@alephthiago wrote: »OP didnt say if it was a normal or vet dungeon...
If someone kicks you from a normal group finder group for being too low level it just means they aren't experienced players themselves. Normal dungeons are stupidly easy if you know what you are doing, so having other people in group, regardless of skill level, only makes the run faster. Even if the low levels all die, a single experienced player can just finish the encounter solo and then everyone can rez up.
Tan9oSuccka wrote: »People need to stop kicking for normal. Easy mode.
One exception may be normal WGT. Lowbies really struggle with this in my experience.
I'm on a level 15 sorc dps with up to level gear and I get people saying in dungeons i'm too low level and then I get kicked ?? I thought with this new system that it balances this ?
I'm playing the PC version of ESO. I have 257 CP's. My gear was to my level as I crafted any gear that wasn't. I got kicked at the start of the dungeon before we even started. I have four level 50 toons that I maxed out all the crafting on. Been playing on and off since beta.
yeah its bs. sorry to hear it man- as long as its a normal dungeon just try and find people in zone chat or guild. honestly- the first 6 months of the game i was just questing by myself, i was too intimidated to dungeon or anything cos noone showed me how- and the early experience i had was traumatic, every one else giving me a hard time etc.
it s unfortunate because these experienced players dont realise that the better experience they give new players, the more new players will join, the better the game service will be. its like a supporting any business- one that actually we re a part of.
i hope when u become a vet- that u ll pass on a good experience to new players one day.
drakhan2002_ESO wrote: »I'm playing the PC version of ESO. I have 257 CP's. My gear was to my level as I crafted any gear that wasn't. I got kicked at the start of the dungeon before we even started. I have four level 50 toons that I maxed out all the crafting on. Been playing on and off since beta.
When I see people say they have less than 300 CP, I hate to say it, but I look at that as "low". Granted you may have a bunch of experience by having several level 50s, but 300 CP seems to be the benchmark where your CP abilities really kick in.
I am not taking a stand that kicking you was right or wrong, I'm just saying that perhaps if you get a few more CP, you might find you're much more effective.
drakhan2002_ESO wrote: »I'm playing the PC version of ESO. I have 257 CP's. My gear was to my level as I crafted any gear that wasn't. I got kicked at the start of the dungeon before we even started. I have four level 50 toons that I maxed out all the crafting on. Been playing on and off since beta.
When I see people say they have less than 300 CP, I hate to say it, but I look at that as "low". Granted you may have a bunch of experience by having several level 50s, but 300 CP seems to be the benchmark where your CP abilities really kick in.
I am not taking a stand that kicking you was right or wrong, I'm just saying that perhaps if you get a few more CP, you might find you're much more effective.
So what your saying is that a new player shouldn't try any normal dungeons until they have a level 50 character with 300 cp ? I think Zenimax would beg to differ on that one.
rotaugen454 wrote: »I'll do normal level with absolutely anyone. I've soloed most of them, and if someone just needs to learn the mechanics, I'll explain it and we drive on. Having anyone at all along will just make it that much easier than soloing, and if I can't run with low levels on normal, it's ME doing something wrong.