NightbladeMechanics wrote: »People have been calling for this since launch. I personally want to declare my guild neutral and just kill you all.
It's called EP: run in humugous packs hitting random buttons then when the see one single solo player they neutral that player.
Just a thought. Criticize away as usual!
Currently there is no way to prevent people in your faction from following you around and leeching your AP, but this might be a start at combating zerg gameplay.
What if people were allowed to declare themselves neutral from the Alliance War when entering Cyrodiil (white flag)?
You could still group and play with your friends, but only people in your group could teleport to any resources, keeps, or towns that you control.
mandrakethebard_ESO wrote: »Just a thought. Criticize away as usual!
Unfair. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they're being unreasonable.Currently there is no way to prevent people in your faction from following you around and leeching your AP, but this might be a start at combating zerg gameplay.
Sounds less like an actual need than a personal problem.What if people were allowed to declare themselves neutral from the Alliance War when entering Cyrodiil (white flag)?
You could still group and play with your friends, but only people in your group could teleport to any resources, keeps, or towns that you control.
Now to the meat of your idea. I disagree with your basic premise, that a "neutral" faction could interfere in the war. that would make everything in Cyrodiil far more complex than it already is, with 4 factions running about, and the Alliance dynamics are already complex enough as it is.
However, the idea of Cyrodiil neutrality has some merit, in my opinion. Perhaps a neutral character could have nothing to do with the war itself and nothing to do with PvP combat/PvP objectives, but they could instead do the PvE content that exists in Cyrodiil. I like that idea.
There are 3 objections that occur to me about this *and* the original idea as well. (1) There is really no way to prevent the neutral party from interfering with the war, be it attacking objectives or even just spying on various faction behaviors for their friends. (2) Having a fourth faction around would drastically increase lag in Cyrodiil, which is already a recurring problem. (3) Programming it would probably be a massive headache and increase the chances of additional bugs to crop up.
I do have a counter-proposal, though. Suppose a mirror of Cyrodiil were created in which there is no PvP and no objectives, just the PvE content? Perhaps all of the existing keeps, farms, mines, etc. could even be left in place as simply PvE challenges for whoever came by. It's a thought.
That would be daedra,kill everyone including your own
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »All alliances have "Neutral" guilds they are "Farmers". Now if you could just farm your own alliance it would solve a lot of problems.
Yes, exactly! There are several tight knit groups in each faction that really don't care about the alliance war or "winning" or taking keeps. They are just looking for good outnumbered (or even) fights.
The benefit to the alliance war is that the group (in this example) will now be hostile to all three factions. So they would be likely get overrun by all three factions if they declare neutral and tried to interfere too deeply with the Alliance War.
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »@Crispen_Longbow lol why on earth should players who don't care to play objectives be excluded from Cyrodiil? It's open world with no obligation to conform to any one play style. The only rules are friendly fire off, ressing rules, and AP on kills.
And if IC objectives counted toward the campaign, and IC had more of them, the campaign objective players would only benefit. You'd have a greater number and variety of objectives to fight over, and you'd draw some of us neutral players who love IC PvP into participating in the campaign.
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »Yes, exactly! There are several tight knit groups in each faction that really don't care about the alliance war or "winning" or taking keeps. They are just looking for good outnumbered (or even) fights.
Battlegrounds should solve this for those types of groups.
If you want larger groups then 4, farming works for now. If you want to farm your own alliance that's when you jump on your Alts.The benefit to the alliance war is that the group (in this example) will now be hostile to all three factions. So they would be likely get overrun by all three factions if they declare neutral and tried to interfere too deeply with the Alliance War.
The real benefit to the alliance war is that they aren't clogging up the queue of their own alliance for players that want to play objectives. Also a reason that district and sewers shouldn't count towards campaign population.
it really wouldn't be much different then it is now though
So much opportunity for griefing and politics with a neutral faction, and it does undermine the whole concept of a 3 alliance war. (Even tho I personally would like to play neutral.)
We just need a separate version of some unused corner of the map where everyone in group = friendly and everyone not in group = enemy. You know you've won when everyone else gangs up on you and forms one large group to kill yours.
Cyrodiil: Zerg alliance warfare; competitive large groups
IC: PvE, farm zone, and ganker paradise
Battlegrounds: Competitive small groups
New spot: Chaotic brawling
If you have specific examples on why you think it would be so undermining, please state them.
If you have specific examples on why you think it would be so undermining, please state them.
Aside from salty players/groups/guilds porting out and back in on whim to grief their own faction because they got their feelings hurt? Cross-faction players can do this do, but it requires investment in a new character and at that point anything they do benefits the other faction. A neutral group could just deprive their own faction of points and human resources while benefiting no one.
Less salty example: Imagine a large guild of particular faction logging in as neutral but still continues to strategically fight for their faction, while their faction reaps a low pop bonus. This would directly affect campaign scores.
I like the idea of playing neutral, I just wouldn't want it implemented in a way that rains on anyone elses' parade. And the people that like the competitive alliance war aspect would probably be happy to see the backside of the brawlers at the Bridge/Milegate/Chalman Mine.
What if people were allowed to declare themselves neutral from the Alliance War when entering Cyrodiil (white flag)?
You could still group and play with your friends, but only people in your group could teleport to any resources, keeps, or towns that you control.
Currently there is no way to prevent people in your faction from following you around and leeching your AP, but this might be a start at combating zerg gameplay.
Just a thought. Criticize away as usual!
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »My immersions are very important to me.