Is that skill shaming I see? It's still an insult even if the person in question is better at the game than you. No need for that at all.I don't give a single Skeever's rump about Leaderboards, cause what, you get your name and a number on a list and that's it? Woopdeedoo.
Because they're super 1337 hardcore uber skillz bro. "Git gud & stop pugging scrub."
Since when did pouring hundreds of thousands of hours into an MMORPG become a bragging point? People take this game far too seriously. Especially when it doesn't require any skill, just time invested to reach level cap and max skill points, google search the best builds and gear and spend a year gaming all day and wahla, you "got gud." Lol, sad really.
Because they're super 1337 hardcore uber skillz bro. "Git gud & stop pugging scrub."
Since when did pouring hundreds of thousands of hours into an MMORPG become a bragging point? People take this game far too seriously. Especially when it doesn't require any skill, just time invested to reach level cap and max skill points, google search the best builds and gear and spend a year gaming all day and wahlavoila, you "got gud." Lol, sad really.
What in the world is skill shaming? What you saw is me stating that there's no incentive for being placed on the leaderboards. If there actually was even I would try for it.
That's definitely not everyone. As an example, a bunch of people I often run with just did a (non-vet) trial with everyone wearing nordic towels the other day. Sadly I missed it because it was the 2nd trial the group did that day, and after the first my nerve pain was getting to be too much for me to continue. Plus, in the first trial I had terrible ping and during battles by frame rate was 0-4 most of the time, so I was really just standing still spamming hardened ward & impulse and hoping I wasn't dead yet lol. Point is that there are a lot of us who enjoy just screwing around as much as trying to be the best.Fishoscandi wrote: »Hello! I've been playing this game for a while now and always wondered why every high or low level player seems to be so serious about the game. Everyone is just focused on getting the best gear, being no.1 on the leaderboards, having the best builds etc.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
SolarCat02 wrote: »My cleanse pad partner and I had a rousing mudball fight in vMoL the other night, waiting for our DC'ed DPS to rejoin us. And we didn't even aggro the boss.
We have had Nordic Bath Towel runs in Sanctum Ophidia and veteran Cradle of Shadows, too. (I am banned from using it in Maw, my white vampire skin is apparently too blinding in the fight with Rakkat.)
Sometimes my husband gets a Redguard Lapdance while we wait for the last member of our group to travel to the dungeon. Other times I find a high place to climb to, then play my lute.
I am far from the craziest person in the guild. I just try to set the tone, so everyone else can feel comfortable being themselves.
When I see somebody dancing in 4-man dungeon PUGs, I leave with my tanks and healers (Not with DD's, I can not be choosy with them because of finder waiting times).
I hate clowns.
Fishoscandi wrote: »Also chat is very serious. No jokes or anything. Everyone is just dead serious. The daily chat I see is:SolarCat02 wrote: »My cleanse pad partner and I had a rousing mudball fight in vMoL the other night, waiting for our DC'ed DPS to rejoin us. And we didn't even aggro the boss.
We have had Nordic Bath Towel runs in Sanctum Ophidia and veteran Cradle of Shadows, too. (I am banned from using it in Maw, my white vampire skin is apparently too blinding in the fight with Rakkat.)
Sometimes my husband gets a Redguard Lapdance while we wait for the last member of our group to travel to the dungeon. Other times I find a high place to climb to, then play my lute.
I am far from the craziest person in the guild. I just try to set the tone, so everyone else can feel comfortable being themselves.
While me and my group waited for someone to come, I did /sitchair and one member of the group gave me a really close /danceredguard lapdance. So I had te same experience as your husband. I got the lapdance from a very muscular argonian. Not really my cup of tea, but I just rolled with what I got.
Fishoscandi wrote: »Hello! I've been playing this game for a while now and always wondered why every high or low level player seems to be so serious about the game. Everyone is just focused on getting the best gear, being no.1 on the leaderboards, having the best builds etc. So I conducted a little social experiment. I asked my fellow guild members what are some of the busiest places in all of Tamriel? I picked 4. The Undaunted hub in Mournhold, Riften's forge, Wayrest wayshrine and Rawl'kha. And who better to do it than my main friendly chubby orc stambladeHow could I make players relax a little bit? Dancing. So I danced at those 4 places for 5 minutes each and waited to see if someone will join me. Also typing in chat: Anybody up for a dance at (place where I was) didn't help.
This is me dancing at Mournhold's Undaunted hub. 5 minutes later nobody joined me so I left onwards! There was a naked vampire nord that I thought would join me but he didn't
This is at Riften's Forge. Again I was dancing solo.
Rawl'kha. Many people joined me on the rock, but none at dancing...
And this is at Wayrest wayshrine. Same results.
Oh, almost forgot. This was on PC EU. I know everybody wants to be no.1. But please, even the no.1 warriors need to live a little!
Also one other thing to note, is that if you have been doing the emote already, anyone who arrives in the area afterwards will not see your emote. Like if they just arrived via the wayshrine, they will only see you standing there, not dancing, so you would have to be refreshing the emotes every minute or so for people to notice, especially with that amount of traffic