I solved my - and
@SadieJoan's - earlier
problem: I've successfully lit up a Dunmer house!
So why the post, you wonder. Well. I did it by using
Breton Lamp (hanging). As much as I am tempted to try and shake the genies out, they match the overall Dunmer architecture rather poorly, however, no other lamp that I tried (and I believe I tried them all by now) are equally bright. Some of the sconces are, but flying sconces under the roof just look plain silly.
Hence me being here, begging for more options. Please make it possible that I can have Dunmer lamps (and everyone else can have their-favorite-race lamps) that shed as much light as the Bretons do. You could add a bright/dimmed version, or implement a toggle, I trust you there, but - my character won't get any research done because she'll be too busy
summoning genies.
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