Bigevilpeter wrote: »So ... You want free stuff because you're an altoholic?
Just trying to understand your side of things.
Its not free stuff, its a logical thing to do since a lot of the older players probably filled all their character slots and most importantly it doesn't cost them a thing and at the same time their starting 8 character slots is the lowest I saw in any MMO.
If that doesn't make sense to you then thats your problem
I don't know what MMOs you played, but I've played GW2 (1 slot free and then 3 more slots if you buy the game), Black Desert (started with 4 free slots and added 2 more when they added extra classes) and The Secret World (3 slots).
Those are all far less than 8 slots out of the box.
That said, I wouldn't complain about a free character slot, but I've still not expanded to 12, like some of my friends did, so I have room to grow.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Your pointing out yet another reality from a developer who doesn't offer customer friendly opportunity in exchange for real money.
Comments will treat you like you're crazy or off
Ya know they...ZOS...even use the suggestion that it's like other MMO expansions but then they say ESO isn't like any other MMO
They continue to use double speak
Maybe for you it's a good idea not to buy it.
I think we have all yet again reached that point where it just may not be worth it
Bigevilpeter wrote: »Personally I haven't bought any extra character slots so far, I have 8 slots one magika and one stamina of each class almost all full leveled horse trained etc.
With the release of Morrowind I will have to upgrade the game for 40$ then add another 30$ for 2 extra warden slots??
Really ZOS?? you will add a new class and punish those who actually play the game a lot and have a lot of characters by not giving something as simple as a free 2 extra character slots which won't cost you a thing? 8 was already very low for any MMO I have ever played.
The greed is getting worse over time and I'm starting to reach my limit. I paid a lot in this game and really enjoy it but things like that just feels cheap and really puts me off from this game.
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I... don't actually have any onus to defend my position on anything.Siekobilly_ESO wrote: »Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I still don't see the problem. You can buy extra slots now, in the crown store.Bigevilpeter wrote: »Waffennacht wrote: »I had heard 2 slots come with the expansion,
Is that not correct?
2 extra slots you can pay for
Why should ZOS "gift" you with slots?
Why would you defend an arguably anti-consumer practice. I'm not being an ass, I'm genuinely curious as to why you are defending this. I'd agree if the new class was free, but being paid for content makes it a bad move on ZOS's part. I'd also challenge you to find an MMO that introduced a class with a paid for expansion that did not provide an extra character slot with said purchase. I researched it, and couldn't find one. It's just something nice that companies do when you spend your hard earned money on their product.
But, Socratic method: Why should ZOS take the time and effort to create something as deep and involved as an entirely new Character Class, work it into their story for Morrowind, retroactively update the code so that it works with the base game, but yet give it to you "for free"?
As I've said before; it's up to you on how you manage your individual stables' of characters. Delete one or two, buy one or two new character slots... whatever. ZOS gives you complete control over that, and the ability to have more space than the base game allows. But that's YOUR personal decision.
Why should ZOS spend the effort and man hours to create a new class, just to "give it away"?
Bigevilpeter wrote: »The bare minimum should be 2 slots for each class so you can have a mgika and a stamina of each class if you want. Its not irreasonable to as for as much, but there are those who will defend ZOS no matter what
Bigevilpeter wrote: »Bigevilpeter wrote: »So ... You want free stuff because you're an altoholic?
Just trying to understand your side of things.
Its not free stuff, its a logical thing to do since a lot of the older players probably filled all their character slots and most importantly it doesn't cost them a thing and at the same time their starting 8 character slots is the lowest I saw in any MMO.
If that doesn't make sense to you then thats your problem
I don't know what MMOs you played, but I've played GW2 (1 slot free and then 3 more slots if you buy the game), Black Desert (started with 4 free slots and added 2 more when they added extra classes) and The Secret World (3 slots).
Those are all far less than 8 slots out of the box.
That said, I wouldn't complain about a free character slot, but I've still not expanded to 12, like some of my friends did, so I have room to grow.
I'm talking about WoW and SWTOR and one of the games you mentioned added slots when they added a new class which is logical. And im guess gw gives you more if you sub or something havent played it yet but im sure this cant be it.
The other ones u mentioned should have also something like that other than they are already not very popular games im talking about the AAA mmos
Bigevilpeter wrote: »Bigevilpeter wrote: »So ... You want free stuff because you're an altoholic?
Just trying to understand your side of things.
Its not free stuff, its a logical thing to do since a lot of the older players probably filled all their character slots and most importantly it doesn't cost them a thing and at the same time their starting 8 character slots is the lowest I saw in any MMO.
If that doesn't make sense to you then thats your problem
Actually it's your problem, purely because you're the one with filled character slots. I have 4 character slots free and can happily make a Warden with no problems whatsoever.
Look at any other MMO and see how many slots they offer and then come again and tell me its my problem. ESO has ridiculously low character slots and the least they can do is add one free with the expansion
Fair enough, I'll alter my point.Siekobilly_ESO wrote: »Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I... don't actually have any onus to defend my position on anything.Siekobilly_ESO wrote: »Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I still don't see the problem. You can buy extra slots now, in the crown store.Bigevilpeter wrote: »Waffennacht wrote: »I had heard 2 slots come with the expansion,
Is that not correct?
2 extra slots you can pay for
Why should ZOS "gift" you with slots?
Why would you defend an arguably anti-consumer practice. I'm not being an ass, I'm genuinely curious as to why you are defending this. I'd agree if the new class was free, but being paid for content makes it a bad move on ZOS's part. I'd also challenge you to find an MMO that introduced a class with a paid for expansion that did not provide an extra character slot with said purchase. I researched it, and couldn't find one. It's just something nice that companies do when you spend your hard earned money on their product.
But, Socratic method: Why should ZOS take the time and effort to create something as deep and involved as an entirely new Character Class, work it into their story for Morrowind, retroactively update the code so that it works with the base game, but yet give it to you "for free"?
As I've said before; it's up to you on how you manage your individual stables' of characters. Delete one or two, buy one or two new character slots... whatever. ZOS gives you complete control over that, and the ability to have more space than the base game allows. But that's YOUR personal decision.
Why should ZOS spend the effort and man hours to create a new class, just to "give it away"?
But we're not asking for the class for free. It's just a character slot, not the class itself. The class being behind a pay wall isn't the issue, at least not for me. It's all about the slot being behind a pay wall that I take issue with. I'd even be alright with the GW2 model with Heart of Thorns; pre-order came with a character slot if your account was old enough (veteran perk), or you could get the Deluxe, or the higher version to get a character slot. For non-veteran accounts that only got the basic version of HoT they didn't get a slot.
Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »Bigevilpeter wrote: »Bigevilpeter wrote: »So ... You want free stuff because you're an altoholic?
Just trying to understand your side of things.
Its not free stuff, its a logical thing to do since a lot of the older players probably filled all their character slots and most importantly it doesn't cost them a thing and at the same time their starting 8 character slots is the lowest I saw in any MMO.
If that doesn't make sense to you then thats your problem
Actually it's your problem, purely because you're the one with filled character slots. I have 4 character slots free and can happily make a Warden with no problems whatsoever.
Look at any other MMO and see how many slots they offer and then come again and tell me its my problem. ESO has ridiculously low character slots and the least they can do is add one free with the expansion
Dcuo base game offer 2 slot for 6 power that can be hero or villain
you could delete a character
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »Fair enough, I'll alter my point.Siekobilly_ESO wrote: »Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I... don't actually have any onus to defend my position on anything.Siekobilly_ESO wrote: »Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I still don't see the problem. You can buy extra slots now, in the crown store.Bigevilpeter wrote: »Waffennacht wrote: »I had heard 2 slots come with the expansion,
Is that not correct?
2 extra slots you can pay for
Why should ZOS "gift" you with slots?
Why would you defend an arguably anti-consumer practice. I'm not being an ass, I'm genuinely curious as to why you are defending this. I'd agree if the new class was free, but being paid for content makes it a bad move on ZOS's part. I'd also challenge you to find an MMO that introduced a class with a paid for expansion that did not provide an extra character slot with said purchase. I researched it, and couldn't find one. It's just something nice that companies do when you spend your hard earned money on their product.
But, Socratic method: Why should ZOS take the time and effort to create something as deep and involved as an entirely new Character Class, work it into their story for Morrowind, retroactively update the code so that it works with the base game, but yet give it to you "for free"?
As I've said before; it's up to you on how you manage your individual stables' of characters. Delete one or two, buy one or two new character slots... whatever. ZOS gives you complete control over that, and the ability to have more space than the base game allows. But that's YOUR personal decision.
Why should ZOS spend the effort and man hours to create a new class, just to "give it away"?
But we're not asking for the class for free. It's just a character slot, not the class itself. The class being behind a pay wall isn't the issue, at least not for me. It's all about the slot being behind a pay wall that I take issue with. I'd even be alright with the GW2 model with Heart of Thorns; pre-order came with a character slot if your account was old enough (veteran perk), or you could get the Deluxe, or the higher version to get a character slot. For non-veteran accounts that only got the basic version of HoT they didn't get a slot.
ZOS has access to mountains of metrics that you nor I could see. It's highly likely that those internal metrics show that a strikingly small amount of accounts actually have all eight character slots full. I'd imagine that the vast majority of players have well over three (3) character slots open and unused.
Just going by that assumption (because that's all we really have without access to those metrics, assumption); it would seem to ZOS that they don't need to add any additional character slots, beyond the ability to purchase additional ones in the Crown Store, and the vast majority of players will still get along just fine without being "awarded" additional slots.
ZOS is already being put through the ringer for "catering" to the (largely) niche PvP crowd on many of their game update decisions (I know this particular point seems out of the blue and out of place, but bear with me). If ZOS were to cave in to an even smaller niche crowd of Alt-aholics (whom could alleviate this very issue by simply buying more character slots or deleting a character or two that go largely unused), how much worse would it look for them?
That said: The metrics could just as easily swing the other way, and there could be quite a large majority of players whom already have all eight (8) character slots full.
However; seeing the decision that they have made to date by not adding in two "free" character slots, I feel safe in the assumption that the metric swing much closer to "most players do not have anywhere near all character slots full".
Would it be such an issue for ZOS to simply add in two more open slots per player who buys Morrowind? Another metric we cannot know. Who knows what kind of additional storage load that would place on their servers? But given the ever-present lag in the game currently, it seems like their servers are under plenty-enough load already.
In summation: There's quite a bit that we do not know about their decision to not include any additional character slots with our purchases of Morrowind. But this is the route that they've chosen.
For those Alt-aholics whom are thinking about NOT purchasing Morrowind out of some sense of entitlement or anti-consumer ire (regardless of how well unfounded that may be), go ahead. Skip it. No one is forcing you to buy it.
Much in the same manner that it was your choice to completely load-out your available eight character slots, it is also your choice to delete characters, buy additional slots, or even skip the Expansion entirely. It is well known that the best and fastest way to get your message to a corporation is to use your wallet.
But keep this in mind: Morrowind and it's pre-orders are currently ranking #1 on PC and Xbox LIVE for sales, and #3 on PSN. While you are free to do as you wish with your money, ZOS is currently rolling around naked in pre-order cash.
And I'm sure that this is also another metric and risk that they've taken into account before making this decision to not include any additional character slots.
So ... You want free stuff because you're an altoholic?
Just trying to understand your side of things.
Bigevilpeter wrote: »ESO makes money from way too much sources, subscription, crown crates, cosmetics, dlc and many others, they didnt have to be so cheap about this
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I... don't actually have any onus to defend my position on anything.Siekobilly_ESO wrote: »Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I still don't see the problem. You can buy extra slots now, in the crown store.Bigevilpeter wrote: »Waffennacht wrote: »I had heard 2 slots come with the expansion,
Is that not correct?
2 extra slots you can pay for
Why should ZOS "gift" you with slots?
Why would you defend an arguably anti-consumer practice. I'm not being an ass, I'm genuinely curious as to why you are defending this. I'd agree if the new class was free, but being paid for content makes it a bad move on ZOS's part. I'd also challenge you to find an MMO that introduced a class with a paid for expansion that did not provide an extra character slot with said purchase. I researched it, and couldn't find one. It's just something nice that companies do when you spend your hard earned money on their product.
But, Socratic method: Why should ZOS take the time and effort to create something as deep and involved as an entirely new Character Class, work it into their story for Morrowind, retroactively update the code so that it works with the base game, but yet give it to you "for free"?
As I've said before; it's up to you on how you manage your individual stables' of characters. Delete one or two, buy one or two new character slots... whatever. ZOS gives you complete control over that, and the ability to have more space than the base game allows. But that's YOUR personal decision.
Why should ZOS spend the effort and man hours to create a new class, just to "give it away"?
Bigevilpeter wrote: »TotallyNotVos wrote: »Bigevilpeter wrote: »So ... You want free stuff because you're an altoholic?
Just trying to understand your side of things.
Its not free stuff, its a logical thing to do since a lot of the older players probably filled all their character slots and most importantly it doesn't cost them a thing and at the same time their starting 8 character slots is the lowest I saw in any MMO.
If that doesn't make sense to you then thats your problem
Simple. You try warden on the pts, and if you like it more than one of your current characters. You delete them and make a warden
And why don't they give at least one free character slot with the expansion and show some appreciation to their customers?
MLGProPlayer wrote: »So ... You want free stuff because you're an altoholic?
Just trying to understand your side of things.
They want a free character slot because every MMO on the market includes one (or two) when they release an expansion with a new class. ESO is pretty much the first game in the industry to break this trend.
Bigevilpeter wrote: »ESO makes money from way too much sources, subscription, crown crates, cosmetics, dlc and many others, they didnt have to be so cheap about this
Translation: OP is cheap, but wants to project that onto ZoS.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »So ... You want free stuff because you're an altoholic?
Just trying to understand your side of things.
They want a free character slot because every MMO on the market includes one (or two) when they release an expansion with a new class. ESO is pretty much the first game in the industry to break this trend.
Incorrect. SWG never included a free character slot with any of their expansions.
Siekobilly_ESO wrote: »MLGProPlayer wrote: »So ... You want free stuff because you're an altoholic?
Just trying to understand your side of things.
They want a free character slot because every MMO on the market includes one (or two) when they release an expansion with a new class. ESO is pretty much the first game in the industry to break this trend.
Incorrect. SWG never included a free character slot with any of their expansions.
That's interesting. I never played SWG, so I have no clue how it was played. Were there classes, and any one character could only be a class? From my quick research it looked more like the job system in FFXIV where you legitimately don't need more than one character because the one character can be everything.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
Bigevilpeter wrote: »Personally I haven't bought any extra character slots so far, I have 8 slots one magika and one stamina of each class almost all full leveled horse trained etc.
With the release of Morrowind I will have to upgrade the game for 40$ then add another 30$ for 2 extra warden slots??
Really ZOS?? you will add a new class and punish those who actually play the game a lot and have a lot of characters by not giving something as simple as a free 2 extra character slots which won't cost you a thing? 8 was already very low for any MMO I have ever played.
The greed is getting worse over time and I'm starting to reach my limit. I paid a lot in this game and really enjoy it but things like that just feels cheap and really puts me off from this game.