deadlyhuwe wrote: »Ok I'm on the ropes here. yeah I ran trials and I have heard people say they are lagging. The crown asks if people have pets out. If you haven't heard it fine. I don't need to hear about it.
Lag behind? My question is If you take a pet mechanic and make a class out of it, maybe it will be bad. You all can stroke your egos with picking on someone that was trying to start a simple disussion. stupid or otherwise.
Man fear the majority yeah. just know your place and stfu. Fine start another thread on a cookie cutter build or how you can't wait for the expansion to come out. lol.
devs would come up with best gear combos, not players. gear sets, skills ect would all be balanced and none would be op if devs knew best.
The warden is going to be the best thing for eso since orsinium, and morrowind will be the best thing since game launch. I am extremely excited thinking about all the new players and old players comming to the game as a result of these two things.
As far as the warden and his pet goes, i have nastalgic dreams of my dwarf BM hunter i played for six years in WoW. Heres to hoping the bear can tank vet four mans! Hunter pet tanking was so fun...anyway, i will be making and maining a warden day one, as when i first read about eso when it was still in closed beta i wanted to play the warden...but settled for the templar. So heres one bear loving warden you will see