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Broken Stamblade. I Give Up.

  • SirAndy
    Unbuffed Stats:

    Max Magicka: 9157 Magicka Recovery: 676
    Max Health: 10749 Health Recovery: 492
    Max Stamina: 24090 Stamina Recovery: 1701

    Spell Damage: 1136 Weapon Damage: 1420
    Spell Critical: 25.4% Weapoin Critical: 51.9%

    Spell Resistance: 10247 Physical Resistance: 10247
    Critical Resistance: 219

    best food i could find only buffed my health 3k and change and stamina too
    still wrekd

    Yeah, that explains the one shot problem.

    You'll have to switch around things to get more sustain. Your critical is ok as is your stamina regen, but you need to bump up your health and resists.

    This looks like you were trying to use some sort of PvP gank build, which won't work well in PvE.

    What gear are you running?
    Two full sets and if so, which ones?
    What kind of jewelry?
    What weapons?
    What traits and enchantments are on your gear?

    EDIT: Whops, missed the part where you already posted that!

    Edited by SirAndy on February 16, 2017 8:24PM
  • mateoz
    Alwais keep in mind that your gear stats are going to be scaled up to fake CP150. Wearing lv47 stuff will badly affect your stats. While leveling if you don't swap your gear you become weaker and weaker until you put on-level weapons and armors. You need level 1 food (because it scale) and proper on-level gear (craftable is cheep)
  • NocturnalGuideMe
    SirAndy wrote: »

    EDIT: Whops, missed the part where you already posted that!

    yeah thats what i got currently as i cant find anything else. and I wouldnt know about what kind of build i was making. i really took inspriation and information from several sources and then tried to make it work for myself.

    like i said above, im not really clear why theres such a big difference between PvP and PvE and why i have to have a millins sets of armor to do each. And honestly i dont care. i dont survive in PvP either, mostly cuz idk what im doing. i just want to quest and play the stories and enjoy the DLC and enjoy gear hunting and all that.
    Dar'Dek Do'Tenurr
    Khajiiti Stamina Nightblade
    Master Thief, Dark Brotherhood Executioner, Former Dro m'Athra Shade
  • NocturnalGuideMe
    mateoz wrote: »
    Alwais keep in mind that your gear stats are going to be scaled up to fake CP150. Wearing lv47 stuff will badly affect your stats. While leveling if you don't swap your gear you become weaker and weaker until you put on-level weapons and armors. You need level 1 food (because it scale) and proper on-level gear (craftable is cheep)

    been looking but its either cp160 for sale or roll the dice oin drops. which are few becasue i cant beat the loot drop bosses alone.

    ultimately im seeing myself on slow grind to 160 where i can hash out my character from there. buff him with champ points and then seek advice on how to craft myself some top notch gear
    Edited by NocturnalGuideMe on February 16, 2017 8:40PM
    Dar'Dek Do'Tenurr
    Khajiiti Stamina Nightblade
    Master Thief, Dark Brotherhood Executioner, Former Dro m'Athra Shade
  • SirAndy
    SirAndy wrote: »
    What gear are you running?
    Two full sets and if so, which ones?
    What kind of jewelry?
    What weapons?
    What traits and enchantments are on your gear?
    Since getting good dropped gear at your level might be a challenge, you might want to find someone who can craft you gear.

    I suggest 5 pieces of purple Hundings Rage, all medium, all devines, either with +stamina or +health enchants.

    For the second set go for a proc set like Red Mountain or Way of the Fire or something similar that is stamina based.
    You will need to find jewelry first, that means spending some money in guild stores.
    Don't worry too much about the quality, the difference in stats between blue and purple jewelry isn't that big.
    You should be able to find something at your level.

    I would go for jewelry with health enchants since those are usually much cheaper for stamina based sets.
    Once you found jewelry for a good set, try to find 2 more pieces of armor for the same set.
    Get them in heavy if possible and spent skill points in the first 3 heavy passives.
    Preferably with divines trait but others will work too (Sturdy would work well for you).

    Then try to find two Leki's daggers in defending(!).
    Those should be cheap since most people want them in sharpened.
    That should give you some good base damage and critical, plus bump up your sustain.

    Then find someone who can make you blue food that boosts health and stamina.

    Man, i wish you were on PC, i could hook you up with most of what i just listed above.
    Edited by SirAndy on February 16, 2017 8:49PM
  • Bazeric
    my problem is these crazy op boss battles solo.
    primarily rescue Vanus Galerion Storm Atronach mobs, DB Primate Arturious and Dominion quest against the corrupt Mane.

    key word here is Survivabiltiy

    so it looks like Mirage and Relentless focus on the back bar, crouch and ambush getting a sneak bonus, surpirse attack for major fracture and then bloodthirst and pray to Riddle'Thar that I live.

    Okay, so mostly it is bosses that give you trouble. Obviously stealth play won't help here, because you're not going to gank a boss with 250K+ health, so you have to change your approach. You should get at least one set of armor that was a full 5 pc bonus, at least purple quality of weapons, and get some food. Next you can work on getting potions. From here I still recommend blood craze and bloodthrist if you stick with DW. Keep buffs up, keeps dots+hots up, block or dodge the big hits, most big hits have a tell so you should know when one is coming. You won't straight burn these bosses so you have to keep everything ticking away. I'm not sure if draining will help enough in a boss fight, but that the biggest burst heal you have. If you switch to 2H you will have rally and brawler. A lot of people poo poo brawler, but it allowed me to solo most world bosses on my stamblade so it's fine by me for overland stuff.

    Weapon traits can help too, sharpen give more damage, but with high crit, precise can help heals.
    Enchantments are important too. 10K is low for builds not based on shield spam. Get food and enchants until you have at least 15K health, I think 18K is more around what people aim for. Pure DPs isn't survivable so you have to find a balance. 18K health might lower your DPS, but if you can live through a big hit to get to keep fighting, which is better than dead. Good luck, I'm sure there is plenty of help to be gained.
    Looking for broken things in hopes they may be fixed. I've given up, my game literally works differently from yours.
    64M+ AP across 9 toons... kinda makes me a GO
  • mateoz
    been looking but its either cp160 for sale or roll the dice oin drops. which are few becasue i cant beat the loot drop bosses alone.

    ultimately im seeing myself on slow grind to 160 where i can hash out my character from there. buff him with champ points and then seek advice on how to craft myself some top notch gear
    You should ask someone to craft you a CP20 gear, they go in 10CP increment

  • NocturnalGuideMe
    update: @DRXHarbinger @SirAndy @Bazeric

    Finished the Vanus Galerion one, thanks to all your advice.
    Stuff Venison Haunch, Relentless Focus and Mirage on back bar
    abush, surprise attack, Bloodthirst spam until $pr0fit$

    ..the reward?
    a blue Staff of the Prisoner... :neutral:
    Edited by NocturnalGuideMe on February 16, 2017 9:19PM
    Dar'Dek Do'Tenurr
    Khajiiti Stamina Nightblade
    Master Thief, Dark Brotherhood Executioner, Former Dro m'Athra Shade
  • SirAndy
    abush, surprise attack, Bloodthirst spam until $pr0fit$
  • Bazeric
    Awesome! Sometimes it is fun to just play around with skills and see what you get comfortable with.
    Looking for broken things in hopes they may be fixed. I've given up, my game literally works differently from yours.
    64M+ AP across 9 toons... kinda makes me a GO
  • NocturnalGuideMe
    Bazeric wrote: »
    Awesome! Sometimes it is fun to just play around with skills and see what you get comfortable with.

    You guys gave me alot to think about so i might respec my morphs again just to have a few points extra for things I need from things i never use or dont need now.

    Update: Respecced to get rid of some points in places i didnt need (i had one randomly in heavy armor not being used.)
    Somehow ended up with 11 left over.

    Also should i bother doing my Attributes too?

    what do you guys think about me putting them into crafting passives? Or is that no good?

    still feeling squishy, but squishy like wet cement.
    Edited by NocturnalGuideMe on February 17, 2017 12:57AM
    Dar'Dek Do'Tenurr
    Khajiiti Stamina Nightblade
    Master Thief, Dark Brotherhood Executioner, Former Dro m'Athra Shade
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Hold on to your skill points for now, no need to use them before its needed. Go through the main quests in each alliance, fighters guild and mage guild questlines too. Gather skyshards, lorebooks and crafting materials.

    Flowers are expensive to buy from others, and they're needed to level up alchemy... once you have a ton of those, and solvents of various levels, you can level up alchemy within 20 minutes.

    Learn as many recipes as you find, specially green ones of various levels... as you gather provisioning ingredients, you can level up provisioning in 30 minutes by crafting cheap green food buffs of various levels.
    SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE ALERT: these crafts require you to deconstruct loot or other peoples crafted items to level up fast. You can do this with 2 characters as well if you have 2 with enough skillpoints.... otherwise better to find a crafting partner. You gain very little by deconstructing items you have crafted with that same char!

    Deconstruct every glyph you find as loot, this is the slowest craft to level up ...unless you have gold and can buy your way out.
    The ways to speed up the slowpoke levelling of enchanting are:
    1. If you have a friend who also wants to level up enchanting... craft glyphs for eachother, trade and deconstruct eachothers glyphs.
    2. Buy or hire a crafter to make around 170 purple quality cp150 glyphs for you.
    3. If you have a crafter friend willing to help you out, then give them 170 x Jehade, Rekuta + the cheapest essense runes you could find.


    Go to the easiest public dungeon or any other location with lots of mobs, and start killing for loot... deconstruct everything you get.
  • NocturnalGuideMe
    Hold on to your skill points for now, no need to use them before its needed. Go through the main quests in each alliance, fighters guild and mage guild questlines too. Gather skyshards, lorebooks and crafting materials.

    Flowers are expensive to buy from others, and they're needed to level up alchemy... once you have a ton of those, and solvents of various levels, you can level up alchemy within 20 minutes.

    Learn as many recipes as you find, specially green ones of various levels... as you gather provisioning ingredients, you can level up provisioning in 30 minutes by crafting cheap green food buffs of various levels.
    SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE ALERT: these crafts require you to deconstruct loot or other peoples crafted items to level up fast. You can do this with 2 characters as well if you have 2 with enough skillpoints.... otherwise better to find a crafting partner. You gain very little by deconstructing items you have crafted with that same char!

    Deconstruct every glyph you find as loot, this is the slowest craft to level up ...unless you have gold and can buy your way out.
    The ways to speed up the slowpoke levelling of enchanting are:
    1. If you have a friend who also wants to level up enchanting... craft glyphs for eachother, trade and deconstruct eachothers glyphs.
    2. Buy or hire a crafter to make around 170 purple quality cp150 glyphs for you.
    3. If you have a crafter friend willing to help you out, then give them 170 x Jehade, Rekuta + the cheapest essense runes you could find.


    Go to the easiest public dungeon or any other location with lots of mobs, and start killing for loot... deconstruct everything you get.

    Yeah i have no problems with leveling crafting and i have been doing so casually throughout the gameplay. im sure once i start grinding it out at 160 ill be fine, for now im saving my gold in case i have to buy or pay for a crafted set of armor and/or materials to make my own, and food....lots of food....

    My question was at this point, i have 10 skill points, not burning a hole in my pocket, but should i commit them to a crafting skill for now? Im kind of answering my own question by saying ive prettyt much locked in everything i need from the other skill lines at this point. i.e. 50 Assassination all passives and skill morphs i need, same with shadow, Dual wield on the way and ill need points for TB&B passive and Rend, Bow needs some work but its Bow... Medium armor is maxed, TG and DB skill lines are in progress but through there own accord. fighters guild line has what i need out of it, same with Siphoning.

    Would it stunt my character at all to maybe put them as far in as i can in a craft or skip till CP160?
    Dar'Dek Do'Tenurr
    Khajiiti Stamina Nightblade
    Master Thief, Dark Brotherhood Executioner, Former Dro m'Athra Shade
  • kyle.wilson
    Most streamer builds rely on you having max cp now.

    But, the best advice would be to join a pve guild. They can help with builds and gear. Most guildies will craft gear cheap, if you supply the mats.
    My advice for replacing the gear would be every time the mat to craft changes up to cp140. Then don't upgrade till CP160.
    another piece of advice. Swap soul harvest to the bar you do most of your kills on, and I would use soul tether as the other ult on bow bar. Soul harvest will increase you ult regen while using tether for the dps.
    Edited by kyle.wilson on February 17, 2017 9:21AM
  • kyle.wilson
    As a minimum all you gear should be blue. The blue tempers are super cheap.
    And make sure that all gear has a glyph on it. Khajiit isn't the easiest stam build to play, but they are incredibly fun. Just watch @Telel 's streams
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Yeah i have no problems with leveling crafting and i have been doing so casually throughout the gameplay. im sure once i start grinding it out at 160 ill be fine, for now im saving my gold in case i have to buy or pay for a crafted set of armor and/or materials to make my own, and food....lots of food....

    My question was at this point, i have 10 skill points, not burning a hole in my pocket, but should i commit them to a crafting skill for now? Im kind of answering my own question by saying ive prettyt much locked in everything i need from the other skill lines at this point. i.e. 50 Assassination all passives and skill morphs i need, same with shadow, Dual wield on the way and ill need points for TB&B passive and Rend, Bow needs some work but its Bow... Medium armor is maxed, TG and DB skill lines are in progress but through there own accord. fighters guild line has what i need out of it, same with Siphoning.

    Would it stunt my character at all to maybe put them as far in as i can in a craft or skip till CP160?
    Now that I think about it, commit them to fasten the research timer to unlock and be able to research traits on 2-3 items at a time in the following crafts: Woodworking, Clothing, Blacksmithing.

    The more traits you research on an item, the longer it takes... however you have to research traits to be able to craft set items.
  • Telel
    As a minimum all you gear should be blue. The blue tempers are super cheap.
    And make sure that all gear has a glyph on it. Khajiit isn't the easiest stam build to play, but they are incredibly fun. Just watch @Telel 's streams

    So long as people remember that this one is known as 'The Mediocre' for a reason and are prepared for the fact Telel often sounds as if they wish to strangle puppies.

    After all that stream is there to dispel these lies that khajiit is good at this game.

    Character: Telel
    Class: Night Blade-Werewolf-viking-ninja-catgirl-mallet wielder
    Past times: Refusing to go full magika spec, hitting things with a big hammer, sniping, and speaking in khajiit
    Also: Gelel the Derp Knight, Altsel the streaker, and Filafel the temp temp.

    Khajiit has a twitch stream! https://twitch.tv/telel_khajiit feel free to come see how truly unskilled Telel is.
  • NocturnalGuideMe

    Yeah i have no problems with leveling crafting and i have been doing so casually throughout the gameplay. im sure once i start grinding it out at 160 ill be fine, for now im saving my gold in case i have to buy or pay for a crafted set of armor and/or materials to make my own, and food....lots of food....

    My question was at this point, i have 10 skill points, not burning a hole in my pocket, but should i commit them to a crafting skill for now? Im kind of answering my own question by saying ive prettyt much locked in everything i need from the other skill lines at this point. i.e. 50 Assassination all passives and skill morphs i need, same with shadow, Dual wield on the way and ill need points for TB&B passive and Rend, Bow needs some work but its Bow... Medium armor is maxed, TG and DB skill lines are in progress but through there own accord. fighters guild line has what i need out of it, same with Siphoning.

    Would it stunt my character at all to maybe put them as far in as i can in a craft or skip till CP160?
    Now that I think about it, commit them to fasten the research timer to unlock and be able to research traits on 2-3 items at a time in the following crafts: Woodworking, Clothing, Blacksmithing.

    The more traits you research on an item, the longer it takes... however you have to research traits to be able to craft set items.

    thank you. i was wondering that. i hasve been casually leveling them (basically decon anything i dont need unless i need gold then i sell.) i think my highest skill is only 15 in blacksmithing i think. but i have a ton of traits unlocked like 6-7 for bow, 4 on daggers and swords, 2-3 for everything else medium armor for the most part i think
    was probably going to spend today on some crafting grind.maybe make myself a CP30 or 40 set.

    What were the best sets for a PvE stamblade again? (ill probably just search this later but if anyone replies in the meantime, thatd be helpful)
    Dar'Dek Do'Tenurr
    Khajiiti Stamina Nightblade
    Master Thief, Dark Brotherhood Executioner, Former Dro m'Athra Shade
  • NocturnalGuideMe
    Telel wrote: »
    As a minimum all you gear should be blue. The blue tempers are super cheap.
    And make sure that all gear has a glyph on it. Khajiit isn't the easiest stam build to play, but they are incredibly fun. Just watch @Telel 's streams

    So long as people remember that this one is known as 'The Mediocre' for a reason and are prepared for the fact Telel often sounds as if they wish to strangle puppies.

    After all that stream is there to dispel these lies that khajiit is good at this game.

    This is not a bad title.
    Dar'Dek would like to be known as anything other than "The Squishy Cat" or "He Who Cannot Complete Basic Main Quest Objectives"

    perhaps "Dull Claws But Sleek Fur" yes? or perhaps "Sleeps Under The Tavern But Has Many Wenches"?
    yes..these would do nicely.
    Dar'Dek Do'Tenurr
    Khajiiti Stamina Nightblade
    Master Thief, Dark Brotherhood Executioner, Former Dro m'Athra Shade
  • malicia
    @OP - I know you pain. I'm also playing a Stamblade casually, and recently started thinking that I must be the worst player around, as veteran Maelstorm Arena is so far beyond my ability, that even the first spawned mobs can kill me. You can look at the thread where I asked advice - I got some very solid advice, which is really helping.

    CP10 - CP160 was for me one of the most frustrating parts of the game. You don't want to invest much into your equipment, so you end up with fairly sub-standard equipment, making the game harder than necessary.

    I'm not anywhere as experienced as many replying here, but what I'd have done in your shoes is to level blacksmithing and clothing. It will take some time, unless you get a leveling partner or invest in items bought on the guild stores. You're playing casually, though, so take your time and make it a goal to work to. Once you can craft your own equipment sets life will already become much easier. I did CP10-CP160 in a series of Night's Silence sets that I crafted. It's not great for fighting, but one of the most fun sets to sneak around in. It might put some of the fun back into the game for you. I now use it as an alternative for when I do Dark Brotherhood missions.

    Consider doing public dungeons. There are normally other people in them, so it is pretty easy to find one or two other people to run around with. It will make your chances of surviving much better.

    Join a trading guild, the larger the better. You don't have to do content with them, but guild chat is a very good place to ask someone to assist with crafting. Some will help for free, others will ask a fee. It doesn't take away your Lone Wolf status, but gives you access to a support base which you won't have without it.

    As for Vigor - it does make life much easier. I went to Cyrodil, dreading it as I'm a PvE'er and certainly not PvP. It took me about a week to unlock Vigor, during which I leveled a bit slower than in PvE, but not by as much as I was afraid of. Choose the busiest server (bonus points if it is one where CP is disabled), look at where the action is on the map, and then join a large group of players from your own faction. You'll find that there is often a screen of Stamblades that moves around the main body of people. I liked playing with them - stay hidden and pounce on wounded enemies that are trying to get away from the action. I've died numerous times, but oddly enough found myself having fun. A safer approach is probably to stay at the back of the main body, use the bow, and use melee at near death targets, and then retreat back to the main body. I never thought I would say it, but once I have the gear sets I want, I'll eventually go back to Cyrodil.

    Finally - CP 17 is not a fun place to be. The game for you now is probably less fun than it should be, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. CP 160 will come faster than you expect, especially if you set yourself tasks such as "Level blacksmithing and clothing", "get Vigor"... Once you're at 160 it will start becoming easier to kill mobs again - the mobs are capped at 160, while you can move past it. I still can't do vMA, but I've since gone to CP240, better gear, and am having heaps of fun doing public dungeons or farming Craglorn.
    Edited by malicia on February 18, 2017 7:23AM
    PC, EU
    Not elite, not the best. Just enjoying ESO.
    Not the worst either. "Casual" != "totally ignorant"
  • NocturnalGuideMe

    Thank you thank you thank you. i needed that extra affirmation. I couldnt agree more and its nice to get some advice from someone going through or recently have been through the same same thing.

    I spent the day today with the goal to level blacksmithing and since i have skill points in everywhere i can think of for now, i have been adding them to my crafting, with full intent to craft a set of my own once cp160 hits. currently im at CP58 so its going pretty quick since posting, Enlighting or whatever helps as i get at least 1.7k XP a kill. So everything i see dies.
    Also i have since unstuck myself from all (as luck would have it grouped with someone standing outside the building for the Dark Mane battle) but the Dark Brotherhood end misson, I cannot for the life of me figure that one out and im fairly sure it has everything to do with skill and Rainman Style button execution, but that boss snares and hits for 14k which even with the food i can get its 99% of my health. After that a firm breeze can take me out.
    That nonwithstanding, since making this thread and addressing some issues i had with my skill bar and armor, ive felt less squishy.
    I still feel like im not putting out as much damage as i am effort but i assume that will change as i come over the last 100 CP or so.

    And i have no delusions about PvP but i might have to invest in it for Vigor. its either that or find a good magicka dump self cast shield that will stack with Mirage.

    Im in a guild and have contacted someone about where to possibly direct a crafting request and possibly help with armor. but id rather maybe wait and grind out blacksmithing and clothing and woodworking till i can make my own, in my own style.
    but thats a bit down the road and ill proabably have to make a seperate thread topic for that.

    may shadows hide you, my friend
    Dar'Dek Do'Tenurr
    Khajiiti Stamina Nightblade
    Master Thief, Dark Brotherhood Executioner, Former Dro m'Athra Shade
  • malicia
    Are you speaking of the Black Dragon, or the battle in the church? I originally thought the Black Dragon is the final mission, but there is another one after the Black Dragon.

    The Black Dragon killed me so many times that I later thought that I'll have to go to town to repair my gear. I still don't know how I killed her - must have been a very lucky attempt. And that was with a full 5 piece gear set, and 4 pieces from another set. All purple items. About three were 100% broken when I finally killed her, so I still think I was just lucky.

    I originally referred to leveling blacksmithing, but edited my post to include clothing. Medium armor is clothing, so you'll want that. And yeah, there's just something nice about wearing armor that you crafted, upgraded and dyed yourself.
    PC, EU
    Not elite, not the best. Just enjoying ESO.
    Not the worst either. "Casual" != "totally ignorant"
  • malicia
    Oh, as for PvP - I gained much of my PvP XP by standing on keep walls shooting a catapult at enemies. I was too squishy and too low damage to survive on the ground, so I always carried a couple of catapults, oil pots and ballistas in my pockets. Amazing how much these backpacks can carry.
    PC, EU
    Not elite, not the best. Just enjoying ESO.
    Not the worst either. "Casual" != "totally ignorant"
  • NocturnalGuideMe
    malicia wrote: »
    Are you speaking of the Black Dragon, or the battle in the church? I originally thought the Black Dragon is the final mission, but there is another one after the Black Dragon.

    The Black Dragon killed me so many times that I later thought that I'll have to go to town to repair my gear. I still don't know how I killed her - must have been a very lucky attempt. And that was with a full 5 piece gear set, and 4 pieces from another set. All purple items. About three were 100% broken when I finally killed her, so I still think I was just lucky.

    I originally referred to leveling blacksmithing, but edited my post to include clothing. Medium armor is clothing, so you'll want that. And yeah, there's just something nice about wearing armor that you crafted, upgraded and dyed yourself.

    no the fight in the church! I had a tough time with the black dragon as well, i think around the time i posted this thread or maybe i was on another...hmm...anyways, after 6-7 trys i got her.
    Now im stuck on the church fight and the only threads on here are like "wow so easy! with my mag templar" "no problems my stamblade is l33t!!!
    frustrating to say the least
    Dar'Dek Do'Tenurr
    Khajiiti Stamina Nightblade
    Master Thief, Dark Brotherhood Executioner, Former Dro m'Athra Shade
  • malicia
    To be honest, I found the church much easier than the Black Dragon. I don't remember the fight well, but I do remember that whenever running FAR away whenever there was red on the floor, and then using Ambush to close the gap once it is over. Ambush probably won the fight for me - stunning him helped a lot. So for me it was very much a run/hit, run/hit kind of fight. At that time I had daggers on both bars, so I had not distance attack options. A bow on the secondary would probably help.
    PC, EU
    Not elite, not the best. Just enjoying ESO.
    Not the worst either. "Casual" != "totally ignorant"
  • NocturnalGuideMe
    malicia wrote: »
    To be honest, I found the church much easier than the Black Dragon. I don't remember the fight well, but I do remember that whenever running FAR away whenever there was red on the floor, and then using Ambush to close the gap once it is over. Ambush probably won the fight for me - stunning him helped a lot. So for me it was very much a run/hit, run/hit kind of fight. At that time I had daggers on both bars, so I had not distance attack options. A bow on the secondary would probably help.

    the bow leaves me too open. i buff up with mirage and grim focus and then ambush and bloodthirst away, but it doesnt seem like the health is going down veryu much or fast. he has a health bar like a World boss. and then if i make one mistake, its a 10k hit and theres no coming back.
    Dar'Dek Do'Tenurr
    Khajiiti Stamina Nightblade
    Master Thief, Dark Brotherhood Executioner, Former Dro m'Athra Shade
  • davey1107
    You'll remember I said this would happen...right? If you just did grinding really fast to vet you'd end up not quite learning the mechanics and skills and get frustrated. The game has yanked all the lower level handicaps out from under you, assuming you don't need training wheels any more. Forget meta. Forget champion builds. You aren't good with the basics yet. A little honing and the toon will be good.

    1. Your gear sucks. Tough love time, lol. There isn't one good thing about that gear setup. It just plain stinks. The bosses you're having trouble with...if you were twice as powerful do you think you'd beat them? Because you'd easily be twice as powerful with some basic gear instead of that god awful melange. So...do this asap: collect the mats for c20 blue gear. Put out a zone chat or go into a guild and ask someone to make you this setup:

    Hundings Rage
    Chest, heavy, infused
    Legs, medium, infused
    Waist, gloves, shoulders, med divines

    Night Mothers/Night Silence
    Head, med infused
    Daggers, 2 sharpened
    Bow, sharp
    Feet, heavy, divines

    You're going to put green or blue enchantments on this stuff. HEALTH on the chest, head and legs. Stamina on the others. On the bow and one dagger, the "does damage and returns stamina" enchant. On the other dagger the return health enchant. Then you're going to wear three pieces of matching jewelry. Green...blue...purple...doesn't matter. Flanking or senche or any stamina set from dolmen chests.

    This setup will be a massive change for you. Yes, two heavy reduces your hitting power a little. But dead nightblades don't hit very hard. And yes, the health enchants take away some stamina...but you need the extra health until you're higher CP and have heals.

    2. Use food. Always. Like others have said...you cannot survive without food. I've played for three years and have 561 champion points, and boss fights suck without food for me...for you it's a deadly handicap. You need either blue max health and stam food or purple max everything. If you have wrothgar, your best bet is to play the Orgaza quests and earn her recipes. These make "leveling food," which can be used at any level and give a flat massive health boost along with, I think, stam recovery.

    3. I find bow hard in solo pve. They're cool, but can be tough. Consider running dual and 2h until you get a little better. Equip shrouded daggers on the dual for a ranged mega dps attack. Then on the 2h bar, USE RALLY. It gives you 20% more hitting power, and a slow trickling heal, and it only needs to be cast every 30 seconds. It will help make up for the lack of healing.

    This gear setup, the food, the skills switch - these are the training wheels you need right now. Your health is toooooooo low to survive. You don't have heals. Your hitting power is 40% less because you don't buff w major brutality and wear complete sets. I swear...invest an afternoon making these changes and he'll be twice as survivable.

    Also, FYI, your dual/bow bars aren't bad. I'd run with those skills and my nightblade would do fine. But that's a setup that's a little advanced...thereby making it a very hard play style if your gear isn't good. The main objectives right now for skills is to get major brutality and some form of heal into your fights...the bow isn't cutting it.
  • NocturnalGuideMe
    davey1107 wrote: »
    You'll remember I said this would happen...right? If you just did grinding really fast to vet you'd end up not quite learning the mechanics and skills and get frustrated. The game has yanked all the lower level handicaps out from under you, assuming you don't need training wheels any more. Forget meta. Forget champion builds. You aren't good with the basics yet. A little honing and the toon will be good.

    1. Your gear sucks. Tough love time, lol. There isn't one good thing about that gear setup. It just plain stinks. The bosses you're having trouble with...if you were twice as powerful do you think you'd beat them? Because you'd easily be twice as powerful with some basic gear instead of that god awful melange. So...do this asap: collect the mats for c20 blue gear. Put out a zone chat or go into a guild and ask someone to make you this setup:

    Hundings Rage
    Chest, heavy, infused
    Legs, medium, infused
    Waist, gloves, shoulders, med divines

    Night Mothers/Night Silence
    Head, med infused
    Daggers, 2 sharpened
    Bow, sharp
    Feet, heavy, divines

    You're going to put green or blue enchantments on this stuff. HEALTH on the chest, head and legs. Stamina on the others. On the bow and one dagger, the "does damage and returns stamina" enchant. On the other dagger the return health enchant. Then you're going to wear three pieces of matching jewelry. Green...blue...purple...doesn't matter. Flanking or senche or any stamina set from dolmen chests.

    This setup will be a massive change for you. Yes, two heavy reduces your hitting power a little. But dead nightblades don't hit very hard. And yes, the health enchants take away some stamina...but you need the extra health until you're higher CP and have heals.

    2. Use food. Always. Like others have said...you cannot survive without food. I've played for three years and have 561 champion points, and boss fights suck without food for me...for you it's a deadly handicap. You need either blue max health and stam food or purple max everything. If you have wrothgar, your best bet is to play the Orgaza quests and earn her recipes. These make "leveling food," which can be used at any level and give a flat massive health boost along with, I think, stam recovery.

    3. I find bow hard in solo pve. They're cool, but can be tough. Consider running dual and 2h until you get a little better. Equip shrouded daggers on the dual for a ranged mega dps attack. Then on the 2h bar, USE RALLY. It gives you 20% more hitting power, and a slow trickling heal, and it only needs to be cast every 30 seconds. It will help make up for the lack of healing.

    This gear setup, the food, the skills switch - these are the training wheels you need right now. Your health is toooooooo low to survive. You don't have heals. Your hitting power is 40% less because you don't buff w major brutality and wear complete sets. I swear...invest an afternoon making these changes and he'll be twice as survivable.

    Also, FYI, your dual/bow bars aren't bad. I'd run with those skills and my nightblade would do fine. But that's a setup that's a little advanced...thereby making it a very hard play style if your gear isn't good. The main objectives right now for skills is to get major brutality and some form of heal into your fights...the bow isn't cutting it.

    haha tough love.

    i do remember what you said about gear and since i realized how bad it hurt me, ive been just slapping on any old gear i can find thats of level. It has helped tremendously.

    that setup i posted is kinda outdated now that im CP64. I havent really been grinding, just playing through the game since hitting lvl50 and being able to beat the bosses in the storylines that were in my way. between gear, food buff and using Bloodthrist and Mirage, everythings turned around.

    Gear sets are like a whole diferent kind of grind. i was leveling to make them myself. Noone responds to my group chats in game lol too busy spamming Motifs. However, even if i do get gear, ill be way leveled out of it in a dayt anyways. seems an awful lot of trouble to go through unless i just wait and be patient till 160.

    i have been putting time into decon'ing everything all day today and researching traits. (did you tell me to do that? I feel like i should be doing that). Also put a few skill points in those passives so i can research two at a time and 10% faster.

    This game is weird, it can really throw you through a loop and put you in a hole if you dont know what your doing. how would i ever survive without the internet?
    Dar'Dek Do'Tenurr
    Khajiiti Stamina Nightblade
    Master Thief, Dark Brotherhood Executioner, Former Dro m'Athra Shade
  • Vash747
    Since you are still leveling there is no point putting alot into grinding drop sets, get someone to craft you a 5 piece Hundings and a 4 piece morkuldin. For jewlery check online to see what drops from certain dolmens and you can have a full set in a few minutes. Then go out and play. Make sure you eat food and have potions equipped for emergency. Vigor is a great skill to have. Max fighter guild and get dawnbreaker up, it is a good ultimate and boosts all your damage.
    The kills I mainly run are ambush, steel tornado, vigor, siphoning strikes, and surprise attack.
    On back bar, venom injection, venom spray, killers blade or silver bolts, relentless focus, and lethal arrow. I use the bow ultimate on my bow.
    If you have undaunted metal that helps some with your health by wearing one light and one heavy with the rest medium, you also get the benefit of the first few Passives from light armor and heavy.
    Attributes, I run 8 in health and the rest in stamina. I have 6 armor enchanted for stamina and the chest for health.
    I use dual wield and bow, you don't have to use that, but it is my preference. You can ask people what to do and try it, but run what feels most natural for you. I had trouble with my Nightblade when I was around your level too. Stick with it and you will get through it.
  • Izaki
    Actually, you could try to get a health recovery build to compensate for your absence of heals. But that would be at the cost of damage...
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
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