    I just ran past and thru the gold coast guilds. Trying to get a 7th char to DB4 to umlock the supplier who does and rather frequently supply nirnroot. Hit DB3 tonight so now one quest and 7-8 contracts and more free nirnroot.

    That might have bern where i got the under 300 nirnroot tonight.

    Thanks for the nod... seems some want to carry grudges into the thread, but i wouls mske one minor point - when you get to the "rules need to change" you should imo be first asking for "add more options" first and only get to "change it for everybody else takeaway how it works now" as a last last last last resort cuz its almost a guarantee that take away will hurt someone else.

    But some always jump it seems for the takeaway fix first. Sometimes it seems just habit. Other times it seems calculated.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • CrazySonoran
    Some responses within the quote in bold
    STEVIL wrote: »
    "You must play 16-20 hours a day, I play 3-4 per day and most of that is doing a full set of writs on 4 characters"

    Ok so, i will just say that if its taking you 45m to an hout to run 6 writs on one character, you have a lot of room for improvement. It takes me on a slow day 2hr to run my 35 dailies. When that goes to 39 next werk or two it may go up 8 mins but likely not.

    But it really does matter how well you have it mapped out.

    My character with 6 crafts:
    warps to craglorn from her home -1 load screen

    (Snipped a lot of detail)

    You should really examine your choices if it takes you 3-4hrs mostly to run 4 characters writs. See below

    I mean, surely you are not running writs daily on a character with different delivery drop offs? I pass up like 37 writs chances a day cuz they would be on other delivery drop offs and so too inefficient time wise. Nope, all Belkarth

    But with just a little planning and efficiency i bet you could easily cut your writ time in half (4 chars an hour tops) and like me free up more time for friends and family. See Below

    Ok, another case of you changing what I said to match your warped arguments. You never asked me what was involved in my play time. I didn't mention it either because I didn't realize someone would take a generalization and make it set in stone fact.... so I will elaborate...

    Log into 2nd crafting character which has 5 crafts maxed (everything except Enchanting, we all know how hard it is to level that).

    Usually in Belkarth Bank, run to door, exit and ride to consumable board, hit 1121 to pick the provisioning and alchemy writs.

    Ride back to bank, go inside get the items needed for those 2 writs out of bank (already premade).

    Leave bank and ride to Equipment writ board, hit 111111.

    Run to Woodworking shop and make the items needed for the writ. Hit the research button and start researching anything I can.

    Sprint to the Blacksmithing/Clothier crafting shop and make the items for those 2 writs. Hit the research button and start researching anything I can for both crafts.

    Jump out the window and sprint to the turn-in crates and turn in the 5 writs.

    Walk a few steps and open each writ container looking for surveys, master writs or anything else I need to bank.

    Ride to bank and deposit the appropriate items.

    Repeat the above on character 3 and 4 who also have all but Enchanting maxed.

    Log in main character which has all 6 crafts maxed.

    Run to woodworking shop, Refine any and all raw wood I may have. Make the items needed for the writ, load CraftStore addon, check research on 3 different alts, make any items they need for their research in woodworking.

    Sprint to the Blacksmithing/Clothier crafting shop and make the items for those 2 writs, load CraftStore addon, check research on 3 different alts, make any items they need for their research in these 2 areas.

    Jump out the window and sprint to the turn-in crates and turn in the 5 writs.

    Walk a few steps and open each writ container looking for surveys, master writs or anything else I need to bank or work on.

    Ride to bank and deposit the items I dont need to address immediately as well as the items my alts need to research.

    Zone to each survey location (typically 0-5 per day so varying amounts of time needed for this)

    Zone to the crafting station(s) needed for the master writ I had drop that day. (Time also varies on this step)

    Zone to Stormhaven to drop off master writ item.

    Zone to my house and drop off any furniture I have acquired, if needed.

    Zone to Craglorn to drop off other items in the bank.

    Load each of my 2nd-4th character as needed to acquire the items they need to research and going to the crafting stations as needed...

    So, as you can see this is not just a few minutes, I am including other steps while I am doing the writs, like researching and getting the surveys and master writs done, and if you include answering peoples questions in my guilds and helping friends with things during this time it can easily go into the 3-4 hours per day and then some on weekends. So, see how you mis-interpreted my generalization?
  • Taleof2Cities
    I'm running out of Nirnroot just like every other player ...

    However, I have no aversion to spending the time to farm another supply the day I run out.
  • CrazySonoran
    STEVIL wrote: »
    I just ran past and thru the gold coast guilds. Trying to get a 7th char to DB4 to umlock the supplier who does and rather frequently supply nirnroot. Hit DB3 tonight so now one quest and 7-8 contracts and more free nirnroot.

    That might have bern where i got the under 300 nirnroot tonight.

    Thanks for the nod... seems some want to carry grudges into the thread, but i wouls mske one minor point - when you get to the "rules need to change" you should imo be first asking for "add more options" first and only get to "change it for everybody else takeaway how it works now" as a last last last last resort cuz its almost a guarantee that take away will hurt someone else.

    But some always jump it seems for the takeaway fix first. Sometimes it seems just habit. Other times it seems calculated.

    I ran through and there a while ago tonight and there were only 3 nirnroot for sale there then and I bought them. They were only 130g each, but those were the only ones I've seen tonight for under 350g. Go look in Rawl'Kha you'll see a lot for 600g there.

    What is this about a "Take away fix"? How far can you get from the meaning of my post? I never said anything about taking away anything, I simply pointed out a potential issue and my idea on a way the developers could fix it. The way you talk nothing would ever be fixed based on player input and this game would have died a long time ago. I wont even go into the HUGE list of things that were changed or fixed due to player input. How can you, with a sane mind, say changing a system in the game should be a "last last last last resort"? Some things can have more options but a lot of things in a game need to be changed, quite simple.

  • CrazySonoran
    I'm running out of Nirnroot just like every other player ...

    However, I have no aversion to spending the time to farm another supply the day I run out.

    I also have no aversion to harvesting more nirnroot, I am just pointing out the fact that since 75% of the writs require 3 nirnroot, and there are so many people now doing writs the nirnroot supply has dried up considerably and the price on guild stores has gone up in response to the increased demand. If you want to "spend" your 1400-1800g worth of nirnroot to get a small chance of getting anything close to the same value, go ahead. It would be cheaper to buy the rewards with that money and have some left over for a cup of coffee. Sure you might get a master writ, or some other rare reward that is worth as much as the nirn but over the long term you will lose out at the prices nirnroot is at right now or you would be better off selling the nirnroot.
    Some responses within the quote in bold
    STEVIL wrote: »
    "You must play 16-20 hours a day, I play 3-4 per day and most of that is doing a full set of writs on 4 characters"

    Ok so, i will just say that if its taking you 45m to an hout to run 6 writs on one character, you have a lot of room for improvement. It takes me on a slow day 2hr to run my 35 dailies. When that goes to 39 next werk or two it may go up 8 mins but likely not.

    But it really does matter how well you have it mapped out.

    My character with 6 crafts:
    warps to craglorn from her home -1 load screen

    (Snipped a lot of detail)

    You should really examine your choices if it takes you 3-4hrs mostly to run 4 characters writs. See below

    I mean, surely you are not running writs daily on a character with different delivery drop offs? I pass up like 37 writs chances a day cuz they would be on other delivery drop offs and so too inefficient time wise. Nope, all Belkarth

    But with just a little planning and efficiency i bet you could easily cut your writ time in half (4 chars an hour tops) and like me free up more time for friends and family. See Below

    Ok, another case of you changing what I said to match your warped arguments. You never asked me what was involved in my play time. I didn't mention it either because I didn't realize someone would take a generalization and make it set in stone fact.... so I will elaborate...

    Log into 2nd crafting character which has 5 crafts maxed (everything except Enchanting, we all know how hard it is to level that).

    Usually in Belkarth Bank, run to door, exit and ride to consumable board, hit 1121 to pick the provisioning and alchemy writs.

    Ride back to bank, go inside get the items needed for those 2 writs out of bank (already premade).

    Leave bank and ride to Equipment writ board, hit 111111.

    Run to Woodworking shop and make the items needed for the writ. Hit the research button and start researching anything I can.

    Sprint to the Blacksmithing/Clothier crafting shop and make the items for those 2 writs. Hit the research button and start researching anything I can for both crafts.

    Jump out the window and sprint to the turn-in crates and turn in the 5 writs.

    Walk a few steps and open each writ container looking for surveys, master writs or anything else I need to bank.

    Ride to bank and deposit the appropriate items.

    Repeat the above on character 3 and 4 who also have all but Enchanting maxed.

    Log in main character which has all 6 crafts maxed.

    Run to woodworking shop, Refine any and all raw wood I may have. Make the items needed for the writ, load CraftStore addon, check research on 3 different alts, make any items they need for their research in woodworking.

    Sprint to the Blacksmithing/Clothier crafting shop and make the items for those 2 writs, load CraftStore addon, check research on 3 different alts, make any items they need for their research in these 2 areas.

    Jump out the window and sprint to the turn-in crates and turn in the 5 writs.

    Walk a few steps and open each writ container looking for surveys, master writs or anything else I need to bank or work on.

    Ride to bank and deposit the items I dont need to address immediately as well as the items my alts need to research.

    Zone to each survey location (typically 0-5 per day so varying amounts of time needed for this)

    Zone to the crafting station(s) needed for the master writ I had drop that day. (Time also varies on this step)

    Zone to Stormhaven to drop off master writ item.

    Zone to my house and drop off any furniture I have acquired, if needed.

    Zone to Craglorn to drop off other items in the bank.

    Load each of my 2nd-4th character as needed to acquire the items they need to research and going to the crafting stations as needed...

    So, as you can see this is not just a few minutes, I am including other steps while I am doing the writs, like researching and getting the surveys and master writs done, and if you include answering peoples questions in my guilds and helping friends with things during this time it can easily go into the 3-4 hours per day and then some on weekends. So, see how you mis-interpreted my generalization?

    I took you at your word when you said most of the time was spent "most of that is doing a full set of writs on 4 characters"

    I did not fabricate some imsgined 16 or more time frame out of thin air like you did.

    If you are saying you misspoke thats fine. Happens to the best of us.

    But from sn efficiency standpoint the back and forth to bank and actually running surveys as you get them are real time losses.

    So perhaps in the future you should not use your inefficiency as a basis when fabricating imaginary playtime requirements for others so you can then also work up fanciful "life outside of game" sideswipes.

    I am sure you have good reasons for running your writs the slower way you do. Me, i prefer to have more time available for other things so i choose to do them more efficiently even if that means storing items in character inventories so i dont have to do the bank and forth.

    And with surveys, since they bank and stack i find it far more efficient to store them up each type on a master character appropriate wait until i have 10 or 30 of a given location and have one character make one run and nascar harvest a ton at once. All those load screens saved and trek to spots saved not to mention then having one big decon party after. Its especially efficient when i can combine it with a daily mission into that zone

    But since people choose how they prioritize thing differently and not everyone prioritizes saving time as much as i do, i usually try to just take them at their word on those issues and not go making up imaginary playtime hours for others.

    Hech, i dont even spend much time on proofreading, which should be obvious.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

    STEVIL wrote: »
    I just ran past and thru the gold coast guilds. Trying to get a 7th char to DB4 to umlock the supplier who does and rather frequently supply nirnroot. Hit DB3 tonight so now one quest and 7-8 contracts and more free nirnroot.

    That might have bern where i got the under 300 nirnroot tonight.

    Thanks for the nod... seems some want to carry grudges into the thread, but i wouls mske one minor point - when you get to the "rules need to change" you should imo be first asking for "add more options" first and only get to "change it for everybody else takeaway how it works now" as a last last last last resort cuz its almost a guarantee that take away will hurt someone else.

    But some always jump it seems for the takeaway fix first. Sometimes it seems just habit. Other times it seems calculated.

    I ran through and there a while ago tonight and there were only 3 nirnroot for sale there then and I bought them. They were only 130g each, but those were the only ones I've seen tonight for under 350g. Go look in Rawl'Kha you'll see a lot for 600g there.

    What is this about a "Take away fix"? How far can you get from the meaning of my post? I never said anything about taking away anything, I simply pointed out a potential issue and my idea on a way the developers could fix it. The way you talk nothing would ever be fixed based on player input and this game would have died a long time ago. I wont even go into the HUGE list of things that were changed or fixed due to player input. How can you, with a sane mind, say changing a system in the game should be a "last last last last resort"? Some things can have more options but a lot of things in a game need to be changed, quite simple.

    Hey @CrazySonoran

    if you look in this thread you can see posts like this

    "I can't see why it couldn't rotate between other ingredients instead of predominantly nirnroot."
    that wasn't from you but you know, not every post between two other people is wholly centered on you.

    Rotating between other ingredients means those who have worked to solve their nirnroot problem have that routine taken away as a successful mechanism for doing writs and have to adapt to a new rotation scheme which may include mats they dont find as often or which they use for things other than writs - like say actual combat potions and poisons. those folks have their working routine solution taken away so that others can get the rules adapted to their playstyle with changes that do not add options but just change the limited options to their preferences.

    Now to be fair there was also this post which said and i quote:

    "I have been doing more alchemy writs since Homestead went live and have totally depleted my stocks of Nirnroot. So I started watching and EVERY writ I get asks for 3 of them. Why cant they ask for something like one of the bazillions of Lorkhan's Tears I have or Alkahest. Nirnroot isn't that common as it is, and to have all the writs ask for 3 of them it added up and I went through hundreds of them since the update. One side effect is now Nirnroot has gone up close to 600g each from 150g before Homestead. Devs please do something or we will have another "Columbine" in the game."

    The first bolded portion seems clear that it is suggesting they change it to ask for mats that poster has in abundance -bazillions - so its targetting the mats they gather as a matter of course during their playstyle and asking to switch away from one they don't. The second bold makes it clear this is about a global change not just a personal change for their account - one that affects many or else it wouldn't do a thing to the costs, right?

    Again, takeaways from those who have worked out how to deal with nirnroot otr whose playstyles and choices provide more than it does for that poster and shift to something specifically more suited to the poster's typical gathering choices.

    Now you might want to contrast that to my suggestions for perspective.

    To address the "problem" of those who choose not to acquire enough nirnroot to meet their demands, i suggested two alternatives in one of my first posts:

    i think they could allow each player a one time option to permanently choose columbine instead of nirnroot for their tier-10 alchemy 3pc. once you switch its permanent. All those who really believe in their heart of hearts that nirnroot is more expensive than columbine would jump at this - right? Right? Sure they would! Why use valuable nirnroot when cheaper columbine is just sitting there?

    Alternatively, allow substitution for the nirnroot or other 3pc with 10 other reagents - chosen randomly. Click the "out of stock" button and 10 different reagents go down by one - paying your three nirnroot shortfall off. (Note this is not random from "what you have available but random - if you are out of stock of columbine and namir rot and lady smock cuz you put them on another character - the thing may fail and lose you the writ for the day.)

    Both of these options allow the ones able to manage nirnroot demands to keep doing it with no change but also allow those with "nirnroot acquisition disorder" (or whatever you want to call inability to succeed at acquiring enough to keep their writs afloat) with other alternatives.

    like i said before - if you cannot perform adequately, when you have to ask for help, ask for help for you to meet your needs or your partner's needs (guildies crafting etc) that dont force those on others who have not got the same problems you have. i always seek to expand options for those in need as opposed to mucking with those who dont.

    i would rather see your nirnroot issue solved with you getting new options - everybody getting new options in fact - but not taking away the current mostly nirnroot used option for those who are glad nirnroot and not more useful materials is used in the writs tri-pack.

    See the difference?

    my way of doing things you can get the pressure off your small nirnroot and spread to your other larger supplies. i can keep on going with my larger nirnroot and also gain the option to switch off for variety if i want to.

    Nothing is taken away. Everyone gets more options.

    i think it would be a good change in fact - either of those - or something similar.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Synfaer
    STEVIL wrote: »
    "You must play 16-20 hours a day, I play 3-4 per day and most of that is doing a full set of writs on 4 characters"

    Ok so, i will just say that if its taking you 45m to an hout to run 6 writs on one character, you have a lot of room for improvement. It takes me on a slow day 2hr to run my 35 dailies. When that goes to 39 next werk or two it may go up 8 mins but likely not.

    But it really does matter how well you have it mapped out.

    My character with 6 crafts:
    warps to craglorn from her home -1 load screen
    Short sprint
    pulls 3 writs from board by hitting the 1 key six times
    Longer sprint
    Sees the list od deliver to scroll as she runs
    Pulls 3 writs 111111
    Short sprint walk
    Craft 3 wood
    Short sprint walk
    Craft 3 cloth
    Sprint upstairs
    Craft 3 blacksmith
    Jump turn back
    In the unusual case where she did not see three deliver goods on the consumables scroll stop into the needed room for crafting - craft surplus of course. So lets call that half a door screen
    Sprint to the drop off
    Claim six
    Open six and done.

    Thats maybe 15m if i stop for a nap or yogurt.

    Six of my chars are:
    Login directly into craglorn
    Step two steps
    Claim two consumables
    Open journal
    Check to see ifvdone
    Rarely have to go thru door to room usually just done so again half door screen
    Sprint to drop off
    Claim two
    Open two
    Back to two steps ftom board for tomorrow


    Thats maybe 5m each for 30m

    So that is now 45m in and 7 character out of 12 and 18 of 35 writs done in the time you say takes you to run one character of writs.

    You should really examine your choices if it takes you 3-4hrs mostly to run 4 characters writs.

    You are likely hitting too many load screens is my best guess. I cant imagine you arent front loading on the consumables if you have run that many.

    I mean, surely you are not running writs daily on a character with different delivery drop offs? I pass up like 37 writs chances a day cuz they would be on other delivery drop offs and so too inefficient time wise.

    But with just a little planning andvefficiency i bet you could easily cut your writ time in half (4 chars an hour tops) and like me free up more time for friends and family.

    There is even an addon, Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter which does most stuff for you...except for the moving around bit ;)
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