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How Bad Is Your Lag In Cyrodiil?

On a scale of 1 to 5, how bad is your lag in Cyrodiil.

Additionally, please note the following in your comment:
1. What platform and server you are on,
2. What your internet connection stats are (see the link below for internet speed test),
3. And, would you like to see ZOS seriously address the lag?
Note your Download, Upload, and Ping.
Edited by Vert32 on January 24, 2017 4:24AM

How Bad Is Your Lag In Cyrodiil? 274 votes

There is no lag
Dominoidbulbousb16_ESOmadeeh91rwb17_ESOAhPook_Is_HereEnemy-of-ColdharbourshadelonAnthofromOrsiniummb10DracindoDigitalShibbyVipstaakkibloodthirstyvampireRunschei 13 votes
There is a little bit of lag
m2super_ESOtspecherb14_ESOIruil_ESOJitterbugthomas1970b16_ESOKnootewootIselinAgallochLarsSBeardedOrphantechnohicralvdlindenpeb18_ESOSnippit_ThomasFlameheartElsonsostuartx13anothermeAndrewQ84ApheriusMarkusTheValiant 38 votes
There is an average amount of lag
CasterialCavalryPKColoursYouHavestevvvob16_ESOmelloni_aleb16_ESOThe_SpAwNSodanTokdanno8anitajoneb17_ESOIrtanAzraelKriegjarrod777solltplink3r1CherryblossomEdziuphairdonSarevoccStovahkiinMayrael 42 votes
There is too much lag
SolarikenGilvothLegacyDMfaroraerussb7b14_ESOcoplannb16_ESOAllPlayAndNoWorkdennissomb16_ESOstatic_rechargeM0biGlurinkkravaritieb17_ESONhs1982rwb17_ESOUntrustedExistenzSheezabeastBotakbooksmcreadIdinusexSkullfoxJackDaniell 88 votes
PvP is generally unplayable
Kikazarubertenburnyb16_ESOValveOlysjaDaviiid_ESOAlinielDominion_MiragesmertustaAektannParalyseTanis-StormbinderhondelinkbottleofsyrupTroneonkongkimrunagateShananLookstowindwardsFurnitureazoriangaming 93 votes
  • Vert32
    PvP is generally unplayable
    1. I am on PS4 NA (I know consoles are probably to blame for some of my lag)
    2. 116.81 download, 6.08 upload, and 24 ping
    3. I would prioritize fixing Cyrodiil performance right there with balance.
  • PurifedBladez
    There is too much lag
    It's so bad sometimes it's unplayable.
  • Vert32
    PvP is generally unplayable
    It's so bad sometimes it's unplayable.

    What platform are you on? I would imagine issues with lag are lesser on PC.
  • PurifedBladez
    There is too much lag
    Vert32 wrote: »
    It's so bad sometimes it's unplayable.

    What platform are you on? I would imagine issues with lag are lesser on PC.

    I'm on xb1.

    The consoles do run this game a lot worse.
  • alephthiago
    PvP is generally unplayable
    PC NA
    In trueflame is unplayable when there are more than 30 players involved, 400+ latency, 5-10 fps.
    50 Mbps connection

    I just straight left cyrodiil, might return someday.
    Walks-in-Shadowss AD Magblade
    *** kitty AD Stamblade
    Paarthurnax's Will AD Magicka DK
    agnar cracked skull EP Magicka DK (veteran dragonstar arena bot)
    Klogi Mugdul AD Stamina DK
    Savre Selranni AD Magicka Sorc (being polished)
    Avenar Lolhealing AD Magicka Templar (being polished)

  • Narvuntien
    There is too much lag
    PC NA
    I heard the ESO servers were in Texas so I ran the ping test to a Texan server
    Download: 4.4, Upload 0.69, Ping 259.

    In game it is between 250-300 most of the time.

    PVP is unplayble in Zergs.. but obviously I avoid those and play small scale spec ops resource flipping and ninja keep taking.
    Even then trying to basically duel is still a lag fest.

    I do live in the middle of nowhere and my internet sucks (F U government for cancelling the internet upgrades the previous government put in place but was still going to take 10 years). I do have a wierd time zone so I get to play at non peak times.

    I am not sure I can seriously expect ZoS to improve my rather specific situation, living half the world away from the servers and with terrible internet. The next patch will help my playstyle with the AP gain changes which is nice. So they are apperently doing something.

    I am not even sure cryodill PVP has anything to do with skill to be honest and think people overblow thier PVP skillzzz. We are foot soilders and cannon fodder, pawns in a chess game, your individual fight doesn't turn the tide of a battle its all pointless.

    Edited by Narvuntien on January 24, 2017 6:04AM
  • chaserstorm16909
    PvP is generally unplayable
    Every once in a while I get the itch to leave the Imperial City and fight in Cyrodiil. As soon as I travel to a keep, I remember why I stay in the city.
  • azoriangaming
    PvP is generally unplayable
    depends on the time of day but if you say prime time the game is just unplayable
  • ninjaguyman
    There is too much lag
    9 ping, 70 mb down, 5 mb up PC NA
    during peak ours, i have to much lag to get combos off consistently.
    even outside of peak, i randomly shoot up to 300-400 ping in game. this happened to me recently even in haderus when there was only like 1-2 bar populations.

    i've always wondered if my upload speed was the problem, it fluctuates between 3-5 mb sometimes. is that too low of an upload speed? im pretty sure my download speed is enough.

    also is it better to test speed on a texas server as someone above did?
    Edited by ninjaguyman on January 24, 2017 5:38AM
    AD breton nb: Shadowshinobi
    DC Altmer magicka nb: merc shot
  • SaRuZ
    PvP is generally unplayable
    Xbox NA. I roll with 50 MB C.o.x Cable and any time there is a zerg I lag a lot. What pisses me off the most is suffering through the lag while capping a fort in Haderus, getting through both gates just to be dashboarded every time and lose out on all AP earned. I stopped PvPing for this reason.
    Edited by SaRuZ on January 24, 2017 5:38AM
  • Glurin
    There is too much lag
    Currently, there is too much lag during the day, then it becomes unplayable in the evening. Bear in mind that my threshold for unplayable is a fair bit higher than most, so when I say unplayable, I really mean it can not be done. You people with your 300 or 400 ping ain't got nothin on me. B)

    The situation extends beyond just Cyrodiil however. It gets so bad in the afternoon/evening outside Cyrodiil that the only semi reliable thing I can do is farm resource nodes.

    PC NA
    I highly doubt that ZoS is just ignoring the problem, despite what you think.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • Rohamad_Ali
    There is too much lag
    Too much . Other games I play have pings around 50 . Here it's like 150-300 on average . PVP requires good connection .
  • StackonClown
    SaRuZ wrote: »
    Xbox NA. I roll with 50 MB C.o.x Cable and any time there is a zerg I lag a lot.

    The way I see it, a lot of the Zergs are exactly organising themselves to take advantage of the 'zerglag' effect thereby almost shutting down your gameplay until you get a death recap.

    Doesnt the next patch attempt to remedy this by increasing AOE on groups.. i.e .zergs.

    ZOS knows whats going on well enough :neutral:
  • Vert32
    PvP is generally unplayable
    SaRuZ wrote: »
    Xbox NA. I roll with 50 MB C.o.x Cable and any time there is a zerg I lag a lot.

    The way I see it, a lot of the Zergs are exactly organising themselves to take advantage of the 'zerglag' effect thereby almost shutting down your gameplay until you get a death recap.

    Doesnt the next patch attempt to remedy this by increasing AOE on groups.. i.e .zergs.

    ZOS knows whats going on well enough :neutral:

    I agree, in general, lag benefits larger groups due to the mindless use of AOEs. The AOE cap reduction next patch will be nice but it will not have any affect on minimizing lag.
  • Enslaved
    There is too much lag
    I am living in Europe, so I play EU PC. On Trueflame, in prime time, I always disconnect when there are keep flips or extra large battles involving zergsquad or similar lag surfers. My ping goes skyrocket, over 900 and then I crash to desktop. I have solid PC, and to PvP I set all graphic values to medium, killed all water reflections and stuff, and disabled grass. This made my game look like spongebob squarepants, and it didn't help that much. Other games that I play/ed never ever had nearly this much lag, nor did my frame rates drop below 25, and in EU PC Trueflame I had as low as 4 frames per second.

    Of other campaigns where I experienced huge lag I must mention Azura EU PC. It is not as bad as Trueflame, but I had plenty of crash to desktop moments there too.

    I don't use addons such as master merchant or similar, and when in Cyrodiil only active ones for me are LUI, Srendarr, Pointificator and that one that gives you info what is under attack.

    Edit. Also, my connection is best one I could get here, when using it has ping 4-6 download speed 145 mB+ and upload speed near 4 mB. When I PvP I don't use anything else but discord or sometimes TS, mostly when my guild mates are on. So no youtube, or any browsers are on when I PvP.
    Edited by Enslaved on January 24, 2017 7:57AM
  • Edziu
    There is an average amount of lag
    I see real lag problem on trueflame pc eu only in rush hours - later afternoon, evening while is pop locked campaign and just zerged all the time in those rush hours
  • SlinkySlack
    There is too much lag
    Well I'm on PS4 EU BUT I LIVE IN SOUTH AFRICA. When ESO launched on PS4 I bought it and when I had to choose NA or EU, I decided to go with EU for timezone reasons, NA will always be sleeping when I'm online and visa versa.
    Internet connection: Down 28Mbps Up 2.2Mbps Ping depending on a lot of things due to distance to server but from here to EU eso server its ave ping 180ms to 650ms. Local ping is 27ms.

    Here is a very vaguely explanation using layman's terms of what it means to live a billion kilometers from the server (+-13000km but lag makes it feel like billion).
    I understand it like this: Game ticks in seconds, mostly 1second, but there are also 0,5second ticks but mainly 1s.
    From me to server <250ms and then from server back to me <250ms = <500ms = relative smooth
    me to server <400ms and then from server back to me <400ms = <800ms = very laggy
    me to server 500ms + and then from server back to me 500ms + =1s = unplayable, skips ticks, looks like Elder Portals Online where everyone and thing and me teleports on screen.

    Note this ^^ is for me only. Playing with someone or group, their pings to server and back must also be added to mine and all that must be under 1s (1000ms ) or we play portals online. SO THAT IS WHY 2 SOUTH AFRICANS WILL ALWAYS STRUGGLE TO PLAY TOGETHER WHEN PING IS 250ms+. The time is almost always >1000ms for us and thus playing portals.

    I know that ping itself is there and back, but yes PS4 send server the info and server acknowledges (one 250 ping), then calculates and send back and PS4 acknowledges (second 250 ping) Thus One instruction takes 2 pings (layman's terms I know )

    NOW ALL THIS ^^ IS WITH 0 SERVER LAG. If the server itself lags (almost everyday these days) I'm getting PlSSED on by Molag Bal through some T Bagger!! I can tolerate one of the 2 lags, not both.
    In fact I can tolerate moderate teleporting but the 1 thing I can not tolerate is the divine damned double bar swap created by lag, press bar swap and attack see nothing press bar swap and it swaps... and swaps right back to the bar I was on.
    O how many times running Vaults of madness and Sanctums Swiss cheese bridge did I just streak off screen to my death because of this.
    This is the single thing that will cost me my screen , controller and everything in the room one of these days. I will never be able to do anything about distance to server lag and that's why I'm asking ZOS to fix server lag!!

    Over the years playing on international servers I've developed some sort of anticipated or predictive play style where you anticipate game mechanics and by doing so can keep up with the closer to server players, but there is a lot of misses, its predictive after all.
  • efster
    There is a little bit of lag
    I'm in Japan playing on PC NA and the lag is so much less here than it was when I lived in Eastern Canada. My ping in TF is pretty comparable to non-crowded PVE zones outside of EST primetime, and even in primetime, while it's noticeably laggy, it's far from the unplayable slideshow that it was for me back in Canada.

    (Of course, the downside is that my ping is always 230+, but you can't have everything, apparently :expressionless: )
    AD is the best looking faction. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.
  • pattyLtd
    There is too much lag
    English is not my native language, no grammar police please, tyvm
  • SlinkySlack
    There is too much lag
    Before I forget, lag is high ping value, like 500ms. Server lag is low frame rate, correct me if I'm wrong, and I believe its in the calculation stage this low frame rate gets created. Every character and enemy together with world info gets thrown into the formula (engine) and this is a lot of calculations. Every attack and its animations, shadows and light all of that for every single one of us.
    I believe its here that the problem originates from, info gets queued before being processed for return.
    They need to fix the calculator (engine) to handle all the info, with every update, more calculations is required by even more objects and info and thus more lag.
    Does not matter if engine is on our side or server side, the servers struggles with all the info it need to process and distribute. Don't know much of this stuff but I know fixing it is a must!!
  • Derra
    There is too much lag
    Lag is more noticeable the smaller the group is (ironically). As every skill and barswap becomes more important.

    For us currently 1 out of 3 evenings primetime pvp is playble. The other two times we log out due to lag.

    Trueflame EU PC
    17ms ping 162up 11down
    Edited by Derra on January 24, 2017 1:34PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Tandor
    It would be interesting to know whether people are using a cabled or wireless internet connection - it isn't just about the speed.
  • Eirella
    There is too much lag
    Too much lag on PC/NA Trueflame.
    Every day as it gets near prime time (sometimes even earlier) I'm geting 400+ ping.
    (PC/NA) - | @Eirella - formerly @jinxgames | CP 1000+ | Mainly PvPer (EP) | Haxus
  • Dracindo
    There is no lag
    PC EU. I'm on my work laptop at the office, so checking my internet now won't help.

    I've forgotten what lag is ever since my new PC. ZOS may spend some time figuring out some ways to reduce lag for more players, however, they shouldn't take responsibility because someone's playing ESO on Windows XP, a wooden block computer or a Mac (sorry (not really)). If you have a laptop, then sorry, but try to sell it and use that money to get a desktop (preferably custom built).

    To players experiencing lag:
    1. Close all other windows and useless programs running on your PC.
    2. Lower the game's graphics. If you want both perfect quality and zero lag, then get a better PC or upgrade yours if possible.
    3. Check your internet speed
    4. If step 1 and 2 didn't fix your problems, and step 3 shows excellent numbers, then it's not your fault and you may now complain.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    There is too much lag
    Dracindo wrote: »
    PC EU. I'm on my work laptop at the office, so checking my internet now won't help.

    I've forgotten what lag is ever since my new PC. ZOS may spend some time figuring out some ways to reduce lag for more players, however, they shouldn't take responsibility because someone's playing ESO on Windows XP, a wooden block computer or a Mac (sorry (not really)). If you have a laptop, then sorry, but try to sell it and use that money to get a desktop (preferably custom built).

    To players experiencing lag:
    1. Close all other windows and useless programs running on your PC.
    2. Lower the game's graphics. If you want both perfect quality and zero lag, then get a better PC or upgrade yours if possible.
    3. Check your internet speed
    4. If step 1 and 2 didn't fix your problems, and step 3 shows excellent numbers, then it's not your fault and you may now complain.

  • Zouni
    There is too much lag
    1. PC NA
    2. 128MB connection
    3. Well yes, PVP is all I do mainly.
    Nyxtes - NB
    Nyxta - Sorc
    Mastrofonoss - DK
    Gr Blue - Temp
  • Solariken
    There is too much lag
    Primetime can be pretty unplayable for me. Off hours are usually fine except for the occasional spike.
  • Jimbullbee85
    There is a little bit of lag
    There was ALOT until I got my new super router. It's not all on the server.
    Jimbullbee, Templar healer battlemage
  • AnviOfVai
    PvP is generally unplayable
    I am being upgraded to fiber next week after 5 years of petitioning for our village to get it and not to get missed out. I have bought the largest pack I can, and until then I will tell you if it improves my terrible situation at the moment :)

    Maps don't load, characters are invisible, constant freezing, game crashes, animations don't show, weapons don't show, ect. It is pretty unplayable for me at the moment, originally Cyrodiil was fine for me when the game was fresh, but as more players have joined, Cyrodiil has become a laggy mess. I have about 5mbps, but only receive about 1.5mbps. I know my downloads tend to go to about 256 kbps. Explains why it takes me weeks to download updates.

    "I appear at my lord's behest, or perhaps I was always here, and you merely lacked the ability to see me."

    PS4 - EU

    AD - Pet Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - 160
    DC - Warden - Werewolf - in - progress - 160
    DC - Templar - Tank - 160
    DC - Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - in - progress
    EP - Dragon Knight -Fire Tank - 160
    EP - Nightblade - Damage Dealer - 160

  • Lord_Eomer
    There is an average amount of lag
    I have a problem with randomly disconnection from server,

    Especially in big group fights where other alliance players found you standing and doing nothing!

    After connection drop can not login for atleast 15 minutes..
This discussion has been closed.