Will the Warden Kill ESO?

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  • Phica_Lovic
    deadlyhuwe wrote: »
    Ok I'm on the ropes here. yeah I ran trials and I have heard people say they are lagging. The crown asks if people have pets out. If you haven't heard it fine. I don't need to hear about it.
    Lag behind? My question is If you take a pet mechanic and make a class out of it, maybe it will be bad. You all can stroke your egos with picking on someone that was trying to start a simple disussion. stupid or otherwise.

    Man fear the majority yeah. just know your place and stfu. Fine start another thread on a cookie cutter build or how you can't wait for the expansion to come out. lol.

    If you take a pet mechanic and make a class out of it.... we already have one of those. It's called a sorc. They can get 3 pets if they ulti with the Atronach.

    And dude, you need to calm down. Like seriously. Calm. Down.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Phica -Max CP - Lvl 50 Argonian Sorc Healer since launch

  • Enslaved
    deadlyhuwe wrote: »
    I brought this up in another thread. Seasoned players know how bad crown store pets are. Even running one in VMA is a poor choice. Try running one in a trial without it being brought to attention. The lag caused I assume is a reason they aren't allowed in Cyrodiil. Follow mechanics maybe?
    The fact that ZOS sells these things when their own code can't support them is bewildering. Now they want to let people buy a class, not a pet, based on this. Fengrush brought up a point a year or so ago. He said ZOS is releasing things they already had. This fits that theory. It's a class that most likely is based on existing character models, which is fine. It's just that this model is based on some mechanic that may slow down the game.
    Some people can say that Zos wouldn't do that. Look in the crown store for non-combat pets. So the question isn't if they would release it. But would they release a full expansion with that flaw. If people buy this expansion and suddenly raid groups won't let them run it due to lag. Zos will say it's play the way you want to play or whatever. It's the solo class. So they beef them up to make them more appealing. You get OP Wardens saturating Battlegrounds. Zos has a problem balancing between pvp/pve. Wait for the pvp/pve/bg balancing issues.

    I understand your concern, but you must be aware that not all pets will be permanent, more like skills. For example, that dreadful cliffracer will be just like any ranged skill, you summon it, it attack the target and then disappears. Also, I saw more then once Sorcerers that are followed by 3 pets at once, even in PvP. Servers didn't explode because of that. More problematic things that contribute to extreme lags are aoe spells. And I don't thing that out of the blue every single ESO player will use Warden, similar as we are not all sDKs, mSorcs or mTemplars, for example.

    Warden will be a fun and needed upgrade to our char pools, class that will provide some more diversity, and necropotence set sales will skyrocket, making me bloody rich. If only housing would have more stash space, so that I can buy all 40 houses from selling my divines/impen/infused necropotence sets :trollface:
  • Danikat
    You posted something, people disagreed. Welcome to the internet, this is how it goes. Don't take it personally, it's nothing against you it's just that you're asking a bunch of people who are essentially looking for ways to kill some time.

    And yes in my experience to get your point understood on this forum you have to be extremely clear, do not deviate at all from your core point and maybe reiterate it a few times within the first post, otherwise someone misunderstands and everyone else responds to that person instead of you because it's more amusing.

    As for your concern I have to admit this is something I've never heard of. I don't do trials or vet dungeons but I've never heard of anyone complaining that people bring non-combat pets because they cause lag. Did this only happen to you once? If so it could just be that one player either being superstitious (like the people who insist on opening chests first, or insist you have to do it in the order you're listed in the group to get good luck on the drops) or looking for an easy excuse for the lag.

    Does this mean sorcerers are not allowed in vet dungeons? Or are they just not allowed to use pets? I would have thought they'd be worse than wardens because they can have several pets at once and unlike non-combat pets they're attacking instead of just standing there.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • GrigorijMalahevich
    Warden will not kill ESO.

    Only problem from my point of view - when you do not have balance between 4 classes, introducing 5th one will not help...

    Let's wait and see.
    PC/EU 800 CP.
    PvP MagSorc.
    Pedro Gonzales - Mag Sorc EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear http://imgur.com/a/CB6j6
    Valera Progib - Stam Sorc DC vMA Flawless Conqueror clear https://i.imgur.com/eYgpXG2.png
    Valera Pozhar - Mag DK EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear http://imgur.com/a/jrsuK
    Valera Podlechi - Mag Templar AD vMA Flawless Conqueror clear http://imgur.com/a/N0BYq
  • TreeHugger1
    Yes @deadlyhuwe , I already mentioned this concern in another post.
    Warden's pets isn't the only cause to lag, remember that homestead update will buff pet sorcs , therefore cyrodiil will have more pets=more lag.
    The game is already unplayable for me most of the day and ZOS keep patching it so lag is getting worse.
    Edited by TreeHugger1 on February 4, 2017 10:04AM
  • Ermiq
    Warden? No. The Gunner can.
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • WikileaksEU
    Did Templar kill ESO? Templar can heal, tank and dps. No.
  • Appleblade
    You can have my Pocket Mammoth when you pry it from my cold dead hands.
  • Lord_Eomer
    Warden will bring more variety to ESO gameplay.

    We should be having Necromancer with Morrowind and Warden could have been released in 2016.
    Edited by Lord_Eomer on February 4, 2017 10:33AM
  • MLGProPlayer
    What do you mean by running crown store pets in a trial? I have never heard of any guilds asking people to turn off their pets.

    Every trial group will ask you to turn off pets/assistants (if you don't have the sense to do it yourself). They kill performance.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on February 4, 2017 10:34AM
  • lustdog
    what is this???
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Warden will bring more variety to ESO gameplay.

    We should be having Necromancer with Morrowind and Warden could have been released in 2016.

    I hope it will... Otherwise it will be a "must have" class for PvP, thus actually bringing less variety...
  • M0bi
  • hmsdragonfly

    If you take a pet mechanic and make a class out of it.... we already have one of those. It's called a sorc. They can get 3 pets if they ulti with the Atronach.

    And dude, you need to calm down. Like seriously. Calm. Down.

    The dude has some issues IRL. Poor him.
    Aldmeri Dominion Loyalist. For the Queen!
  • wolfxspice
    all that foliage in Vvardenfell is going to kill eso before the warden does
    I'm a casual now
  • Duiwel
    I have been asking for a new class since launch, we get a new class and you guys are complaining? Seriously OP?

    You complain for added content? Above that content that looks EPIC!!

    Sure we didn't get a necromancer class... yet, but I am happy we are getting x2 char slots and this game is getting a rehash ( new class is good for the game's health)

    I know you have concerns, but can't we all just agree on one thing & that's that ZOS is doing something good :smile: new content is not bad, a new class is not bad.

    I think secretly deep down most people who complain about the new class are actually afraid it might be more OP than their current main char...
    Join ORDER OF SITHIS We're recruiting! PC EU

    "Dear Brother. I do not spread rumours. I create them..."
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    "Will the Warden Kill ESO? "

    It won't kill anything. If the class will be OP and unbalanced the worst that can happen is it will be most frequent met class in cyrodiil PvP. As for PvE - there is no reason to worry about. ;)
  • Llaren_Uvayn
    I think the class, as it's described, sounds very cool, I'm hyped. The new class will definitely be OP at first because they're going to want to make the new class exciting for players. But that'll be balanced eventually.

    Death Knights are still super OP in WoW, though, lol.
    PS4 / EU

    Sadryn Hlervu: Warden tank
    Llaren Uvayn: Templar healer and faithful Tribunal servant
    Ashanabi Addunipu: Ashlander mercinary from the grazelands
  • RebornV3x
    My problem is they can't even balance the 4 classes they have and want to bring out a new class and battlegrounds it's going to be a mess the Warden class will either be overpowered or underwhelming
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • ZOS_DaryaK
    We've removed some of the less constructive posts from this discussion.
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  • salmoncat33
    I don't think the lag is the biggest issue trials groups have with pets (combat or non). When the game launched non combat pets used to steal healing from the group. Even when this was fixed they carried the same negative stigma and perhaps this could be the issue with them still?
    As far as combat pets goes I believe the concern there (NB shadows included) is that not only do they take healing, they take active combat buffs from players. So combat prayer, SPC, and maybe other things like igneous shields get put on the wrong targets instead of players.
  • Frawr
    Since zos goal is cash, we must assume that they will make warden as enticing as possible in order to make people pay.

    History shows that, in order to make things enticing, they make those things massively op. See proc sets and V16 gear in IC only.

    History typically repeats itself.

    Warden will therefore be likely really quite op and everyone will be falling over each other to reroll.

    3 months later it will be nerfed into the ground in order to attempt to prevent good players from annihilating bad players (the actual target audience ).

    Good players will then go back to the old classes and continue to annihilate bad players.

    The circle of life will be complete. The majority will be back to square one and the only major change will be the like-for-like growth in zenimax q2 revenue.


    Edited by Frawr on February 10, 2017 4:10PM
  • Lynx7386
    The warden will only have one actual pet, and it's an ultimate. They're going to be causing less lag than the sorcs with two pets.

    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • EvilCroc
    The Elder Scrolls VI: Whatever is the only thing can kill ESO.
  • grannas211
    No. A new class makes the game better.
  • Bouldercleave
    Hey Look - another "Will -X- kill ESO" thread... YAWN

    No Warden will NOT kill ESO.

    ESO will kill ESO.

    A game that is being developed and will be better than ESO will kill ESO.

    Toxic millennial gamers will kill ESO.

    Warden will NOT kill ESO.

    Edited by Bouldercleave on February 10, 2017 4:23PM
  • Kodrac
    deadlyhuwe wrote: »
    Which is having people telling my what a xxxx I am. Which I do hear alot.
    Maybe this is your true issue here? Not the pets, not the lag.

  • Birdovic
    Hm I dont think a Warden will make it through ZOS safety measures and just destroy eso. I mean, they atleast have a Warden and some
    guards there after all, right? :trollface:
  • AzuraKin
    Lol another troller, even 4 months to Morrowind release!

    If ZOS not release contents then also everyone is complaining.

    Developers knows best and let them handle Morrowind release!

    who said developers know best? if they did devs would do add-ons, not players. devs would come up with best gear combos, not players. gear sets, skills ect would all be balanced and none would be op if devs knew best.
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 battlemage (sorcerer)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 warrior (DragonKnight)
    v160 assassin (nightblade)
    v160 swordsman (sorcerer)
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
  • phbell
    And here I was worrying about having to level up a new toon.... (What was I thinking?)
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